You don't kiss me, but you say you love me.
You don't hug me, but you say you love me.
You don't tell me what's on you mind, but you still say you love me.

We hang out when you want but never when I want to, and you say you love me.
We never just sit and talk, but you say you love me.
All you want is money and a child.

That is not love.

Love is spending time with one another.
Love is sharing problems and stories with each other.
Love is not being able to hide any secrets from one another.
Love is holding hands.
Love is when you go to bed thinking of that person and waking up thinking of that person
Love is when you will do anything for your loved one.
Love is a feeling that the two of us share together.  Not just one.

You don't do or feeling these things.  You just want what you want and never think of me.  Even though I still love you, I don't like having my heart played with.  So you can find a new toy to play with because I am through.
What happened to us
Not Ready
I Love you but I'm not ready.
I care for you but, I'm not ready.
I think of you but, I'm not ready.
I am too young. I still need to learn more about love.

But I will be ready just give me some time.
If you really love me, you will wait for me.
What happened to us?
We used to hang out together.
We used to be able to talk to each other.
We used to have so much fun.
We used to never fight.
Now we can't stand each other.
Now fight all the time.
Now we don't hang out or have fun.
We just say a quick hi without looking at each other.
What happened to us. I miss you
Be Mine
After Life
To my Valentine,
     I love you so much. I think about you everyday. Now that it's Valentine's Day, I want to love you in every way.
      One way to show you is with this bear from friend to friend to show you I care. And 12 roses for every month until I see you again.  A hersey kiss for you to unwrap and make a wish.  And a box of candies because you are so sweet.
        I hope you enjoy these gifts.  but a kiss from you is my only wish.
What happens after life?
Do we float to the cky to a better world?
Do we sink underground for our sins?
Do we come back as something else?
Do we become flowers and grow in Spring?
Or do we just rot like a tomato left for weeks.
Does our bodies stink like a scared skunk?
What happens after life.
I'll Be Your Friend
Who Knew
Who Knew a sweet boy had it in him.
Who knew he was capable of doing that.
Who knew his fuse was running short.
Who knew he was troubled.
Who knew he couldn't handle it.
Who knew he would end his life,

No one knew but him!
Why do you go for the ones that hurt you?
Why do you insist on getting your heart broken?

I tell you all the time, he is not good for you but you don't listen.  You break up with him and one month later your are in his arms.

No matter how much you get hurt you still love him even though it's clear he doesn't love you.

I love you but right now you need a friend.  A friend to hold you when your heart breaks again.

I will be that friend. All the way to the end.
You can always come to me.
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