Winter Youth Ski Retreat
Valle Crucis, NC

February 6-8, 2004

The Winter Ski Retreat is a fun retreat for both the ski enthusiasts in our group as well as those that just enjoy a relaxing weekend in the mountains. For the past 3 years our group has rented a cabin in the Valle Crucis area and enjoyed a wonderful winter weekend in the mountains of Boone. Some years we participate in the Western North Carolina Methodist Churh Youth Winter Conference which is usually held during about the same time other years we plan a program on our own. No matter which we do, we always have a wonderful time.

Our group stays in a rustic three story cabin that we rent from friends at the Lutheran Church in Maiden for the weekend. The weekend is filled with all sorts of different activities for the youth. On the first night it has become tradition to have a bi pan full of Melissa and Pam's chicken enchiladas. Then we usually watch a movie and try to get to bed at a decent hour to prepare for the next days skiing.

Jenna & Jessica enjoy the slopes!

Andrew & Carol skiing

Heather takes a break.

There are several good ski resorts in the Boone area. Our group usually chooses Appalachian Ski Resort, due to the closeness of where we are staying. Before our group hits the slopes everyone enjoys a big plate of Chef Jody's chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Those that don't ski usually enjoy sleeping in, relaxing around the cabin and visiting the local mall.

This year the non-skiers treated the rest of the group to some homemade New York style spaghetti and meatballs with Italian sausage and garlic bread. We usually attend church service at one of the local churches, however this year we were snowed in and had to rely on plan B. We watched the movie "Bruce Almighty" and stopped periodically to discuss different religous aspects of the movie and how the youth would have handled certan situations. Our Winter Ski Retreat wouldn't be complete without a stop at the Mast General Store in Valle Crucis. This store is stacked full of literally every kind of old fashioned candy you can think of. After filling up a sack, we're on the road again heading back to Maiden.

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