
Here is the whole thing!
Well here it goes my first Fan Fic.  So please bear with me.

Case number 96032.7

Dedicated to Sue "Spook" Schleider.  

The U2 Files

        Mulder saw the officers wispering as they approched.  He wondered
if it had to do with his "Spooky" reputation or his partner.
        He hoped it was the former.  Fox was used to being teased but he
didn't like it when it happened to his partner.  Of course she could take
care of herself, but these people were hicks.  They believed that a
woman's place was barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.
        The thought didn't totally upset Mulder.  He wouldn't mind if
Dana was happy and the baby was his.
        'Get your mind out of the gutter.' He scolded himself.  This was
going to be a tuff case.
        Besides being in a backwards town, the main report the case was
based on happened two weeks ago.  
        Fox knew this was a red herring.  The government was trying to get
him out of their hair for a little.

        Scully dreaded this case.  She knew it was a load of crap and
didn't know if she could stand it.  
        The enemy had sent them on this case to stop them from asking
questions.  Three dissaperences and three reapperances.  All local hicks
who claimed to be abducted by aliens.
        But that had happened two weeks ago.  They tried to get out of the
case but Skinner had been very persistant.
        "This wasn't my choice.  It came from the top."  He said.
        'It was the black lunged bastered.'  She thought.  But what was he
trying to hide from Her and Mulder.

        "Officer Donald, I'm Agent Mulder, and this is my partner, Agent
        "Partner in what?"  an officer in the back mumbled.  Scully stared
hard at the man, but he didn't even flinch.  It was going to be a long

        "I'll see you in the morning Scully."
        "Sure, whatever."
        "Hey, I'm sorry about today.  They are just dumb hicks."
        "But none of them tried to grab your ass.  And you didn't help
laughing at those dumb jokes."
        She was truly upset.  She couldn't even open her door.  "Come on.
They were funny."  Mulder tried to help her.  Scully just pushed him away.
        "And that's why the only girls you see are on the screen and in
the magazines."  With that she opened the door, steped in and slammed it

        Mulder knew he was in shit.  Scully had never been so pissed at
him.  He hated that.
        Fox decided some T.V. and a shower would help.  He first tried the
T.V.  Nothing but static.  He then tried the radio.  Finding a staion he
liked he went for the shower.  
        Once in the shower his mind started to work.  How could he get her
to forgive him?  As he got out of the shower he heard a song from one of
his favorite groups.

        "What."  She called at the door.
        "Can I come in?"
        "This better be good Mulder.  I'm in no mood."  She unlocked the
door and let him in.
        "I want to make it up to you.  So I'm going to do something that I
have not done since"  His voice trailed off.  "In a long time."
        She understood and went to sit down on the bed.
        He sat in a chair across from her, closed his eyes and stated to

        "Don't believe what you hear
        Don't believe what you see
        If you just close your eyes 
        you can feel the enemy.
        When I first met you girl
        You had fire in your soul
        What happened to your face
        of melting snow?
        Now you look like this."

        Her jaw dropped.  She heard the song before.  But it was something
about his voice.
        "And you can swallow
        or you can spit
        you can throw it up
        or choke on it
        and you can dream
        so dream out loud
        you know that your time is comming 'round . . . don't let the
        bastards get you down.  

        No nothing makes sence
        nothing seems to fit
        I know you'd hit it out
        If you only knew who to hit."
        Her anger for him had left and had been replaced by love.  That
was one thing about him.  He always knew what to say.

        "And I'd join the movement
        if there was one I could believe in
        Yeah I'd break bread and wine
        if there was a church I could recieve in
        'cos I need it now.
        To take the cup
        to fill it up
        to drink it slow
        I can't let you go

        An I must be
        an acrobat
        to talk like this
        and act like that
        And you can dream
        so dream out loud . . . don't let the bastards grind you down.
        What are we going to do now its all been said?  No new ideas in
the house, and every book has been read."

        And these were the right things.  The words really ment something.
She always dreamt of being serenaded, but she liked it better when the
words didn't really pertain to love.
        His eyes, which had been closed, opened.  And he continued.
        "And I must be
        an acrobat
        to talk like this 
        and act like that
        and you can dream 
        so dream out loud.
        and you can find 
        your own way out
        and you can build

        and I can will
        and you can call
        I can't wait until
        you can stash 
        and you can seize
        In dreams begin
        And I can love
        And I can love
        I know that the tide is turning 'round . . .don't let the bastards
        grind you down."

        They sat in silence for a little.  The last few lines suprised
her.  'And I can love.  What was that?  Maybe it was just part of the song
or had he meant them.
        "So am I forgiven?"  Mulder broke the silence.
        "Where did you learn to sing?"
        "I used to be in chorus and I always got the lead in the school
musicals.  I liked singing.  But then Sam-"  He stoped again. "And I
        "Well you shouldn't have.  You have a great voice, and I forgive
you."  She gave him a kiss on his forehead.  Mulder than went back to his

        'Did she catch on to the lines?'  He hoped so.  He didn't know how
else to proclaim his love for her.  And he had to do it or explode.
        Wether she understood it or not, it didn't matter.  He felt
better.  He put his walkman on and started the tape.
        It was U2's Pop casset.  'Maybe Danny can get me two tickets to
the concert.'  Fox thought as he actually drifted off to sleep.

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