U2 Files - With or Without You
Authors Note:  I know this was a long time in the coming but here is the
next in the series
of U2 Files.  I should be sending two more in before June 1.  That's
when I go to the
concert.  There is some medical stuff in here.  I admit to not being a
doctor.  All this came
from my imagination.  This is dedicated to Spook for helping me pick the
songs, and to
Rebecca for egging me on to continue writting them.  

The U2 Files - With or Without You

        "What do you mean you're going to check something out?"
        "You wanted to do the autopsy.  So I can check out this avenue."
        "Why do I have the feeling that it's dangerous."
        "I promise to take every precaution possible."
        "Then let me come with you."
        "Scully, there are those autopsies.  This will probably be a dead end. 
I bet the
answers are in the bodies anyway."
        "Okay.  But call me after your done."
        "Sure."  Both agents got into seperate cars and left.

        It was crazy traffic, like it normally is around rush hour.  And of
course there had
to be an idiot in the road.  He was weaving in and out of traffic in
hopes of getting home
earlier.  But it was a stupid mistake as he cut off a truck.  The truck
veered, not to hit the
idiot and ended up going over the railing onto a lower level road.  The
peopel there never
knew what hit them.

        There were three hospitals taking in the injured.  43 cars involved, 90
people.  Five
dead, was the statistics as the last few resurers worked.  "Hey we have
a live one here."  A
crew member called.  The quickly cut the person out and rushed them to
one of the

        Agent Mulder opened his eyes slowly.  People were all around him.  He
was in
pain and these people were all covered in blood.  His eyes looked at all
the faces.  "Sir,
can you hear me?"  Fox just closed his eyes and drifted back into

        Dana Scully awoke in a white room.  She tried to move  but her shoulder
and head
ached.  It was then she realized where she was.  But why?
        One of the nurses came in then.  "Ah.  Hello Ms. Scully.  How are you?"
        "What happened?"
        "You were in a terrible car accident three days ago."
        "A truck fell from the upper level of the highway.  You were lucky not
to get
caught under it.  You have a few stiches in your head.  Ten to be
exact.  You dislocated
your sholder and broke your arm.  We are going to keep you for a little
while longer.  Is
there anyone you want us to call?"
        "Yes.  My boss at the FBI.  Assistant Director Skinner.  He will get in
touch with
my mother."
        "Of course ma'am.  Just rest."
        Scully laid back on the pillow as a thought struck her.  She bolted
up.  "Mulder."
        "What?"  The nurse stopped.
        "My partner Fox Mulder.  Where is he?"
        "Don't know him.  I'll keep a look out.  But there are three hospitals
that took in
the wounded.  And there are numorus John Does.  Some have died."  Scully
laid back and
tried to think positive thoughts about her partner.

        It hurt to breath.  To focus his eyes was also difficult.  But he
forced himself to do
so.  A nurse appered infront of him.  "Easy sir.  Let's take that tube
out of your throught." 
Mulder coughed a little and laid down again.  "Good to see your back. 
We were really
worried about you.  We will move you down to a room soon, and your
doctor will be
there."  Mulder nodded taking in all the information.  
        He closed his eyes as he was wheeled to a room.
        "Hello sir.  My name is Dr. Victorian.  You are at Franklin hospital. 
Do you
remember your name?"
        'Fox Mulder.'  His mind said, but his voice didn't work.
        "How are you feeling?"  She asked next.
        'Fine.  Why can't I hear my voice.'  He quickly picked up his right
hand and moved
it around.
        "Hmm.  I was afraid of that.  Let me get you something to write on."  
        The doctor returned in a few minutes with a pen and a pad.  She handed
them to
him.  He quickly wrote.  My name is Fox Mulder.  What's wrong with me. 
        "Well Fox you were in a big car accident a few days ago.  You broke
both your
legs and suffered a concussion.  It was obviously to the part of the
brain that controls
speech.  Who's Scully?"
        She's my partner, Dana Scully.
        "Three hospitals took in the victims.  We still have not accounted for
all the dead. 
What does she look like?"
        5'2".  Short red hair.  Blue eyes.
        "Okay we'll keep an eye out for her."
        Fox spent the rest of time beating himself up mentally.  Why didn't he
listen to her. 
He should have gone with her.  He'd then know what happened to her.
        His next thoughts pondered the idea of living without her.
        The doctor came back with a radio for Fox.  In hopes that it would
cheer him up. 
She knew that if he was depressed he wouldn't regain his speech.  Have
you found her
yet? He asked.
        "No not yet Fox.  Is there anything we can do for you?"  He thought for
a second. 
He then started to scribble furiously on the paper.  "Of course Fox." 
And the doctor left.

        Dana spent her time crying and wondering how she would live with out
Fox.  Her
decision was that she couldn't.  She wished she had just told him that
she loved him too.
She also made up her mind that when she was allowed to leave she would
start to look for
Mulder.  She picked up the phone and dialed a number she heard many

        "Well people I have just gotten a request for the same song by two
people.  These
two must be a couple made in heaven.  Here is With or Without You from
Fox in Franklin
hospital to Dana whereever you are.  And from Dana at Memorial to Fox
where ever you
        It took the first few lines for them to realize what was happening. 
Then it
registered.  They had requested the same song for each other.
        Dana quickly picked up the phone and dialed the operator.  "Hello, I'm
trying to
get in touch with Franklin Hospital."  The operator gave her the phone
number.  She
quickly dialed the number.
        "Hello Franklin please hold."
        Fox sat in his room.  He so wanted to call her.  His mind sang along
with the song
on the radio.  
        On a bed of nails she makes me wait
        And I wait with out you.
        With or with out you
        with or with out you
        Through the storm 
        we reach the shore
        you give it all
        But I want more
        and I'm waiting for you
        With or without you
        With or without you
        I can't live.
        With or without you.

        "How can I help you?"  the recptionist asked.
        "Fox Mulder's room please."
        "Please hold."
        "Hello.  Where is Fox?"
        "Who is this?"
        "Dana Scully.  Where is he?"
        "He can't speak."
        "I don't care.  I just want to speek to him."  She bit out.
        The doctor quickly rolled a phone into Fox's room.  Fox's mind was
still singing .
        My hands are tied
        My body brusied
        She got me with
        nothing to win and

        He thoughts were cut off as the doctor came into the room with a
phone.  "Here
Fox.  It's Dana on the phone."  Fox put the phone to his ear.

        And you give yourself away
        And you give yourself away
        And you give
        And you give
        And you give yourself away
        With or without you
        With or without you
        Oh I can't live
        With or without you.

        She sung to him.  "Oh Fox."
        He concentrated very head and opened his mouth.

        With or without you
        With or without you
        Oh, oh I can't live
        With or without you.

        Came his raspy voice.
        With or without you.

        The both sang together.
        "I thought they said you couldn't talk."  Scully commented.
        "What can I say.  You bring out the best in me."


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