The U2 Files - Mysterious Ways
Case Number 94041.1

The U2 Files
Mysterious Ways

        Scully sat in the office waiting for her partner to arrive.  She
had forgiven him.  How could she not!
        And the tickets.  It would be nice to go to a concert.  And if he
was there, all the better.
        Today she was going to get her revenge on him.  After the way he
treated her yesterday, he deserved it.
        But Dana would never sink so low as to pull a practicle joke on
him.  It would be much more fun to play with his mind.
        Luckily enought today was a warm day in D.C. and she could wear the skimpy outfit.
        She looked at herself again.  She had bought this outfit on her
last shopping trip with Mellissa.  That was about two weeks before she
was killed.  Well Missy would apporve of the use of the outfit.  If Dana
remembered correctly that was how she was talked into buying it.  
        She was siting at her desk reading a file when Mulder walked in.
        Dana took off her glasses and then swiveled her chair.  Next she
crossed her legs and put an arm of her glasses on her lips.  "Good
Morning, Mulder"
        He looked up as he was hangin up his coat.  But he missed the
rack and the garment fell to the floor.  Scully just laughed. 
"G'morning Scully."  He chocked out.  He sat down and tried not to let
how uncomfotable he was show.  "Uh, anything new?"  He asked.
        "Not that I'm aware of."  She said in a soft, sexy voice.
        Fox was shocked.  He tried to stay away from her, being his pants
were starting to get a little too tight.  But a case came down for them
and Scully insisted on standing behind him.  Chest pressed up against
his back.
        When she had to bend down she made sure he saw the clevage.  It
was intresting and fun to watch her partner squirm.  As lunch approched
she decided to end the charade.  The dress was a little uncomfortable. 
She was smart to have brought a change of clothing.
        "Mulder I'm going to lunch.  Would you care to join me?"
        "Uh, no.  No thank you Agent Scully.  I brought a sandwich."
        "Your loss."  She sauntered over to his desk and leaned over him.
        Fox tried not to notice.  But then she started to whisper in his
ear.  "Thank you for the ticket."  She then ran her tougew over his
        Before Fox realized it, she was gone.  Fox went to the bathroom
to put some cold water on his face.
        "And she threatened me with a sexual harrasment suit."  He thought as he made his way back to the office.
        He took out his lunch and walkman.  That was when brilence struck

        When Scully came back Mulder had one of the gaurds call him.  She
heard Music as she approched the office.  It sounded familiar.
        When she entered the office it was her turn to be shocked.  There
was Mulder.  Standing on his desk dancing to Mysterious Ways.
                It's alright . . . it's alright . . . it's alright
                lift up my days and light up my nights
        "Come on Dana.  This song is dedicated to you!"
        "Mulder what if Skinner comes in?"
        "Well then he can join us."
        She shrugged her shoulders, kicked off her shoes, and got on her
                It's alright . . . it's alright . . . it's alright
                She moves in mysterious ways
                It's alright . . . it's alright . . . it's alright
                we move through miricle days
                spirit moves in mysterious ways
                she moves with it
                she moves with it
                lift up my days and light up my nights
        When the song ended Mulder got down off his desk and went over to
hers.  He reached out to pick her her up.  Fox held her in his arms.  "Do
you forgive me Dana?"
        "Sorry Fox.  I was just a little crany."
        "S'lright."  he said as he kissed her cheek and put her on the
        Neither one of them mentioned the fact that they called each
other by thier first names.  Nor the fact of the kiss.  But the UST level
was raised just one notch higher in the room, and anyone who entered
the room felt it.


Well that's it for now folks.  Please send e-mail to
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