Administrative Council
April, 2004 Minutes

Devotion & Opening Prayer
Pastor Sarah Kalish opened the meeting with prayer.

New Business

Clean Up Day -Chairperson Alvin Rose stated that there will be a Clean Up Day on Saturday, March 27. Sinclair Bolick, Cliff Auton and Bill Robert have already started trimming the shrubbery.
Laity Service Award -The 2004 nomination was discussed, voted upon and unanimously passed.

One Great Hour of Sharing (UMCOR) - It was decided to give the Go Ye Fund givings for Sunday, March 28th to UMCOR.

Trustees Report

Lanny Shelton rep[orted on the following items:
Nursery -Paige Martin will be getting information on updating the Nursery.
Doors -Alvin Rose reported that the dors are in and need to be installed. The hardware has also been purchased and was brought for everyone to see.
Roof – The roof is completed, paid for and looks good. The steeple flashing was also painted.
Parsonage Roof - About 4-5 shingles, along with the flashing on the parsonage roof needs to be fixed. S&S roofing is going to fix this.
Kitchen Door -The screen door leading outside of the kitchen has been fixed.
Heat & Air Update - Tim Abernathy will be getting more information and will have it at the next Trustees meeting.
Boiler - Teresa Hoyle reported that the State Inspector did a reinspection of the boiler and it passed. They will now release the permit for us.
Underground Door - The door that leads under the Sanctuary is rotten and needs to be replaced.
Bidders -A thank-you note was sent out to each company/person that sent us a proposal for the roof.


Kim Abernathy reported on the following:
Easter Egg Hunt - The Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 10th from 1:00pm until 3:00pm.
VBS - St. Martin’s will be hosting VBS this year and the dates are June 13-18. The theme is "Power Up for Jesus"

UMW Report

There was discussion on the Lenton Service refeshments, Women's Prayer breakfast and the World Day of Prayer.

UMM Report

Jody Stouffer reported on the following items:
Fish FRy Fundraiser - THE UMM Fish Fry will be held on Saturday, April 3 from 4:00pm-7:00pm in the church fellowship hall. Tim Abernathy is serving as the chairperson for this event. The menu will include flounder fillet, fries, slaw, hushpuppies and tea. Cost for tickets are $8.00 for adult plate and $6.00 for child plate. We are trying to pre-sell tickets for this event.
Installation of Gas Logs - THe UMM approved to pay for the installation of gas logs in the parsonage. Neal Buff will be doing the installation.
Regional UMM Conference -Jody was unable to atend the Regional UMM Conference due to a conflict with the John's River Retreat.
UMM Golf TournamentThe UMM Golf Tournament will be held on June 19th at Glen Oaks Country Club. The UMM are in need of hole sponsors and and donated items for door prizes. Anyone who who knows of a person or company that could serve as a hole sponsor or could donate a door prize should contact Jody Stouffer or Dwayne Wilson.
UMM Fish Rodeo - THe UMM Fish Rodeo is being planed for a date in May. The Campbell's have offered the use of their pond.
Easter Sunrise Breakfast -There will be a meeting this Sunday after church between the heads of the cooking crews to organize a group to prepare the Easter Sunrise Breakfast.
Mother's Day Bulletin - The UMM will be collecting names for the annual Mother's Day Bulletin before and after Sunday school and the worship service.

UMYF Report

Jody Stouffer reported on the following items:
Johns River Retreat - The youth will be going on the John's River Retreat this weekend. The name is the "Scrumdidlyumptuious Retreat" and it is themed around chocolate. The youth will be watching the movies "Chocolat" and "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Bible studies and activites have been planed around these movies. There are 30-35 people attending the retreat. Our group will leave at 6:00pm Friday from the church parking lot and will return Sunday afternoon.
Fundraiser Luncheons - The youth and adults going on this years mission trip will begin having fundraiser luncheons to help cut the cost of their trip. One fundraiser is planned for April and the other will be in May.
NYC MIssion Trip - The trip itinerary has been completed for the May NYC Mission Trip. There will be 8 youth and 7 adults attending. Members of the Mission team will leave Friday, May 28th at 9:00am and return Saturday June 5th in the afternoon.

Other Business

Emmaus Reunion Group Organized: Sarah Kalish, David Early, Jody Stouffer and Charlie Curtis have organized an Emmaus Reunion Group for members of First UMC members that have attended the "Walk to Emmaus".
Co-ed Church Softball League: First UMC will participate for a 2nd year in the Eastern Catawba County Christain Co-ed Softball League.
Confirmation Class: Students from the class will be joining the church on May 23.
Kairos Walk: Charlie Curits reported that he received 50 dozen cookies for the prison ministry with collection of over 66,000 cookies.
Emmaus Reunion Group: There was discussion on a video of the reunion group.
Easter Flower Cross: Pastor Kalish stated that the Flower Cross will once again be placed in the church for Easter.

Close of Meeting
Alvin Rose adjourned the meeting with a prayer.

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