Awards Night 2007

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'"It would have been 4 if you had one"

Once again, one of the highlights of the Ranger�s season was the annual awards night. Things started off in typical Ranger fashion when both MC�s failed to turn up on time, and both coming in separately with Domino�s pizza for dinner.

After the first video presentation and a great sit down meal, business started with the statistical awards. In the premiership offers, Undies took out most wickets, whilst Elliot, a late bolter in the season, took out best bowling average, just beating Undies by a run. No surprises for most runs when Fitty came up and claimed the first off many trophies after a sterling season with the bat, racking up 377 runs, but falling 1 one short of tying Sam Batten�s record of 577 runs last year, while Paulie took out the batting average with 66.

In the state shield, Shandy took out both the batting awards, whilst Paulie put the bowlers to shame by taking out the best bowling average with his top spinners....again. Fitty took out his 2nd trophy with most wickets, setting a new ranger record for most wickets in a state shield season.

After the performance trophies, where Elliot became the first Ranger to post a 100 and capture a 5-fer, came the big awards. Fitty paid dividends for the bookies by taking out the new instituted Paul Joseph Allrounder of the Year award, while Elliot deservingly won the Rookie of the Year. No doubt Ben �Duncan� Hollis would have been a close contender. Another big question was who would win the Ranger's best fielder. Would it be Aaron or Asa or the Jungle Cat? Even though he had to withdraw towards the end of the season with a broken toe, Asa had done enough to take out the big award.

The legs of Varun�s and Elliot�s tables were severely shaking under the weight of their trophies, and Elliot added the Captains Award to his impressive stash, indicating his high work ethic level at the nets and in his personal game. Again, Duncan was a very close 2nd to Elliot. No surprises when The Chad took out Tonker of the Year by clearing the ropes 27 times.

However the pinnacle of the night was the Ranger of the Year, awarded to the player who played with heart, sportsmanship, integrity and who held the respect of his fellow team mates, and even though 5 separate Rangers were nominated, Asa Smibert was justifiably the winner in his debut season.

Overall it was a great night. The dates of the Rangers looked great and stayed somewhat awake. Elliot was humble in receiving his awards with meek displays of punching the air and whoops of joy. Jamie was hilarious with his onstage interviewing and had everyone in stiches. The Fusion, well the night could not have gone on without it, and had the crowd oooing at its every mention. But definately the highlight of the night, and the same can be said of last years, was the club awards. Each player wrote a profile on a fellow team player and some of the profiles were pure genius, insightful and pure comdey. Cameron blew several snot chunks in his attempt to read Elliot's version of Jamie's. He had everyone, including himself, in tears.

Just like we said last years, we cant wait for the next one.
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