Maiden House of Horrors

This turned out to be one of the best fundraisers the church has ever had and one of the best haunted houses that the town of Maiden has ever seen! The official final numbers are:
Overall Gross = $8,084.00
After Expenses = $5,919.91

Not bad for 6 nights of work!

This was the first year for this fundraiser and proved to be worth every bit of the hard word that was put into it. Not only did the youth of our church get really fired up about this project, it got other members of our congregation involved. By the end of this project it had involved most all of the youth in our church, the U.M.M. and the U.M.W.

In the early stages youth served as excellent helpers while the men of our church with building experience did all of the construction and electrical work.

The theme was centered around deranged butcher Silas Brown haunting the old Maiden Bi-Lo. Each night he would chop local children into choice cuts of meat until he met his demise by being hung by the angry parents of the victim children. This theme worked well since our haunted house was actually in an old Bi-Lo.

Once the Haunted House got under way, youth filled most of the character spots with a few adults filling the large speaking roles. The Methodist and Lutheran women manned the concession stand and collected money and the Methodist Men worked the parking areas and served as security inside the Haunted House. At the end of the Haunted House we held a banquet where memorable experiences were recalled and everyone who participated received a certificate for their accomplishments.

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