Title: Protection Forever

Authors note:  I can't help it.  I need to torture him.  And what better
way then rape. 
Rape is a serious crime and not only physically damaging but mentally
damaging.  I have
known people who were raped.  I do not make light of it.  This is dedicated to Sue and Molly, who both helped me through hard
times in my life.  I
know you two will always be there for me no matter what.

Protection Forever
By: Shorts

        Scully made the phonecall as soon as she finished talking to the
doctor.  She didn't
want to make the phone call.  Besides the fact that it was two in the
morning, the person
she had to call would no0t be too happy that her partner had been hurt.
        "Skinner"  The gruff voice answered.
        "Sir, It's Dana Scully."
        "Agent Scully were are you?"
        "Hospital.  Mulder has been found."
        "I'm heading right over."  When he should up Scully knew that he had
just grabbed
his coat and headed over.  Besides the time factor he was wearing
sneakers, sweat pants, 
tee-shirt, and a base ball cap.  "Where is he?"
        "He is still in surgery."  She motioned him into a chair.
        "What happened?"
        Scully wasn't ready to except what happened yet.  "It seems that Cancer
man got
what he wanted."
        "He wanted to get Mulder to drop the X-Files.  If this doesn't stop
him, I don't
know what will."
        "Dana, what happened to Fox?  Is he alive?"
        Dana relayed the story of that nights events.  

        Dana had been sleeping at midnight, when her phone rang.  Only one
person would
call at his time.  "Scully."  She answered.
        There was no sound for a second just the sound of sobbing.  "Hello? 
        "Scully?"  A small voice spoke.
        "Mulder is that you?"
        "Help."  She had to strain to hear his voice.
        "I'll be right over Mulder.  I'm coming."  Her partner was in trouble. 
She didn't
bother changing.  She grabbed her coat, put on her shoes and ran out the
        She knew that there was trouble as she walked onto Mulder's floor.  The
door was
partially open.  Dana pulled her gun and slowly opened the door.  The
apartment had been
ransacked. The phrase no stone left unturned came to her mind. 
"Mulder."  She called as
she walked through the apartment.
        She found him on his bed, curled into a ball, naked.  The phone was
held in a death
grip in his right hand.  The sheets were bloody as was his body. 
Bruises and cuts could be
seen.  She kneeled down on the floor.  "Mulder?"  She put out a hand to
touch his
        As soon as flesh met flesh he jerked away.  "No."  He seemed to squeal.
        Scully pulled out her cell phone and called 911.  She then tried to
talk to her
partner again.  "Mulder, Fox, it's me Dana, Dana Scully."
        "Dana?"  he asked like a small frightened child.
        "Yes Mulder.  I'm here.  What happened?"
        "He hurt me?"
        "Who hurt you?"  She felt as if she was questioning a little kid.
        "Cancer man?"
        He moaned his affirmation.
        "How did he hurt you?"  He remained silent. "Did he shoot you?"
        He shook his head no.
        "Did he kick you?"  He nodded.  "Hit you?"  Nod.  "Punch?"  Nod 
"Cut?"  Nod.
        Something didn't make sense.  Mulder had been hurt before but this was
more like
emotional pain, that he was suffering.  She looked over his body as she
head the sirens
down the street.  There is a lot of blood.  Especially in the middle of
the bed.  His back
side completely covered.   Then realization hit.
        She moved her face back into his line of sight.  "Did he rape you?"
        Mulder didn't say anything.  But all the answer that Scully ever needed
was the
look in his eyes.  It was a look of complete, unadulterated fear.  It
was like he came face
to face with his worst phobia, and had to spend days on end with it in
the same room.  She
could only imagine what her partner had been through.
        The paramedics came in then and they went to the hospital.

        Skinner sat in shock.  Never in his life could he imagine that.  Poor
Mulder.  He
would get that fucken bastard next time he saw him.  He didn't care who
heard.  He would
probably get a medal for it.
        "Sir."  Scully brought him back. "I need to ask you a personal
question."  She
waited for the AD to nod that he would.  "I know about you and Mulder. 
He told me
after the first few times you two went out.  Is there always blood when
you have sex with
        "We've never.  And normally there is none if it's done correctly. 
        "There was a lot of blood when I got there.  His whole back side was
covered with
        "That bastard hurt Fox."  He mumbled.  Scully just looked at him.  "Fox
was a
virgin.  At least like that.  He said that if we took that final step
they could use it to there
advantage.  I knew that he was nervous.  It was his first gay
relationship.  It's hard for the
first relationship.  So I let him be in control basically."  He shook
his head.  "Why Fox? 
Why does it always have to be him that gets hurt?"  He put his head into
his hands.
        Dana put a hand on his shoulder.  We'll help him through this.  Me and
you."  She
said.  "Come on.  Let's see how he is doing."  she added when she saw
the doctor.

        Mulder was unresponsive for four days.  Scully and Skinner kept a
constant vigil
by him.  Mrs.  Scully came by during the day so they could go into the
office for a little
bit.  Not that any work was done then.  It was just for show.  
        "Scully?"  He questioned her the fifth day.
        "Mulder you're up."
        "I guess."
        "let me get the doctor."  While the doctor examined him she called
Skinner.  "He's
back."  Was all she said.  She met her boss in the waiting room.  
        "The doctor should be done now."  They headed to Mulder's room and saw
doctor leave.  "How is he?"
        "He's going to be okay.  I set up an appointment for the psychiatrist
to see him
        "Can we go in?"  Skinner asked.
        "Ah, he asked for Agent Scully only, right now."  And the doctor walked
        "I'll go in first.  See if he knows you are here." 
        She walked in.  "Mulder."
        "How are you?"
        "Thank you."
        "No problem."
        There was a moment of silence.  "Um I'm kinda tired."
        "Sure Mulder.  Oh Skinner is here.  Do you mind if he came in to say
        "Not now.  I'm tired."
        "Fine.  If you want to talk you know where I am.  I'll see you
tomorrow."  And she
walked out.
        "He said he was tired.  And that he wants to sleep." 
        Skinner nodded.  "Would you like a ride to the office?" 
        "Thank you sir.  But I have my own car."
        "See you later then."  As skinner drove back to work he thought to
Fox.  He
would need time to recuperate.  He just went through a horrible
experience and needs to
be alone.  Scully wasn't even in the room for a long period of time.  He
was a little more
relieved and able to do work this time.

        Mulder was released a week later.  There were no infections and he was
nicely.  All the tests came back fine.  He was seeing a psychiatrist but
he planned on
cutting it short soon.  He knew what was wrong he was a psychologist
        Scully and Skinner were both surprised to find him in the office the
Monday after
he came home.  They hadn't even known.   Skinner went to visit him in
the hospital and
they said he went home.  He then called Scully.  She wasn't home.  He
decided to go to
check on Mulder.
        He knocked on the door a few times.  No one answered.  Skinner realized
that he
was probably sleeping and decided to call him later.  What he didn't
know was that Mulder
was sitting on his couch in the utter darkness.  His gun a fingers
length away.
        "Mulder what are you doing here?"
        "I got work."
        "You need your rest."
        "I rested this weekend."
        "I'm fine."  As if to end the conversations he put on his glasses and
went back to
the file he was reading.
        Realizing that she wasn't going to win she spoke.  "Skinner and I were
calling you
all weekend."
        "I was asleep."
        "You never called us back.  I figured I'd see you today."
        "We have a nine o'clock meeting with him."
        "Can't make it.  Expecting an important phone call then.  Tell him I
say hi."
        Scully gave up.  He probably wasn't ready for a relationship with
anyone now.  He
just didn't know how to tell Skinner.  Understandable.

        At nine she went to the meeting.  "Have you heard from Agent Mulder?"
        "He's actually in the office now."
        "Why isn't he here?"
        "He is expecting a phone call."
        "I don't think he wants a relationship and doesn't know how to say it."
        "That's what I thought."

        There was nothing to put the two agents on.  But Mulder found stuff to
himself busy with.  He had been working for VSC doing Profiles.  But in
the month he
became more reclusive.  Not really talking to people.  Everyone thought
it was normal
'Spooky' Mulder.
        Only Scully and Skinner noticed the change.  He didn't joke anymore. 
He even
refused a possible X-File.  Skinner came across it and thought that it
would be perfect for
him.  But it came back up with Scully a few days later with a detailed
report of a very
scientific explanation of what happened.  Even Scully was surprised.
        "I'm worried about him.  I call him and he says that he is busy at the
moment, and
never calls back.  No crazy explanations for anything.  He isn't even
seeing anyone
anymore.  I found a requisition for a transfer on his desk yesterday."
        "At least he talks to you.  He hears my voice and hangs up.  When I go
over, he
never answers the door."
        "Will you talk to him?  I think he needs someone who could understand
        "Why not you?"
        "I think he would be more open to you.  I think he still likes you
        "How am I to get in if he never answers the door."
        Scully produced a set of keys.  "Take these."  This one is for the
outer door, and
this for the apartment."  
        "Are you sure?"
        "Tell him I say hello sir."  And she left.

        Later that night Skinner had gotten over to Fox's building.  "Fox it's
me, Walter. 
I'm coming in."  He slowly unlocked the door and walked in.
        He was assaulted by darkness.  It took him a while for his eyes to
adjust.  "What
do you want?"  A voice called from with in the depths.
        "I came to talk to you Fox.  Scully gave me the key."
        "I don't want to talk."
        Skinner saw his figure on the couch holding the gun down.   "I'm going
to turn on
the light."  He did so but made sure it was a dim light.  Then he sat on
the couch.  Fox
moved closer to his end when Walter sat.  "I'm not going to hurt you.  I
just want to talk."
        "We're, I'm worried about you.  You aren't the same person.  You turned
down the
X-File sent you."
        "That should have gone to VCS.  There is no more X-Files."
        "Is that how come there was a transfer request on your desk."
        "Scully told you."
        "Yes she did.  Fox why won't you take the case."
        "I'm busy with VCS."
        "Fox you profiled seven criminals in the past month.  I know what that
does to
        "I'm fine."
        Walter moved closer, and put a tentative hand on Fox' leg.  It jerk
away with the
touch but Skinner didn't move his hand.
        "Fox listen to me.  You need help.  Take some time off.  I can give you
the name
of someone.  We will hold your job.  And when you are-"
        "When I'm what?  Normal.  Like before?  I'll never be the same.  He
raped me.  Do
you hear me.  RAPED ME.  That smoking bastard came in here, beat me up,
tied me up
and then fucked me.  I couldn't move. He put a gag in my mouth, couldn't
cry out.  I tried. 
But it was like before.  He told me to give up the X-Files.  And if I
didn't he would be
back and he'd bring friends.  And when they were done they would go
after you and
Scully.  I can't let that happen."  He was crying.  "I don't want
anything to happen to you. 
Please let me go.  Put me on wire tap.  Anything please get me out of
        Skinner took the gun away.  "He came in here.  He kicked me and punched
me.  I
tried to fight back but he was so strong.  I never thought he was so
strong.  I don't
remember anything expect being on my bed.  My arms and legs were tied to
the bedpost.
He started to touch me.  I tried to move but the ropes were so tight." 
Walter took Fox
into his arms and held him close.  "He hurt me.  Over and Over.  He
wasn't gentle.  Just
pushed again and again and again.  It hurt so much."
        "Shhh.  Fox.  It's okay.  I'm here.  No one will hurt.  I promise. 
It's okay Fox. 
Shhh."  He rocked the young man as cries racked his body.  Walter rubbed
his back and
continued to soothe Fox.  
        Once Fox's cries quitted down, Walter spoke again.  "Fox I can tell
that you
haven't slept.  Let's get you into bed."
        "No please not the bedroom."  Fox looked like a little ten year old boy
about to be
beaten by his father.
        "I promise it will be safe.  I won't let anything happen to you."  He
pulled Mulder
to his feet and into the bedroom.
        Fox was dead on his feet.  Walter took the man to the bed and undressed
him.  He
figured Mulder was asleep by the time he pulled the covers over him.  He
started to leave
the room figuring that Fox would want to sleep alone.  "Please don't
leave."  A voice from
the bed said.
        Walter turned around.  "Please stay with me."  Fox moved over on the
bed for his
boss.  Skinner kicked off his shoes and got on to the bed.  He laid down
next to Fox
facing him.  "Walter, does it always hurt?"  He ask in a tired voice.
        "No baby it does it."  He moved his hand to the mans side and started
to run it up
and down.  "It's not suppose to hurt at all.  It supposed to feel
        "The why did it hurt?"
        "Because he didn't do it correctly."
        Fox didn't want to believe he curled into as fetal position against

Walter's chest
facing him.  For his part Walter wrapped his arms around Fox and held
him tight.  He was
crying again.  "Please don't let them hurt me."  He kept repeating.
        "I won't.  I promise, baby.  You are going to be okay."  He soothed. 
Soon the
younger man fell a sleep.  Walter thought about leaving but he enjoyed
holding another
man in his arms.  Especially if it was Fox Mulder.  He glanced at his
watch.  About three
in the morning.  In the morning he'll call in sick, and then call Scully
and have her call in
for Mulder.
        Walter took one last look at Fox before closing his eyes.  Everything
will by fine
baby.  I promise.  No one will hurt you ever again.
        Walter woke up at ten.  He made the phone calls to the office and made
Fox was still asleep.  Part of him wanted to wake the boy the other just
enjoyed watching
him sleep.  Skinner decided to get some work done.  He always brought
work with him.
        Fox opened his eyes and found himself on his stomach.  He was also on
his bed. 
He was hit by a sudden panic.  
        Walter rushed in at the sound of the scream.  Fox was huddled in the
corner of the
room, trying to get away from the bed, crying.  "Fox?"  He approached
the man.
        He didn't respond. "Fox.  It's me Walter."  He sat down next to him. 
"It's okay. 
There is no one else here but you and me."  He moved closer to him. 
Arms out to
embrace him.  "Come here.  Shh.  It's okay.  Calm down baby.  It's only
you and me.  No
one else."  He rocked him back and forth.  
        It was close to an hour before Walter stood up still holding Fox.  "Why
don't you
get dressed and we will go over to my house.  Will that be okay?"  
        Fox nodded as he went to take a shower.  
        They sat in silent as they drove.  "I want you to go back to sleep. 
I'll stay with
you."  He said as he led Mulder to his room.
        "No please.  I can't."
        Skinner pulled off his shoes.  "Why not?  Do you have nightmares about
        Mulder nodded.  "Tell me about them baby."  Walter took off his own
shoes, and
laid down on the bed next to Fox.
        "I'm on the bed and he is on top of me.  I know what he is going to do,
but that
doesn't help the pain that follows.  He pushes so hard.  And it hurts so
much, I just want
to die."  He was crying again.
        Walter took him into his arms.  "Never again.  Never again will anyone
hurt you.  I
promise you."  Fox's crying was shorter this time.
        "I know you said it isn't suppose to hurt, but is it true?"
        "Yes baby.  If it's done right by someone who loves you, it shouldn't
hurt."  He
said rocking the younger agent in his lap.
        After sitting in silence for a while Mulder looked up, into Skinner's
eyes.  "Show
        "No Fox.  You aren't ready.  Just rest."
        "Please.  Show me how it's suppose to be done.  I won't have nightmares
about the
wrong way then.  Please."  He pleaded.
        Walter looked down into his eyes.  "Sure baby.  Anything."  He kissed
passionately on the lips, and reached for the Agents shirt.
        Walter was awakened by small sobbing.  He gathered his lover in his
arms.  "Shh. 
Baby.  Don't worry.  I have you.  No one is going to hurt you.  I
promise."  He said
guiltily.  He didn't want to sleep with the boy.  But he had begged
him.  And Walter had
waited so long. He felt that he pushed Fox too much.  He should have
been sterner.  And
said no.
        "It's not your fault.  I can't help it.  My father always said that I
was a wimp."
        "Did I hurt you Fox?"
        "No.  You could never hurt me."  Fox said as he turned around to face
his boss, his
lover, his friend.  "I just can't help it.  He hurt me so much.  I
thought that if it was you it
would be better.  The thoughts aren't so bad.  I know that it isn't so
bad.  I know it
shouldn't hurt.  But he did.  And . . . I . . ."  Fox got choked up.
        "Awww.  Shhhh.  It's time for you to sleep.  Don't worry it will all
work out.  I
promise you.  I will never let anyone hurt you again.  I won't.  You
mean so much to me, I
never want to see you hurt again.  I will always protect you.  I
promise."  Walter
continued to soothe until Fox fell asleep.  
        Even when Walter woke up again, he did not move.  He just wrapped his
around Fox and hoped that he would be okay.


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