Age:  22
Birthdate:  9-29-79
Sun Sign:  Libra 
Name:  Thomas Robert Joseph Heiser the III
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair Color:  Just Brown

Height:  6'
Weight:  180 lbs
Available?:  No.  I am married to the Beautiful Tara Heiser.
Hobbies:  Music, Books, AD&D, Magic: The Gathering, video games, computers, weightlifting, coffee drinking, writing, comics, and I am an avid movie watcher.
Occupation:  I work Roofing and Siding with my father, who's name is also Tom...
What am I good at:  Sadly... nothing
What am I not good at:  Anything athletic, dancing, singing, and just about everything.
Turn ons:  Women!  Especially Tara Dorn.  (She made me say that.)
Turn offs:  Divas.
E-Mail[email protected]
ISP:  College, the only reason I go.  (I don't live w/ my parents, so there went my pc.)
What I hate:  Aol, Lag, not having any money, not having any free time, not getting enough ass, waking up and going to sleep.  That and a lot of other things.
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