The judge, at least at our fair, usually has us switch rabbits with other showers in Senior Showmanship and Showman of Showman. Knowing your rabbit breeds is very important, ESPECIALLY if someone has a Florida White and you mistake it for a New Zealand. You need to know the differences. If it's your first or second year, don't sweat it. Not everyone knows all the breeds by now, and no one really ever does. Well, I guess eventually you do. The thing here is to have fun with it. Sometimes judges don't feel that some showers were compatible to the other, and so that shower might win above the others. It doesn't matter. It shouldn't. Showing rabbits is supposed to be fun. It's a hobby. And personally, as I see it, if you make it into more and are a bad shower by having a fit afterwards, that's poor sportsmanship. I've only placed in showmanship 4 times. First, my 4th year showing in intermediate, I placed 2nd. Then, my 5th year, I won my intermediate, but not Showman of Showman. My 6th and 7th year, I placed 2nd again. That's not too bad as I see it. Just remember. Showmanship is kind of important being that you should know your rabbits. You should know certain things, espeically if they pertain to your breed.
But, you don't HAVE TO KNOW every single thing there is to know about rabbits unless you're planning to be a judge, or registrar. Yeah, it's cool to win. But, don't kill yourself trying to study for showmanship. Study over the summer, or take your books to school and read. You'll find a lot of weird questions coming at you from classmates, and you'll probably be happy to answer them. Just have fun with it.

Any questions, please email me at
[email protected]
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