Maiden House of Horrors
The Haunted Prison
512 South Main Street
Maiden, NC


The Good' Ol Boys
This was the second year for the Maiden House of Horrors. We had a new location and with it a new theme. Financially we did not make out as well as last year, however we had just as much fun!
The 2001 official final numbers are:

After Expenses = $3,900.00
This year visitors were escorted through the old Maiden prison and reminded of the killers that were excuted there. Of them the worst was Steven Lee Gaskins, a serial killer convicted of murdering 16 teenage girls. Upon arriving at the prison Steven Lee intiated a revolt with the other inmates that ended in the grissly death of over 20 law officers and 11 inmates. Walk through our prison on the day of the massacre and observe the guards succumbing to tools of death that were meant for the inmates. Use caution in the maze and approaching dark corners or you may become just another victim!!!

Maiden House of Horrors Behind the Scenes
Maiden House of Horrors Web Ad
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