Innocent as a tear

Innocent as a tear
Lies My grandmother
So far but so near.

Innocent as a tear
Was her smile
That only cold could fear.

Innocent as a tear
Was her role in life.
To uphold family justice
To end family strife

Crooked with age She stood
Yet greater in stature
Then any Redwood.

On her elaborate limbs.
We stood
One family united
Though through such an old wood

Her love was unyielding
Powerful and true
She held us all in her great arms
As if it was all she could do

Disease bit the tree
Harder than any frost
But she outlasted the winter
To make sure none of us were lost.

When she was sure
All would be fine
She let go of life
And now only does her love endure

Now here we all are
Mourning this great loss
Praying tomorrow doesn't bring
Another wicked frost

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