The U2 Files - Drowning Man

Disclaimer:  The idea to use the song is Rebecca's.  But I do own the
way they are put together,

Authors  note:  Dedicated to the same people as all the
others, Spook, Rebecca, and Perri. This time I'm
including Esther, Marissa, and Molly.  The concert is
going to rock.

The U2 Files - Drowning Man
Case number : 97051.5

 Fox never thought the day would come. Tonight was the
 concert and he
was going
with the woman he loved just as much as his sister
 He was to pick her up at five.  It was now four.  He
 had just finished
his shower
and was getting dressed when the phone rang.
 "Mulder" . . . "Uh- huh" . . . "Great Danny.  I really
 owe you one."  .
. . "Ha.  I'll
get you a tee shirt." 
 He hung up the phone.  Everything was going well.  It
 almost didn't
happen.  Dana
had a hard week.  He knew that something was bothering
her.  He didn't know what it was.  He didn't want to
push.  She'd tell him when the time was right.
 And the time came the day before the concert.

 "Uh, Fox.  We need to talk."  They had started to call
 each other by
their first
 "Sure what is it?"
 "Why don't we sit down."
 He knew immediately that it would affect them both
 personally.  They
sat in
silence for a few seconds.  "Dana.  You can tell me
anything."  He put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a
light squeeze.
 She cleared her throat.  "Well remember a few weeks ago
 when I didn't
go to
lunch with you?"  Fox only nodded.  "Well that's because
I went to see Dr. Smith."
 Fox knew Dr. Smith all too well.  Had even spoken to
 her a few times
for some
personal reasons.
 "Went to her because I was having problems sleeping. 
 Nightmares, to be
 "What were they about?"  He asked gently.  Easily
 slipping into the
role of
 "About the abduction."  She shuddered.  He squeezed her
 shoulder again
reassure her that she was safe.  Dana took a deep
breath.  "She put me under hypnosis to try and remember
what happened.
 "I started to remember faces."  She stopped again and
 Fox saw the tears
in her
eyes.  "Fox, I'm sorry, but one of the men there was
your father.  I had to tell you.  I'd understand if you
hate me."  She cried into his shoulder.
 "Dana, it's okay."  He ran his hand down her back.  "I
 knew the day my
died, that he did many bad things.  None of it is your
fault.  If anything it adds fuel to the fire of hatred
that I have burning for him."
 "No.  I don't want you to blame your father or anyone
 else for that
matter. Not
even yourself,"
 "Then you don't blame yourself either."  Fox countered.
 "Do you still want to go to the concert with me?"  She
 asked after a
few seconds
of silence.
 "Of course Dana."

 He nervously fingering the box in his pocket as Dana
 got into the car. "Are you ready to go?" "Ready and
 waiting."  Dana answered. He popped a tape into to
 player.  "Made this up to get us 'psyched up'
for the
 "Psyched?  Is that a clinical term?"  She asked with a
 smile. "It's just as good as 'whammie' and 'wacked'."
 "Oh, just play tape."

 The concert got off to a great start.  The band took a
 five minute
break.  There
were going to come back and play some of their old
 "What do you think so far?"  Fox asked.
 "Fox this is wonderful.  How did you get tickets?"
 "Danny helped."
 "Am I ever going to meet this Danny?"
 "all right Washington."  Bono started.  "Normally we
 don't take
requests, but I got
a phone call from an old friend.  This song is dedicated
to Dana."
 "I guess that person is really luck.  Can you believe
 that there is
another Dana in
this crowd?"
 "I bet you I'm the only Fox."
 The band started to play Drowning Man.

 Take my hand
 You know I'll be there
 If you can I'll cross
 The sky for your love
 For I have promised for
 To be with you tonight
 And for the time that will come.

 Take my hand
 You know I'll be there
 If you can I'll cross
 The sky for your love
 and I understand
 These winds and tides
 This change of times
 Won't drag you away
 Hold on, hold on tightly, hold on and don't let go
 of my love.

 The storms will pass
 It won't be long now
 If you can I'll cross the sky
 For your love.
 Give what you hold dear
 Hold on, hold on tightly
 Hold on, hold on tightly
 Rise up, rise up with wings
 Like eagles
 You'll run, you'll run
 You'll run and not grow weary,

 Take my hand, take my hand
 Hold on, hold on tightly
 Hold on, hold on tightly
 This love lasts forever
 This love lasts forever
 Take my hand
 Take my hand.

 Dana was too wound up in the concert to notice Fox take
 out the ring
and fall to
his knees.
 As the song ended Bono got back on the mic.  "Dana,
 will you marry me. 
 It was then Dana looked down at Mulder.  "So will you?"
 "Yes.  Of course yes."  He slid the ring on her finger.
  The whole
audience was
 "She said yes."  Fox called out to the crowd.
 "All right.  Congratulations you two.  Stop by after
 the show."  And
the show

 As Fox and Dana made their way backstage Dana was in
 shock.  "Don't
tell me
 "Why not?  He and Bono used to go to school together."
 "Fox, I love you."
 "Fox, it's wonderful to meet you.  Danny told me so
 much about you." 
shook his hand.
 "I've heard quite a few about you.  This is my fiancé,
 Dana." "A pleasure to meet you.  I just hope you
 realize we expect to be
invited to the
 "Of course."
 Dana was in shock all night long.  It wasn't until she
 woke up the next
morning in
Fox's arms did she realize it wasn't a dream.


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