(To mortal eyes the papers appear as flyers with a warning to always check your seat before you sit down in a movie theater, and includes a story about how someone sat down and felt a sting in her buttock, then when she left the theater she found a note stuck to the back of her jacket saying "Welcome to the world of AIDS!". Apparently the sting she felt was an AIDS-infected needle left there by a person with the virus who felt a need to spread his/her suffering to others, so be careful!)


Thursday, July 6, 2000 Vol. 1 No. 4

Abigail Teller (CP), Chief Editor

An attempted kidnap and ransoming of a citizen of Firnost has ended due to the actions of the victim herself in a bizarre turn of events.

Earlier this week a ransom note was left in Firnost demanding a Stradivarius violin for the safe return of Lady Anesthesia, a noted Sidhe in the Freehold community. Such violins are legendary in the mortal community as having a unique and beautiful tone to them, and are highly sought after by virtuosos around the globe.

As investigation ensued regarding the previously-unrealized kidnapping, it was revealed through Cantrips that another citizen of Firnost, the Pooka Ian Recluse, had disappeared with Lady Anesthesia.

In an even stranger turn of events, Anesthesia herself sent a missive to Firnost saying that she was unharmed. She also claimed she had made a deal with her captor (confirmed in her missive as Ian Recluse) for her release, and will be away from Firnost while she searches for the person who ordered her capture.

Neither Anesthesia nor Mr. Recluse was available for comment.

The Investigation Continues
Abigail Teller (CP), Chief Editor

The Eshu spokesperson for the Redcap Grendel, Abd Al-Hazrad, has presented an unexpected account of the events surrounding the alleged murder of Stumpy, for which Grendel stands accused.

According to Al-Hazrad, a Sluagh by the name of Christalena has implicated a Boggart by the name of Tork in the alleged poisoning. The name Tork was also mentioned in Stumpy's letter to his fiancee, though it was unknown at the time whether or not Tork was Kithain.

Christalena has come forth with information that implicates Grendel in the poisoning, saying that Tork gave Stumpy the drink as a gift from Grendel. Al-Hazrad continues to insist that it does not prove his client guilty.

Mr. Al-Hazrad also presented a number of charges against Grendel that he claims are either unfounded or outside of Firnost's jurisdiction, including assault and resisting arrest. It is unknown at this time if these charges are still pending against him.

The three-day banishment for Grendel's assault on Patrick McDaniel, leveled against him by Restor de Tristram (Satyr Representative) has expired, and there is no word from Mr. De Tristram if he will uphold his promise to keep banishing Grendel until he apologizes to Mr. McDaniel.

The Herald will continue to follow this story as it happens.


FOR SALE: 1968 Kharman Ghia, pink. Nocker-tuned, runs great, needs body work. Asking 3 dross, $700 or b/o. Contact Moonshadow Stevens.

Lady Rebecca Moonsong ap Fiona (Sidhe)

Died from injuries sustained in a car accident. The Dreaming mourns for her loss.

Any comments, submissions or Letters to the Editor should be addressed to [email protected].

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