Lost, But Not Gone Forever
Spoilers:  Duane Barry
Keywords: Crossover X-Files/Millenium

Authors note:  This was written a while ago.  When Millenium first came
on in October.  I
know a lot has happened a lot in both shows since I wrote this.  It is
kind of like a tribute
to Chris Carter.  It is a little sick but hey that's me.  Thanks to Sue,
my sanity clause.  

Lost, But Not Gone Forever

        She dialed the phone hysterically crying.  "I need to speak to Mr.

        "Sorry Ma'am he isn't here."  The receptionist said.
        "I need to speak to him, it's about his daughter."
        "Alright, hold on.  I'll try to reach him."  The receptionist put
the woman on
hold and dialed another number. 
        "Black here."
        "Mr. Black, there is someone on the phone about your daughter."
        "Put her through and call my wife."
        "Hold a second Mr. Black."
        "Hello?"  He asked shakingly.
        "I'm so sorry Mr. Black I was watching her.  I couldn't stop them. 
I tried but
I couldn't."
        "Calm down Mellissa.  I'll be there soon.  Have you called the
        "No, sir."
        "I want you to call them.  Kathrin and I will be home shortly."  As
soon as he
hung up he noticed that his wife was on the phone.  "Hang on there. 
I'll come by
and pick you up."
        "No.  I'll take my car.  I'll meet you at home.  Do you know what
        "Not really.  Jordan's gone though.  I don't think she's dead."  he
tried to
reasure hie wife.  "I'll see you soon."
        The Blacks pulled up to thier house simultaniously.  Police cars
surrounding the house.  Frank and Kathrin recognized some of them. 
Lt. Bob
Bletcher approched the couple. "What happened Bob?"  Frank asked
        "She was taken."
        "What do you mean taken?  Kidnapped?  Killed?"  Kathrin asked a
upset.  Frank put an arm around her.
        "According to the babysitter, abducted might be more the case."
        "Abducted, as in aliens?"
        "Yes Kathrin."
        "Can we talk to her?"
        "Sure Frank.  She is kind of shaken up.  I know a guy, who knows a
guy, who
might be able to help.  I'm going to give him a call."  And Bob
walked away.
        Bob dialed a number on his cell phone.  "Hello I need to speak to
Director Skinner."
        "Who may I ask is calling?"
        "Lt. Bob Bletcher."
        "Please hold sir."
        Mellissa ran up to the Blacks when she saw them walk in.  "I'm so
sorry.  I
really did try to stop them.  I tried.  I'm sorry.  I really
        "It's okay Mellissa.  Let's just sit down and tell me all that
happened."  Frank
said calmly.
        They all sat down and Mellissa started to tell the story.  "We were
sitting in
the living room.  Jordan was watching T.V. and we were playing
with the
blocks.  She asked me if she could get some juice.  I said she
        "She went into the kitchen.  All of a sudden all the lights went
out.  I told
Jordan not to move and I'll be right there.  I heard her screem and
ran as fast as I
could into the kitchen.  The juice was spilled on the floor and
Jordan no where near
        "I looked up and I saw her floating in the air.  I tried to scream
and I tried to
move, but I couldn't.  The door slowly opened and a light came on. 
It was so
bright I could not see.  With in seconds the light was gone and so
was Jordan.
        "I called you as soon as I came to my senses.  I tried to move, I
tried to
scream but I couldn't.  I was frozen."  Just then a cop came in.
        "Excuse us Mr. Black.  We want to take her down to the station to
her some more."  And an unknown police officer led Melissa away
as Kathrin
cried on her husbands shoulder.

        "Hey Bob, What's doing?"
        "Nothing much. And you Walter?"
        "Buisness as usual.  How's Washington?"
        "Well that's why I'm calling you.  We have a kidnapping here."
        "Where does the FBI fit in?"
        "You still in charge of the X-Files?"
        "What's up?"
        "One of my people here just got a phone call that his daughter was
        "Abducted as in Aliens?"
        "That's what the babysitter said."
        "Who is this?"
        "Frank Black's daughter.  You probably heard me talk about
        "Look this is one of my best men."
        "I'll send my best agents."
        "Thanks Walter."
        "No problem Bob.  I'll call you soon."
        When he hung up the phone from his friend Bob he told his secratary
to call
for Mulder and Scully.

        The two agents entered the office together.  Walter Skinner knoew
that this
case was going to upset his agents.  Especially Mulder.  But there
was no one
better and this was their expertise.
        "What is it sir?"  Fox asked.
        "I just got a call from a friend of mine in Washington state.  They
have an
abduction of a young girl.  The babysitter says it was aliens." 
Skinner say the
young man tense.  
        As did Scully.  She took Mulder's hand and gave it a squeeze.  "Is
there any
other information?"
        "No Agent Scully.  This is sort of a personal favor.  You will meet
up with a
Lt. Bob Bletcher.  I'll have some more information for you in a
few minutes.  Go
make your arangments."  And Skinner dismissed them.
        Fox Mulder walked back to the office in a daze.  He would have
walked into
a wall if Scully wasn't there to help direct them.  Mulder just sat
down and let
Scully do all the work.  Another young girl is missing.  And again
she was supposidly
taken by aliens.  He didn't know if he could handle it.  He didn't
have a choise. 
He would.  And maybe he would find something more about Samantha, if
not Sam
        Scully watched her partner intently.  He looked as if he was about
to cry. 
This case was definatly too close to home for him.  She hoped it
wouldn't do too
much to him phsycologically.  Too much had happened to him
already.  Dana
decided that she would be there for him.  Even if he denied her,
she would be
there to catch him if he fell.

        Within three hours they were on a plane for Seatale, Washington. 
was too quiet for Scully as they looked over the little information
they had. 
They were to meet up with Lt. Bletcher at the airport.  He would
fill them in more
about the case then.  So far all they had was that a five year
old girl, Jordan
Black, was taken from her home earlier in the evening.  All they
have is the
babysitters story.  She said that she say a blinding light and
she was frozen.
        Mulder looked at it quickly and then handed it back to Scully.  He
not to cry.  He would not let what happened to Jordan what happened
Samantha.  He knew that Scully would be there for him if need be,
but he didn't want
to rely on her all the time.  

        "Don't worry Kathrin, everything will be fine."  Frank tried to
soothe his wife.

        "But who do you think took her?  Do you think it was aliens?"
        "I don't know.  Bob told me he called some people in Washington who
experts on this sort of thing."
        "Alien abduction?"
        "Yeah.  Something like that.  I've heard of these two.  They are
the best in the
        "If you say so Frank.  But I don't know."
        "Shh.  Just close your eyes.  I'll be here for you.  Don't
        "Don't worry, don't cry.  It's going to be okay."  A young woman's
called out.
        "Where am I?  Why is it so dark?  I can't move."
        "Don't worry.  I won't let him harm you.  You are blindfolded and
tied up.  I'd
untie you but I'm in a similar predicament.  What's your name?"
        "That's a pretty name.  My name is Samantha.  You can call me Sam. 
old are you Jordan?"
        "I'm five."
        "Wow.  You are such a big girl. Do you go to school?"
        "Only half a day while mommy and daddy work."  She started to
        "I bet you know how to read."
        "Only a little.  Do you have a family?"
        "Not for a long time.  I used to have a brother too.  But I haven't
seen him a
very long time."  She stopped as she saw the door open.  The
most hated man in
the world to her opened the door.  "What do you want Clay?"
        "Why I just came to see our new friend."
        "Leave her alone Clay.  She is just a baby.  She isn't even eight
yet.  If you
want someone you can have me."
        "But this girl.  She is so sweet."  The man said as he took some of
her hair in
his hand and nuzzled it against his nose.  
        Jordan stiffined at the man's touch.  "Get away from me."  She
tried to squirm
away from him.
        "For now yes.  You are not ready.  But soon you will be."  And the
        Jordan was crying again.  Samantha crawled over the young girl. 
"Hold still
and let me take off the blindfold."  With her teeth Sam was able to
remove the
peice of cloth.  "There.  Don't cry.  I won't let him hurt you." 
She soothed the girl as
best as she could.  Soon her cries turned into muffled wimpers
and then light
        The light snores made her think back to her childhood, and how soon
ended.  Fox used to snore like that.  While he was a pain at times,
she missed
him teribly.  And her parents.  She wondered what her family was
doing now. 
Where they all still alive, or dead, what did  her brother do.  Her
mind began to
wonder into a fairy tale world, and she also soon fell asleep.

        "I'll get it."  Frank went to answer the door.  "Hi Bob, come
        "Thanks Frank.  How are you doing? "
        "Well Kathrin is a bit shaken up."
        "Don't worry, I think these people will help.  Let me introduce
you.  This is
Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully."  Kathrin had now joined the
        "Please come in and sit down.  Can I get you some coffee?"
        "No thank you."  Dana said.  Mulder still was silent.  He walked
around the
room as Scully asked the questions.  He looked at the pictures. 
Jordan was an
adorable little girl.  And her parents really loved her.  As opposed
to his family.  He
thought that maybe she was lucky that she was an only child. 
But for a lot of
time he was also an only child and the beatings weren't any less
severe then.  
        He tried to focus in on what Scully was saying.  "So the babysitter
was the
last to see her."
        "And no phone calls, or anything like that?"
        "Can we look around outside?"  Mulder asked.
        "Sure.  Agent Mulder.  I'll go with you."  And the men left.  Once
Frank sensed there was somthing bothering the young agent. 
"Agent Mulder
might I ask why are you the best?"
        "Well I have a knack for getting inside the heads of killers, and
the people of
that sort."
        "Why don't you work for violent crimes then?"
        "We do, sort of.  Our division is the X-Files.  For the unexplained
part of the
        "How did you get involved in that sort of thing?"
        Mulder didn't answer right away.  Something caught his eye, and he
towards it.  Frank followed close behind.  Mulder then started to
talk.  "Well
about 25 years ago, my sister was taken.  I belived it was aliens. 
Because she was
never found, I sort of devoted my life to finding her."  He picked
up a peice of
cloth.  "Is this your daughters?"
        Mulder handed the material over to Frank.  As Frank touched it he
was taken
away.  "Oh my."  He muttered.
        "What is it?"  The women had come out of the house.
        "Kathrin.  Call Bob.  I think I have something."  Kathrin ran into
the house
and did what her husband said.  He then turned to the two agents. 
"He's not
going to kill them.  But he will hurt them."
        "I want to talk to the babysitter."  Scully said.
        "I think we should head down to the station.  I think Mr. Black
might have
something."  Mulder said.
        "Are you okay?"  Dana asked, worried about her partner.
        "Yeah.  I'll be fine.  I don't think that it was aliens

        "Samantha, can you tell me about your family."  Jordan asked.  She
curled up next to Sam.  They were untied now.  After they both
promised they
would not hurt clay.  Samantha had her arms around the young
        "Well the last time I saw my family was a long time ago.  I was
eight.  I think
I'm 33 now.  I don't really know.  I had an older brother brother. 
His name was
        Jordan let out a little giggle.  "That's a funny name."
        "He didn't like it very much.  He was 4 years older than me."
        "I wish I had a younger brother or sister."
        "My parents didn't like Fox all that much.  I think they liked me
more.  That
could be why Fox and I fought so much.  We even fought that night I
was taken. 
I remeber we were playing a bored game.  I wanted to change the
channel.  I don't
even remember what I wanted to see, except that Fox wanted to
watch the
magician.  He loved magic and the unexplained."   Samantha got a
little choked
        "You had a nice family.  You don't have to tell me any more.  How
about I
tell you a story."
        "Sure little one." 

        "The kidnapper uses the girls for sex.  He takes them for himself
then he sells
them as prostitutes.  Jordan isn't the first one he took.  But she
us the youngest. 
I think she is safe for now.  But I don't think we have much time." 
Frank said.
        "Any idea where he might be?"
        "Somewhere in the neighbor hood.  No one heard a car.  Some place
he could
carry the child."  Mulder said.  "Lt. Bletcher, can we get a
search warrent for the
houses with in a"       
        " 5 mile radius?"  Dana added.
        "Yeah Scully."
        "Alright Mulder I have a question for you.  If it's not aliens
Mulder how do
you explain what the babysitter saw?"
        "You said that she has a puncture wound on her neck.  What if she
injected with some kind of hullicenating drug."
        "Wow Mulder.  That's actually rational.  I'm amazed."
        "Very funny Scully."
        "I guess we should split up.  Cover more ground.  I'll go with the
Lt."  Frank
        "I guess were stuck with each other again."  She said trying to

lighten his
mood.  But it looked as if nothing was going to help.

        "Hello sweethearts."  Clay walked into the room.
        "What do you want Clay?"  Sam spat at him.
        "Nothing from you Bitch."  He went to where Jordan was.  She tried
to run
but Clay grabbed her arm.  He pulled her down into his lap.  He
started to run a
hand along her body.
        "Stop, please, stop."  Jordan cried and squirmed.
        "Shutup."  He slapped her across the face.  "You will learn
        "Clay leave her alone.  She is a child."
        "So were you, and look at how you turned out."  He started to kiss
Sam was able to see that his tounge was in her mouth.
        "Get off of her"  Sam lunged for Clay.
        He caught her in mid stream with a punch to her stomach.  She
dobled over in
pain.  Jordan screamed.  "I told you to shut up."  He yelled at the
girl.  "Now
you will do as I say."  He started to drag his tounge over the
girl.  He had done this
many times, and each time he enjoyed it more.  But this was his
youngest.  He
liked them young.  They always did what he wanted out of fear.  This
one would
be the same.
        A knock on the door stopped him.  "If you say a word.  I will kill
you and
Samantha."  He wispered.  As he was tying up the girl he heard the
door being
opened.  He silently curse his forgetfulness at locking the
        He ran up to the door.  "What can I do for you?"
        "We are FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.  We are looking for
missing girl Have you seen her?"  Mulder held the picture up to the
        "Unfortunatly no."
        A muffled cry was heard.  "What was that?"  Scully asked.
        "My cat and dog."
        "Do you mind if we take a look?"
        Another cry came from the house.  Mulder didn't even bother to show
him the
search warrent.  He ran into the house pushing the man out of the
way.  He
headed towards the basement.
        "You have no -"
        "We have a search warrent."  Scully cut him off holding up the
peice of paper. 
Mulder had dissappered in the house.
        "Scully call the Paramedics.  We found her."
        Scully did as her partner said while she aimed the gun at the man. 
She went
about arresting him as Mulder waited down stairs.
        "Don't worry Jordan.  It's going to be okay.  Your daddy is going
to be here
soon."  He held the Girl close.  This is how he imagined how he
would hold his
sister if she was ever found.  He'd hold her and calm her down and
tell her everything
would be okay. 
        It was then he saw the young woman unconcious on the floor.  With
Jordan in
his arms, Mulder went to the woman.  She doesn't look to be badly
hurt.  Soon
he heard the sirens.  When the paramedics came down to the basement,
Jordan would
not let go of Mulder.
        He caried her upstairs just in time to see her parents run in.  He
handed the
girl over the the family, and walked out side.  Scully was quick
to follow him. 
Don't worry.  One day we will find her.  Scully put an arm around
his waist.

        When Jordan saw Samantha being rolled out on a strecher she spoke. 
"Can I
go with my friend.  She saved me.  He was going to hurt me but she
tried to stop
        "What was her name?"
        "Samantha.  She was kidnapped when she was also a little girl."
        "Would you tell that to Agents Mulder and Scully?  The work for the
        "Was it Agent Mulder who found me daddy?"  Frank just nodded.  Then
want to thank him also."
        "Of course pumpkin.  We will see them at the hospital."

        "Agents Mulder, Scully."  Frank called to the Agents in the
        "What is it?"
        "My daughter has something to say to you."  He led them into the
room his daughter occupied.
        Jordan got off her mothers lap and went towards Fox.  She took his
hand and
led him to the bed.  He sat down and pulled the girl on to his lap.
 "What did you
want to tell me Jordan?"
        "Well I want to thank you for saving me."
        "That's my job."
        "My daddy also told me to tell you about the other lady that was
there with
me.  He said that you work for the FBI and help people find there
        "Yes we do."
        "The lady in the basement with me was taken when she was a little
girl."   Fox
started to tense. Dana moved closer.  "She said her name was
Samantha, and she
was taken when she was eight.  She also said she had an older
brother Fox.  I don't
know if that helped but I hope she can find her family."
        Fox was in shock.  Could it have been that simple?  Was that what
to Sam.  Was she taken and used in a man's sex life.  When she
was only
        Frank and Kathrin saw what was happening to Agent Mulder.  "Jordan
back here.  You need to rest."
        Scully took the cue and led Fox out of the room.  They walked until
they got
to a room of a young woman it was that up of the woman found with
Fox broke away from Scully and went into the room.  
        He sat down on the bed and took the woman's hand.  She had not been
yet, until Fox touched her.  "I'm from the FBI.  I need to know. 
Is your name
Samantha Ann Mulder?"
        She nodded her head yes.  She was in shock, no one had called her
by her full
name since she was in grade school.
        "Oh my G-d, Sam.  I found you I finally found you."  Fox leaned
over and
gave her a hug.  He was crying now.  But for once, it was tears of
joy.  His life
mission was now complete.
        "Who are you?"  She wispered.
        "It's me Sam.  Fox.  I'm here for you I knew I would find you."
        "Fox?"  She asked not really sure.  She looked into his face and
saw that it
was truly her brother.  Those eyes.  It was all in his eyes.  "Fox. 
I've missed you
        As they cried with each other in hugs, Scully snuck out of the room
and made
a few phone calls.  The first one was to her mom.  She also had
tears in her eyes. 
Today she had reunited two families and didn't think she could call
her boss at that
        Her mom also started to cry.  Her adopted son had found his
sister.  Mrs.
Scully could not wait to meet her, and Scully promised to bring them
both by
when they returned to Washington.
        She next called Skinner.  She told him that not only did they
rescue the little
girl but that Samantha Mulder had also been found.  He told Scully
that she and
Mulder could take off as long as they want.  It was time for them to
relax a little.
        Scully walked back to Samantha's room to see them both smile and
laugh.  It
brought tears to her eyes to see her partner so happy.  Never had he
that gleam
in his eye like he did then. 
        Except for maybe when I woke up from after the Duane Barry

So?  What do you think?  E-mail me at [email protected]

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