Till Death Do Us Part 

I know this is a break from what I normally write.  There is no songs
involved with this story.

Summery: Scully must help Mulder recouperate after a serious accident on
a case.  This is a MSR story!  

        Dana Scully yawned as she unlocked her door, and
entered her apartment.   It had been a very relaxing two
 weeks.  She wondered what her partner had done
 on his down time.  She walked to her bedroom
 and put down her bags.  As she started to
 unpack she replayed her messages.

        "Hey Scully.  Hope your enjoying your vacation.
  I'm heading out to Tennessee to investigate
 a case.  You know how to get the rest of the
 info.  Can't wait till you get here."

        "Hello Dana, this is Kevin Nord, from the research
 department.  What are you doing on Friday?
 Give me a call 555-9834.  Can't wait to hear from

        "Dana?  Hello?  You there?  It's your mother.  Give
 me a call when you get in."

        Dana erased her messages and called her mother
.  "Hi Mom."

        "Dana?  How was England?"

        "It was nice.  I can't wait to show you my pictures."

        "When can you come over?"

        "I don't know.  I got a message from Mulder.  He
 left a few days ago to start on a case."

        "Didn't he also go on vacation?"

        "You know Mulder.  He never goes on vacation.
  He doesn't even relax when he's asleep."

        "Really.  How would you know that?"

        "Mother, don't start.  I'll give you a call when I get
 back from Tennessee."

        "What's in Tennessee?"

        "I don't know.  I'll find out when I go into the office

        "Okay Dana.  I love you."

        "I know mom."  And she hung up the phone.

        Dana Scully went back to unpacking her bags
 forgetting the phone call from Kevin.  And figured she
 needed a good night sleep before dealing with any of
 Mulder's crazy ideas.

        Scully was greeted by many people as she returned
 to work the next day.  Unfortunatly one of
 them was Kevin Nord.  "When did you get back?"

        "Uh, late last night."

        "Did you get my message?"


        "Oh I was wondering what your were doing Friday
 night.  I thought maybe we could go out for
 dinner and a movie."

        Scully wanted to get out of this conversation
 quickly.  "I'm sorry.  But I'm going to be heeding out to
 Tennessee to join up with Mulder.  We're working
 on a case."

        "Oh.  Well give me a call when you get back."

        "Sure."  And she turned a walked away towards the
 basement.  'keep dreaming.'  She thought to herself.
 Dana half anticipated a message that A.D. Skinner
 wanted to meet with her.  She decided to take
 care of it now before she got too involved with
 the case.

        "Welcome back Agent Scully."  Assistant Director
 Walter Skinner said as Dana closed the door
 behind her.

        "Thank you, sir"

        "Did you enjoy it?"

        "Yes, sir."

        He looked down at some paper on his desk as he got
 into business.  "Have you heard from Agent

        She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.  "Not directly
 sir.  When I returned yesterday there was a
 message on my answering machine."

        "What did he say?"

        "He said that he was in Tennessee, working on a

        "Do you know what the case involves?"

        "No sir, I do not.  I was going to do some reading
 on it today before I leave for Tennessee

        "Okay Agent Scully.  You are dismissed."

        "Thank you, sir."  And Dana left.

        When she got back to the office she sat at Mulder's
 desk and accessed his computer.  The files
 were easy to find and she decided that it would be
 easier to read a hard copy.  As they were being
 printed a flashing icon caught her attention.  When the
 printer stopped she contemplated accessing it.

        As Dana clicked on it she started to have second
 thoughts.  When she saw what is was she was
 taken back.  She couldn't do anything but read it:

I don't' know how to continue.  I miss her.  I
 know it's only been about a week but it's not
 he same without her.  It feels as if there is a
 part of me missing.  I miss her telling me my
 ideas are ridiculous. I miss arguing with her
 over cases.  I miss the way she pushes her
 hair, a mesmerizing shade of red, away
 from her face.  I miss the way she smells.  I'm glad
 she got away for a vacation she surely
 earned it.  I just wish I could have joined her.  I
 would have made it her best vacation ever.  I hope
 this case helps take my mind off of her.  I
 can't wait till she comes to Tennessee.

        "Oh my."  Scully said as she backed away from the
 screen.  She couldn't believe what she had just read.
 She sat back down at the computer.  A rush of
 emotions flooded her.  She was confused, embarrassed,
 flattered, mad, and happy.  She just sat facing the screen in a
 complete stupor, unsure of what to think.  She had
 also missed him on vacation.  It had felt as is
 something was missing from her life.  Could it be Mulder?
  Now that she thought about it, Mulder wasn't
 so bad.  She would rather spend time with
 Mulder then with Kevin.  Fox was tall, dark, and handsome.
  In her mind she went through all the things
 she loved about him.

        She was brought back to reality by a ring of the
 phone.  She instinctively went for the desk phone.  When
 Dana heard a dial tone mixed with a ring she
 figured out it was her cellular.  "Scully."  she said
 figuring it was Mulder.

        "Your partner is in danger."  A voice said before a
 dial tone was heard.  'What had Mulder done this

        The first thing she did was call the airport about a
 flight earlier this evening. She then spent the rest of
 the day reading the files she printed out. I was like
 nothing Scully had ever read.

        The case had to deal with people mysteriously found
 unconscious on the street.  Other interesting
 facts from the case were that all the people had snapped
 spinal cords and were found within the same
 vicinity.  There was a set of prints that were
 found on everyone of these people.  The prints belonged to
 a man, who was confide to a wheelchair.

        Dana Scully arrived in Tennessee about 7:00 p.m.
  Mulder had left the name of the motel he was
 staying at.  He had also taken the initiative to book
 a room adjacent to his.  When she checked in the
 clerk had a message. 'I've gone to the place.'
 "When did he leave this message?"

        "Yesterday afternoon"

        "Has he returned yet?"

        "I don't think so."

        "Thanks."  Before going into her room Scully
 knocked on the door of Mulder's room.  He wasn't there.
  She then tried his cell phone.  'This number is
 not able to respond.  Please try again later.'

        As Scully sat down on the bed she didn't know if she
 should worry or not.  She decided to get something
 to eat.

        Then was ringing as she walked into her room.  "Ms.
 Dana Scully?"

        "Yes.  Who is this?"

        "This is Dr. Sterns at County Hospital."


        "Your partner Fox Mulder is here-"

        "I'll be there in a few minutes."  She cut the doctor
 off, and hung the phone.  Dana grabbed her
 briefcase and ran out of her motel room.

        When she arrived Dana found Mulder still in the
 ICU.  She pulled a chair up to Mulder's bed.  "Oh
 Mulder.  You should have waited for me."

        "Uh, Agent Scully?"

        "Yes.  Dr. Sterns?"  She walked over the man and
 extended her hand.

        "How do you do Ms. Scully?"

        "Fine.  What's wrong with agent Mulder?"

        "Why don't we go down to my office."

        "I don't need any cushioning of the blow, or things
 put into layman's terms.  I'm also a medical
 doctor." She was starting to get angry. 'Easy Dana.  Get a
 hold of yourself.  He's just your partner, not your
 lover.  Not yet.  But he's got no one else.'

        "I understand, But there is stuff I want to show
 you."  Dana dutifully followed the doctor.  She sat down in
 a chair across from the desk.

        This is Fox Mulder's file."  He handed the folder
 over to Scully.  "Your partner was found this
 afternoon at the old clothing factory on Snake St."

        "Who found him?"

        "The EMS received an anonymous phone call about
 two men who were shot.  Only your partner was

        "Is there any police reports?"


        "What is wrong with Mulder?"  She couldn't fight
 the question anymore.

        "He was shot twice in the arm. One in the shoulder,
 and one right below the elbow.  We were
 able to save the arm."  Dr. Stern added when he
 saw Scully's face.

        "Why is he unconscious?"

        "He lost some blood. But that is not the only
 problem."  He got up and sat in the chair next to Scully's.
  "We took a bunch of tests and from what we
 saw, his spinal cord was snapped."

        "What?"  She was outraged.  "How can he have
 ripped his spinal cord from gunshot wounds.  It must be this
 hospitals fault I will have this place shut down."
 She got up.

        "Please, Ms. Scully.  You know that this is the sixth
 case of this sort of thing."

        That knocked something in her brain.  "What
 number is this again?"

        "The sixth.  in about 3 months."

        "That Bastard.  He probably did this on purpose."
  She muttered a little too loudly.

        "Excuse me?"

        "I'm sorry.  Agent Mulder and I are suppose to be
 working on this case.  I'd like to talk to some more
 tomorrow.  But now I need to see Mulder."

        "Sure.  I'll come by and see you at about Ten."

        "Thank you."  Dana got up and went back to
 Mulder's room.

        She sat back down in the chair and took his hand
 into both of hers.  "Fox."  She whispered.  "I
 know you can hear me.  I'm here for you Fox.  You
 wouldn't let me go, and I won't let you go."

        "Excuse me ma'am."  A nurse came in.  Scully
 looked up.  "Visiting hours are over."

        "I'm with the FBI."  She flashed her ID.

        "No problem ma'am."

        Scully sat back down.  It was late and she was
 exhausted.  She laid back in the chair and close her eyes.
  Not letting go of Mulder's hand.

        Scully woke up at about seven in the morning.  She
 realized that a blanket was put on her.  She got up
 and stretched.  She went to the bathroom just to
 freshen up.

        "Okay Mulder.  Time to go to work."  He didn't
 move.  She sat back down in the chair.

        Dana Took his hand in her's again and with the other
 hand stroked his forehead lovingly, and took in
 what he looked like.

        Fox Mulder was lying prone on the bed.  His feet
 just touched the foot bored.  He wore no shirt.
 His left arm was bandaged to his body.  From the
 waist down he was covered by a light blue cover.  It was
 unwrinkled, and the outline of his lower body
 could be seen.  A part of her wondered what he looked like
 under the blanket.  She knew that he wasn't
 wearing anything else.

        She dismissed the thought by looking at his face.
  Dana had seen him sleep before and he had never
 really looked so peaceful, and it worried her.
 Mulder already had the start of a mustache and beard.
  His eyes were closed, and she noticed his long
 lashes.  Dana took her finger and slowly dragged
 it over his eye.  No movement came from him.
 Her finger then traced his nose and down around his
 cheek and then to his lips.

        They were dry.  She wanted to kiss them to make
 them moist. "Oh god!"  She jumped back.
"Dana what's with you?  Ever since you read the letter
 you haven't been the same."

        "Excuse me, Agent Scully.  I'm free now to talk if
 you'd like."  Dr. Sterns came into the room.

        He startled Scully.  "Yes.  This is a perfect time.  Let
 me just grab my things."  The doctor did a quick
 check of Mulder.  And then led her to his office.

        "Before we start I'd just like to apologize for
 something.  I've been reviewing Agent Mulder's tests and it
 turns out that his spinal cord is not ripped."

        "What do you mean?"

        "Well,"  She pulled out an scan of Mulder's spinal
 cord.  "You probably know more about this than
 I do, but it looks to me as if it has been cut or

        "Yes I see what you mean.  But it isn't all the way

        He put the scan away.  "There is a procedure that
 has been done once before here.  It tries to
 reconnect the spinal cord.  Being it is only partially ripped it
 should work."

        "On who else did you try this?"

        "On the first patient here with this case.  The spinal
 cord was totally separated.  Unfortunatly he

        "So you are asking if you can try an experimental
 surgery on my partner."

        "I'm asking your permission.  Normally I would only
 ask family members, but on Mulder's file it says to
 notify and you and that there are no surviving family

        "Yes.  I know.  If he doesn't have the operation, will
 he ever walk again?"

        "No.  He will probably be confined to a wheelchair
 or hospital bed."

        "I'll have to think about it.  Now can I ask you some
 more questions?"

        "Yes."  They talked for about an hour on the other
 patients.  Scully also visited two of the people.
 After wards she headed to the county sheriffs office.

        She was directed to Sergeant Wallace.  "What can I
 do for you?"

        "I was wondering if you could answer a few
 questions for me."

        "Sure sit down please."  He motioned towards a
 chair and she took it.  "About what?"

        "The case involving the paralyzed people found on
 Snake street."

        "Yes.  Ask away."

        "When did all this start?"

        "About three months ago.  Now it seems that a new
 person shows up every two weeks."

        "Are all the crime scenes the same?"

        "Wait a second, let me get out my case folders on
 this."  He walked out of his office and returned a
 few minutes later.  "Here.  You can look at them
 yourself.  They all seem similar excephysical therepy that the
 bodies are found in a different place each time."

        "If you know how often they happen why don't you
 stake the place out?"

        "Seriously Agent Scully, we don't have the man
 power.  We also don't know the exact days and time he will
 strike.  Maybe the FBI can have people keep watch
 on an old factory for a week, but we can't."

        "Do you have any suspects?"

        "When you read the report we were able to lift
 prints off all the victims bodies."


        "They all match the same person. David Miln."

        "So why don't you arrest him.  His prints are all over
 the bodies."

        "Well, yes.  I did say that. But-"

        "But what?"

        "You haven't met David Miln yet have you?"


        "Come.  I'll introduce you."

        Scully followed him to his car.  they drove for a few
 minutes till they reached a house that looked like it
 was out in the middle of no where.  It looked sort of
 new except that it wasn't taken care
 of.  When Scully encountered Mr. Miln, she
 understood what sheriff Wallace was saying.

        David Miln was a 32 year old widow.  His wife was
 killed in a car accident that had left him paralyzed
 from the waist down and on his right side.

        "Mr. Miln, this is FBI Agent Dana Scully."

        "What can I do for you?"

        "I'd like to ask you a few questions."

        "Is it about the people found paralyzed?"

        "Yes sir.  I was wond-"

        "Does it look like I could have hurt those people?"

        "Sir, it's just-"

        "Then why do you need to ask me questions?"

        "Because your prints were found on all the bodies."
  Her blood boiled.  she slowly calmed down
 and spoke again.  "Now sir where were you two
 nights ago?"

        "Here. My social life is pretty non existent."

        "Were you alone?"

        "In my room I was.  Susan was probably in her


        "My nurse."

        "Can we speak to her?"

        "She's out."

        "Thank you for your time sir."

        "Yeah right."  And he wheeled away.

        As they walked to the car Scully spoke.  "Well he
 sure is a nice person."

        When she got back to the hospital she decided that
 she had to call Skinner.  "Yes agent Scully.  What
 seems to be the problem?"

        "It's Agent Mulder Sir."

        "What has he done this time?"  He said with disgust.

        "He's unconscious in a hospital here.  His spinal cord
 was snapped. Sir"  She spat.  So she lied.  It was
 almost true.

        "Shit."  After a brief second he spoke again. "What's
 his condition?"

        "At this moment he's unconscious, and paralyzed
 from the neck down."

        "Is there any chance of recovery?"

        "They are going to be operating on him in a couple
 of days.  You see sir, we are here because there
 have been a string  of people being found
 paralyzed for no apparent reason.  I think this is as close to
 the truth as Mulder has ever gotten."

        "What about the other cases?"

        "All are still unconscious.  One died."

        "Damn."  He muttered.  Scully understood.  "When
 will he be able to be transported here?"

        "I don't know sir.  He is going to have the surgery
 either tomorrow or the next day.  After that, I
 guess when the doctor feels he's stable."

        "Is there anybody I should call for him?"

        For some reason that pissed Scully off.  "He's got no
 one except  physical therepy for me!"

        "You'll keep me informed?"

        "Yes sir."  She was calming down quickly enough.
 "I'll be faxing you a report tomorrow

        "Good bye. Agent Scully."  And he hung up the
 phone.  Did I detect a little bit of sadness in his voice?  She
 dismissed it, and went back to Fox.

        He hadn't changed.  "How are you doing?  That's
 good."  She sat down on the chair.  "I spoke to
 the Doctor and the sheriff, and got some more
 information.  I also called Skinner.  He wants to be
 kept informed.  I had to call him.  He was
 going to have us recalled if we were out here to long.  We have all
 the time that it takes."  She took a breath and leaned
 closer to him.  She started to stroke his
forehead again.  "I spoke to the doctor and he said that
 there might be a way to help you.  There is this
 operation that he was telling me about.  What they
 will try and do is reconnect your spinal cord.  It
 might not worked.  I told him that he should do it."
 She knew that she had to face what she had come
 across on Mulder's computer.

        "Fox.  While I was looking at the files on your
 computer, I came across something.  It was, I guess, a
 diary.  I read it."  Dana looked at Fox.  "At first I was
 shocked, but then I was flattered.  You see I was feeling the
 same way while I was away.  It was like some part
 of me was missing.   Until I read the letter, I didn't
 know what the part was.  Then I found out it
 was you.  When you come out of this, I'll be there for
 every step of the way.  I promise."  And she kissed
 him on the cheek.

        "I got work to do.  I'll be back tomorrow.  Be
 good."  She kissed him again, gathered her stuff and left
        Once back at the motel she grabbed herself
 something to eat.  Dana then took a shower and did some
 work.  She fell asleep pretty early.  When she
 woke up, it was too early to go to the hospital, so
 she decided to move Mulder's stuff into her room.
  Why pay for two rooms when only one is
 needed?, she reasoned.  Then she proceeded to pack a bag
 of clothing for Mulder.  He didn't have much in the
 way of relaxing clothes.  She packed up the pair of
jeans, the five tee-shirts, the sweatshirt, one dress shirt,
 and two pairs of shorts.  It was weird going
 through all of Mulder's underwear and stuff.  It was still
 early but she needed to talk to someone.  It was
 the first time in a long time that she was scared
 and could not rely on Mulder to help her.  Dana
 called her mom.

        "Hello?"  A tired voice answered the phone.

        "Hi mom."  Dana sobbed.

        "Dana?  What's wrong?  Are you okay?"

        "Oh, mom."  She started to cry.

        "Tell me what's wrong Dana?"

        The tears subsided.  "It's, it's Mulder, mom?

        "What's wrong with Fox?"

        "He had an accident."


        "We were working on a case and what was
 happening to the victims, happened to him."  She started to
 cry again.

        "What happened to him?"

        "He was shot in the arm."

        "That's happened before."

        "Yes but his spinal cord was severely damaged.
  He's paralyzed from the neck down at this point."

        "Oh god Dana.  Are you still in Tennessee?"


        "When are you coming back?"

        "Well they are going to operate on him.  I guess
 once he's stable."

        "Are you okay?"

        Dana had stopped crying.  "It was just that I moved
 his stuff into my room, and I guess it's just
 stressful on me."

        "Dana, listen to me.  Don't stop your life to spend
 every minute with Fox in the hospital.  It will
 make you sick."

        "What do you mean?"

        "When you came back, he wouldn't leave your side.
  He worried himself sick over you.  He needs you,
 so don't let him down."


        "You are all he has left."

        "Thanks mom."

        "Call me as soon as you move him back to D.C."

        "Yes mom."  And she hung up.

        Dana then went to the hospital.  She met up with Dr.
 Sterns in the hall.  "Agent Scully, I'm glad I found
 you.  Can we talk for a few minutes?"

        "Sure."  He led Dana to his office.  "I take it that,
 that is a bag of clothing for Fox?"  He said
 indicating the bag he held.


        "Good.  I was going to tell you to bring one.  He's
 going to be going into surgery, soon."


        "Yes.  We were able to fit him in."

        "When will he be able to go to Washington?"

        "When he's stable.  It will probably be after the
 surgery after he wakes up."

        "Thank you doctor.  Can I go see him?"

        "Oh that reminds me you are welcome to observe if
 you want but from a different room."

        "Yes.  You'll come and tell were that is.  You know
 where I'll be."


        Dana walked into the room smiling.  "Good morning
 Fox. How are you doing?"  She gave him a
 kiss on the forehead.  "Good, Good."  She took the
 clothing bag and started to the items away.  "I hope
 you don't mind. But I moved your stuff into my
 room."  She paused as if an answer was coming.
  "Because why should we waste tax payers
 money if we don't have to.  I also brought you
 some of your clothing.  Your jeans, some shirts,
 shorts, and other garments.  I was thinking that
 you'll probably need some jogging pants.  I don't
 know if you own any.  I know your feelings on
 draw string pants.  When we get back I'll check and
 if I have to I'll buy you a pair."  She closed the
 closet and went to sit down near Mulder.

        "You could use a shave.  I think after the operation
 I'll have them give you a shave.  You look
 too old.  I spoke to my mom last night.  She's
 worried about you.  She also told me not to worry myself
 sick over you like you did for me.

        "Remember the operation I was telling you about?
  Well, you are going to have it soon.  Don't
 worry I'll be watching them.  So I'll be close, but not in the
 room.  As soon as I can I'll be with you.  I'm going
 to probably call Skinner while your in recovery."

        Scully pulled something out of her briefcase.  "I
 found something out.  There is no way for our suspect to
 get to the crime scenes unless he had help.  He's
 confined to a wheelchair.  He has a live in nurse that I'm
 going to speak to tomorrow."  Dana continued to
 talk to Fox until they moved him for surgery.

        The doctor came in a few seconds later to talk
 Scully.  "The surgery will be long.  I'm sure you won't be
 able to see him before tomorrow morning.  Please
 follow me."  She was silent as she followed him.
  "You may leave when ever you want.  They will
 probably be starting soon."  And Dr. Sterns left.

        The first hour she watched intently at the operation,
 silently praying for Mulder.  The second
 hour she typed a letter that she wanted to fax
 Skinner on what was happening.   She worked on
 and off through the operation.  It was over by six in
 the evening.  Scully had stayed throughout the whole

        Dr. Sterns came in after Mulder was wheeled out of
 the operating room.  "I'm surprised that your here.  I
 thought that you'd leave."

        "I promised him I'd stay."

        "Well, he survived.   That's good.  We wont know
 how much it helped until he wakes up, if he
 wakes up."  He added.  Scully just nodded.  "Why don't you
 go and get some sleep.  You'll be able to see him

        "Thank you doctor."  She shook his hand and left a
 little upset.

        Dana got a meal at the local diner.  She then faxed
 Skinner and went to sleep.  She slept well that
 night and woke up late.  Scully quickly got dressed
 and went to the hospital to see Mulder.

        He was back in his room at this time.  He looked the
 same to her.  "Excuse me?"  She asked one of the


        "Do you think it would be possible to have his face

        "No problem Ma'am.  I'll have someone come in and
 do it in a few minutes."

        "Thank you."  Dana turned back to Fox.  "Your
 going to have a shave and then I have to go and meet with
 Mr. Miln's nurse, Susan.  As soon as I'm done I'll
 come back here.  I faxed another report to Skinner
 last night.  I'll probably call him before I come
 back."  The woman came in to shave him then.
 Dana was quiet then.  When she was gone Dana spoke
 again.  "Don't you feel better now?  Good."  She
 stayed with Fox for a few more minutes before she

        When she knocked on the door it was answered by a
 middle aged woman.  "Hello, my name is Dana
 Scully.  I'm with the FBI.  You are Susan?"

        "Shh.  Yes.  Mr. Miln is sleeping."

        "Can I ask you a few questions?"  Scully asked in a
 hushed voice.


        "Where were you three days ago?"

        "I was in the house."

        "How about Mr. Miln?"

        "No he was out."

        "What do you mean?"

        "He went out.  He's like no one I've ever taken care
 of.  Sometimes he's able to walk without the


        "Yes.  It's weird."

        "Has he ever hurt you?"

        "No.  He just doesn't like me to talk about him.  I
 don't know why?"

        "Is there anything unusual you can tell me about?"

        "Well."  She looked back into the house.  "I think he
 has something to do with the attacks on Snake St."

        "Really?  How so?"

        "Those are the nights he normally goes out.  And
 that's about the only time he walks."

        "That's very interesting.  Thank you.  I think you
 helped a lot on this case."

        "Happy to help ma'am."  And she went back into the
 house, and closed the door.

        Scully left to go back the hospital.  For some reason,
 she wasn't ready to go see Mulder yet.  She
 called Skinner and relayed the new information to
 him.  He seemed pleased with what was happening
 with Mulder.  Dana then took some time to
 take some notes on what Susan had said.  Maybe he
 could have done it.  Now that I know he walks.  But
 he only does it on the night of the attacks.  Susan
 even seems scared of him.  Scully decided to call
 the Sheriff Wallace.

        At first he thought that she was crazy.  But when
 she told him to speak to Susan and what Susan
 told her, Wallace started to believe her.  "We'll
 keep a watch on the house.  That's about all we
 can do."  He told her as they ended the

        Dana was now ready to speak to Fox.  She had
 some news that he's like to hear in reference to the case.
  "Are you feeling any better?"  She asked as she
 walked into the room.  She didn't look to close at
 him until she sat down.  "Fox!"  she exclaimed.  He
 just stared out into space.  He blinked a couple of
 times, but basically just stared.  "Stay right here Fox.
  Let me get Dr. Sterns."

        Dana ran to the nurses station.  "Tell Dr. Sterns that
 Mr. Mulder is awake."

        "He's right there ma'am."  One of the nurses pointed
 down the hall.

        Scully went to him.  "Fox is awake."

        He went straight into the room.  Fox started to
 move his eyes around, but that was all he could move.  "Fox
 if you can hear me blink for me."  He slowly
 closed his eyes.  A second later he opened them.  "Excuse
 me a second Ms. Scully.  I must examine him.
 Please step outside."

        "Sure."  As she walked out of the room she was a
 little upset, but soon calmed down.  Mulder had not
 been aware of her in the room all the time before.
 Dana then wondered about all she had said to him
 while he was unconscious.

        Would she be able to take care of him?  Why not.
  The nurses had shown her how to take care of
 invalid patients.  And she did have feelings for him.
 She'd bring all of it up in a couple of days when they
 were back home.  Dr. Sterns came out of the
 room a little while later.  "Let's sit down."

        Scully complied.  "He still seems to be paralyzed
 from the neck down but that is probably
 because he's been in a coma for a few days.  I don't expect
 him to be able to talk for a while."  Scully
 nodded.  "He doesn't know what happened yet.  I
 recommend that he not be told until you get to Washington.
  And that you be the one to tell him.

        "I'm going to see about a helicopter transport for
 him to a Washington hospital.  What area should I
look for?"

        "In Maryland.  As close to his house as possible."

        "I'll tell you the exact details later.  I recommend
 going back to your motel room and finish
 packing.  I'll probably be able to get you the ride
 by this afternoon."

        "Thank you very much doctor."  And Dr. Sterns left.

        They were scheduled to leave Tennessee by
 helicophysical therepyer at nine that night.  Dana went back
 to the hotel to bring their belongings to the
 hospital.  When they arrived in Maryland, Mulder was taken
 straight to a room.  Scully took a cab back to her
 house and slept uneasily.

        The next day she was up by seven thirty.  Before
 going to the hospital she visited Mulder's
 apartment.  She packed up a bag and then left for the

        She was surprised to see him awake.  "Hello
 Mulder.  How are you doing?"  Scully said as she gave him
 a kiss on the forehead.  His lip movement catches
 her eyes.

        Dana lowered her head to hear what her partner was
 saying.  "Scully?"  He whispered.  His was very

        "Welcome back to us Fox.  How do you feel?"  She
 said as she poured him a cup of water, and picked
 his head up so he could drink.

        He drank half of it slowly.  "Dana, What's wrong
 with me?"

        "What do you mean?"  She wasn't sure of how to
 tell him what was wrong.

        "I can't feel anything below my neck."

        Dana just looked at him.  "Do you know where you

        "Hospital?  Tennessee?"

        "No you are back in Maryland.  What's the last thing
 you remember?"

        "Last night I went to the old clothing factory.  David
 Miln was there.  I don't know how he got there.
 There was no wheelchair.  Can I have some more

        "Sure."  Scully helped him as he finished the cup.

        "He shot me in the arm, and I fell.  Then he was on
 top of me.  I felt his hands on my back, as if they
 went through my skin.  I heard another gunshot
 and past out."  He stopped and looked at
 Scully who didn't say anything.  Then it dawned on him.
  "Am I paralyzed?"  Tears started to form in his
        "Yes Fox."

        "Shit."  He blinked and tears ran down his cheeks.

        "But they were able to-"

        "Why didn't you tell me."  He  was very upset.

        "I didn't know how.  If you listen they reconnected
 your spinal cord."

        "What good is that going to do?"

        "If you listen to-"

        "Shutup Scully.  You don't know crap.  You
 couldn't tell me what was wrong.  Just get out of here.  I
 don't want you here."  He raised his voice.

        "Fine Mulder."  She said softly as she got her bag
 and turned to leave.  Tears were flowing down his
 cheeks as she walked out of the room and out to
 the car.

        Dana was also crying.  How she got to the office
 without being asked what was wrong, she never
 knew.  She locked the door behind her and cried.

        A half an hour later she was all cried out.  Dana
 washed her face and headed up to A.D. Skinner's office.

        "Agent Scully, when did you get back?"

        "Late last night, sir."

        "And Agent Mulder?"

        "In a hospital in Maryland."

        "Is he conscience yet?"

        "Yes, and coherent."

        "Do you know who did this?"

        "Yes.  Our original suspect David Miln."

        "Was he arrested yet?"

        "I don't think so.  I'll have to call Tennessee later and
 check it out."

        "Does he know what happened?"

        "Yes, sir."

        "Is he  up to visitors?"

        "I don't think so.  Not yet."

        Skinner shifted in his seat.  "How are you doing
 Agent Scully?"

        "Fine sir."

        "I hardly believe that.  I want you to take some
 down time."

        "No sir."

        "At least take a lighter case load.  I made a mistake
 with agent Mulder when you were missing.  I
 gave him more work.  It was no good for him."

        "Sir I'll take a lighter case load."

        "Good.  I'll assign you a new partner."

        "No sir.  Mulder is my partner.  He needs to know
 now that he is still needed.  His mind is as sharp
 as ever."

        "Okay Agent Scully.  I take it you  will be in charge
 of Agent Mulder's care."

        "Yes sir.  He has no one else.  I'll be hiring the help."

        "Good.  The office health plan does cover this.  You
 will call the health department for information."

        "Of course sir."

        "I recommend you take today and tomorrow off."

        "But Sir-"

        "It's now an order."

        "Yes sir."  She got up to walk out.

        "Dana?"   She turned around suddenly not used to
 hearing her name in that voice.  "If you need
 someone to talk to."

        "Thank you again sir."  And she left.  When she got
 back to the office she made a few phone calls and
 found a place that would have someone over to
 Scully's apartment that afternoon.

        Mulder spent the day wallowing in self pity.  He felt
 horrible.  He was alone, no one would come to
 visit him.  No one to care for him except for Scully.
  But he had just sent her away.  He wasn't a
 man anymore.  He couldn't feel anything below his
 waist.  It was one of the worst feelings in the world.
 It was embarrassing to be spoon fed.  It was worse to
 have to be changed.  He had no clue what was
 happening down there and he basically wore a diaper.  Until
 he could move or at least feel what was
 happening at the end of his body, he's have to be changed.
  It brought back memories of his sister and
 how he felt that night she was taken.  The doctor
 came in once.

        "Hello Fox?  How are you doing?"

        "I don't know.  You tell me."

        The doctor had to be about Mulder's age.  "I'm your
 doctor, Carl Hackta.  In a few moments Wedge
 Smith will be in.  He is your physical

        Mulder had not been listening.  He didn't care.  If his
 arms could move he would have committed suicide.
 He's ask Scully to do it for him.  She would.  He
 thought as the doctor examined him.  She'd totally
 understand what he was going through and want to help.

        There was a knock at the door as Dr. Hackta
 covered Mulder back up.  "Come in."  The doctor called.
  "Oh good Wedge Smith this is Fox Mulder."

        "Hey Fox."  He said with a smile.

        "It's Mulder."

        "Sure."  He waved the issue away with his hand.
  "Call me what ever you want."

        "Must I?"

        "I have to make a phone call."  The doctor said as he
 excused himself and left.  "I'll see you tomorrow

        "You don't have to like me-"


        "But you will work."  He went to the closet and
 took out some clothing and started to dress Mulder.

        "Why do I need PHYSICAL THEREPY?"

        "You want to be able to dress yourself don't you?"
  He said as he carefully moved Mulder's right
 arm into the shirt arm.

        "Yeah but my spinal cord is sort of not attached."

        "See that's the problem, you weren't listening.  When
 you were in Tennessee you underwent an
 operation to reconnect your spinal cord."

        "So?"  Mulder was now completely dressed and
 being put into a wheelchair.

        "So, with some work you'll be able to walk again."
  He started to push the chair.

        "Where are we going?"

        "Physical Therapy."

        "Joy.  I think I rather face the FBI review board."
  Fox muttered.

        "You work for the FBI?"

        "WORKED!  And Yes.

        "What did you do?"

        Fox just wanted to shut the guy up.  "Chased little
 green men."

        "Cool.  Like Roswell?"

        Fox was very upset now.  They were turning into a
 room.  "Great.  Of all the physical therapists I get the
 one who believes in aliens."  They made small talk
 during the session.  Well, it was more like Wedge
 asking questions and Fox giving curt answers.

        The next day Dana decided to try to see Mulder
 again.  She hoped he was in a better mood.  "Good morning
 Mulder."  She said as she walked into the

        "Morning  Scully."

        "Your looking better.  How are you feeling?"

        "I can't."

        "Don't worry about it.  You will.  Have you started
 PHYSICAL THEREPY yet?"  Scully sat down
 feeling that today would be better.


        "How did it go?"

        "Did you pick this guy out?"


        "The guy believes in aliens.  Can you believe it?
 Have you ever heard of anything like that.  The guy is
 a nut."  He gave her one of his schoolboy smiles.

        Dana couldn't help but smile.  At least he still had his
 sense of humor.  No matter how bad it was, he still
 had it.  "Are you up to any company?"


        "Skinner wants to stop by.  So does my mom."

        "Skinner really?"


        "Well, I'm not ready for him yet.  Your mom?  Well,
 I guess no one can stop her."


        There was a knock on the door.  "Come in."  He
 turned to Scully.  "Don't tell me your mom is here


        "Good morning Mr. Mulder,  Ms. Scully."  Dr.
 Hackta walked in.

        "Morning Dr. Hackta."  Scully said as she stood up
 and shook his hand.

        "You know each other?"  Mulder asked.

        "Yes.  He helped me arrange this.  He came highly
 recommended."  She turned back to the doctor.
 "I called the number you gave me.  I met this woman
 yesterday, Emily Kotowitz.  She says she'll be
 ready to start on Monday."

        "Good.  He'll be going home that day."

        "Excuse me.  I'm still here you know.  Someone
 want to tell me what is going on?"

        "Mulder, I hires a home care worker for you.  She's
 nice, you'll like her."

        "And who told you to do this?"

        "I did."  The doctor said.  "On your forms she's the
 one whose listed to call in case of emergency."

        "Fine.  I guess I have no choice. "

        "Good.  Ms. Scully are you ready to start?  I'll have
 a nurse to come in here and help you if you

        "Sure.  Just let me wash my hands."

        "What's going on?"

        The doctor just left as Scully went to go wash her
 hands.  "What's going on?  What are you going to
 do?"  He asked when she came back.  The  nurse
 was coming in then.

        She wheeled in a cart.  On the cart was a basin, a
 wash cloth, a towel and what looked like one of the
 diapers Mulder had been wearing.  Mulder looked
 at Scully as she put a pair of gloves on.

        "You are going to change me?"  He said in disbelief.

        "Why not?  I did it in Tennessee."

        "Yeah But-"

        "But what?"

        "Get out of here.  The both of you.  And don't you
 come Scully I don't want to see you again."  Fox
 yelled at her.  He was upset at not being able to
 take care of himself.

        "Can you please excuse us."  Dana said to the nurse.
 "I'll be able to take care of him."

        The nurse knowing what was going to happen,
 nodded and left.

        "I told you to leave."  Fox said to her with his voice

        "No way!"  She spat at him.  Let me tell you
 something, FOX.  Number one, You are not permanently
 paralyzed.  If you work at it you will walk
 again.  Number two, you are going to have to
 start to relay on people to help you.  That leads me
 to my third point.  And you have a choice on this
 one.  Stay here in the hospital and leave the FBI.
 Or Move back into your apartment.  I'll move in with
 you, and you can keep your job."

        "I thought the FBI frowns on that kind of stuff."

        "Fuck you Fox!  Fuck you and the FBI also.  You
 can think about the choice that I just gave you
 while I change you."

        He opened his mouth to speak.  I don't want any
 complaints from you.  I took care of you in New
 Mexico, Alaska, Tennessee, and here too.  If you
 don't like the idea close your eyes."  And with that
 she took the blanket off and started to work.

        At first Fox closed his eyes.  He slowly opened them
 as he watched her wash him, and take care of
 him.  It had been like a dream come true.  How
 many times has he woken up and wished she was there for
 him.  The only part that disappointed him was that
 he could not feel her hands on his body.  But with
 time he might be able too.

        When she was done changing and dressing him, she
 took out his hair brush and started to brush his
 hair.  "What are you doing?"  He asked hoping that she
 wouldn't yell at him again.

        "I'm making you look presentable.  You look like


        "Do you know when you have PHYSICAL

        "Mr. Smith said at two."

        "Mr. Smith?  It sounds like one of your informants.
  Well I guess we have the morning to
 ourselves then."

        They spent the morning talking.  She relayed the
 conversation with Skinner to him.  Also discussed
 was the living arrangement that would take

        At two o'clock on the dot a young man with a
 wheelchair came in.  "Hey Fox.  What you up to.  Oh, I see
 you have some company.  You didn't tell me you
 had a girlfriend.  She's welcome to come."  He said
 as he approached Mulder.

        "Oh, great."  Fox muttered.

        Scully stifled a laugh.  "You let him call you Fox and
 not me?  I'm insulted."  She turned to the man.
 "I'm Dana Scully. I'm not his girlfriend.  I'm his
 partner.  Normally he likes people to call him Mulder."  She
 said as he put Mulder into the wheelchair.

        "Well it's better than my first name.  I'm Wedge
 Smith."  He put out his hand.

        She took it.  Mulder did not look to happy in the
 wheelchair.  "I think I will join you." and they
 started to walk out of the room.  "May I ask if the name
 Wedge has any significance in your family?"

        "Let me just say if you have kids don't name them
 after characters in Sci Fi movies."  That made
 Mulder laugh.

        "What so funny?"  Scully asked.  Feeling a little
 better hearing Fox laugh.

        "Wedge.  Wedge Antillies?  Ha!  That's good.  It's
 worse that Fox."

        "That's what happens when you're born in 1977 and
 your parents don't know what to name you."
 Wedge stated.

        "Did I miss something?"  Dana asked.

        "Haven't you ever heard of Star Wars?"  Mulder
 asked her.

        "Wasn't that Regan's plan?"

        "NO the movie?"

        "Once Fox.  You know how I feel about those

        "Oh it more than an action movie."  They had
 reached the gym.  Wedge helped Mulder up onto a table and
 started to exercise his muscles.  "How did you find

        "When the Empire Strikes Back came out.  It was
 the only other time I heard my name used as a
 name.  Besides, my parents told me.  I just wish they had
 chosen something normal like Luke, or Han, or

        "It could have been worse.  How do you feel about
 Darth, or Chewbacca, or Biggs."

        "Biggs isn't so bad."  The three talked for the two
 hours of PHYSICAL THEREPY.  After it was
 over Scully left.  She promised that she's come by
tomorrow before work and again after work.  She
 continued to do it until Mulder was ready to go home.
   Scully told Mulder that she had arranged to be able to take
 him back and forth from PHYSICAL THEREPY.

        On Monday the home care worker showed up at
 nine in the morning.  Scully had taken the day off to
 show her around.  Mulder came home at about two.
 He hit it off with Emily.

        Emily was there everyday of the week from eight
 o'clock to eight at night.  She was given two and
 a half hours a day off.  The trio soon got a
 schedual working.

        At a Quarter to eight Dana would get up to let
 Emily in.  Then she would go and take her shower while
 Emily started the coffee.  By nine Mulder would
 be up, and Emily would make him breakfast.
 Scully would leave ten minutes later.

        She'd come back at a Quarter to two to take Mulder
 to PHYSICAL THEREPY.  He would be done
 at four and back home at a Quarter after four.

        On the weekends Scully would take him for walks in
 the park and for PHYSICAL THEREPY.  By the
 end of the second week home Mulder was able to
 tell when he had to go to the bathroom.

        Mrs. Scully was over at least twice a week to visit
 while Dana was at work.  She had become his
 second mother.  She always brought some food over.

        As weeks passed Fox became stronger and was
 falling deeper in love with Dana.  Little did he know was
 that Dana was also falling in love with him.  It
 wasn't until one day coming home from PHYSICAL
 THEREPY did they actually talk about their feelings for
 each other.

        "Dana, you seem very quiet today."

        "Huh?  Oh sorry Fox.  I was just thinking."

        "About the case?"

        Scully had been bringing work home to keep Mulder
 occupied.  "No."

        "What is it then?"

        "Well, when I came back from England, I went to
 get the files off your computer.  I noticed a little
 icon on the screen and I clicked on it."  She
 stopped and glanced over at Mulder.  "I printed it out the
 other day."  She put it in his hand.

        Fox started to read it.  He had totally forgotten that
 he wrote this letter.  His cheeks started to turn
 pink as he finished up the letter.  He looked up
 when he was done.  "I didn't think you'd read this."

        "I'm sorry.  I do have a question though.  Do you
 mean it?"

        "Mean what?"

        "Mean what you wrote."

        He didn't know what to say.  Should he confess his
 love for her or just lie?  "Yes.  I do mean it."

        There was silence in the car for the entire trip home.
  It wasn't spoken of again until the weekend.
 "Dana?"  Fox asked. as he was attempting to feed

        "Yes Fox?"

        "Are you angry with what I wrote?"


        "Then what's wrong?"

        "I sort of feel the same way."

        "Really?"  Fox was surprised.

        "Yes.  It didn't hit until I read your letter."  They
 talked some more and Dana ended up feeding

        The two of them went for more walks and went to
 see a few movies.   Once Fox was able to feed
 himself well, they went out to restaurants.

        More time had passed and Fox had regained just
 about full use of his arms.  His legs were also
 getting stronger.  He started to call Mrs. Scully Margaret.
  Emily only came in four times a week now.
 Scully took care of him on the weekends and Mrs.
 Scully took care of him on Monday's.

        "Margaret?"  Fox called from the couch.

        "What can I get you Fox?"

        "Can I talk to you?"

        "Sure I'll be right there."

        Good  Fox thought.  He had been thinking about this
 for some time now and he was finally ready to
 make his move.  It was the Monday before he was going
 back to work.  He still was in a wheelchair.  His
 legs, while getting stronger, were taking a little
 longer to regain there full strength.

        "What is it Fox?"

        "I was wondering, did Dana's grandmother have an
 engagement ring?"

        "Yes.  I'm wearing it now."  She took it off her
 finger to show Fox.  "At first it was suppose to go to
 Melissa.  Then I thought it would be for Dana.  But I don't
 think she's ever going to get married.  She hasn't
 been out on a date in over six months."

        "My mom never told me if she had a ring that she
 wanted handed down.  I guess she got rid of it
 when she believed that Sam wasn't coming back."  He said.
  "May I borrow it?"


        "Well I can't really go out and buy a ring."  He
 paused.  "And I think that I'd need a ring if I was to propose
 to Dana."  He looked down at his legs.

        There was silence before it hit Margaret.  "What do
 you want to do?"

        "Marry your daughter.  If it's okay with you?"  He
 looked at her with his truthful brown-green eyes.

        "Oh Fox."  She went to give him a hug and a kiss.
 "When did you decide to do this?"

        "Well I guess we were talking and she said she has
 feelings for me, and I have feelings for her.  And
 with all that she has done for me."  He let it trail

        "When are you going to ask her?"

        "Tomorrow when she takes me back to the office."

        "You're going back to work tomorrow?"

        "Well I've been getting bored at home, and I need a
 change of scenery."

        Mrs. Scully was very pleased with Fox Mulder.  She
 had always pictured him as a son.  Now he was
 going to be part of the family for real.  She didn't
 know how she was going to be able to keep it
from telling her daughter.  Some how she was able to
 and left once Dana got home.

        The next day Dana woke up a little earlier. She took
 her shower and then started the coffee.  After she
 got dressed she woke Fox.  With her help he went
 into the bathroom to take a bath.  When he was
 done he got himself dressed and with his crutches
 went to breakfast.

        "You ready fro your first day back?"

        "I guess."  After breakfast he got into the wheelchair
 and they went to work.

        Scully wheeled Mulder down the hall in the FBI
 office.  People stopped them to say hello and welcome him
 back.  Their first stop was A.D. Skinner's office.

        "Welcome back Agent Mulder."

        "Thank you, Sir.  It's great to be back."

        "Hope you don't mind but for now you will be
 copying down taped conversations.  See if you notice
 anything out of the ordinary.  All of the material you should
 need is already in your office.  Agent Scully are
 you still working on your case?"

        "Yes sir."

        "Good.  That's all for now.  And welcome back
 Agent Mulder."

        "Thank you sir."  Mulder said and they left.

        Fox pushed himself down the hall and into an
 elevator.  It was then he spoke.  "I don't know about this
 Dana.  I mean it was annoying when I was being
 called 'spooky' but now.  People are going to be
 thinking I'm a cripple."

        "Fox, don't worry about it.  You just need to get
 yourself busy again."

        "But a desk job?"

        "Just till you're strong enough.  And that will be
 soon.  Then we can go and chase little green men again."
  Mulder just chuckled.

        The door opened and Scully pushed him out and
 down the hall.  "It sure has been a long time.  I
 hope you didn't mess up my office."

        "It couldn't get much worse."  She opened the door,
 and he turned on the light.

        "WELCOME BACK"  People jumped out and

        Mulder was shocked.  He turned to Scully.  "Did
 you do this?"

        "I had a little help."  She said as Skinner walked in.
  She turned to the crowed.  "We just wanted to
 welcome you back.  Things have been very boring without

        Everyone cheered.  "Speech, speech!"

        "all right, all right."  He said.  His cheeks turning
 pink.  If she embarrassed me, now it's my turn.
 A devilish smile came upon his face.  "I'd like to thank
 everyone for thinking of me.  I really missed this
 place."  He turned serious.  "But there is someone
 I'd like to thank.  Agent Dana Scully."

        He turned to Dana.  "Dana thank you very much for
 taking care of me.  We have spent the past five
 years being partners.  I want to know if you'll be my partner
 in life."

        He stood up and fell to his knees.  Dana ran to his
 side.  He shook his head as he took her hand.
 "Dana Scully will you marry me?"  He looked at her, as he
 fished the ring out his pocket and slipped it on to
 her finger.

        Dana was too shocked to speak, she just nodded.
  He kissed her hand.  Fox pulled himself back
 into his wheelchair.  The rest of the crowed was
 also in shock.  Skinner was the first to recover.
 "There is food in the back everyone."

        That brought everyone back.  They all went to the
 back to eat.  As they passed the couple they gave
 them congratulations.  Once Fox and Dana were
 alone she spoke up.  "This is my grandmother's

        "I know.  Your mother gave it to me."

        "When?  How?"

        "Yesterday.   When she was over."

        "Fox I can't believe you did this."

        "I felt I should.  I love you Dana.  And you love me.
  This was the only way I knew of to show you how
 thankful I am to have you take care of me.  Look
 we've been partners for five years.  So now it's

        "Fox I don't know what to do.  You spoke to my
 mom about this?"

        "She was all for it."

        "Fox, I love you."

        "I know."  She leaned over to give him a kiss.  As
 she pulled away he grabbed her around the waist,
 and pulled her down on his lap.  "Come here."
 She let out a little screech as she fell.  "Let's go get
 some food."  And he wheeled the two of the them
 over to where the food was.

What do you think sirs? 

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