Title:  Mulder's Pot of Gold

	"Hey Scully, what's up?"  Mulder asked his partner as she walked
 through the office door.
	"Nothing Mulder.  What are you looking at?"
	"A St. Patrick's day present a few weeks late."
	"What are you talking about Mulder?"
	"Our next case."  He handed the folder over to his partner and leaned
 back to study her reaction to it.
	She was predictable.  He'd give her that.  "Maybe it was meant as an
 April Fools joke."  She looked at her partner.  "Leprechauns?"
	"Hey I didn't say I believed it.  You are the Irish on here."
	"Fine.  So when do we leave for New York?"
	"Whenever you make the arrangements."
	"Boy, you're a big help."
	"I was reading the case file."
	Scully rolled her eyes and made the flight arrangements.  "My turn to
 pick you up.  Be ready at 2."
	"For once we made it here on time."  Scully said as the air plane
 started to taxi.
	"Are you insinuating that it's my fault that we are late for the plane
 most of the time?"
	She was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking about the answer.
 "Yes, yes I am."
	"Well excuse me.  Anyway do you want to hear what the Gunmen came up
	"Okay.  I just hope they don't think it's leprechauns."
	"They haven't passed judgment yet.  But there has been a crime spree
 going on in New York for the past year and a half.  NYPD thought it was
 random and unrelated until about a month ago when a honeymooning couple
 from Ireland was pickpocketed.  They described the assailant as short and
 dressed in green. They thought they were leprechauns.
	"Further interviews with victims old and new, showed the cops that it was
 little people in green that was robbing New York."
	"Hence our Leprechauns."
	"Correct Agent Scully."
	"So, what's the plan?"
	"We don't meet with Sergeant Hayfield until tomorrow."
	"So what are we doing here this evening?"
	"A night on the town Agent Scully?"
	"Only if it's your treat Agent Mulder."
	"How about on Melvin Frohicke?"
	"Frohicke said to treat you to a night on the town at his expense, as a
 birthday present to you.  But I am to keep reminding you that it was his
	"Did he give any recommendations?"
	"He recommended to take you out to dinner.  He gave me his credit card.=
	"That's odd."
	"I guess, but not really for Frohicke."
	"Isn't he ever going to learn?"
	"Can't blame a guy for trying."
	"Guess I can't  So where are we going?"
	"I don't know.  We'll figure it out.  Maybe ask  a cabbie.  I
 remember last time I was in New York.  I don't want to sit in traffic
	"No problem by me Mulder."
	The two agents discussed the case some more on the plane ride.  When they
 landed at La Guardia they caught a cab and headed to their hotel in the
	"Mulder.  Let me take a shower and change.  Then we can catch dinner.
 And if you're nice, I'll even let Frohicke treat us to a movie."
	"Kind of like a date?"
	"Oh fraternizing partners.  That's a no-no."  Mulder said mockingly.
	"Shut up Mulder."  And she entered her room.
	An hour later they were both outside trying to catch a cab.  They were
 lucky enough to find one that spoke English.  "Where to?'
	"Any nice restaurants?"
	"What are you in the mood for?"
	Mulder looked to Scully who shrugged.
	"How about a nice stake house?" The cabbie suggested.
	Another look to Scully.  "Sure."  She answered.
	"Alright, off to Mortons."  There was something about his two
 passengers that made him want to start a conversation with them.  "So are
 you two honeymooners?"
	"Ugh - No.  We are partners.  We're here investigating a case."
 Mulder jumped in.
	"What the leprechauns?"
	"Is that what you think they are?"
	"I don't know.  I mean New York has some odd creatures.  And there has
 always been crime.  I guess there are just more people reporting it now."
	More small talk was made as they got to the restaurant.
	Dinner was excellent.  Even Scully enjoyed it and didn't complain much
 about the health factor of the meal.  The two agents talked about
 everything but the case.  Something they hadn't done in a while.  It was
 decided that they'd attend a showing of City Of Angels after dinner.
	It was outside waiting for a cab to take them to a movie theater that
 Mulder felt something on his side.  His hand went to his side when he
 noticed his wallet and gun were missing.
	He turned suddenly and saw a green glad figure running.  "Hey you."  He
 called as he started to chase it.
	Scully saw her partner take off and went after him.  But she knew that she
 wouldn't catch up till he stopped.  Damn him and his long legs.
	Mulder ran after the small, green figure, and was gaining on it.  Suddenly
 it tripped and slid across the pavement.  Mulder was on it in a second.  He
 picked it up by the arm and was shocked to see it was a child.
	The boy looked at Mulder with terror stricken eyes and feinted.  Mulder
 collected his gun and wallet while waiting for Scully.
	"You got it?"
	"Yep.  You were right.  Not leprechauns, a little boy."  Mulder said as
 he took off his coat and wrapped the boy in it.
	Scully gave him an odd look as he continued to speak.  "Let's take him
 back to the hotel with us.  He scraped his legs and knees when he fell.  He
 also feinted when I caught him."
	"Okay Mulder."  Scully said as Mulder cradled the boy in his arms and
 waved down a cab.

	The cab ride back to the hotel was silent.  Both agents were caught up in
 there own thoughts and minds.

	"I'm going to wash him up.  You can come in and patch him up when I'm
 done.  Why don't you go and get comfortable."
	"Okay.  See you in a bit."
	Mulder laid the kid on the closest bed and went to run the water in the
 sink.  When he was happy with the temperature he carried the boy into the
 bathroom and rested him on the toilet seat cover.    He was able to tell
 that the boy was asleep now.
	Mulder wondered when the boy slept well last.  As he took the boy's torn
 and dirty clothes off he also wondered about food and a bath.  'Well
 first a bath and then some sleep.'  He thought.
	As Mulder carefully washed the boys the body he noticed scars of abuse on
 the small body.  
	That was the reason he felt attached to the boy?  The boy could have passed
 for a double of Mulder, when he was five.  And now that he discovered
 scars, similar to the ones that he still had, kind of spooked him.
	Wrapping the boy in a towel he carried the boy over to one of the beds.
 "Let's get you something to sleep in."  Mulder went to rummage in his
 suitcase.  "I remember sometimes my dad used to let me sleep in his old
 tee shirts.  I used to love it."  He dressed the kid in the tee shirt.
 "Okay, kid.  You sleep here while I go and get Scully."  Once the boy
 was down on the bed he curled into a small ball.  Mulder couldn't help
 but ruffle the boys hair.  
	"Hey Scully.  You there?"  He tapped lightly on the connecting door.
	Scully opened it.  "What is it Mulder?"
	"The kid is asleep. The scrapes aren't so bad.  They stopped bleeding.
 I gave him a quick bath too."
	"You think it's smart to hold him here?"
	"We are holding a suspect in custody.  You really want-"  He was cut
 off by a cry.
	 "No daddy.  Please daddy no."  A soft raspy voice called.  
	Mulder went to the boy.  "Shh.  It's okay.  It's only a nightmare.
 Wake up."
	The boy opened his eyes and looked at Mulder.  "It's okay.  Shh.
 You're safe."  Mulder continued to soothe.  
	The boys eyes and mouth opened wide in shock and surprise.
	Mulder was going to say something when the boy moved to lay across Mulder
's lap and lifted up the back of the shirt to reveal his bare bottom.
	Mulder was shocked at the action.  But knew it well from his childhood and
 performing it often.  "No."  Mulder said as he pulled the shirt back
 down and turned the boy over so he was sitting on Mulder's lap.  "You
 are safe here.  No one is going to hurt you."  He said looking straight
 into the boys eyes.  "Do you understand.  You are safe here."
	The boy slowly nodded.  "Good.  Now why don't you go back to sleep or
 would you rather stay up and talk?"  Mulder said with a smile.  
	The boy looked at the bed then back at Mulder.  The fear in his  eyes was
 palpable.  He reached his hand out to Mulder's shirt pocket ad took out a
 pen.  For some reason the boy wanted to write.  Mulder was willing to do
 anything for him.  "Scully I think there is a pad of paper in my case
 over there.  Can you get it for us?"  She returned a few seconds later
 with the pad and a chair and sat across from the two males.  "Here you
 go?"  she handed it over to Mulder.  
	Mulder put it on his lap and boy started to write.
	"You want to talk?"  Mulder asked.  
	The boy nodded
	"My name is Mulder and this is Scully.  What is your name?"
	DAVID ANDERSON, he wrote slowly.
	"David, how old are you?"
	"Wow your pretty smart you know how to write like that."  The boy
 smiled shyly and Mulder continued.  "We work for the FBI.  Do you know
 what that is?"
	David shook his head.
	"It's kind of like the police."  At this David tried to get off of
 Mulder's lap.  "You aren't in trouble.  We just want to ask you a few
 questions.  Is that OK?"
	He nodded.
	"Where do you live?"
	"In the sewers?"  At the boys nod he asked.  "Where are your
	"Who do you live with?"
	"David why don't you talk?"
	"Is that when you get hurt?"
	David nodded.
	"Do you remember I told you, you were safe here?  No one is going to hurt
 you here.  I promise you."
	A nod.
	"Okay.  Scully is a doctor.  She just wants to check you over and  make
 sure you are okay.  I want you to answer her questions."
	"Okay."  David voice was soft and raspy from lack of use.
	"Good.  Do you want me to stay?"
	"Of course.  You can even stay on my lap."
	Scully examined David, quickly and painlessly.  "There you go. All done.=
"  Instantly David curled up in Mulder's arms.
	"When was the last time you ate David?" Scully asked.
	"I don't remember."  He yawned.
	"I think David is tired.  Why don't I put him to sleep and then we can
 talk."  Mulder suggested.
	"Sure see you soon."  And Scully left.

	Scully was glad that Mulder wanted to spend some time alone with the boy. 
 It gave her some time to think about all that had happened that evening.
 All in all she was amazed at what was happening.  The boy looked very
 similar to pictures of Mulder when he was about five and six.  Was that the
 reason Mulder was so attracted to the boy?
	The reaction of the boy when he first woke up was also shocking.  But her
 partners reaction to the situation was a lot more interesting.  He seemed
 frozen in terror, but quickly recovered.  
	Mulder looked good with the child on his lap.  She wondered why he reacted
 the way he did wen the boy thought he was going to be hit.  Did Mulder have
 previous experience in that area?  Is that how he knew what to say to the
 kid to calm him down?  She hoped that was not the case, but she was wrong
 of course.

	"I'll stay here with you.  I'll even hold you till you fall asleep.
	When Scully had left the room Mulder watched the boy curl up on to his lap.=
  "Why don't you let me change into something a little more comfortable
 and then we can both go to sleep."  Mulder wasn't planning on going to
 sleep but he wanted the kid to.  
	Mulder felt his heart being ripped out when he looked at the boy from
 across the room.  The boy look so terrified, as if he thought he was going
 to be left behind.  His eyes were so soulful, and sad.  This kid should be
 the poster child for all abused children. 
	He quickly stripped and stopped at his tee shirt and boxers.  He pulled on
 a pair of sweat pants and went back over to the bed.  Mulder laid on the
 side further from the door, so he could watch.  David, with a thumb in his
 mouth turned into a ball with his head on Mulder chests.  
	Mulder's hand went to the boys back and he ran it in slow and smooth
 circles.  "Shh.  Go to sleep little one."  He whispered in a soft sing
 song voice.  "Tomorrow will be better as will all your days after this.
 That I promise you.  Shh."  
	Soon the child was asleep.  Mulder waited an extra ten minutes before going
 to knock on Scully's door.  

	Scully answered the knock on the connecting door.  She knew who it was.  As
 soon as Mulder was in her room and comfortable, she asked.  "How is he?=
	"Scared, tired, alone."
	"So what's the game plan now?"
	"Well we solved the case."
	"And got another one on our hands.  So what do we do?'
	"We still meet with Sergeant Hayfield tomorrow.  And tell him what
	"What about David?"
	"We take him with us.  Maybe also try and find out where his parents
	"His parents abandoned him.  What I meant was what are we going to do
 with him after the case."
	"You let me worry about that."
	"Sure.  Now what are we going to do about this Sewer king using these
 kids to rob New York."
	"Well I want to interview David some more tomorrow.  We then relate the
 information to NYPD and Skinner.  Then we see that they  tell us to do."
	"Wow Mulder.  You mean that you don't want to go in with guns blazing?=
	"Of course I do Scully.  Those kids are being used and abused.  But I
 don't know about this guy down there.  I might be putting those kids in
 more danger."
	"Okay Mulder.  I just want to say that it's nice to see you are using
 that head of yours."
	"Love you too Scully.  I want to get back to David.  If he wakes up I
 don't want him to be alone."
	"Okay Mulder.  I'll see you in the morning."

	Mulder went back to his room and started up his laptop.  His mind had been
 turning since he put David to bed.  He got into the Missing Persons
 database.  David was a missing child, but it wasn't his parents that were
 looking for him, it was the police.
	According to the report Mrs. Jane Anderson killed her husband Dale Anderson
 and then herself.  The police were still looking for the child.  Probably
 thought he was dead.  Mulder was happy that he was able to solve one
 missing child's case.
	Fox did a little more research before going to sleep for the night.  He'd
 make a phone call tomorrow morning.  Maybe she'd be able to help him.

	When he woke the next morning, Mulder was amazed at how well he slept.  He
 looked over at the boy.
	David was rocking back and forth in the bed.   "David.  Wake up.  Come on
 baby.  Wake up for me.  Come on David."  Mulder shook him a little.
	David eyes opened wide taking in his surroundings.  Terrified and confused
 he curled into a ball.
	"David you are safe here."  Mulder picked up the little ball and held
 it close.  "Shh David.  Your safe here, I promise.  Hush."  He walked
 around the room rocking and soothing David.
	Scully poked her head into the room to see if Mulder was up and was
 surprised to see what was going on.  Mulder caught her gaze.  'Breakfast.=
' he mouthed to her.  She nodded and left the room.
	"It's okay David.  I got you.  You're safe.  I promise."  Soon the
 sobs quieted.
	"Sorry."  David apologized hoarsely.
	"It's okay David."  He said softly.   Mulder looked down at the boy.=
 "Why don't we get you dressed.  You can then eat breakfast while I take
 a shower and get dressed."
	David nodded and wiped his eyes.  Mulder helped him dress and then sent him
 into Scully's room. "I'll join the two of you soon.  Don't let
 Agent Scully give you anything healthy to eat."  Scully smiled as did
	Mulder quickly showered as he was getting dressed he made a phone call.  He
 hoped it wasn't to early in the morning.
	"Morning.  Scully residence."
	"Good morning Mrs. Scully.  I hope I didn't wake you."
	"Nonsense Fox.  What can I do for you?"
	Fox spoke to Mrs. Scully for a few minutes before going over to Scully's
	"David you got to eat.  Just a little bit."
	"What's wrong Scully?"
	"David doesn't seem to want to eat."
	Mulder crouched down on the floor to be eye level with the boy.  "David
 are you hungry?"
	He nodded.  "Then why don't you eat?"
	"Not allowed."  He spoke softly, still not sure if talking was
	"Were you fed when you were with the Sewer King?"	
	"Some times."
	"What do you mean?"  Scully asked.
	"Some times there were no leftovers.  Sometimes he didn't throw them on
 the floor."
	"You only ate when the left overs were on the floor?"  Scully was
	"He also had to tell us."
	Mulder shuddered at the thought.  He had similar memories of not eating
 because his father didn't give him permission.
	"Remember last night?  Well I want you to eat with us.  What do you want
 to eat?"  Mulder spoke again.
	"I don't know?"
	"How about some cereal?"
	The boy shrugged.  Mulder put the cornflakes in the bowl with milk.  "Dav
id why don't you sit on your knees so you can reach the table."
	Everyone say in silence for a bit.  "David you are going to join us at
 the police station.  We'll try not to be long"
	"We might have to ask you a few questions."  The boy nodded.  "Why
 don't you finish eating.  Agent Scully and I are going to go next door to
 talk a little bit.  We'll keep the connecting door open."
	The boy nodded and Mulder and Scully went next door.  "What happened this
	"He woke up from a nightmare."
	"I'm sure he's going to have nightmares for some time."
	"You think it's smart to bring him to the station?"
	"What else should we do with him?  He can probably give us information on
 this Sewer King guy."
	"Like what?"
	"Where he lives, what he looks like?  How many other children are there.=
	"You think he can help?  He doesn't talk to anyone but the two of us.
 And he barely says a word to me."
	"Scully he's scared.  He's been starved, abused, and neglected.  He
 obviously doesn't trust people.  And I don't blame him.  When the
 people you think should protect you only hurt you more, you start not to
 trust anyone."  Mulder had become animated at this time and had tears in
 his eyes.
	"Mulder are you talking from experience?"  Scully asked softly.  At the
 look at his face she knew the answer.  "Mulder."  She put a hand on his
 upper arm.  "I understand what you are trying to do for him."
	"Scully."  He cut her off.  "I just want him to know that there are
 some adults out there that won't hurt him."
	"Okay Mulder, lets go back and start the day."
	"You ready to go?"  Mulder asked David.  David got out of the chair and
 scrambled over to hold Mulder's hand.

	"Can I help you?"  A young desk officer asked.
	"Yes.  I'm Agent Mulder and this is Agent Scully we're with the FBI.
 We are here to see Sergeant Hayfield."
	"Straight down the hall and to the left."
	David hung on for dear life to Mulder's hand.  Mulder picked him up as
 they entered the office.
	"Sergeant Hayfield?"
	"I'm Agent Scully and this is my partner Agent Mulder."
	"Oh yes.  Please sit down."  Once both complied, Hayfield continued.
 "And who is this young gentleman?"
	"Part of the case."
	"We caught one of the 'Leprechauns'.  It seems that young kids are
 being used to pickpocket New York."
	"So this boy is a suspect?"
	"No.  I believe that these children are being used by someone who calls
 himself the 'Sewer King' to steal."  Mulder added.
	"How many children?"
	"We don't know yet.  We really didn't get a chance to interrogate
 David fully."
	"Well I happily hand this over to the two of you.  Use any resources you
	"Thank you.  I was wondering if I could talk social services and can we
 see about a little toy for the boy?"
	"Sure Agent Mulder."
	"Can you also show us to a free interrogation room?"
	"There is one right across the hall that is never used."
	"Thanks again.  Up we go David."  He pulled the kid off his lap and
 Scully joined them next door.
	"David, can you sit here while I talk to Agent Scully?"
	The boy nodded.
	"What are you doing Mulder?"
	"I'm going to interview him."
	"Shouldn't someone else do it?"
	"He won't talk to anyone else.  You said it yourself.  Other's are
 welcome to watch.  But I have a feeling that a certain touch is going to be
	"Alright Mulder."
	"You probably aren't going to like my method either, but it should
	"You're the one who has the degree in psychology."
	"Thanks."  they walked back into the room.
	"David, I need to ask you a few more questions.  Is that OK?"
	David nodded.
	"Good.  Now what is your name?"
	"David Anderson."
	"Do you know your birthday?"
	"In the fall."
	"How old are you?"
	"Five I think."
	"Where do you live?'
	"In the sewer."
	"Where are your parents?"
	"I don't know."
	"When did you last see them?"
	"I don't remember.  About a year ago."
	"Where did you last see them?"
	"Mom took me to the store and left me there."
	"Where did you go then?"
	"I thought I could find my way home.  I got lost.  The Sewer King found
	"What is the Sewer King's real name?"
	"I don't know."  David was starting to get nervous.
	"David what do you do for the Sewer King?"
	"Take stuff."
	"What kind of stuff?"
	"Anything I can.  I have to bring something back."
	"He says we have to earn our keep."
	"What happens if you don't?"
	"We don't get dinner and he hurts us."
	"How does he hurt you?"  There was no answer.  "David?"  The boy
 looked up with tears in his eyes.  "It's almost over.  I promise.  Just
 a few more questions."  He paused to let the boy calm down a little.
 "Did he hit you?" 
	A nod.
	"Punch you?" Nod.  "Kick you?"  Another nod but accompanied by free
 flowing tears.  "David?  Was it the same way your father did?"
	It was then that David lost it.  His small body started to shake.  Tears
 fell down his cheeks.  Small gut wrenching sobs escaped his lips.
	Mulder looked at Scully who was taking notes, before he picked the child
 up.  "Shh.  It's okay.  I'm sorry."  Mulder walked around the room
 rubbing his back in small reassuring circles.  "Calm down baby.  It's
 okay no one is going to hurt you."
	Scully sneaked out of the room to report what they had to Hayfield.  "Age
nt Mulder and I are going to try for a description of this man a little
 later.  The child is very upset."
	"Very good.  Thank you.  Oh Dr. Zhan will be in to see the boy soon."
	Scully nodded and left.  When she got back to the room she found both
 Mulder and David sitting at the table opposite each other.  David was
 trying to shoot a penny through Mulder's fingers.
	She watched silently till David scored.  "Good job David."  She
	"Thank you."  He said softly.  Mulder was happy that the boy was
 starting to talk to his partner.
	"Sergeant Hayfield said you did real well David.  And Dr. Zhan will be
 down to see you soon.  So what would you like to do?"
	David shrugged.  "How about some paper and you can draw a picture."
 Mulder suggested.  David smiled and Mulder took out a pad of paper.  He
 then rummaged through his pockets.  "But I only have four colors.  Red,=
 blue, black and green."  He handed the pens over.
	"I think I have some more interesting colors."  She looked into her
 bag.  "Ah here we go.  Pink, purple, orange, light blue and light green
"  She added her pens to the pile.  David's smile grew bigger and he
 started to color.
	Mulder looked at his watch.  "Scully I got to go.  Will you stay with
	"Of course Mulder, but where are you going?"
	"Something personal.  I'll tell you later."  He next went over to
 David.  "David, I got to go run an errand.  Agent Scully will stay with
	"No. Please."
	"It's OK.  I promise I'll be back.  Maybe we can go out and get you
 something for behaving so well."  He patted the boy on the head.  "I'=
ll be back as soon as possible."
	And he then left the room.  Fox had to take a moment to himself before
 going on.  He was able to feel the fear of the little boy.  No child should
 have to be so afraid.
	'Look whose calling the kettle black.'  The little voice in his head
	'What?'  He tried to play dumb.
	'Your right.  No child should have such fear at such a young age.  But
 what about you?  Do you remember when you were five?'
	'Shut up.  It was different then.'  He shook his head in hopes of
 getting rid of the little voice.  He then walked away from the corner he
 was standing in.
	"Yes Agent Mulder.  What can I do for you?"  Helen Crispin asked as he
 sat down.
	"I was curious as to what was going to happen to David after the case is
	"Well depending if he has any surviving relatives or not he would
 probably end up in foster care."
	"So basically he could be adopted?"
	"Correct Agent Mulder.  What is your interest in this?"
	"I've gone through the FBI's missing persons data base and I found
 David there.  To me it looks like he has no family."
	"Agent Mulder are you interested in adopting David?"
	"Yes I am."
	"Agent Mulder I got to tell you that taking care of a little boy is no
 easy task.  Especially one who  was exposed to the things David was."
	"I understand that.  I am a trained psychologist"
	"And you are also an FBI agent whose job takes them on the road.  Who
 would watch David?"
	"I spoke to someone who said they'd be more than happy to watch David
 when I'm out of town."
	"Who is this person?  Can you trust them?"
	"It's my partner's mother.  I trust her with my life and the life of
 my partner."
	"How about a spouse or girlfriend?"
	"I'm single.  And I haven't been on a date in the last six months."
	"What do you do them?"
	"A lot of my time is work related.  So I spend it with my partner.  Dr.=
 Dana Scully."
	"Your partner is female?  Is she married?"
	"No, we are both single.  We are not lovers.  Our relationship is one of
 trust not sex."
	"Where do you live?"
	"I live in Alexandria, near DC  it's a one bedroom apartment.  You are
 probably curious as to where David would sleep.  He'd use my room.  I
 sleep on the couch as it is.  I will also be looking for a bigger place to
	"I don't really know of all the schools in the area.  There is a public
 school that most of the kids in the building go to."
	"I'm Jewish.  But I don't practice.  I would introduce it to David
 and let him choose what he wants to do."
	"How many children are there in you building?"
	"About four or five families.  I really don't know."
	"Any kids David's age?"
	"There is a little girl across the hall from me who is five.  I baby sit
 her some times."
	"I see.  I assume you put down the parents of the child as a reference.
 Do you have any pets?"
	"Three gold fish."
	"Okay Agent Mulder.  I'll be contacting your references today.  I
 understand that you have been keeping the boy with you.'
	"Yes.  Last night he was scared and I didn't want him to be left alone
 with more strangers. I'm sure that being with familiar people who
 wouldn't hurt him is important.  He needs someone to trust."
	"Please explain."
	"Last night he woke up crying from a nightmare.  Once he realized he was
 crying out loud he immediately stopped, turned over and expected to be hit.=
  I finally got it out of him that he was not allowed to speak otherwise he
 was punished.
	"Unfortunately I know about child abuse firsthand.  I know what it does
 to a person.  Right now, to David, all adults he knows have hurt him in
 some way.  I'm trying to get him to at least trust someone bad let him
 know that I won't hurt him and that I never will."
	"As I said before I will contact the people you listed.  I will also meet
 with the psychologist who should be talking to David now.  I know when this
 case is over you will leave town.  I will try and get you an answer soon.=
	"Thank you."  Mulder stood up and shook her hand.
	"Good luck."  She wished and Mulder headed back to the interrogation
	The sight he saw when he entered the room upset him.
	Scully and another man, who Mulder guessed was the psychologist were
 huddled in a corner on their knees.  He was able to see a small ball on the
	Cries were coming from it and soothing words from the adults.
	"What's going on?"
	"Don't know Mulder.  Tony was talking to David when David got upset and
 started to cry.  I tried to go over and comfort him but he bolted to the
 corner and has been that way ever since.  He won't let anyone get near
	"Let me try.  Why don't you both back up."
	Both complied as Mulder sat on the floor.  "David?"  He started out
 softly.  "David, can you hear me?"  He put a soft hand on the boys
 back.  David flinched.  Mulder tried again.  "It's okay David.  You are
 safe here.  I promise."  The boy didn't flinch as Mulder started to rub
 his back.  "I won't let anyone hurt you.  I promise David."
	David's body started to relax.  Mulder scooped him up in his arms and
 started to walk around the room with the boy on his shoulder.  David clung
 to Mulder, arms wrapped around his neck, legs around the waist, face burred
 in his shoulder.  Mulder continued to speak softly to David and rub his
	"We are going to go out for a walk.  Can you stay?"
	"I want to go over my notes for this case.  I'll stay here and wait for
	"What about me Mulder?"
	"Actually I was wondering if you would go see Helen Crispin for me?
 She'll explain everything."  And Mulder left with the crying boy.
	They walked all around the building while Mulder spoke softly to the boy.
 After about a half an hour David fell silent.  A quick look told Mulder
 that he had fallen asleep.
	Mulder was kind of shocked to see the psychologist actually still waiting
 for him.  Mulder laid his coat on the floor.  On top of it he laid David.
 For a pillow he used his suit coat and Scully's coat went for a blanket.
	"Thank you for waiting.  I'm Agent Mulder."  And he sat down at the
	"Anthony Zhan.  Call me Tony.  It's no problem really.  I wanted to
 speak to you."  Mulder nodded for the doctor to continue.  "Your
 partner mentioned you have a doctorate in psychology."
	"Yeah.  Oxford."
	"England.  I think that beats my degree.  Anyway David seems really
 attached to you.  How did you find him?"
	"He tried to pickpocket me."
	"Oh.  He reacts very well to you.  Your partner and I were trying to calm
 him down for close to a half an hour."
	"What did happen?"
	"We were talking about his home life before he lived in the sewers.  We
 were talking about what his father did to him.  He seemed to zone out and
 go back to the past."
	"And you touched his arm and he jerked.  Next thing you knew he was in
 the corner."
	'Yes.  How did-"
	Mulder cut him off again.  "From personal experience.  It's no one's
 fault.  Many don't release it happens/"
	"How would you plan on dealing with David?"
	"Well in my opinion, David doesn't trust anyone.  I've been trying to
 get him to trust me.  He needs it.  It seems to have worked a little."
 He looked towards the boy.
	"That's what I thought.  Do you know anything about his time in the
	"I know he was also abused and neglected there.  According to Agent
 Scully he is okay.  At least from an initial examination.  Except for the
	"What do you plan on doing with the boy?"
	"I would like to keep him with Agent Scully and I.  In hopes of enforcing
 the trust factor."
	"I agree but we are going to have to get more information from him."
	"I doubt much more can be gotten.  Tomorrow I'm going to try and get a
 description of the Sewer King and where they are located."
	"That could work.  I'm going to want to talk to him some more.  Is 2:00
 tomorrow okay?"
	"Yeah.  It shouldn't be a problem.  Thanks."
	"What do you have planned for today?"	
	"Let him sleep now.  I'm going to suggest taking him out to lunch and
 maybe get him some new clothing and a little toy.  He didn't sleep well
 last night."
	"Did he sleep in those clothing?"
	"Gave him a tee shirt of mine to sleep in."
	"Thank you for your time.  I got to go and talk with Mrs. Crispin."
 The men shook hands and Tony left.
	Mulder watched the boy sleep and was transported back to his youth.  It
 wasn't till Scully touched his arm that he was brought back to the
 present.  "When did you get here?"
	"I just did.  Why didn't you tell me?"
	"Tell you what?"
	"That you wanted to adopt David."
	"I just thought about it last night.  More this morning after I
 interviewed him again."
	"Are you sure it's a good idea?'
	"Who else is there Scully?  He will go to a foster home.  The family
 there won't know how to deal with him correctly.  I lived through similar
 stuff.  Had similar nightmares.  Woke up in similar fashion, scared that
 someone heard me scream."
	"I imagined so.  Helen said that you spoke to my mom?"
	"Yeah.  I spoke to her this morning.  She was all for it.  She said she
 wouldn't mind watching David if we were out of town. She said it would be
 nice to play grandma a little more often."
	"I don't know.  Just seriously think about it.   Now that I look back
 I'm not sure it would have been a good idea for me to adopt Emily."
	"Alright Scully.  I-"
	He was cut off by whimpering.  "Daddy please.  No, don't hurt me. Mom
 where are you?"
	Mulder went over to wake the boy.  It took a  few seconds before David
 remembered where he was.  "Sorry for falling asleep."
	"It's okay, but I want to asked you a question."  At the boys eager
 nod he continued.  "David, what is the last thing you remember before
 waking up?"
	"You left me with Agent Scully.  Then some man walked in."
	"Is that all?"
	David nodded, scared at what was being implied.  "It's okay.  You're
 not in trouble.  The reason I'm asking is because a doctor came in to
 talk to you.  He said some thing to upset you.  When I came back you were
 crying.  You ended up crying yourself to sleep.  Are you sure you don't
 remember anything else?"
	"I'm sorry sir."  David looked like he was on the verge of tears
	"No matter.  Are you hungry?"  David shrugged.  "Well I am.  Do you
 like hamburgers?"
	The boy's eyes opened up wide and nodded.  "Well get up and let's
 go."  Mulder said mockingly.  David ran over to grab Mulder's hand.
 "Coming Scully?"
	"Only if you tell me where it is we are going?"
	"Your choice.  Wendy's, Burger Kind, or McDonalds."
	"Then off we go."

 	"You grab us a seat, David and we will get the food.  What do you want
 to drink?"
	"I don't know,"
	"You like coke?"
	"I-I don't remember"
	"OK.  No problem.  Be a good boy and go sit down.  I promise to be  right
Mulder watched David from the line.  "He's going to be fine Mulder."
	"I'm sure you are right, but I still want to watch him."
	"What do you have planned next?  You think you can get some more
 information from him?"
	"He needs a break.  That's why I suggested this little excursion.  When
 we get back I'm going to try for a description of this 'Sewer King.'
 Maybe how to even find the guy."
	"Even if I don't adopt him, he is going to need some clothing.  I
 figure a stop at a Caldor or K-Mart to get him some clothing."
	"There is a mall not far from here with a Caldor.  We should go there.
 And Mulder turn around."
	"Oh sorry"  He apologized to the cashier.
	"See I told you we'd be right back."  David moved over so Mulder
 could sit next to him. "A burger kids meal for David with a small coke.=
"  he laid the box and drink in front of David.  "Chicken Caesar Pita
 and Diet Coke for Scully. And a bacon cheese burger with a coke and fries
 for me."  Scully and Mulder started to eat while David just stared at the
	"Do you need help?"  Mulder asked, and David nodded.  "You just have
 to ask David."  Mulder opened the box and laid the burger out for him.
 He even put some fries on the paper.  "You want ketchup?"
	"Burger or Fries?"
	"Both Please."
	"Of course."  Once Mulder was done, David started on the hamburger.
	By the time Mulder and Scully were done David had eaten half the burger and
 most of the fries.  "Did you see what else was in the box?"
	"It's a-"  Mulder paused for dramatic effect, and reached into the
 box.  "Car."  He handed it to David whose smile was so wide it was
 almost too big for his face.
	"Thank you."  He said in awe.
	Mulder gave a little laugh.  "You finished with lunch?"
	David nodded, still fascinated by the car.  Scully pilled all the garbage
 onto the tray and through it out while Mulder picked the boy up.  "More
 surprises await you David."

	Shopping was an interesting experience.  David still in awe by the simple
 car didn't know how to react to getting new clothes.  He was in shock
 through most of the process.  Scully was given the job of picking out
 clothes while Mulder helped David try them on.
	Scully couldn't help but smile at the way Mulder and David interacted.
 They were a perfect match. David was unlike any five year old she ever met.
	Mulder insisted on a toy store next.  What had been his reason?  "He
 behaved so well, and helped so much."  David sat in the back of the car
 now clutching a teddy bear.
	"What are you going to name the bear David?"  Scully asked.
	"I don't know"
	"Did you ever have a stuffed animal?"
	"I think so."
	"I had a fox when I was younger." Scully said.
	"A fox?"  Mulder asked.
	"Yes a fox.  Melvin the Fox."
	"Melvin."  Mulder couldn't help but laugh.  "I got to tell Frohicke
	"And what about you Mulder?"
	"Walter the Rabbit."
	"A bunny?  I'm sure Skinner would love to hear that."
	"Fine a bunny."
	"What color was it?"
	It was small, soft giggling that broke the playful banter.  "Sorry."
 David quickly sobered.
	"For what?"  Mulder asked.
	"It was funny the way you were arguing about the bunny."
	"It's okay.  It was funny.  We do this a lot."
	"So did you come up with a name?"
	"Sherman.  It was the name of one of my friends."
	"Do you know where Sherman is?"  Scully asked as they got out of the
	"I don't know.  I was supposed to play with his the day mommy took me
 to the store."  He started to choke up.
	"I think Sherman is a great name."  Mulder quickly stated.  "Do you
 think you can help us some more?"
	"What can I do?"
	"Have you ever seen a computer?"
	"Yes, I think."  He stammered as he held Mulder's hand walking
 through the halls.
	"Have you ever played on a computer?"
	"Mulder, I'm going to do some research."
	"Oh, sure Scully.  Catch up with us at 6 PM in Hayfields office."
	Mulder spent close to two hours with David and the computer.  They started
 out by making funny faces with the graphics program.  But soon they got
 down to business.  By 6:00 when they met up with Scully they had sent out a
 picture of the "Sewer King" to the FBI's Data base to find a name to
 go with the face.
	"Mulder, Mrs. Crispin want's to speak to you before we leave today."
	"I guess I can go speak to her now.  I'll meet the two of you here when
 I'm done."
	Mulder was actually glad to see the social worker.  He was starting to have
 second thoughts about this adoption thing.  He could barely take care of
 goldfish and he wanted to take care of a little boy?
	Mulder sat down in Helen's office.  "I'm glad you wanted to see me.=
	"Yeah, this whole adoption thing."
	"Starting to have second thoughts?"
	"It's normal for any parent to have second thoughts.  You're second
 guessing the fact if you are responsible enough to take care of a child.'
	"Obviously it's a common thing."
	"It is Mr. Mulder.  I just spoke to Ms. Scully again."
	"From that and other conversations I had with some people you sounds like
 you'd make a wonderful father.  Especially for someone like David."
	"Thank you.  I really like David.  He's a great kid.  Very shy and
 intimidated.  I think he is someone who doesn't trust anyone especially
	"You think he trusts you??"
	"I don't know if he trusts me yet but I think that he is well on the
 way of trying."
	"That's good.  Where is he know?"
	"With Agent Scully."
	"Why don't you go back to David and we can speak again some other
	"Thank you again doctor."

	When Mulder found Scully again David was asleep.  "Let's get him to
 bed.  And we can get room service for dinner."
	"Sounds good.  He just conked out."
	"Poor kid had a busy day.  And he really didn't have a nap today.
 Perri's the same age and she sleeps for close to 2 hours a day.  David
 barely got an hour and a half."
	"What did Ms Crispin say?"
	"Nothing except that she contacted my references."
	"I meant to ask you.  Who'd use as references?"
	"You, your mom, Cyndy Ciner, and Skinner."
	"Help me take David inside.  Can you carry up some of the bags?  I got
 him."  Mulder carried David as Scully picked up a few bags .
	"We forgot to get him pajamas."  Scully whispered.
	"No bother.  He can sleep in my shirt again."	
	"Why don't you change him while I put some his clothing away."
	"That works."
	Scully kept an eye on her partner and the little boy.  Mulder was so gentle
 and caring changing the boy .  He even spoke to the boy as he worked."
	"Good night David."  Mulder kissed his forehead and looked over at his
 partner.  both walked next door and closed the door half way.  It was
 around 7:00 and Mulder pulled out the  case files and his laptop.
	"So what Scully?"
	"Why Skinner?"
	"He's give an unbiased opinion of whether I'm capable of taking care
 of David."
	"You really feel attached to the boy?"
	"I do Scully.  I've worked with children before.  Kevin, Perri, the
 Eves, and others.  I've never felt this connection before.  David and I
 share something that no one could truly understand unless they lived it.
 Unfortunately I did.  If I could save one child from having to go through
 what I did all the better."
	"Mulder."  She put a hand on his shoulder.  "He would be safe in
 foster care."
	Mulder stood up.  There was a lot he could say to her on this matter.  But
 was it worth revealing so much of himself at such an emotional time?
 Probably not.  "Scully it's hard to understand the system if you
 haven't been part of it."  That should reveal enough with out giving it
 all away.
	Scully excepted his answer.  It was a subject he didn't want to get into.=
  She understood.  "OK Mulder.  I'm going to order dinner and we'll
 discuss the case some more."
	"Sounds like a plan I'm going to get comfortable."

	Dinner and working lasted till close to midnight.  A plan had been laid out
 in hopes of wrapping up the case soon.  They  were going to question David
 some more about where in the sewer he lived and the other children that
 were there.  Mulder had already asked for pictures off all children who
 were missing in the Tri State area, for the past two years.  Maybe they'd
 be able to reunite some more families.

	Scully was surprised that she had to wake her partner up the next morning.=
 She was even more surprised to see the position that he was sleeping in.
 On one of the double beds was Mulder on his side.  His right arm around a
 little ball that looked like David.  It was a very sweet sight and Scully
 cursed herself for not having a camera.
	"Mulder?" She gently shook him.
	"What?"  He moved slowly.
	"It's eight in the morning."
	"Alright I'm up.  Can you stay here with him while I take a shower?
 I'll dress him afterwards.  Do we have any coffee?"
	"No I figured that we'll stop some where to get a cup."
	"Good idea, but you drive."
	"Go take a shower.  It will help."

	When Mulder got out of the bathroom he looked and felt semi human and semi
 awake.  "How is he?"
	"Didn't even twitch."  Mulder went to take out a pair of jeans and a
 polo shirt.  "Bad night?"
	"Yeah.  I can't wait for this case to be over.  For both of us."
	"Soon partner.  Do you want to wake him?"
	"No.  I'm going to try and get him dressed like this.  If he wakes then
 he'll wake.  But I think he will just sleep through it."
	"How much sleep did you actually get Mulder?"
	"Two hours.  Maybe a few minutes more.  David was up crying most of the
 night.  I hope that he is awake later to help us."
	"There is a Starbucks not far from here that we can catch coffee from.
 I'll treat."
	"Sounds great."

	Mulder and Scully were at a virtual stand still until David woke up.  They
 used the time to collect the missing children's data and to call their
 boss to tell him about their progress on the case.
	Mulder wouldn't leave David alone in case he woke up.  Mulder didn't
 want the boy to be awake in a strange place.  
	It was around 10:00 when David opened his eyes.  "Morning David."
	"Morning sir."
	"Are you hungry?"
	"A little."
	"Here is some juice and a bagel."  Mulder put it out in front of the
	Scully sent a look to Mulder informing him that they needed some
 information from the boy.  She understood that he didn't want to rush it
 for the boy but things needed to be done.
	"David, how do you feel about playing game?"
	"OK.  What kind?"
	"I'm going to tell you a name or show you a picture.  You tell me if
 you know anyone by that name or who looks like a picture.  Okay?"
	The boy nodded enthusiastically.  Mulder figured that if he made it fun,=
 then David would be more helpful.   
	They got through half the list that Mulder had before David got antsy.
 They found that if they should David the picture he could tell them if he
 knew them or someone who looked like them.  When asked about names he as a
 little sketchy due to the fact that the children weren't allowed to talk.=
	"David, can I ask you a few more questions then we'll stop."  David
 nodded.  "How many other children lived in the sewer with you?"
	"Lots."  David held up his fingers and started to count to himself.
 "More than 19."  David looked down at the floor.  "I can't count
 higher then that."
	"Where did you learn to count that high?"
	"Steven was teaching me in secrete."
	"How old was Steven?"
	"He was 8."
	"When was the last time you saw him?"  Mulder asked softly.
	"A long time ago.  He was bad so he was punished."  Was all that David
	Mulder realized that it was something that David didn't want to talk
 about and he respected the boys wishes.
	"David, do you think you can tell us where exactly in the sewers you
 lived?"  Scully asked.
	"David, what do you mean no.  You know how to get there right?"  The
 boy nodded.  "So why can't you tell us?"
	"I can't say but I can show you."
	Mulder looked up at Scully, only to find her looking down at him.  They had
 to talk.  "David why don't you color some while Scully and I go outside
 to talk."
	"OK."  Mulder laid out the coloring book and crayons for the boy and
 then went to join his partner in the hallway.
	Both were silent.  "So what do you think we should do?"  Mulder asked.
	"I don't know.  Part of me says let's take him to show us where this
 is and arrest the asshole and save the kids."
	"And the other part is saying but what happens if one of the kids gets
 hurt."  Mulder finished for her.
	"Yeah."  She sighed.  "So what do we do?"
	"We can tell Hayfield what we plan on doing, and to have some uniforms
 waiting around for us.  Ask David how far from were we found him it is.
 And then call for back up when we get there.  Send David back with a cop
 and play hero."
	"Mulder.  I am truly impressed.  That sounds like a good Idea.  Do you
 want to talk to Hayfield or should I?"
	"Why don't you go and I'll deal with David.  I'll meet you by
 Hayfields office."
	"Sounds good to me."
	"Hey David, you  ready for a little trip?"  David nodded and stated to
 put the crayons and coloring book away.  Mulder was curious as to why David
 didn't ask where they were going.  "Do you want to know where we are
	"You'll tell me?"
	"If you want to know."  David nodded.  "We need your help to find the
 Sewer King.  We are going to go back to the street were we meet.  And you
 are going to show us where to go.  Then we are going to call the police,=
 and they are going to go and take care of the Sewer King.  Is that OK?'
	David nodded.  "Are you scared?"
	"A little."
	"You want to know something David?  So am I."

	Mulder and David met Scully outside of Officer Hayfields office.  It was
 there that she informed them that there would be extra officers patrolling
 the area.  And some plain clothes cops trailing them.  They would leave
 immediately to find the hideout and then they would plan for the next step.
	David was even more withdrawn on the car ride over.  Mulder tried to draw
 him out of his shell and calm him down but nothing seemed to work.  
	David was terrified of going back.  He knew what happened when you run
 away.  What would happen if the Sewer King caught him.  He remembered what
 happened to  Steven.  He held Mulder's hand in a death grip and just
 stared straight ahead.  

	"Okay David.  Now it's your show.  Tell us where to go."  David
 didn't move.  Scully shot a look at Mulder.  "David I know you are
 scared but I want you to know how proud of you I am.  The quicker we get
 this done the quicker we can play some more.  I saw a park not far from
 here we can go there after this.  Would you like that?"  David nodded.
 "Well then off we go."
	David led them through the city for close to a half an hour before they
 came to a deserted alleyway.
	"Is this the place?"
	Before Scully could get an answer she, Mulder and David were knocked

	Mulder came to first.  When he tried to move he found his hands and legs
 were tied together.  Further inspection told him that he was sitting on a
 couch with Scully next to him.
	He closed his eyes again briefly to stop the dizziness and nausiousness.
 Damn, another concussion.  Just what he needed.  This time when he opened
 his eyes he looked around to try and understand where he was.
	His first thought was of David.  Where was the boy.  It was then he heard a
 cry.  It was after the second time that he recognized it as David's.
 Mulder followed the sound to the floor at the other end of the room from
	David was on the floor naked and in a fetal position.  There was an older
 girl , possibly around age 7 or 8, beating him up.
	On the left were five other kids, either older or the same age as the girl.=
  To the right were more kids.  About 15 to 20 of them.  All younger or the
 same age as the girl.  
	Sitting next to the kids on a folding chair was a man about 40 years old
 and looking at his watch.  When he turned around Mulder saw that it was the
 face of Samuel McKinney.  
	Mulder's first instinct was to save David.  But he couldn't.  At least
 not without help.  He shifted his legs, damn they took his reserve gun too.=
  OK.  This was going to have to go down the hard way. 
	He decided to wake Scully up and have her help him.  By some miracle Scully
 was waking up at that minute.  Mulder watched her slowly let things focus
 and come to make sense.  Is this what he looked like after a concussion?
 Finally she looked towards her left and made eye contact with Mulder.
	Through some kind of miracle and eye contact they set up a beginning of a
 plan.  The two agents moved silently back to back to work on each others
 ropes.  Scully freed Mulder first.  The cries and whimpers of David gave
 Mulder pause as he had to stop from time to time  to delay tears from
	Finally after a painfully long time both Mulder and Scully were free.  "G
o back up to the surface and get help."
	"What about you?"
	"I'm going to stop this from continuing."
	"But Mulder-"
	"Scully go.  Please I'll be alright.  David can't hang on much loner.=
  Just go Scully."
	"Fine.  I'll be back A.S.A.P."
	As soon as Scully was out of site Mulder slowly made his way forward.  He
 had spotted a piece of wood on the floor and decided that it would make a
 good bat.  But as Mulder's luck would have it when he was about 3 feet
 from McKinney's head he turned around.
	"How did you get free."  He howled.
	Mulder didn't bother to answer but swung the wood.  Samuel McKinney was
 about an inch taller than Mulder and had at least 20 pounds on him.  The
 wood didn't do much but anger him and Samuel threw a punch square in the
	The children all huddled to the side to watch the fight.  This  was the
 first time that the children saw someone stand up against "The Sewer
 King" and fight him.  David was still on the floor barely conscious and
 slowly drifted off to sleep.
	The gun shots are what made both men stop.  "Samuel McKinney put your
 hands where we can see them, and step away from Agent Mulder"  One of the
 uniformed officers said motioning with his gun.  Mulder crawled over to
 where David still laid.
	"David? Wake up David."  Mulder felt for a pulse.  "Come on David
 open your eyes for me."
	David didn't move.  Mulder soon  found Scully and the paramedics by his
 side.  "Mulder let them work."  She touched his arm and saw him flinch.=
  "Come over here Mulder.  Let me get a look at you.  You look hurt.  Let
 me take a look."
	"Is he going to be OK?  I can't leave him.  If he wake up he will be
	"He'll be fine Mulder.  I think you hurt your arm.  I'll take you to
 the hospital.  And we will see David there."

	Two Days Later
	Mulder had not moved from David's bedside since he was released from the
 hospital himself.  Scully had told him to go back to the hotel to sleep
 some, but he would not have it.  "Scully, it's only a broken arm and a
 few bruises.  I'm taking my medication.  And I don't want David to be
	"Fine I'm going to leave you alone to your thoughts then.  Maybe you
 will fall asleep."
	"I got to finish the report."
	"Mulder don't worry about it.  I'll type it.  It's probably
 annoying to do it with one hand."
	"It keeps me busy."
	"I got to check on what's happening with the kids."

	A knock on the door interrupted Mulder's thoughts.  "Come in?"
 Mulder turned around to see his boss walk into the hospital room.  "Sir?=
"  Mulder stood up.
	"Sit down Mulder.  How are you doing?"
	"Not bad sir.  Why are you here might I ask?"
	"I wanted to commend you on a job well done."
	"Not well enough."  Mulder said looking back at David.
	"David is going to be just fine.  I know it.  Also I wanted to deliver
 this."  Skinner handed a yellow file envelope over to Mulder.
	"What is it sir?"
	"Just read it."  
	Mulder tore at the envelope and pulled out the letter.  Skinner was amazed
 at all the emotions displayed on his agent's face.  But even more
 surprising was the hug the Mulder gave his boss.  "Thank you sir.  Thank
 you so much."  He kissed his cheek before blushing embarssedly at what he
 had just did.  "Sorry sir."
	"It's OK Mulder.  Congratulations."  He hugged Mulder back.
	"David, come on David.  Daddy's here.  Wake up baby.  I promise you it
 will be alright."
	Scully walked in watching this display of affection between Mulder and
 David.  "Are you okay Mulder?"
	"They said yes!"  He exclaimed.  He gave her the paper to read.  After
 a moment, not caring about the arm in a cast, Mulder picked Scully up and
 twirled her around the air.
	"That's great Mulder.  That's wonderful.  I'm so happy for you."
 She kissed him and laughed out loud.  "Now why don't we go and get
 something to eat.  I know you didn't have breakfast this morning."
	"But Scully, what if he wakes up?"
	"I'll stay here Mulder.  Scully, go treat the new father to lunch."
	"Do you want anything sir?"
	"No thanks I had something before I got here.  Go on you two I'll watch
 David for a bit."
	When Walter was certain that Mulder and Scully were gone and not coming
 back so soon, he pulled a chair closer to the small boy.  This was the
 first time that he had seen the boy, and was amazed at his appearance.
 Scully was right.  He could pass for Mulder's son very easily.  But he
 looked so tiny in the bed.  According to the doctors David was beat up
 pretty badly.  They had to do surgery on his kidneys and to remove bone
 fragments from when his ribs were shattered.  He also had a broken leg, and
 a bad concussion.  That was what was keeping him in the coma.  
	"David, you got to wake up.  There are many people here who want you to
 get better.  You now have a daddy that loves you so much.  He will never
 hit you, or hurt you.  He will take you some place nice to live and feed
 you and send you to school to learn.  And you will both be so happy.  I
 promise you that it will be good as soon as you wake up David."  Skinner
 kissed the boy's forehead and sat back down to wait.  Yes, David was what
 Mulder needed.  Skinner was glad that he agreed to deliver the letter to
 Mulder himself.  It was so nice to see the agent, especially one like
 Mulder so happy.  
	Now if he could only get Mulder and Scully to realize how much they love
 each other his mission here would be complete.  Walter sat back and closed
 his eyes daydreaming about the wonderful family the three of them would

	Mulder and Scully were sitting in the hospital three days after Mulder got
 the news about David's adoption.  They had to finish their report soon on
 the New York Leprechaun case.  All the children had been placed in either
 foster care or were living with relatives.  Two of them actually were
 reported missing and feared kidnapped, and were returned home to their
	Samuel McKinney was going to be tried on 28 accounts of child abuse.  He
 was also charged with neglect and theft.  If what the courts where saying
 was true, then McKinney  would probably never see the light of day for a
 long time.
	"Scully when are you leaving to go back to DC?"
	"Well I was waiting for you.  The doctor said that David can be
 transported to a hospital in DC when ever we were done with the case."
	"Is that safe?"
	"Yeah.  They do it all the time."
	"OK.  You want to make the reservations.  I got a lot to do at home to
 set up for David."
	"Oh mom told me that she spoke to your landlord and there is a bigger
 apartment on the fifth floor if you want it.  It's only a little more
 than you are paying now.  And according to  mom the landlord rather give it
 to you than the person who is looking to buy-"  Scully was cut off by a
 moan from the bed.
	"Daddy?"  Mulder moved over to the bed.  
	"Daddy's here David.  It's all going to  be OK."
	"I don't feel well."
	"I know but you just rest.  It is going to be just fine."
	"Love you." And David fell back asleep.
	Mulder just stood there and let the tears flow down his cheeks as he
 watched his son drift back off to sleep.

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