Well after hours of siting and listening to boring lectures in class I
came up with another on.  

The U2 Files - Love is Blindness
case number 97040.3

The U2 Files
Love is Blindness

        They sat in the car in silence.  It was killing him.  Mulder hated
silence.  He hated stakeouts.  The only thing that made this bearable was
the fact that his partner was siting next to him.
        He looked over at her.  Mulder hoped that she had forgiven him
from the last case they worked on.  Danny had come through with the
tickets.  His only problem was how he was going to give them to her.
        Dana Kathrine Scully was a sleep on his shoulder.  He felt a
little puddle on his shoulder and tried to move without waking her.
        As soon as he moved Scully woke up.  "What?"  She yawned.
        "You were drooling again."
        "Sorry Mulder."  She wiped the side of her mouth.  
        "I'm used to women drooling when I'm around.  Although they are
normally awake when they do."
        Scully just rolled her eyes.  "Did I miss anything?"
        "Well I had stripper here.  Hope we didn't wake you."
        "Mulder."  She really was in no mood.  She had her period and
didn't feel all that great.  "I need to use the bathroom.  There was a
place about a half an hour walk from here.  Do you want me to get you
        "A blond, brunette, and a redhead.  Well no.  I already have you
just a blond and a brunette."
        She just left.  As she walked she wondered why everything with
him had to be a sexual kind of joke.  About an hour later she returned.
        "Did I miss anything?"
        "Well let's see.  Oh, Brown and Maners came by wanting to know if
we needed relief.  I told them that we would beokay for a little longer
and that you just went to get some more condoms for us because I ran out."
        "Whatever, I got you an iced tea."
        "You know what I like."  Mulder leered at her.
        She handed him the can.  He took it and picked up the magazine he
was reading.
        "Mulder, can I ask you a question."
        "Why do you read those magazines?"
        "Well see the thing is I don't have much of a life.  My life is my
work.  And at work I don't get any."  Scully was taken aback.  "So, until
you start laying me, I have to read these magazines."  Mulder looked over
at his partner and imediatly regreated those words.
        "Look Scully.  I'm sorry.  I was joking."
        "Bull shit Mulder."  she picked up her cell phone.  "Hey Maners,
can you come releive us.  I'm not feeling that great.  I think I got the
        "Of course Agent Scully."  And she hung up.
        "Don't talk to me you obnoxious pig.  I've dealt with your sexual
innuendoes for long enough.  Tonight you went to far.  I hope you know by
tomorrow morning you will be facing a sexual harassment suite."
        "I'm sorry.  If they bothered you so much you should have told me.
I would have stopped."  He said sincerely.
        "You really are a fucking bastard.  For someone so smart you can
be really stupid.  Don't you notice the looks I give you.  How about just
ignoring the comments.  I do have a sence of humor.  I could come up with
a few too."
        "Don't talk to me.  There's Manners. Take me home."  They sat in
silence until they reached Scully's home.
        Fox felt like such an ass.  He loved her, but she never got the
hints.  He tried in subtle ways to get her to notice.  It never worked.
Tonight he tried the other end of the spectrum and it backfired into his
        He walked into his appartment cursing.

        Her head was swiming when she got back.  She just wanted to kill
the SOB.
        'Calm down Dana.  Put the radio on, take a shower then rethink
this.' She told herself.
        Scully went to the bathroom and started to run a bubble bath for
herself and turned on the radio.  She then undressed and settled into the
        Soon she was relaxed and humming to the music.
        Familiar music started to play.  U2.  His favorite band.  She
started to get tense.  She liked them a little too.  But it all he played
at times.  She would have gotten up to change it but was too comfortable.
Soon the words started.
        Love is blindness
        I don't want to see
        won't you wrap the night
        around me
        take my heart
        love is blindness.
        In a parked car
        In a crowded street
        you see your love
        made complete
        thread is ripping
        the knot is sliping
        love is blindness.
        Love is clockworks
        and cold steel
        fingers too numb to feel
        squeeze the handle
        blow out the candle
        Love is blindness

        Love is blindness
        I don't wantto see
        won't you wrap the night
        around me
        oh my love

        A little death
        without mourning
        no call
        and no warning
        baby . . . a dangerous idea
        that almost makes sense.

        Love is drowning
        in a deep well
        all the secrets
        and no one to tell
        take the money 

        Love is blindness
        I dont want to see
        won't you wrap the night
        around me
        oh my love

        As the song ended Scully became numb.  That song just described
her partner.
        The darkness and the secrets and everything.  She now understood
why he liked the group.
        Maybe he said those things in the car because he loves me.  Like
that paragraph "In a parked car in a crowded street you see your love made
        Dana shook her head and got out of the tub.  As she made her way
to the kitchen she noticed a white envelope slipped under her door.  She
went over to see it.
        Inside was a ticket to the U2 Pop concert with a note.

        Dear Dara,
                I'll go to the concert "With or Without You". But you are
                the only "One"  I want to go with.

        Scully went over to her cd collection and pulled out the Joshua
Stay tuned people for the continueing adventurs of the U2 files.  E-mail
me with anything at [email protected]

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