Well hello everyone.  I was sitting watching t.v. sunday night and saw the
teaser for Deamons.  Well I went to sleep but was tormented that night by
what could possibly happen next Sunday.  Well here is what I came up with.

Dedication: This goes to Spook and Pendral.  I know this has nothing to do
with U2 but hold on.  The next one should be out shortly.

Teaser of a Teaser

        His phone rang and instinclivly he answered it.  "Hello?"
        "Mulder?  It's me Scully."
        "Mulder what's wrong?"
        "I'm covered in blood."
        "Are you okay?"
        "I don't think it's mine."
        "Mulder stay there.  I'm going to come over and take you to the
hospital.  Okay?"
        Scully called for an ambulence to meet her at Mulder's apartment.
She arrived at the same time as the ambulence did.  She knocked once and
then used her key to open the door.  He sat on the couch staring into
space.  "Mulder."  He turned towards her.  "WE are going to take you to
the hospital now.  To make sure you are okay and to see whose blood is on
        She led him to the stretcher and helped him on.  "Mulder do you
know what happened?"
        "No."  He answered.
        "Where were you before I called?"
        "I don't know."  He answered again.
        "It's okay.  Don't worry about it."
        When they got to the hospital they took some blood off him to run
tests on.  They also took blood from him, but that was his only injury.
The doctor told Scully that she could take him home but to make sure he
        Scully did that.  "Mulder, go take a shower, while I make you
something to eat."
        He just nodded and did what he was told.
        A half an hour later he still had not come out of the bathroom.
"Mulder?" She knocked on the door.  The water was still running but he
didn't answer.  She braced herself and walked in.
        She pulled back the shower curtain to find him cowering on the
floor of the tub.  He was naked holding his knees to his chest.  Most of
the blood had washed away by itself.  Scully used the washcloth to wash
the rest away.  She then turned off the water and helped him out of the
        "Come on Mulder.  Let's get you something to eat."  She handed him
a pair of underware.  He put them on and went into his kitchen.
        "I don't know what happened.  The first thing I remember is the
phone ringing and answering it.  It was you."
        "What is the last thing you remember?"
        "Comming home on Friday."
        "Don't worry Mulder, we will figure this out."  She gave him a hug
as she put a sandwich in front of him.


I know it short, but I think I will sleep tonight.  e-mail me please!

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