in your page.--> colors = new Array(); // **** Define Your Own Color Combinations Here **** colors[0] = new Array('yellow', 'lime'); colors[1] = new Array('silver', 'green') colors[2] = new Array('silver', 'blue'); colors[3] = new Array('silver', 'purple'); colors[4] = new Array('purple', 'white'); colors[5] = new Array('blue', 'silver'); colors[6] = new Array('red', 'fuchsia'); colors[7] = new Array('yellow', 'red'); // **** Define the Maximum Number of Rockets **** maximum = 100; // **** DO NOT Alter Any Below **** vmlobj=''; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ vmlobj += ''; } document.write(vmlobj); vmlobj = null; fire = 0; function begin() { try { if(fire == maximum){ return;} colorscheme = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length); posLinks = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientWidth - 180)); posLinks = (posLinks < 170)? 170: posLinks; posAbove = Math.floor(Math.random() * (document.body.clientHeight - 180)); posAbove = (posAbove < 170)? 170: posAbove; change = 0; burst = true; flash = 0; flickereffect = false; for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[colorscheme][0]); document.getElementById('star'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden'; // 5.0 fix document.getElementById('star'+i).style.left = posLinks; document.getElementById('star'+i) = posAbove; } document.getElementById('star0') = (document.body.clientHeight - 20); document.getElementById('star0').style.visibility = 'visible'; forhigh(); } catch(e){} } function forhigh() { try { positie = parseInt(document.getElementById('star0'); if(positie > posAbove){ document.getElementById('star0') = (positie - 25); setTimeout('forhigh()', 50); } else { for(i = 1; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementById('star'+i) = positie; document.getElementById('star'+i).style.visibility = 'visible'; } burstpattern(); } } catch(e){} } function burstpattern() { try { if(change > 120 && change % 10 == 0){ flickereffect = true; flash = (flash == colors[colorscheme].length)? 0: (flash+1); } for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ var angle = i * 30; var piangle = Math.PI - Math.PI / 180 * angle; var links = posLinks + Math.round(change * Math.sin(piangle)); var above = positie + Math.round(change * Math.cos(piangle)); document.getElementById('star'+i).style.left = links; document.getElementById('star'+i) = above; if(flickereffect){ document.getElementsByTagName('shape')[i].setAttribute('fillcolor', colors[colorscheme][flash]); } } if(change < 160 && burst){ change += (change < 120)? 10: 5; setTimeout('burstpattern()', 50); } else if(change > 120){ burst = false; change -= 5; setTimeout('burstpattern()', 50); } else if(change <= 120){ for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){ document.getElementById('star'+i).style.visibility = 'hidden'; } fire++; setTimeout('begin()', 500); } } catch(e) {} } window.onload=begin; // -->


  • It is believed that "firecrackers" were first discovered in China during the Han dynasty (~200 B.C.), when pieces of green bamboo were thrown into fire. They sizzled and exploded startling everyone around.
  • Later, Chinese alchemists discovered gunpowder by accident after combining sulfurous mixtures in an attempt to create an "elixir of life". They later filled bamboo tubes with the mixture and the first firecracker was born.
  • Most firecracker displays use shells, rockets, roman candles, fountains, gerbs, and waterfalls as part of the performance. There are all types of firecrackers and/or configurations.
  • Sometimes, as much as 300 pounds of explosives are on a pyro site and may contain enough firepower to fill more than half a million bullets.
  • Large fireworks can rocket up into the sky for almost half a kilometre before detonating.
  • Traditionally, the majority of fireworks were made in Spain and Italy. Today, 90% of fireworks come from China. However the highest caliber of fireworks are manufactured in Spain.
  • They say that dreaming about fireworks means that you like being the centre of attention. It also symbolizes enthusiasm and exhilaration.
  • Italy was the first country to truly master and experiment with fireworks in Europe. They were the first to use shells for firecrackers to be loaded into canons and shot into the air.
  • Half of all firework injuries are to children under the age of 16. sparkler heart
  • The biggest annual fireworks display event in Europe is the International Festival concert held in Edinburgh, Scotland, in which a million fireworks are set off in less than an hour.
  • It is believed that "firecrackers" were first discovered in China during the Han dynasty (~200 B.C.), when pieces of green bamboo were thrown into fire. They sizzled and exploded startling everyone around.
  • Later, Chinese alchemists discovered gunpowder by accident after combining sulfurous mixtures in an attempt to create an "elixir of life". They later filled bamboo tubes with the mixture and the first firecracker was born.
  • Most firecracker displays use shells, rockets, roman candles, fountains, gerbs, and waterfalls as part of the performance. There are all types of firecrackers and/or configurations.
  • Sometimes, as much as 300 pounds of explosives are on a pyro site and may contain enough firepower to fill more than half a million bullets.
  • Large fireworks can rocket up into the sky for almost half a kilometre before detonating.
  • Traditionally, the majority of fireworks were made in Spain and Italy. Today, 90% of fireworks come from China. However the highest caliber of fireworks are manufactured in Spain.
  • They say that dreaming about fireworks means that you like being the centre of attention. It also symbolizes enthusiasm and exhilaration.
  • Pyrotechnicians use firework design software to pre-program their shows; to ensure that no one can hack into the system a wireless signal changes its encryption codes a thousand times a second.
  • Sparklers get five times hotter than cooking oil.
  • A rocket can reach speeds of 150mph.
  • A firework shell can reach as high as 200 metres.
  • Three sparklers burning together generate the same heat as a blowtorch.
  • You see the explosion of a firework before hearing it because sound travels at 761mph, but light travels at 671 million mph.
  •   Firework          by  katty perry!!!!!!!    

  • Katy Perry is actually a stage name, her full name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.
  • Perry is actually her mother’s maiden name.
  • She was born October 25, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California.
  • She has an older sister, Angela, and younger brother, Dan.
  • Both of her parents are pastors.
  • She sang in her parents’ church from the age of 9 to 17, and grew up listening to gospel music – in fact her mother didn’t allow her to listen to anything else!
  • She has a contralto vocal range.
  • She cites Alanis Morrissette and the late Queen singer Freddy Mercury as influences on her music.
  • She released a gospel music album while she was in high school under the name Katy Hudson.
