Title: Lost Childhood
Spoilers: Fourth Season
Keywords: Mulder/Scully Frienship/UST, Mulder and child

Authors Notes:  Thanks to Rebecca Rusnak, (I highly recomend her
stuff!!!!!)  Sue, the best room mate a person could have, And Perri, who
can never get enough fanfic.    

Lost Childhood(1/1)

        There was a knock on the door.  "I'm coming."  He called.  The
sight he saw when he opened the door.  Shocked him.  "Can I help you?"
        "Are you Mr. Fox Mulder?"  The little girl asked.
        "Yes.  Who are you?"
        "My mommy told me to come to you if something happened.  Here is a
note."  She handed the paper to him.
        "Come in and sit down meanwhile.  What's your name?"
        Fox blinked.  He then turned to the letter.  He quickly picked up
the phone and dialed a number.
        "Hey Scully It's me."
        "What is it Mulder?"
        "I need your help.  Can you come over?"
        "It's ten o'clock"
        "Are you hurt?"
        "No I just need your help with something."
        "All right Mulder.  I'll be there as soon as possible."
        "Thanks."  He looked over at the young girl.  She had curled
herself into a small ball on his couch and fell asleep.  'She's probably
exhausted.'  Mulder thought.  He picked her up gently and carried her
into his bedroom. He took off her shoes and her knapsack.  He then
removed her pants, but left her in the shirt.  Once she was in the bed
Fox covered her with the blanket.  He sat there watching her and reading
the letter until he heard the knock on the door.
        "What is it Mulder?"  Scully asked as she came into the apartment.
        "Here I need you to see something.  But you have to be quiet." 
Mulder led her to his bedroom. He slowly opened the door so she could
look in.  Once Mulder thought she saw the girl he closed the door and
went back to the living room.
        "Mulder, she looks a little to young for you."  Scully tried to
        It was Mulder's turn to roll his eyes at her.  "Read this."  He
gave her the letter while he went to get himself two aspirin as he felt
a headache start.
        Dear Fox,
                I know it's been a while.  Two years.  I would
not have        asked for your help if I wasn't in trouble.  If
you are reading this    letter I can only assume that I have
disappeared or I'm dead.  The   girl is my daughter
Samantha.  I told her she had to get to you if  anything has
happened to me.  I don't know how old she is but I      wrote
this letter when she was two and instructed her how to find
        you.  She's very smart for someone so young.
                I'm still working for the government but they
offered me      this job for more money.  I accepted but only
recently realized       the dangers associated with it.  I
need you to watch my    daughter for me.  
                Before you even try and guess, she is yours. 
That's why I    left.  I could have stayed in D.C. but I
soon realized that I was        pregnant.  I didn't want you
to be burdened with the idea of         a child, so I left.  I
hope you are not still angry at me.  I loved    you.  I
still do.  I know you will take care of Samantha the best
you     can.  
                I named her after your sister.  I know she is
not dead, but   still.  I love the name and I want to make
sure she lives on       forever.
                Thank you again, Fox.  I really appreciate it.
                                                Love Always and Forever,
                                                      Jesse Bobbi Ryle

        "I know Scully.  I have a daughter.  I don't know what to do?"
        "When did she show up?"
        "Just before I called you."
        "What about the mother?"  Scully asked as he sat down on the couch
next to her.
        "That was before you.  I had a partner when I started the X-Files. 
Jesse Bobbi Ryle.  We first worked together while I was in VC.  We went
out a few times and got romantically involved.  After being involved
together for about two months I got word that she was transferred.  I
tried to contact her but she would not answer r any of my letters or
phone calls.  I thought it was something I did.  I probably would have
kept after her, but they then sent you to spy on me, and I sort of put
my work first."
        "So the kid is yours?"
        "If she is than she should be about four.  Samantha fell asleep on
the couch.  I put her to bed."
        "What are you going to do?"
        "I'm going to take a personal day tomorrow.  I want to spend some
time with my d- daughter.  Man I never thought I'd get to say those
words.  Scully can you believe it I have a child.  What I'm I going to
do with her?"
        "Well you know her mom disappeared.  I can talk to Skinner.  And
maybe we can work on it as a missing persons case."
        "But Skinner would never allow it."
        "I'll let you in on a little secret.  I think Skinner has the hots
for me.  I mean I'm flattered.  He's not bad looking.  Just a little too
old for me.  I sort of have him wrapped around my finger."
        "I've noticed that he actually listens and takes what you say
without question.  I guess I just assumed that he believed you over me."
        "Anyway.  I can talk to him tomorrow."
        "But what am I going to do with Sam if we go off on a case.  I
can't just leave her with food in a dish.  She isn't a pet."
        "Well we can ask my mom if she will watch her.  She'd do just
about anything for you.  She still thinks that we will be married by the
turn of the millennium"
        Fox laughed.  "Only if Sam doesn't mind."
        "Well Mulder I got to go.  I have work tomorrow.  I'll give you a
call, and tell you what is going on."
        "Thanks Scully, I owe you one."
        "I'll put it on the tab."  As she was leaving she turned around. 
"You know Mulder, when we were working on the Peacock case, you said
that you never saw me as a mother before.  Well, I never really ever
thought of you as a father before, but I'm sure you will be good at it. 
You have a way with kids."  She gave him a smile.  Something that was
rare and left.
        Mulder slept on the couch.  He was awakened by a screem coming
form his room.  He ran into the room to see the young girl screaming in
terror.  "Easy Samantha.  It's okay."  He sat down on the bed near her. 
"It's going to be okay Samantha.  I'm going to be here for you.  We will
find your mother."  
        The girl slowly calmed down.  "Are you sure?"  She asked.
        "Yes Samantha."
        "Then my mom really disappeared?"
        "I don't think you would be here if she didn't."
        "Can I ask who you are?  My mommy just told me to get to you."
        "My name is Fox Mulder." 
        That got a giggle from her.  "That isn't your real name?"
        "Yes it is."  He smiled
        "My name is Samantha Donna Ryle."
        "How old are you Samantha?"
        "I'm going to be five in august."
        "Wow you are a big girl.  Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
        "No.  My mommy isn't married."
        "Did she tell you about your father?"
        "She said that he was a nice man.  And that she loved him.  And
maybe I could meet him when I was older.  Are you my daddy?"
        "Well from the letter you gave me and the way it sounds.  Yes I am
your daddy."
        "I knew it.  When I asked mommy she just didn't answer me.  You
also look a little like me.  We have the same eyes."
        "You are a very smart little girl."
        "Mommy says I get that from you."
        "Your mommy is very kind."  He saw the girl start to sniffle as
they talked about Jesse.  "Are you hungry?"  She nodded.
        "Well I don't have much in the way of food.  How about we get you
dressed and we go out."
        "Can I take a bath?"
        "Sure you can.  The bathroom is right there."  Mulder pointed.
        "I need your help."
        "Oh.  Okay.  But you are going to have to tell me what to do. 
I've never washed a little girl before."
        The bath went pretty well according to Fox.  He was nervous.  Not
quite sure how to give her bath.  But then his memories fell back to the
times that his mom let him help give his sister a bath.  That had always
been a special privilege.  Only when his father was not around was he
allowed to. 
        The phone rang as he was helping Samantha get dressed.
        "Hello Mulder."
        "It's me."
        "Oh Scully.  Have you talked to Skinner yet?"
        "Yeah.  He wants you to come in to talk to him about it."
        "But what about Samantha?"
        "Bring her in."
        "Daddy can you tie my shoe?"  Samantha asked.
        "Yeah.  She figured it out.  I didn't tell her.  And I couldn't
tell her a lie.  We are going to go out for breakfast.  And then we'll
swing by the office."
        "All right.  I'll see you then."
        Mulder hung up the phone and tied the girls shoes.  "Who was
        "That was someone I work with.  I have to go to work and talk to
my boss for a little.  We are going to go after breakfast.  Is that
        She nodded.  "Where do you work?"
        "Have you ever heard of the FBI?"  She nodded again.  "Well that's
were I work."
        "My mommy works for them also."
        Over breakfast Fox asked Samantha questions about her mom and
where she was when she disappeared, and questions like that.  She
answered them the best she could.  He was amazed at the little girl. 
She had flown from California to D.C. and then took a cab to his
building all by herself.  He was able to see a little of himself in the
        The way she spoke and answered his questions.  She was right about
the eyes.  Her's also changed colors depending on how she felt.  She
also had her chin.  The fact that she sucked her thumb made him think
back to his childhood.
        As they walked into the building she had one hand in his and the
other was in her mouth.  He thought that he was going to be able to get
to his office without meeting anyone annoying.  But he wasn't so lucky.
        "Hey Spooky.  Seen any UFO's lately?"  Agent Gatica commented.
        Mulder walked by ignoring the agents. 
        "Who is that?  Is that a little alien?"  Agent Lamm commented.
        "Look gentlemen, I normally don't mind you insulting me.  Hey
normally I ignore it.  But I recommend you learn to act better in
public.  As you can see my four year old daughter has more manners than
you do."  And with that Mulder walked off, as the group of agents could
only stand there in shock.
        "Why do they call you names?"  Sam asked in the elevator.
        "Because I scare then sometimes with the things I can do.  And
they are jealous of me."  It was the best way he could think about it.  
        "I can also do some stuff that scares my mommy.  She said that I
got it from my daddy."
        "What is it?"
        "I can remember everything."
        "Like anything you see, hear, and smell?"
        "Yep.  That was how I was able to get to your street.  I couldn't
read it but she showed me a piece of paper once with the address on it. 
So I just rewrote it and gave it to the driver."
        "I can do the same thing."  They walked into the office.  She put
her thumb back in her mouth and stood closer to Fox when Scully walked
        "Skinner said that we should head up whenever you get here."
        "First I want to introduce you to Samantha."  He squatted down on
the floor next to her.  "Samantha this is my partner " He didn't know
what to call her.
        "Dana."  Scully added in.  She bent over to put out her hand.  "Hi
Samantha."  Sam shook the offered hand.  Fox stood up and Sam grabbed
his hand again.
        "You don't have to be scared of Dana."  He said to the girl.  But
he knew that she had been through a lot and just let her cling to him.
        "I guess we showed go up and see Skinner."  And they headed out of
the office.  "How was your morning?"  She tried to get Samantha talking.
        "Well we started the morning off with a bath.  Then we got dressed
and went out for breakfast."  Mulder said when Samantha wasn't
        "You gave her a bath?"  
        "Yeah?  I used to help bathe Sam when she was a baby."
        Sam looked up at him at the mention of her name.  "Oh.  I didn't
mean you.  My sister's name is Samantha also."
        Sam looked back around the waiting room they were in.
        "I don't know.  I can't really picture you giving some one a
        "I give a great bath."  He said to justify himself.
        "I bet you do."  Skinner said as he came out of the office.
        Mulder and Scully stood.  "Sorry sir."
        "Come in."  The followed their boss in.  There were only two
chairs so Mulder put Sam on his lap.
        Skinner was taken back at Mulder's actions.  "Agent Scully has
informed me about a case you'd like to investigate."
        "Yes sir.  It's a missing person's case in California."
        "How did you come about this case."
        "Well sir. Samantha came to me with a note from her mother."
        "Sorry.  Sir, this is my daughter Samantha Ryle."  He handed the
letter over to Skinner.  "Samantha, this is my boss Mr. Skinner."
        "Hello Samantha."  He immediately softened.
        "Hi."  She said quietly.
        Skinner read the letter.  "Do you have any other information?"
        "Yes. I have spoken to Samantha about the matter and she gave me
some information.  I could have a report for you by tomorrow morning."
        "It seems to be okay.  Let me read your report and I'll give you
my final answer then."
        "Yes sir.  Thank you."  Mulder and Scully got up.
        "It was nice meeting you Samantha."  She continued to suck her
thumb and just nodded.
        They walked back to Mulder's office.  All the agents looked at the
child holding ole' spooky's hand.  "Well Sam it looks like I have to do
a little work here.  It won't be too long.  I can give you some paper
and pens if you want to draw."
        "Daddy I have to go to the bathroom."
        "Scully can you please?"
        "Sure Mulder.  Come on Sam."
        Samantha was reluctant.  "Sam I would go with you but I can't go
into the ladies room.  I promise you that Scully won't hurt you.  She
has taken care of me before and look I'm fine."
        "Okay."  And Samantha went to hold onto Scully's hand.

Mulder went right to work in hopes to get out of the office
sooner.  He wanted to do a little shopping being he only had iced tea,
beer, pizza, and Chinese food in his fringe.
        "Your very pretty Dana."
        "Thank you Samantha.  So are you."
        "Are you also my daddy's girlfriend?"
        "No.  We are just work partners."
        "Oh.  I think you'd like nice together, and I think he likes you."
        "How old are you?"
        "I'm going to be five in August."
        "Well your defiantly smart.  Did you sleep well last night?"
        "Yes.  The bed was huge.  But I had nightmares about my mommy."
        "Did you tell your dad?"  It was funny calling Mulder dad.
        "No.  It was just because of what happened to my mommy."

        "What do you mean?"
        "Well I keep seeing who took her in my dreams."
        "You should tell him.  He knows a lot about dreams."
        When they arrived back at the office, Mulder was deep in work. 
Scully took out some paper and a few crayons.  "I hold them for when I
baby-sit my nephews. Unfortunatly we don't have a place for you to sit."
        "I can sit on the floor."  And she plopped herself onto the floor
and started to color.
        "Mulder, how's it going?"
        "Huh?  Oh you are back.  Where's Sam?"
        "She's coloring on the floor.  You need anything?"
        "A little more information on what Jesse was doing in California. 
The letter said that she was working with the FBI Branch over there. 
But then got offered a better job, or so she thought."
        "I'll call and see if I can find anything out.  Oh and Sam let it
slip she had night mares about the people who took her mom."
        "Thank Scully.  I've been a little distracted lately."
        "Totally understandable."
        "Samantha, can you come here for a second?"  The little girl got
up and walked over to him.  He took her onto his lap.  Scully looked up
at the sight of her partner with the girl.  It almost made her heart
stop.  It was a very special moment.
        "Agent Scully told me that you have been having nightmares about
the people who took your mommy?"
        "Yes.  I saw them."
        "Did they see you?"
        "No.  I was hiding under the floor."
        "Because mommy said she had to keep me a secrete or the bad men
would take me and hurt me."
        "Can you tell me what they looked like?"
        The girl nodded. "Scully I'm going up to imaging."
        She nodded while on the phone.
        When Mulder came back Scully was still on the phone.  Samantha
went back to coloring on the floor.  "We faxed over the pictures of two
men Sam saw.  Hopefully someone over there can help ID them."
        Scully related the conversation and the information she received
over the phone.  Mulder worked for about another hour before deciding to
call it a day.  "Sam you ready to go?"
        "Okay daddy, can I just finish this picture?"
        "Sure.  I'll be right back."
        Sam was giving the crayons back to Scully.  "Thank you."  She
        "What kind of pictures did you draw?"
        Samantha showed the pictures.  Most were of the normal things
little girl drew.  Rainbows, flowers, hearts, houses.  But it was the
last picture that Mulder was interested in.  It was of two people.  It
was only as a child could draw.  There were two people.  They were stick
figures.  One was wearing a skirt and had red hair.  She was shorted
than the other figure who had dark hair and was as tall as the paper
allowed.  There was also one heart in pink in between the two figures.
        "Who is this Sam?"
        "It's you and Dana."
        Hearing her name Scully got up and looked at the picture.  "It's
wonderful Sam."
        "I think we should hang it up here in the office."
        "Mulder are you sure?"
        "Why not.  It will give you something else to look at besides UFO
        "But the heart."
        "All little girls like to put hearts in their pictures."
        "Fine.  But I need to tell you something.  Give me a call later."
        "Sure.  I'll probably be in for a little while tomorrow too."  He
said as he hung his daughter's picture on the wall.
        Fox and Sam ran their errands before heading home.  "Sam did you
go to school back in California?"  When she didn't answer he stopped
unpacking the groceries and went to find her.  She was on the bed
holding something and crying.
        Fox picked her up and carried her into the living room.  He sat
down in his arm chair with her on his lap.  "What's wrong Baby?"  He
held her close to him.  "You can tell me?  What are you holding?"
        Samantha's tear streaked face looked up and handed the object to
Fox.  It was a picture of her and her mother.  "You miss your mommy?"
        She nodded.  "Dana and I are looking for her.  We are going to
find her.  And maybe then we can see about being a family.  Would you
like that?"
        "But she said that she might be dead.  What will happen to me?"
        "I don't think that she is dead.  But if she is then you can live
with me."  Sam started to cry again.  "I know it hurts to think about
your mom.  But we will find her."  He also had tears in her eyes.  It
hurt him to see her cry.  He stood up and walked over to the book case.
        "You see this picture?"
        Samantha nodded.
        "That is my sister Samantha."
        "How old is she?"  
        "Well in this picture she is eight.  But she would be 33 if she
were here."
        "Where is she?"
        He took the picture and went back to the chair.  "I don't know. 
She disappeared when I was only 12.  She was 8.  I miss her a lot also."
        "And you haven't found her?"
        "No.  But I haven't stopped looking for her and thinking that she
is alive somewhere.  I think you should do the same thing.  How about we
take this picture of you mom and put her in the frame with my sister. 
That way maybe they can be together.  Is that okay?"
        The girl only nodded still disturbed.
        Fox stood up.  "Hey we haven't unpacked your bag yet.  Let's see
what you brought.  I'll give you a ride."  He put her on his shoulder
and they went into the bedroom.
        Sam started to get hungry at around five and Fox decided to make
dinner.  He had learned a lot about his daughter that afternoon.  After
their heart to heart they unpacked her knapsack.  It only had three
pairs of clothing.  They'd have to go shopping tomorrow for some more
clothing.  They also watched cartoons.  Mulder was happy to see that she
didn't really like the action shows.  She was happy watching
Nickelodeon.  Once again he blessed cable.
        He was making spaghetti and meat sauce when there was a knock at
the door.  "Who is it?"  He called.
        "It's me."  
        "Be right there."  He ran to get the door.
        "What's going on?"
        "Dinner.  Spaghetti and meat sauce.  Your welcome to stay."
        "If it's not too much trouble."
        "No problem at all."
        "Where is Sam?"
        "She's watching T.V.  Nick, to be exact.  Do you have any news?"
        "Yeah.  I got some files and other things I think you should look
at.  That's why I came over."
        "We can talk after she goes to sleep.  What do you think the
appropriate bedtime for a four year old is?"
        "I don't know.  Seven maybe."
        "I was thinking the same thing.  Dinner is just about ready.  Can
you set the table.  I have dishes in the cabinet over there."
        Scully went about her task.  She pulled out the iced tea for her
and Mulder.  "What does Sam like to drink?"
        "The fruit punch is hers.  Muchkin dinner is ready."  He said as
he put the food on the table.
        She came in and Mulder picked her up.  "You don't mind if Dana
joins us for dinner."
        "It's okay.  Have you found my mommy?"
        "Not yet.  But we have some ideas."
        "Okay.  Daddy says that you will find her."
        "I promise you we will." 
        Small talk was made over dinner.  Mostly Dana asking Samantha
questions about favorite colors and dolls and television shows.  She
really knows a lot about children.  He thought as he watched her.
        "Sam you can watch TV while we clean up but then it's bath time
and bed time."  
        "Can you tell me a story?"
        "I don't see why not."
        Sam went back into the living room as Mulder and Scully cleaned
up.  "I heard about your run in with Gatica and Lamm.  They were
grilling me if it were true and everything.  You were the talk of the
office today."
        "Great just what I need."
        "Hey at least it wasn't Spooky stories all the time."  Scully then
proceeded to tell him everything that occurred after he left.  That
conversation went all through the bath and into bed time.
        "Okay you want a story."  Fox started as he tucked his daughter
into bed.  "Let me see if I have any books."  Fox went to the bookcase
and took out two books.  "Alright we have Fox in Socks or Cat in the
        "Never heard any of them."
        "Then we'll start with Fox in Socks."  And Mulder stared to read.
        Scully stood by the wall.  There was something about Mulder that
made her want him.  Maybe it was her internal clock ticking away.  But
anyway she was enraptured at how he told the story.  Never once tripping
up the rhymes, that Dr. Suess was known for driving people crazy with.
        "Okay Sam, now it's time for you to go to sleep.  Tomorrow is
going to be a busy day."
        "Are you going to go back into the office?"
        "Yes.  It's only going to be for a short time."  Samantha didn't
look happy.  "I know it's not that fun in the office, I don't even like
going there all that much.  But if I want to find your mommy than I have
to go into the office.  How about before we go in we get you a coloring
book and some crayons?"
        "Really?"  Fox smiled at his daughter.  "Okay."
        "Good."  He tucked the comforter tighter around his daughter. 
"Sleep well."  And he kissed her on the forehead.
        When they got back into the kitchen Scully turned to face him. 
"Alright where's the real Fox Mulder?"
        "What are you talking about Scully."
        "What are you?  Some kind of alien clone. Do I have to cut you to
see if you bleed?  No don't tell me that they let you out Eddie.  Turn
around let me see if you have a tail."
        "Scully?  What are you talking about?"  He held her upper arms.
        "I mean you, I've never seen you like this before.  It's almost
like you are a different person.  Your apartment is clean, you behaved
yourself today in front of Lamm and Gatica.  You cooked dinner.  Gave
her a bath, tucked her in, and read her a story."
        "What are you saying?  That you thought that I was a cold person,
that I can't care for anyone?"
        "No it's just I always thought of you as the normal" He stifled a
giggle. "bachelor.  You know messy apartment, couldn't care less if you
had a kid around or not.  You seem domesticated."
        "Normally it takes a wife to do something like that to a guy.  Are
you implying something?"  He joked. "No but seriously, when Samantha
disappeared, there was no one to love me, or for me to love.  It always
felt as if I had to earn the love, it was never freely given.  And my
parents never let me express love for them.  I tried with Phoebe, but
you know how that turned out.  Now I was given Samantha.  She loves me
no matter.  I don't have to prove anything to her to earn the love.  And
she gives me an place to give love to."
        "I guess I never realized how your parents treated you."  She felt
bad for him.  Yes Samantha was the best thing that could happen to him. 
Dana hoped that if they found Jesse that she'd allow Mulder to visit
Samantha a lot and have her as a daughter.
        "Now you said you have some information to share."  Fox changed
the subject.  He never liked the topic of his childhood too much.
        "Yeah."  And Scully laid out the papers and started to talk.
        "You realize that we are going to have to go to L.A. if we are to
research this more."  She concluded.
        "I know.  But what am I going to do with Sam?"
        "Well I can ask my mom if she will watch her."
        "I don't want to impose on her.  It's not like my goldfish."
        "Mulder, my mom would do anything for you.  You know that.  She
holds you in two regards.  To her you are either a son or a son-in-law."
        "But Sam has to meet her first."
        "But when?  We should probably leave soon.  Tomorrow is Friday. 
Either tomorrow night or Saturday morning."
        "What are you doing tomorrow?"
        "I'm working."
        "How about taking a half a day.  I need to get Samantha some
clothing.  She only has one more outfit left."
        "I don't know."
        "Come on.  You know more about little girls clothing than I do. 
You can invite your mother.  That way Sam can meet her."
        "Can I call her from here?"
        "Sure.  Just tell her that you want to talk to her tomorrow so you
thought that you could go shopping."
        "You don't want her to know that you're going to be there with
your daughter."
        "Naw.  I think your mother will like the surprise."
        "Okay."  Dana dialed the number.  "Hi mom."
        "Dana?  Hello dear.  What's wrong?"
        "Nothing much.  What are you doing tomorrow?"
        "Nothing why?"
        "How do you fell about some shopping and dinner?"
        "Dana what's wrong?"
        "Nothing Mom.  I'm going on another case on Saturday. I thought
that we could talk before I go."
        "Is Fox going on the case with you?"
        "Yes mother.  He is my partner."  She turned around to face him. 
He had a smile on his face.
        "Do you want to talk about him?"
        "Mom, will you come?"
        "Tell me does it have to do with Fox?"
        "Yes it does have to do a little with Fox."
        "God mother.  You'd think that you had the hots for him or
        "Believe me dear you could do a lot worse.  but I won't take him
from you.  Where should I meet you?"
        "In the food court at 12:30.  We can catch lunch first."
        "All right Dana.  I'll see you then.  Tell Fox I say hello."
        "Thank you mom."  She said sweetly as she hung up the phone.
        She turned around to face Mulder whose face was red.  "It's not
that bad.  She just likes you a lot.  But you shouldn't worry.  She says
that she won't take you away from me."
        "Tell her I'm honored."
        "See you tomorrow Mulder."

        Scully got to the office at nine.  She made an appointment to see
skinner at around eleven and left him a folder with a few reports in it. 
Mulder came in around ten, with Sam.
        "Did you have any problems this morning?"
        "What do you have there Sam?"
        "Daddy bought me a coloring book and crayons and a puzzle and a
book."  Sam was more comfortable around Dana.
        "Wow you are lucky.  Did he tell you that we are going to go
shopping later to get you some clothing?"
        "He said that you were bringing someone with you.  I hope it isn't
your boyfriend."
        Mulder spit the coffee out of his mouth.  "What did you mean by
that Sam?"
        "I don't you want you to be jealous of her boyfriend."
        "No Sam I don't have a boyfriend."
        "Good.  My daddy doesn't have a girl friend."
        "My mom is going to meet us there.  You are definitely going to
like her.  Mulder you better go wash off your shirt.  We have a meeting
with Skinner at eleven."
        "I'm starting to have second thoughts about leaving her with your
mom."  He whispered as he walked by.  "Who knows what they would have
planned out by the time we get back."  Scully just laughed.
        "Let's see this puzzle you're daddy got for you."  She said as he
left the office.
        Of course leave it to Mulder to find the only alien puzzle in D.C. 
But Samantha seemed to like it.  She was starting to put it together
when her father came back.  At five to eleven they went up to Skinner's
office.  Sam had her book with her.
        "Your daughter can sit on the couch Agent Mulder."  Skinner said
as he extended his hand to the girl.  Sam looked at her father and then
at the man who was his boss.  She took the hand and allowed herself to
be lead over to the couch.  There she sat and opened her book, happy to
look at the pictures.
        Skinner missed the look that Mulder and Scully exchanged while his
back was turned to them.  "Please have a seat.  I read over the file
that Agent Scully left for me.  This kind of case seems to fit in with
the X-Files.  But you realize that you will have to go to Los Angeles to
further investigate."
        "Yes sir.  Agent Scully plan to leave on Saturday.  We figure her
mother will watch Samantha for us."  Mulder answered seeing where the
conversation was going.
        "Good Agent Mulder.  Then I see no reason to detain you here any
longer.  I expect reports on the progress of this case.  And please be
        "Is there a reason that we should take extra care with this case
sir?"  Scully asked quizzically.
        "I've done a little investigating on my own and found some facts
that you might find interesting.  A friend of yours seems to be
involved.  I put it into the folder."
        "Thank you sir." 
        "You both seemed to have taken a half a day today.  Might I ask
        "It's personal sir, but I need to go shopping with Samantha before
tomorrow and we want Samantha to meet Scully's Mother too."
        "Okay Agent Mulder.  But when you get back from this case I want
you to take a few days off to spend with your daughter.  Family is a
very important thing in a persons life.  You are dismissed."
        "Thank you sir."  Mulder said.  "Come on Sam."  The little girl
hopped off the couch and ran into her father's waiting arms.  He lifted
her up and carried her out of the office.
        Skinner smiled to himself.  Yes this is what Mulder needed.  He
just hopped that the girls mother was still alive.  And if she was only
Mulder and Scully would be able to find her.  It was also nice to see
Agent Scully take an active roll in the life of Mulder's daughter.  If
for some reason the mother was dead, Scully would have to fit that roll.

        Fox, Dana, and Samantha sat at a table in the food court waiting
for Margaret Scully.  "Samantha, Agent Scully and I have to go to Los
Angeles tomorrow to look for your mommy."
        "Am I going with you?"
        "No sweetie.  It might be dangerous, and I don't want anyone to
hurt you.  Dana and I were thinking that maybe you can stay with her
        "Can't I stay with your mom?"
        Dana looked at him.  Holding her breath for the answer.  "She is
angry at me for something I did.  Maybe when you get older or when I get
home I'll explain it to you.  You will like Mrs. Scully.  She is very
nice.  She has even taken care of me when I was sick."
        Samantha wasn't pleased.  "You don't have to tell me what you
think yet.  You can tell me tonight after you spend some time with her. 
        "I guess."
        "Well put on that cute little smile that I can't say no to because
here comes Mrs. Scully."
        She approached the table hesitantly.  "Dana."  she gave her
daughter a kiss.  "Fox."  She gave him a hug as he pulled a chair out
for her.
        "Hi Mom.  Thanks for coming."
        "I thought it was just going to be me and you?"
        "Well I told you it had to do with Mulder."
        "And who is this young lady?"
        "Mrs. Scully this is Samantha Ryle, my daughter."
        Margaret shook the little girls hand as Fox spoke.  "Your what?"
        "Her mother and I were friends before Dana and I started working
together.  It seems that I am Samantha's father."
        "Well congratulations Fox."
        "Thank you."
        They made small talk during lunch.  Samantha was talking to Mrs.
Scully and Fox and Dana just sat there watching them.  After lunch they
made their way through the mall looking for clothing.  They didn't buy
much clothing just enough for two weeks with out doing laundry.  Fox
fell in love with the GAP clothing and most of Sam's clothing came from
        Margaret was enjoying herself a lot.  It was so nice to see her
daughter and her partner spending free time together.  Add in an
adorable little girl and the scene was priceless.  Especially when
another couple would tell Fox and Dana how cute their daughter was.  
        "Mom.  The real reason we asked you to come here is because Fox
needs to ask you a question."
        "Does he want me to watch Sam?"
        "He doesn't know where else to leave her.  His mother hasn't
talked to him since he accused her of not telling the truth and having
an affair."
        "Well then tell Fox, I'd be happy to.  What does Samantha have to
say about it."
        "He is letting her make up her mind about it, but in the end she
doesn't really have a choice."  Dana smiled at the parenting technique
that Mulder was using.  
        "Just like we used to do with you and Melissa and your brothers."
        "You know Dana I don't think I've ever seen Fox so happy and
        "I know. It's like he is a different person.  He is more awake
when I see him.  Not so moody."
        "Dana, I have to go to the bathroom.  Can you take me?"  Samantha
asked as she and her father met back up with the Scully women.
        "How about I take you."  Margaret said.  She was shocked that Sam
had asked Dana.
        "Okay."  She took the woman's hand and they left.
        "Why did you ask Dana to go to the bathroom?"
        "Because my daddy couldn't take me.  But I'm happier that you can
take me."
        "You know that your daddy wants you to stay with me while he is
        "Yes.  He doesn't want me to get hurt."
        "Do you want to stay with me?"
        "If you would allow me to?"
        "I'd love to have you."
        "Why do you say that?"
        "Because Dana and my daddy need some more time alone."
        "What do you mean Samantha?"
        "I think they should get married.  They look nice together.  My
daddy likes Dana.  And I think Dana likes him.  And I think Dana is very
        "Samantha, we are going to have to do a little planning."
        When the they got back to Fox and Dana they were still talking. 
"Feel better Munchkin?"
        "Uh huh.  Oh and I will stay with Mrs. Scully.  She said that it
would be all right."
        "Thanks Mrs. Scully.  You are a life saver."
        "No problem Fox.  When are you leaving tomorrow?"
        "We have a nine o'clock flight."  Dana answered.
        "I totally forgot about getting Samantha to your house."  Fox
        "I can stay with Dana.  When you pick her up tomorrow to go to the
airport you can drop Samantha off."
        "Are you sure you okay with that mom?"
        "I suggested it didn't I?  That way Sam can sleep in her Dad's
house.  I know how important it is for a child to have stability."
        "Thank you again Mrs. Scully."
        "Fox call me Mom, and you cutie can call me grandma?"
        "I never had a grandma before."  Samantha said.
        The rest of the night went well.  They said good-bye after dinner
and went their own way. "Dana I must thank you."
        "For what mom?"
        "For letting me witness tonight.  Fox is amazing with that girl."
        "I know what you mean mom.  He loves her so much.  You can tell by
the way he looks at her."
        "He looks at you the same way dear."
        "Anyway.  Do you know about the mother?"
        "Only what Mulder told me and from some files that I dug up. 
Bobbie Ryle was Mulder's partner before me.  She left 2 months after
they got involved with each other for no reason.  He didn't even know
that she was pregnant."
        "I think that Samantha is the best thing that has happened to him
in a long time.  He looks great with a child.  And with you there too. 
It was a cute little family picture."
        "You had to see Fox last night.  It was adorable to see him give
the girl a bath and read her a story.  It was the sweetest thing I ever
        Margaret didn't correct the fact that her daughter had called him
Fox and was captivated by him.  "Did she go into the office yet?"
        "Yeah.  Yesterday and today.  The look of the faces of the other
agents were amazing.  The way they looked at Mulder when he told them
that she was his daughter and the way he carried her around in his
        "I bet Mr. Skinner must have loved it."
        "He was a totally different person.  He was so endearing to the
little girl."   
        "That little girl is wonderful she is so beautiful that it's hard
not to fall in love with her when you first see her.  She is also a
sweet kid.  She doesn't have an attitude at all."
        "I know.  She does what ever her father tells her.  Today at the
office she sat on the floor and colored her little heart out."
        "So soon your office will be covered with colorings by Samantha?"       
        "He already started today.  Sam drew a picture of two people
holding hands with a heart.  When Mulder asked her who it was she said
it was him and me.  And that she thinks we should be dating each
        Margaret laughed.  "And Fox hung it up?"
        "He said it added to the atmosphere." 

"So Sam you liked Mrs. Scully?"         
        "Yes she is very nice."
        "Good.  I didn't really want to leave you with someone who you
didn't like.  When we get upstairs we give you a bath and then you get
to bed.  You have a busy day tomorrow."
        "Can I wear one of my new dresses?"
        "I don't see why not."
        "It's really nice that Mrs. Scully said I could call her grandma." 
Samantha commented during her bath.
        "Yes it is."
        "I never had a grandma before.  Mommy said that her mommy and
daddy were dead for a long time."
        "How about when Dana and I get back with your mommy, you, your
mother and me will go visit my mom."
        "But what if you don't find my mommy, or if she is dead." 
Samantha started to cry.
        Fox picked her out of the tub and wrapped her up in a big towel. 
He then brought her into the bedroom.  He sat of the edge of the bed
rocking her.  "Dana and I are going to find your mommy, and we are going
to bring her here safe and sound.  Then maybe we could be a family. 
You, Bobbi and me.  Would you like that."
        "But what if you can't?"
        "That's a very big if.  By if by some small chance we can't find
your mommy then you will come to live with me.  But you don't have to
worry about that.  Because, tomorrow I'm going to California to find
your mommy.  Now you, you little monster need to get to sleep."  He
started to tickle her.
        "Daddy stop."  she laughed.
        "Not until you start having happy thoughts."
        "I will, I will."  she squealed.
        "Good now let's put you into your P.J.'s and get you into bed.  I
still have to pack."
        After Sam was all changed she stood on the bed in front of her
father.  "Daddy I love you.  "She put her arms around his neck and gave
him a hug.
        "I love you too Samantha.  Now into bed.  I'm going to be in here
to pack, I'll try to be quiet."
        Dana was sure that Mulder was going to cry as they said good bye
to Samantha and her mother.  It went all right until Fox kissed her and
got into the car.  "I'll be back as soon as I can with your mommy."
        "Please don't go daddy.  You don't have to find my mommy."  She
        "Samantha, it's my job to find people."
        "Please don't go.  Don't leave me."
        Dana pulled him towards the car, he looked back at his daughter. 
Margaret was holding the girl in her arms trying to keep her from
running away.
        "Be good Sam.  I'll be back in no time.  I promise."  A tear fell
down his cheek.  He quickly started the car and they went to the
airport.  The car ride was silent.
        "She'll be fine Mulder."  she put a hand on his arm.
        "I know but still."
        "I used to be the same way everytime my father left.  And look how
I turned out."
        "Oh I hope not."  He joked.
        Her answer was a punch in the arm.
        The flight into California was uneventful.  When they landed they
made there way to the hotel.  It was too early to go to the Bureau
office here.  They both decided to catch a few hours of sleep to try and
orient themselves with Pacific Standard time.
        Both slept a little and felt more refreshed.  "Okay Mulder we are
going to meet an Agent Justin Stark.  He's the one incharge of the
office here.  Bobbi's last partner before her disappearance was an Agent
Amanda Lukin.  We are going to meet with her also after our meeting with
Stark.  What have you got there?"
        "Some stuff I had the guys fax over."
        "You got the Gunmen involved?"
        "Yeah, I had to.  They had a bunch of information for us.  It
seems that Skinner was right.  Our black lunged friend doesn't just
haunt agents in the D.C. area, he likes them out west too.
        She handed a picture over to Scully.  "It seems Bobbi and Cancer
Man have met after all."
        "Do you think that he is the one behind it?"
        "Yeah.  I'm thinking that he found out that we used to be friends. 
He is probably using her to get at me."
        "But why now all of a sudden?"
        "I bet that faking my death and getting the cure for you kind of
pissed him off."
        "But what about Samantha.  I hate to say it but she would have
probably been an easier target."
        "I don't think that anyone knew of Sam."  He looked at his watch. 
It was almost time for the appointments.  He was kind of glad, he didn't
want to go into details right now.  "I think we better go."
        Stark was really no help.  He only knew that she did a little
consulting from time to time for some agency.  He didn't know which one.
        Agent Lukin was a little more help.
        "How long did you know Agent Ryle?"
        "We've been partners since she started here, about four years
        "Do you know that Agent Ryle was missing?"  Scully took a turn.
        "No.  I thought that she was doing her extra money job."
        "Do you have any idea why she needed the extra money?"
        "Well I really don't know."
        "Agent Lukin. Any information you can tell us can be helpful." 
Mulder said.
        "Well it isn't easy to raise a daughter on your own.  No one else
knew but me."
        "How did you find out?"
        "I stopped by her house one night.  I heard her arguing with
someone so I went in.  She was yelling at her daughter because she
decided to take a bath in orange juice."
        "You said that no one else knew.  Why was that?"
        "She said that it was to protect the father."  Scully smiled at
        "When did she start this extra job?"
        "About a year after she got here."
        "Did you notice any unusual change in her behavior?"
        "Nothing that I didn't contribute to extra stress.  Well until a
few weeks ago.  She seemed always on edge.  Always checking behind her. 
I asked her what was wrong.  She said that it had to do with the other
job.  I just figured the job was adding stress to her."
        "Do you know what she did?"
        "She mentioned something about consulting a few times.  But she
said that she couldn't talk to much about it.  She didn't seem to like
it all that much.  I have a feeling that it has to do with the father."
        "Have you met anyone she worked with?"
        "Twice.  Once the first year.  And then again before she started
to get paranoid."
        "What did the people look like?"
        "The first time it was a young man.  I'd say about 30.  He had
dark hair and dark eyes.  He was about as tall as you Agent Mulder.  He
was kind of cute.  The second guy freaked me out.  He was old, or at
least seemed that way.  He was smoking when I saw him."
        "Did you speak to any of them?"
        "No.  Bobbi introduced me to the first guy.  I walked in on them
talking.  She said the name was something with a "K".  I don't really
remember it.  The second guy was in the garage.  I was going to meet her
by the car.  They both saw me and then he walked away.  I asked her
about the guy.  She said it doesn't matter."
        "Is there anything else you can think of that night be helpful?"
        "Well she said that she met with the people once a week on Sunday
nights.  I don't know where though."
        "Thank you very much Agent Lukin."  Mulder said as he handed him
her card.
        "Oh, what about her daughter?"
        "She is safe."  Mulder said as he left the office they were using.

        They then went over to Bobbi's house to look around there.   "Hey
guess what I found?"  Scully called as she walked down the stairs to the
main room.  She found Mulder in a small hole in the floor.  He climbed
out of it as she handed the evidence bag to him.
        "Ahh.  Nothing like a good Morely."  He said teasingly.
        "What's that?"  She asked indicating to the hole.
        "It's a room.  Where I guess Samantha would hide when people came
over."  He sighed.
        "It was for her own protection.  Why don't we get something to eat
and then go back to the hotel.  I bet Samantha would like to hear from
her daddy."
        "You are probably right.  Tomorrow I want to question the
neighbors.   I doubt that they saw anything, but still." And they left
the house.
        "Hello Mrs. Scully."
        "Hello Fox.  What's doing? How's it going?"
        "No where so far.  Is Samantha still up?"
        "No.  But she tried.  I'll go and wake her.  She really wanted me
        Margaret disappeared and hers was replaced by that of a tired
child.  "Daddy?"
        "Hi Sam.  Sorry to call so late."
        "It's okay.  Did you find mommy yet?"
        "Not yet but we are still looking."
        "I miss you daddy?"
        "I miss you to munchkin.  Go back to sleep.  And let me speak to
Mrs. Scully some more."
        "Okay daddy.  Good night."  She gave him a kiss through the phone. 
He gave her one back.
        "She's doing good Fox.  She only cried for a few minutes after you
left.  It was nothing compared to Dana.  Now that kid could wail." 
Mulder started to laugh.  Dana gave him a quizzical look.  "It took
about two hours to calm her down.  And she would tire herself out so
much that she would fall asleep."
        "I could almost picture it.  Thank you again for watching her. 
Here is Dana."  He handed the phone to his partner.
        Once Scully was finished speaking to her mother they both headed
into separate rooms.  They were exhausted, with jet lag and emotions.
        The next morning they went to interview the neighbors.  None were
too helpful.  It was a quite town that Bobbi lived in.  Most of the
people there minded their own business.  None of them knew she had a
child.  But they did know that she would have another car or two in her
driveway sometimes.  Especially Sunday nights.
        The two agents figured that was when she dealt with the second
job.  They also checked back at the police office.  No one had reported
seeing the woman or the two people Sam said took her mother.  But people
said that they had seen the two men before around the house.  They
always thought they were boyfriends.
        They went back to the hotel early, so Mulder could call his
daughter.  This time Sam was awake and was more talkative.  She told him
all about her day from the time she woke up to this time.  He found out
that Mrs. Scully was acting like a true grandmother, spoiling her
rotten.  Mulder told her to hold off a little so that he can spoil his
daughter a little too.
        Mulder and Scully were going over the case when his phone rang. 
"Mulder."  He answered it.
        "Hello Mr.  Mulder.  How are you this fine evening?"
        "Just dandy."
        "How do you like California?"
        "It used to be fine.  But now that I know your near by I'm
starting to have second thoughts."
        "Now Mr. Mulder, that isn't very nice."
        "What do you want.  I'm sure this isn't a social call."
        "Get off this case.  Drop the X-Files."
        "Where is my sister?"
        "That is not what I'm offering you.  Your old girlfriend is here
with me."
        "Let her go.  It's me you want."
        "As you know I have a Ms. Bobbi Ryle."
        "Let her go."
        "I don't think so Mr. Mulder."
        "How can I get her back."
        "If you get her back who will make sure you and Agent Scully stop
the X-Files."
        "Look your Son of a bitch, you are not going to get me to quit my
        "I didn't think so."  He interrupted and then Mulder heard the
dial tone.
        "Damn."  And he through the phone against the wall.
        "Mulder what's wrong."
        "That Black Lunged Bastard.  I think I just got her killed."  And
he stormed out of the room.
        She wanted to follow him but knew that he needed some time to
think.  He would go far a walk and then come back all calm and cool.  He
would then tell her what had happened, although she had an idea.
        Dana Scully was correct in her assumption.  She knew her partner
all too well.  And he also spilled the beans.  He told her that Cancer
man had told Mulder that he had Bobbi and that he was using her to
control him.  That she would live if they left the X-Files.  But he went
and mouthed off.  That was what really upset him.
        "What am I going to say to Sam."
        "Mulder, he won't kill her yet, we just have to find her before
Cancer man kills her.  And we will."
        "Fine.  Then we have to go back to the house tomorrow and turn it
upside down for an address maybe."
        "Only if you promise to shower.  You have to stop running in your
suits."  She commented.
        He smiled at her his little boy smile and went into his room to

        The next day the stopped off at the police office to see if
anything about the two men that Sam ID'd came in.  There was nothing. 
Their next stop was the House.
        Mulder said he's take the upstairs, while Scully went through
things downstairs.  Scully started in the den.  There were papers galore
there.  She had enough to keep her busy for a while.  It was her phone 
ringing that made her look at the time.
        Mulder went to the second room upstairs that looked like an
office.  He looked through all the draws spending an equal amount of
time on all them, carefully skimming all the papers.  There was one draw
that held his attention the longest.
        It was filled with pictures and some stuffed animals.  He looked
through the pictures.  Most of them were of him and her back in D.C. 
There were a few of her and Samantha.  He put those into his pocket.  He
found a cute little rabbit that he put into his pants pocket.  In
retrospect he would look funny with the little bunny face sticking out
of the pocket, but he saw something else that caught his eyes.
        It was another picture.  This one was of Bobbi, Cancer Man, and a
few others the Mulder had seen before.  They were all standing in front
of a building.  Mulder stared at the building.  It was possible to make
out some of the address of the building, as well as the street signs.
        If he wasn't so involved in  the pictures he might have heard
Scully yelling to him.  He might have also smelled the smoke or felt the
heat.  But when Mulder got involved in something it took a lot to get
him back to the real world.  
        As it was it wasn't until he opened the door and came face to face
with the fire did he realize what was happening.
        Mulder quickly closed the door, and walked to the middle of the
room.  Panic was already setting in.   He stood there staring at the
door, watching the flames dance under the door, trying to come in and
get him.  He was on the floor already when his phone started ringing.
        "Hello?" He answered shakingly.
        "Mulder, you still in the house."
        He coughed.  "Uh huh."
        "The fire department is on the way.  Go open the window so I can
see you."
        "No.  I can't."
        "Mulder, where are you?"
        "Bed room."
        "Mulder you have to calm down.  I know you are scared."
        "Oh god it's coming through the door."  He screamed.  "Scully help
        "You have to open the window."
        "No I can't.  It will get me."  More coughs racked his panicking
        Scully turned to when she heard the sirens of the fire department. 
She then ran towards the sound of a braking window.  She rounded the
corner just to see her partner hit the ground.  
        Scully ran to him.  "Mulder."  She checked him over.  Unconscious,
a few broken bones, cuts all along his face from the glass, and he  was
barley breathing.  "Get an ambulance here."  She yelled to anyone who
could hear her.  She then turned back to her partner. 
        "Fox, don't you leave me.  You can't go any where.  Samantha needs
you."  She kept repeating as they rushed him to the hospital.
        Once she was happy that he was taken care of and had a room she
went to make a phone call she didn't want to make.  
        "Hello Scully residence."  A male voice answered.
        "Who is this?"
        "Walter.  And you are ?"
        "Sir?  It's Dana Scully, is my mom around?"
        "Yeah, how is everything going?"
        "Please put my mom on."
        "Dana what is it?"
        "Is Samantha there?"
        "Have her go into another room for a second."
        "Walter why don't you take Samantha out side to the swings."  She
called out.  Margaret then sat herself down.  "What happened?"
        "I need you and Samantha to come out here, as soon as possible."
        "What happened to Fox.  Is he dead?"
        "No.  But he is in the hospital. But Sam's mother is all right."
        "Oh my.  How is Fox taking it."
        "He doesn't know.  I never got around to telling him.  We were at
the house when I got the call.  Someone then seemed to have set fire to
the house.  Fox wasn't able to get out.  So he jumped from the second
story window."
        "But why?  Didn't you call the department?"
        "Yeah.  But Fox has a fear of fire.  I think he panicked."
        "Okay Walter will want to know what happened, I will tell him. 
But what about Samantha?"
        "I don't know."
        "I think that you should tell her."
        "Fine.  Just please be there for her.  I don't know how she will
take all the news."
        "Let me tell Walter before you tell Sam.  I'll give you some kind
of signal.  let me get them.  Hold on.
        "Hi Sam."
        "Dana.  How are you?"   
        "I'm okay.  How about you.  Are you having a good time?"
        "Yeah.  Walter and Grandma took me to the park.  It think they
like each other."
        "Uh huh.  Were is my daddy?"
        "Uh. He's sleeping."
        "Sam are you still on the phone?"  Dana heard her mother say.
        That was the hint.  "Samantha.  I need to tell you something.  We
found your mommy."
        "She was killed Samantha."
        "No.  You are lying.  Daddy said that she wouldn't die.  Daddy
will tell me the truth.  Wake up my daddy.  I want to speak to him." 
She cried.
        "I can't Sam.  Your daddy was hurt by the same people who killed
your mommy.  He is in the hospital.  He isn't awake and can't talk to
        "NO!"  She screamed.  "I want my daddy.  Please I want my daddy." 
She cried even louder.  
        Scully wiped the tears from her eyes as she heard the phone fall
to the floor.
        "Shh.  It's okay.  Shh."  She heard her mother.
        "Yes sir."
        "What happened?"
        "We were in the Ryle house looking for clues.  Some one set fire
to the place. Agent Mulder was on the second floor and was trapped by
the fire.  He   jumped out the window.  We are in the hospital now.  He
is unconscious and he broke his arm and sprained his ankle badly.  He
also suffered smoke inhalation.  Not to mention all the cuts and
stitches from the broken glass."
        "Wait.  The window was closed?"
        "Yes sir."
        "Okay.  Maggie, Samantha and I will be there as soon as possible. 
We will call you when we get the definite flight plans.  What's the
hospital number?"
        "Okay.  Take care of him."
        "Yes sir."
        Dana looked back at her partner.  If she wasn't so worried about
him then she might have realized who had answered the phone.  Once she
did that she would wonder why he had answered the phone, and why he was

        Margaret sat in the kitchen holding the hysterical child. She
tried to comfort Samantha, but the girl was too confused and hurt to
hear any of it.  She glanced into the living room where Walter was
making calls about going to California.
        He was a good man.  She was lucky she had him as a friend. 
Although the circumstances of their friendship weren't that pleasant. 
Ever since Dana had been missing he had comeover to visit her everyday,
to try and reassure her.  He was also the one who would call when
anything happened to Fox or Dana.  He then started to come by on the
weekends when her daughter and Fox where out of town.  Now that she were
watching Fox's child he came over to help her with the child.
        "I called the airport.  We have a 6:45 flight.  I'll take Sam
while you pack.  We can stop by my place before we go to the airport.  I
already have a bag packed for emergencies."
        She handed the crying Samantha over to Walter.  "Thanks."  She
kissed him on the cheek and headed up stair to quickly pack.
        Walter walked around the house trying to calm Samantha down.  He
never thought that this kid could cry so much.  "It's going to be okay
Samantha.  I promise.  Agent Scully is there with you father.  And she
won't let anything bad happen to him.  Did you know that Agent Scully is
a doctor?  Well she takes care of Agent Mulder a lot.  And he was always
okay.  We are going to go and see you daddy.  And he will be fine."
        "B - bu -ut my m-m-mo-mom-my is de-de-dead."
        "Don't you worry.  You will stay with you daddy.  And he will take
care of you."
        "B-But if-f he-"
        "Your daddy is going to be fine. I promise you.  I know Fox Mulder
and he would never leave you.  He loves you.  And he would never leaves
someone he loves."
        Samantha's answer was to put her head on Walter's shoulder and to
cry, but much softer.  For his part he held her tight to let her know
that everything would be fine. 
        By the time they got onto the plane Samantha was already tired. 
She fell asleep soon after take off.  Dana met them at the airport.  She
took Samantha from her mother and carried her to the car.  "I'll drive." 
Walter told Dana.  Margaret got into the front and Dana went to the
back.  Samantha was still sleeping so Dana held her on her lap.
        "What did you give her?"  Dana asked when they got to the
        "Nothing.  She was crying since you spoke to her.  She fell asleep
on the plane."
        "Wow.  She must have made you deaf."
        "No dear.  She wasn't like you.  Now you could wail.  Walter,
everytime her dad left she would cry for hours.  And not like Samantha. 
She would howl.  People used to stare.  They would think that I was
beating her."
        "Mother.  I wasn't that bad."  Dana felt she had to defend herself
when her boss started to laugh.
        "Sure dear.  Why don't you wake her up.  She is going to want to
see her daddy."
        "Hey Sam.  Time to wake up."  Dana called softly.  
        The girl opened her eyes and stretched her arms.  She then went to
wipe her eyes.  "Dana?"  She asked hoarsely.
        "Yes Sam.  Why don't we get you something to drink."  Dana said as
she saw Fox's doctor.  She pointed to her mother and boss and he went
over to talk to them.
        Once she took a few sips from her fruit punch, she started to
speak again.  "Where is my daddy?"
        "He is here at the hospital.  Would you like to see him?"
        "Can I?"
        "We will ask the doctor."  They walked over to her mother the
doctor and AD Skinner.  "How is he?"
        "He is off the respirator now.  But he is still unconscious."
        "Can we see him?"  Margaret asked.
        "Yeah.  Agent Scully knows the room."
        "Thank you doctor."  Dana said as she picked up Samantha.
        Samantha first reaction to seeing her father was horror and she
started to cry.  Dana took her outside the room to calm her down. 
Everyone understood the little girls reaction.
        Fox Mulder was clad in a pair of boxer shorts and a hospital gown
that was too short for him and did not close in the back.  His left
ankle had a bandaged wrapped around it and was elevated.  But it was
still swollen.  His right arm was in a cast.  Both of his hands were
heavily wrapped.  His face looked like he had a sunburn.  His legs had
scratches and cuts on them like his arms.  From experience Skinner knew
that Mulder also had a bandage around his waist.  His face had cuts all
over it.  Some stitches were visible.  He also had a nice bump on his
        Walter didn't know how he fell or how he survived.  He was just
glad that he did.

        "Your daddy will be okay.  I promise.  I know he looks really bad. 
But he will be okay."
        "What happened to him?"
        "Well we were at your house, when someone set fire to it.  Your
daddy was trapped upstairs and jumped out the window.  That's why he has
all the cuts on him.  When he fell he broke some bones.  But they will
also heal.  Soon your daddy will be up and around."
        "What happened to his hands?"
        "He burnt his hands."  
        "When is he going to wake up?"
        "I don't know.  He hit his head when he fell.  Probably soon now
that you are here.  Why don't we go in and let him know that you are
here."  Dana picked the girl up and brought her into the room.  She set
her down on the bed next to her father.
        "Daddy?  Daddy can you hear me?  Don't worry.  We are going to
take care of you.  Dana won't let anything happen you, grandma said."
        Dana motioned for Walter and her mother to come out with her. 
"The doctor told you what happened?"  Both nodded.  "I'm going to do the
autopsy tomorrow morning."
        "What about a funeral?"
        "We defiantly have to wait until Fox is awake.  Now that he is off
the respirator they want to transport him back to D.C.  The body could
be shipped there too."
        "What about Samantha?"  Skinner asked again.
        "Well Fox will definitely take care of her."
        "Was anything saved from the house?"
        "No mom.  Everything was burnt.  Only a few pictures and a stuffed
animal that Mulder was holding survived.  I want to go back in."  And
Dana went to put a hand on Samantha's shoulder.  "Are you okay?"
        "I want my daddy to wake up."
        "I want your daddy to wake up too.  Look what your daddy found at
your house."  She gave the stuffed bunny to Samantha.
        "Betsy."  Samantha said as she took the doll into her arms.  "I
missed you Betsy."  She started to rock the doll in her arms like a
baby.  "Oh I have to introduce you to someone Betsy.  This is my daddy." 
She paused as if she was having a conversation with the doll.  "He was
hurt so know he has to sleep.  But he will be awake soon." pause.  "Then
we can all play together."
        "MMMMMmmmmmm."  They heard someone moan.  
        Dana went closer to Fox.  "Fox. Come on.  Wake up.  We are all
here waiting for you to wake up."
        He moved around on the bed and slowly opened his eyes.  "Daddy?" 
Sam called.
        "Hey munchkin.  What are you doing here?"
        "Walter, Grandma, and me came here when we heard you got hurt. 
Are you feeling better?"
        "Now that you are here I am."  He gave his daughters hand a
squeeze.  It was then he saw he had other company.  "What time is it?"
        "Almost ten, California time."  Dana answered.
        "That means it's close to one back in D.C.  It's way past
Samantha's bedtime."
        "He's right.  Why don't you take her back to our hotel.  We have
two rooms.  I'll stay here with Fox."  She handed the keys over to
        "Are you sure?"
        "Yes sir."
        "But I want to stay with my daddy."
        "Samantha, I want you to go with Mrs. Scully and Mr. Skinner.  I
will be with you soon.  I promise.  Come and give daddy a kiss."  She
gave her father a kiss and Fox kissed her back.  "Your such a good girl.
Sleep well Sam."
        "You get better soon."  And she left.
        Once everyone left the room Mulder sat up in the bed.  "What
happened Scully?"
        "You jumped out of a second story window."
        "I know.  I also know that some one set fire to the house.  I
think I know why.  Hand me my jacket."  Scully went to retrieve the
item.  When Fox had it in his hand he went to the pockets and pulled out
a picture.  "If we find out what building this is we will probably have
a good idea where to start looking for Bobbi."
        "Fox we found Bobbi."
        "Where?"  He didn't even mind the first name.
        "She showed up dead here at the hospital."
        "What?  How?  When?"
        "Before the fire I got the phone call.  Someone went outside and
saw the body outside.  She was already dead.  I'm doing the autopsy
        "Oh no."  He put his head back on the pillow.  "Damn. I should
have given up the X-Files.  Does Sam know?"
        "Fox you could not have given up the X-Files and you know that. 
They would have probably killed her amyway."
        "Dana, does Sam know?"
        "Yes.  I told her, when I called home."
        "Why do these things happen to me.  I had it all planed out. We
were going to save Bobbi and I was going to ask her to marry me.  That
way we could raise Sam together.  Then we'd come back and I would be
Sam's hero. How am I going to take care of her full time."
        "Fox you were doing fine the past two days.  And you will do fine. 
She loves you."
        "That was just short time."
        "Fox I will always be there to help you if you need it."
        "Really Dana?"
        "Of course Fox.  I like Sam a lot.  And I would do anything for
        "Dana your a lifesaver.  What is going to happen now?"
        Scully told Mulder about his injuries and her ideas.  He agreed
with all of them except the autopsy.  His feeling was to just say that
she died of poisoning.  To keep her dignity.  Even if they did find out
how she died it wouldn't do much good.  
        Dana agreed.  Just so her partner would get some rest.
        The next morning Samantha, Skinner and Mrs. Scully came back to
Mulder's room.  Fox was up in bed watching T.V.  Dana was sleeping in a
chair.  Mulder put his finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet. 
"Scully wake up.  We have company." 

Dana quickly woke up.  "What are you doing Mulder?  You should be
        "The doctor was in here before.  I see we didn't wake you."
        "What did he say Fox?"  Margaret asked.
        "I'm basically a free agent.  I just have to rest for a little."
        "Which means that as soon as we get back to D.C.  You will be back
at work.  Right?"  Scully kidded.
        "No he won't.  I told him that he was to take some time off to be
with his daughter before you left for this case.  No he doesn't have a
choice."  Skinner said firmly.
        "Yes sir."
        "Does that mean that you are going to stay home with me daddy?"
        "It looks like I don't have a choice, Sam.  But don't worry, they
can't keep me bed ridden for long.  We will still have a good time."
        The next few days passed in quickly.  Everyone headed back to
Washington D.C. after all the paperwork was taken care of in California. 
Skinner helped with the paperwork about Samantha belonging to Fox.  Then
came the funeral for Bobbi.
        Not many people attend it.  Fox, Dana, Margaret, Skinner, her boss
and last partner back in California.  Langly and Byers also attended. 
Frohike never really met her.  Samantha had spent the time in Fox's arms
crying.  On his own part Fox tried to be strong but it was hard.  Dana
was by his side for the whole ordeal.  As they stood at the cemetery she
kept an arm wrapped around his waist.
        Mulder was home for a month before he officially headed back for
work.  But Scully had been sneaking him work that he could do at home
while watching Samantha.
        Not that he spent all day at home.  His days were filled with
looking for a new place to live, a school for his daughter and just
replacing a lot of the stuff she lost in the fire.
        He also paid a visit to his mother's with Samantha.  At first she
wasn't happy to see him.  "What are you doing here Fox?  Are you going
to make some more accusations?"
        "No mom.  I here to introduce you to your granddaughter,
        She gave him a cold stare.  "You gave her your sister's name?"
        "I didn't name her.  Her mother did.  I know that I'm not one of
your favorite people right now mom, but can we please forget the past or
at least put it on the side.  That way Sam can have a loving grandma."
        "All right.  Please sit down, let me get you something to drink."
        The rest of the trip went relatively well.  Mrs. Mulder had never
been very warm to anyone, so he wasn't surprised that she didn't show
much love for the little girl.
        Samantha for her part was the perfect little lady.  And did
everything to please her grandmother, but she wasn't happy.  Sam decided
that She and her daddy didn't get a long well and that was the problem.
        "Go to the car Sam."  Fox told her as they were leaving.
        "Bye grandma.  It was nice meeting you."  Samantha said sweetly
hoping for a little hug or kiss.        
        "Bye Samantha."  Was all she said.
        Samantha turned and did what her father said.  "Mom, if you don't
want me to bring Samantha back here again just say so."
        "There is only one Samantha that I want you to bring back here
Fox.  But she is a nice little girl.  I just hope you watch her better
than you watched your sister."   His mother turned and closed the door
in his face.  
        Mulder took a moment to compose himself and went back to the car. 
"I'm sorry I brought you here Samantha.  I don't think we will be coming
back here for a long time."  He said as he started the car.  Fox took
one more look at the house he grew up in.  All the painful memories came
back.  he shook his head, put the car into gear and drove off.  In hope
never to return to the place of his long lost childhood.


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