The U2 Files - All I Want is You

Authors Note: 
Again I dedicate this to Spook and Rebecca. Both for
wanting me to continue.  And to Perri for bringing me to
the realization of the band U2 a couple of years ago. 

The U2 Files - All I Want Is You
Case Number: 97041.5

 Scully truged into her apartment.  Today had totally
 sucked.  She
didn't know a
better way to describe it.  Besides the usual toll the
day took on her today there had been more.
 She had gotten her period, a constant reminder that her
clock was
slowly ticking away.  She had spent the last three
nights waking up from nightmares. Once awake she could
not remember what exactly happened.  But she did know
that it had to do with her abduction.
 Therefore she had made an appointment with the bureau's
 psychologist. Dr. Smith had put her under hypnosis. 
 This time she didn't stop when
it got scary,
she stayed with it.
 But now that she knew what happened, she wished she had
 stopped. And then there was Fox.  Each day he acted
 differently.  Last month
they had
danced together on their desks.  Now he seemed no to
remember it and treated her just like his partner.  She
knew why, but he also stopped all his fun teasing.
 She turned on the radio and went to take a shower. 
 Afterwards she put
on a tee-
shirt and sweats.  Then she settled down on the couch.
 Not liking what was on the radio she put on her CD
 player.  'U2'  She
thought and
closed her eyes

 You say you want a diamond on a ring of gold
 You say you want your truth to remain untold.

 'I'd love to get married.  But with all that I've been
 through men
would think I was
certifiable.  Mrs. Spooky'

 All the promises we make from the
 Cradle to the grave
 When all I want is you.

 'People have always told me what was true.  But with
 all of our work
and what
I've seen, what is the truth?  What I've learned in the
past can't be it.'

 You say you'll give me a highway with no one on it
 Treasures just to look upon it.
 All the riches in the night
 You say you'll give me eyes on a moon of blindness
 A river in a time of dryness
 A harbor in the tempest.

 For the promises we make from the cradle to the grave
 When all I want is you.

 'He wants me to believe what he believes.  For him with
 all the proof,
there is no
way it can't be the truth.  I keep telling him that I
don't believe. But It seems to be the only logical
explanation at times.'

 You say you want your love to work out right
 To last throughout the night
 You say you want a diamond on a ring of gold.
 Your story to remain untold
 Your love not to grow cold.

 'Maybe I want to much out of life.  I have this great
 guy at work who
likes me
even with everything that has happened to me.  Maybe he
is the one for me.  But I can't hide the thing about his
father from him.  But what will happen after he finds

 All the promises we break from the
 Cradle to the grave
 When all I want is you.

 All I want is you

 'But if I don't tell him, he'll hate me more.  And I
 won't be able to
stand that.  I
have to tell him.  But should I do it before or the
concert or after? There are only two more weeks.  By the
end on the week defiantly.'


Well what did you think.  Will work for feedback! 
[email protected]

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