�....Ouch! . .� Deianeira opened her eyes, rubbed her aching side and gave the sleeping man next to her a punishing look. She felt  a strong need to throw up .Now, as she thought about it, this seemed to happen quite often the last time. Sighing, she took a brief look at the buzzer.
Abruptly she jumped out of the bed. �Jesus Christ! I�ll be late . . .� Scott grumbled and pulled her back into the bed. �Geez . .Scott . .I really have to go now . .�
�No, you don�t�
�Yes, I have to . .�
�NO, you don�t�
�YES, I . .� With a passionate kiss he closed her mouth. Sighing, she gave in and embraced him. She often thought how she actually could have lived without Scott � without him looking into her eyes, holding her hand or just being around her. Softly she peeled away from his embrace. With a last deep glance into his beautiful eyes, she took her clothes and went into the bathroom. Suddenly Scott sat up and watched her thoughtfully. And sadly. As Deianeira jumped out of the shower, she recognized his sad look. �What�s wrong?� She looked- full of concern -at him.
�It  won�t work . .� Deianeira realized the upcoming feeling of panic and the need to vomit. Confused she gazed at him.
�Scott . . What are you talking about?�
� You know what I�m talking about . .� Slowly Deianeira felt that she soon won�t have control over her feelings anymore � She hated it when he was acting like that.
�No Mr. I-don�t-have-to-talk-with-my-girlfriend-anymore-cuz-she-knows-it-all! I have no clue!�
�Our relationship  - it won�t work and that�s probably . .�
�My fault?! Am I right, Scott?!?� Scott looked frustrated at her
�Look . .it�s gettin harder and harder for us . .�
� And who�s to blame for that?! Mhmmm .let me think for a sec . .Could that be because your roll as a big rock star, a caring father and perfect ex-husband takes such a big place in your life that your lil� girlfriend disappears entirely?� 
� Keep my family out of this, okay?�
�And that�s exactly the point . .. .you can�t keep your family out of this, if you want me to be a part of you! Do you actually know how it feels when you leave me in order to be with your family? Don�t get me wrong, Scott . . I totally accept your relationship with your son and the last thing I want is to separate you both . . .� Her voice broke and she felt tears in her eyes. Bravely she swallowed her tears and looked firmly in those eyes she loved so much. �You�re right Scott  . . .it won�t work . .� Quickly she put on her clothes and rushed out of the room, while Scott watched her walking out of his apartment, walking out of his life . .

� �Lo?�
�Hey was uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup?� Deianeira suddenly had to smile through her cell phone, even though she hardly tried to oppress her tears.
�Nothin, Mark . .just watching the game . .drinking a bud . .was up with you?�
�Nothin Dee . .watching the game . .drinking a bud . .�
�God Mark!� She said, laughing� We are both the living proof of what television and advertisement can make out of  people like us . .� Mark giggled
� . .and I�m proud of it . �
�I know you are . �
� But your �Lo� wasn�t very happy . .is there somethin you wanna tell me?�
� Geez . .man . . you know me pretty well . .�
�Yeah . .that�s my second profession Dee . . . .Dee?! Are you crying?�
�No I am not,� said Deianeira, sobbing
�Are you at home hun?�
�Don�t move Dee . .I�ll be right there.�
Ryanne opened the door and smiled at Mark. �She�s upstairs, lying on her bed crying her heart out . . I don�t know what happened, but you can be damn sure that Scott, if he�s as smooth as he thinks he is, won�t appear here in a while . .cuz there�s a very angry Mom waiting for him . .� Mark smirked at Ryanne. He always liked her nonchalant way. And he always liked Deianeira.
He went to her room and there she was: like a picture of misery lying on her bed. She looked like a little child and it wrung Mark�s heart.
�Dee ?� he asked quietly because he didn�t want to scare her. Deianeira raised her head and looked at him amid tears.
�Mark . .�she said with a broken voice and reached her hand out for him. Mark pulled her close and murmured soothing words, while her tears kept streaming down her face. So they sat for a while on her bed, till her tears ran dry.
�So hun . .now tell me what happened . �
�You know . .� She tried to smile � . . it�s always the same old story Mark . . he can�t handle the fact, that I�m not only living for him -  I have my study, my family, my friends and want to get further. And I can�t hardly handle the relationship between his ex-wife and him. Honestly, Mark . .I have no problem with his son. He�s adorable . .I like him . but to watch him and his ex-wife . .you know . .he said he doesn�t love her anymore, not in the same way he�s supposed to love his girlfriend . .� Ironically she glanced at Mark. �Who I am supposed to be, anyway . . but she�ll always be a part of him and I think . .no I�m sure, that I just can�t keep up with this.� She sighed and starred thoughtfully at the ceiling.
�Do you wanna know what I think?� Deianeira smirked
�So what do you think, oh almighty Mark .�
�I�m damn sure he�s just scared.�
�What do you mean, scared? Would you mind to tell me the further details of your theory?�
�He�s scared by the fact that he really cares for you . . You know, as a band member I hang around with this guy very often. After Hilaree he often had lil� affairs you know, but nothin serious. His family is a holy thing for him and he divided it successfully from his affairs the last years. But know he can�t do that anymore . .he has feelings for you, which he just can�t put under lock and key. Although he acted like an asshole, I guess, you have to give him a break. Give him time to arrange the relations � And, one fine day, you will be a part of his life and of his family. Hilaree will always be there, she�s the mother of his son, but believe me, there will be a big space, only reserved for you.�
�Jesus Christ . .� Deianeira whiped her tears away �Do you always make women cry?� With a rascal smile he gave her hug and whispered in her ear
�Only if I can.� Deianeira glanced now seriously at him
�Thank you so much for being my friend.� She hugged him back and he suddenly felt his heart miss a beat.
�Jesus Christ!� Mark thought �Please don�t do this to me.�

�Damn....� Mark glanced attentive at Scott, who tried to kill the coffee machine. �Alright, alright . . stop it Scott. I talked to Dee yesterday . .I know what happened.�
Scott sighed and dropped into the next chair.
�I didn�t wanna hurt her . .She means a lot to me.�
�I know that Scott, but you did.� Annoyed, Scott reached for his coffee.
�Does this conversation have a purpose?� Suddenly Marks face turned white and he looked full of anger at him.
�Yeah man � Don�t treat her like that again . . you�ll regret it deeply . . .� Speechless, he looked after Mark, who stormed angrily away.

Part 2
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