Bingo at the Lincoln Nursing Home
Each month the Senior youth take one Sunday to visit the residents at the Lincoln Nursing Home. The residents favorite pasttime is bingo. The youth usually stop before going to the nursing home to eat at a favorite restaurant and fellowship. Once we arrive at the nursing home, we play three games of bingo with a quarter awarded for winning bingos. The first two games are ended with black out (where the whole card must be covered) with $1.00 awarded to the winner and third game, labeled as the "Big Money Game" pays $5.00 to the black out winner. When the residents win a game they get to keep their winnings and when a youth wins they give their winnings to their elderly partner. The youth are asked to bring one to two dollars to put into the pot for prize money. The youth are reminded that for some of the residents, we are one of the few visitors that they receive each month. Many youth have already built a strong relationship with one of the residents. This is a great local volunteer opportunity where a good time is had by all.

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