Family: Hanukah
Spoilers: Anything before Christmas Carol/Emily
Summery: Mulder goes home to his family for the holidays.

Authors note:  This story was started a while ago.  Finally it's done.  This is 
dedicated to Amy Donohue.  How would I survive Calc 2 with out you.  And to my 
math teacher, who if he wasn't boring enough this would never have been 
completed.  Most of the characters (the cousins and their children) are based on 
people I know.  Especially the triple terror!!  But I love all of ya.

Family: Hanukah (1/1)

        Mulder walked into the office not in the greatest moods.  Besides the fact 
that he was late he had spent all morning on the phone with his mom.  She was 
the reason he was late.  As Scully greeted him with a cup of coffee and a smile 
on her face he hoped it was because they were going to be going on a case.
        "I'm glad you are here.  I was getting worried about you."  Scully looked 
a little more closely at her partner.  "Is everything okay?"
        "Oh yeah wonderful."  he said sarcastically.  "Why are you in such a great 
        "Just got word from Skinner.  We got off till New Years."  Scully beamed 
with excitement.
        The only way for Mulder to deflect it was to put his head down on his 
        Great... Just great.  Now there was no way to get out of it.  He'd have to 
go to his mother's Hanukah Party.  He had nothing against his mother or Hanukah.  
It was the fact that his mother was going to set him up with some girl.  
        He knew she had his best intentions at heart but his mom had no clue what 
he was like.  It could have been due to the fact that he had never been real 
close to his mother or that he left home to go to college at such an early age.  
Or that his life now included one purpose.  And that was to find his sister.
        He got out of the party last year due to a case and that the fact that 
Hanukah had come early.  But this year it was right at Christmas time.  And for 
some reason there was nothing for them to do at the time.  Maybe the government 
really stopped everything for the major holidays.  
        But then the government was being biased to Jews.  Hey something else to 
charge the Consortion with if they were ever caught.  He could just see it.   
`Hey your honor, don't forget the fact that they didn't do anything evil on 
Christmas, Easter, and New Years.  But did take part in criminal activity on 
Jewish holidays.  Okay now his mind was going off on a tangent.
        So he had nothing left to do then to go ahead and see what kind of 
creature his mom had picked out for him.  
        A hand on his shoulder brought him out of his reverie.  "Hey, Mulder are 
you okay?"
        "Yeah Scully.  Why did Skinner give us off?"
        "He said something about it being the holiday season, being in a good 
mood, and us not taking a vacation this year.  Oh and I'm supposed to tell you 
not to go up there and use the hospital excuse again this year, it won't work."
        "How about the fact that I was dead?"
        "Not funny Mulder.  We both had tough years.  We could use the time off."
        Yeah.  This year had been hard on both of them.  Between the cancer, the 
cure and the ass that calls himself Bill Scully.  And of course the regular crap 
that comes with working in the X-Files.  He couldn't help but have those 
feelings for Scully's brother.  He was such an ass.  Did he really think that 
Mulder wanted Scully sick.  I should have punched him when I had the chance.
        But the year also had some good things.  Especially the last few cases.  
That gave him an idea.  "Hey Scully, what are you doing tomorrow?"
        "Ummm nothing Mulder.  I was thinking of surprising my mother."
        "Do you have an evening gown at home?"
        "Yes.  Why Mulder?"
        "Well the annual Mulder Hanukah Party is tomorrow night.  Unfortunately, 
we don't have a case so I can't get out of it.  And I need a date otherwise My 
mother is going to set me up with some girl who is going to play octopus with me 
as the bait."
        "Is this you asking me out?"
        "Please Scully.  I'll even let you take me to the mall to pick out a 
cumberbun and tie to wear with my tux."
        "You are going to let me shop for you?  Then how can I say no.  When do we 
        "Let me call my mom and tell her that she can call off the octopus."  
Mulder smiled as he picked up the phone.  
        "Hi mom...yes mom I'm still coming...Mom, the reason I'm calling 
is to tell you that you can tell that girl not...okay Julie...Fine, but I'm 
bringing a friend...Yes mom she is female...okay mom see you tomorrow...I know 
party at eight so be there at six...I love you too." and he hung up the phone.  
"You ready Scully?"
        "Waiting for you."  And they headed out of the door together.

        Parking at the mall was crazy as it was so close to Christmas.  But after 
a few minutes they found a spot.  It didn't take long to find the item they 
needed.  Mulder told Scully his measurements and she found it for him.  The line 
was what took the longest.  "You know Scully, I should let you do my shopping 
for me more often."
        "Yeah.  I could get you some tasteful clothes now."
        "What's wrong with my suits?"
        "Nothing but the ties.  Well now that I know your size I can get you what 
ever you need.  I just need your credit card."
        "Keep dreaming Scully.  Once a woman gets her hand on a man's credit card 
it spells certain disaster.  Especially if they aren't married, yet."  He added 
as an after thought.
        "So marry me?"
        And the conversations ended.  
        Mulder paid with his credit card and they left.  He dropped Scully off 
back at work to get her car.   "Pick you up at 9:30.  Don't wear the dress and 
pack an over night bag." And he drove away.
        During the separate car rides to their respective homes, Mulder and Scully 
both had the same thought on their minds.  Why?
        Why had she proposed?
        Why did he say sure?
        What kind of acceptance was sure?
        Both hoped that tomorrow the other would say that it was a joke. Not that 
the thought of marrying each other was unappealing.  Especially after the last 
few cases.  There was the miraculous cure of her cancer, the trip to Florida, 
and of course the great Mutato.  That had the best ending.  
        The Cher concert and of course the dance.   That would be etched in their 
minds forever.
        Both parties fell asleep with that night playing in their minds.

        Mulder showed up promptly at 9:30 in the morning.  Scully got in with just 
a "Mornin Mulder."
        "Morning Scully.  Got you a cup of coffee."  He pointed to the cup in the 
cup holder.
        "Thanks."  And they were off.

        The first hour they sat in silence.  It was an uncomfortable one at that.  
Not even yesterday's little proposal came into play.  It was Scully who broke 
it.  "So who is going to be there?"
        "Well knowing mom, the entire Jewish population of the town she lives in 
and family."
        "Yeah.  My mom had two bothers and a sister.  They had children and some 
even have grandchildren."
        "How many people are going to be there?  Probably over 100."
        And I thought there were a lot of people at Scully affairs.  How long does 
this thing last for?"
        "Normally till everyone leaves or everyone passes out."
        "Well my mom's side the, Tilliman's, are a wild bunch.  You'll understand 
when you meet the Bernstein children."
        "Please tell me."
        "Well that's my mother's older sister.  She had two boys and the triplets, 
all girls.  The six of us always caused trouble.  One summer we got arrested."
        "Prison wasn't bad but the parent's were.  I was lucky, being I was the 
youngest, and the outer towner."
        "How old were you?"
        "I was 14.  Josh was 17, Mike was also 14 about to be 15 in two days, the 
reason for the trip.  Amy, Sara, and Susan were 16."
        "What did you guys do?"
        "Disorderly conduct.  We went cow tipping, and made a few crop circles in 
some farmers wheat fields.  Josh had a car.   This was in Ohio.  A very rural 
town.  We wrecked havoc all month that we were there."
        "A month?"
        "We went in the middle of July.  That was Josh's birthday, July 13th.  The 
triple terror as they were called were born August seventh. and Mike was the 
20th.  We would always leave three days later."
        "Do they have kids?"
        "Yeah.  Josh has two boys and a girl.  Amy has a boy and a girl as does 
Mike.  Susan has a little girl.  And Sara, has too many to count."
        "Let's see.  There's Samuel, Luke, Leia, Hannah, Alexander, Diana, 
Marissa.  Sam's the oldest, Luke, Leia, and Hannah were triplets, then came 
Alex, and Diana and Marissa at the same time."
        "Wow.  I full load."
        "According to mom she's expecting again."
        "Nine kids."
        "She was always the wild one."
        "I can't wait to meet them.  Is there any other cousins I should know 
        The next few hours were occupied with stories of Mulder and his adventures 
with his cousins.  Most of them with his aunts children because he was closer to 
there age.  
        Scully was very shocked to hear that Mulder had a large family filled with 
such happy memories.  She always figured that his life was horrible after his 
sister was taken.  And here she was listening to tales of him making crop 
circles in fields and fishing and camping outings, that normally ended up with 
them all in trouble.  Maybe that was why he was always getting into trouble at 
        Both were occupied with the stories that were being shared when Scully 
added her own misadventures.  But in the back was still the marriage proposal.  
Both wanted to bring it up but didn't know how or what they felt about the 

        It was about an hour from their destination when Mulder broached the 
subject.  "Scully, we need to talk."
        "About yesterday?"
        "I think we should."
        "I was wondering how long we could go on without it."
        "Me too."
        "Look Mulder, I got carried away with the moment.  That's all."  Scully 
said rather quickly, hoping that's what he wanted to hear, but not what she 
        "Oh okay  Me too."  He answered dedicatedly.   Part of him was happy with 
what she said.  The other part wished she said that she had always wanted him 
and she really wanted to marry him.  So to save his pride he answered the very 
lame excuse.
        Scully wanted to scream.  She wished he would have just came out and said 
that he did love her and meant what he said.  She would have said, yes me also, 
I was just scared.  Didn't he know that she loved him.  Why else did she pull 
him on to her lap in Florida.  She didn't have to do that.  And she sang for 
him.  There were other songs she wanted to sing, but Joy To The World was the 
least romantic and she didn't want to let on.  Especially after that line in the 
motel when she came in with wine and cheese.  
        "Good.  I guess that's settled.  It will make tonight so much easier."  
And she closed her eyes to try and get some sleep.
        Damn.  He hoped that she'd say something like oh Fox I lied,  I love you, 
I always did.  He sure did.  He didn't realize how much she meant to him till 
she came really close to dying.  But that would do that to a person.  Didn't she 
understand that he loved her.  Why did he ask her to dance.  He was so scared 
when he outstretched the hand to her.  He couldn't even look into her eyes in 
case she turned him down.  But when she had excepted, that had made his day, 
week, month, year, lifetime even.  And now he was sitting here in a car with the 
woman he loved more than life itself and he couldn't say it.  And she fell 
asleep.  Maybe it was better.  Give him sometime to think.

        "Scully wake up we're there."  
        "Nice nap?"
        "Yeah.  What time is it?"
        "A quarter to six."
        "Let me get my stuff."
        "No need.  The butler will do that."
        It was then that Scully looked at where they were.  This wasn't the house 
that Mulder normally went to when he went to visit his mom.  Mulder noticed his 
partner's look.  "This is where I lived most of my life.  When my mom and dad 
got divorced both didn't want to live here but didn't want to sell it.  They 
used it for parties.  But they allow the staff to live in it."
        "Mulder this is amazing."
        "Come on, my mom is waiting."  
        They found Mrs. Tina Mulder running in-between rooms.  "Mom?"
        "Fox?  Fox."  She gave him a hug.  "How are you?  How was the trip?"
        "Good mom.  Everything is good.  You remember my partner, Dana Scully."
        "Yes.  Hello Dana.  Thank you for coming."
        "Thank you for inviting me.  I have a bottle of wine in my bag for you.  
Where ever it might be."
        "Oh Brian probably brought it to your room by now.  You can give it to me 
        "So what's doing mom?"
        "Nothing really.  It's amazing being here again.  I was talking to the 
family and we are thinking of doing a big Passover dinner here.  With everybody.  
Probably the second night."
        "Who did you sit us with tonight?"
        "Don't worry.  I sat you with Elizabeth's children.  Don't cause trouble 
this year again."
        "Last year wasn't my fault, I wasn't here."
        "It was better that way.  Well not really, but when you are added to the 
equation it doesn't help."
        "Where should I put the gifts?"
        "Same place as always Fox."
        "Tell me about the trouble last year and the year before."  Scully asked 
getting all excited about Mulder blackmail stories.  
        "Why you two talk I'm going to take a nap.  Have someone wake me 7:30 so I 
can get dressed and don't send the triple terror."
        "Sure.  And I'll make sure they don't have a video camera or recording 
device.   Oh and maybe you'll sleep with something on this time."
        "How was I to know that they weren't going to knock, or take the covers 
        "Alright.  Have a nice sleep sweetie."  She kissed him on the cheek.
        When he was gone Scully spoke up.  "Do you need any help?"
        "I don't know.  But I'm always up for the company."
        "What was all that about video cameras and sleeping naked?"  And with that 
Dana got an earful of hysterical stories of Mulder and his cousins.

        "Fox.  Wake up dear."  He heard his mom's voice.
        "I'm up Mom."
        "You didn't bring the presents down yet?"
        "No.  I saw the bed and was exhausted.  They are in the bag over there."
        "Okay.  I'll bring them down.  I put Dana is Sam's old room just next 
door.  So please knock on her door when you are done."
        When his mom left he opened his eyes and got out of bed.  He looked in the 
mirror.  He'd have to wet his hair again to get it to behave.  It was almost 
time for another haircut.  This time he was smart though and brought some of his 
hair gel with him.  

        Tina showed Dana her room at 7:00.  "Fox will get you when he is done.  I 
hope you have a good time.  Just please keep an eye out for Fox.  Make sure he 
        "I'll try."
        When she was left alone Dana took a shower in the bathroom that seemed to 
connect two rooms.  She locked both doors just to make sure.  It was a quick one 
being she had to blow dry her hair which took her a good twenty minutes.
        It was just eight o'clock when there was a knock on the door.  "Scully?"
        "Come in Mulder."  
        When he entered the sight took his breath away.  Dana was wearing a navy 
blue velvet dress.  It was held up with straps of what looked like diamonds.  
They also seemed to out line the top of the dress which just covered her chest.  
The back was a V and came to about the middle of her back.  It was obvious that 
she wore no bra, which for some reason made Mulder a little more excited.  The 
dress reached her ankles.  She was wearing shoes of the same color and material.  
Her hair looked so vibrant and alive.  It was bunched up into a bun on top of 
her head.  With little tendrils hanging down.  She had little studs in her ears 
of sapphires surrounded by diamonds.  Tonight there was no cross around her neck 
but a gold chain with what looked like one of the earrings hanging from it.  All 
the blue made her eyes shine and her skin seem so beautiful.  "You look amazing 
        "You too Mulder."  She choked out.  There was something about a man in a 
tux that made her heart skip a beat.  And especially when it's the man who makes 
her heart skip a beat no matter what he's wearing.  The tux was neatly pressed 
as was the white shirt.  He had gold cufflinks that seemed polished as where his 
shoes.  His tie was maroon with blue dreidles on it, that was very appealing.  
His hair looked well kept not like normal.  But is was getting long again.  He 
had his bangs nicely parted and curving down towards his eyes.
        "I guess we better go.  I heard the door bell ring before."  He extended 
his arm to her which she took.  "You better call me Fox tonight."
        "Sure Fox.  But only if you call me Dana."  
        "No problem."  And they headed to where the smougust board was taking 

        Fox was saying hello to friends and family and introducing Dana around as 
his partner and friend when he heard someone yell out "John Doe."  He turned to 
see Josh, Mike and Susan.
        "Hey you guys.  About time you showed up."
        "What and miss all the trouble we could get into together?" 
        "I have to behave tonight guys.  Mom said so."
        "Yeah right."
        "Where are the rest of your families?"
        "We went to put the presents down."
        "They are over there.  Come on."
        Dana looked up at her partner.  "John Doe?"
        "Later Dana."  He turned to face the crew in front of him.  "Boy have you 
kids grown.  Dana, this is Joshua Bernstein, his wife Elana, there kids, Jeff, 
Danny, and Perri.  Mike Bernstein, his wife Michelle, Matthew, and Melissa.  And 
the oldest of the triple terror, Susan Waldman, with her husband, Kevin, and 
daughter Mara.  Everyone this is Dana Scully.  My partner at work."  
        Hello's were exchanged.  Fox hugged all the adults and then bent down to 
the children.  He took Matthew in his arms and spun him around.  "The last time 
I saw you, you could barely talk.  How old are you?"
        "I'm five."
        "Wow.  You are a big boy."  Fox put him down seeing that the others were 
gone.  "Why don't you go play."
        "Okay."  And he ran away.
        "John?"  Fox turned again.  This time he was almost knocked over by 
another woman.
        "How are you.  You look good.  Who is your date?"
        "She's may partner from work Sara.  Sara, this is Dana.  Dana, Sara and 
her crew.  You missing a few?"
        "They saw there cousins so they went to play.  This is Adam my husband.  
This is Luke, Leia and Hannah, AKA the Star Wars troop.  And Samuel."
        "Mom we are not the Star Wars troop.  Just because Luke and Leia are the 
biggest fans ever doesn't mean I like the movies."  Hannah whined.
        "Sorry dear.  I know."
        "Hi Fox."
        "Hi kids."  He bent down and gave then all hugs.   "Go play."
        "L and L won't play.  They just want to sit and read.  The even snuck in 
the new Star Wars  book.  It's in Luke's pocket."  And Hannah ran away.
        "Hannah.  you are such a tattle tale.  I'm going to beat you up."  Leia 
yelled out.
        "Hey.  I want you guys to behave tonight.  Now did you bring the books?"
        "Yes mom.  But it was Leia's idea."
        "Why do I always get blamed for everything?"
        "Okay, I won't take it away but no reading during the activities.  You are 
going to play like everyone else, you got that.  If I find you not participating 
then I'll take away all your books and computer privileges."
        "But the contests-"Luke started.
        "Will not have any entries from the Skywalker Brats.  You got that?"
        "Yes mom."
        "Good.  Now go have fun."
        "What's wrong Sara, the crew giving mom a hard time." Susan teased.
        "Those two are going to drive me to drink."
        "Oh not like there mom?"  Mike added.
        "I wish they were.  The only thing they do is sit and read and write.  
They have a bunch of Star Wars Fanfic stories published on the net.  They use 
the name Skywalker Brats."
        "I'll be looking for them next time I'm on."  Fox joked.
        "The only time you are on is to get out of paperwork.  I found out after I 
checked out your data base the other day looking for a file.  Following up a 
lead on the Internet indeed."  Dana scoffed.
        "Hey that's private."
        "Good one Dana.  Hey there's Amy with Scott and Esther, and Jacob."  Mike 
        Again introductions were made and  the children went to play.  The twelve 
adults went to sit down at their table in the main dining room.  There was a 
separate room off to the side where the kids were eating and playing games.  
        Dana felt at ease immediately with this group.  They were full of teasing 
and laughing.  "Why do you all call him John Doe?"  
        "Well once were all talking about names.  And it was decided that Fox's 
was the weirdest.  So the six of us decided to start calling him John Doe.  You 
know what they call people they find without ID because it is so common." Mike 
        "Yeah Sam was really cool when she hung out with us.  She was a little too 
young to enjoy are company but we still miss her."  Amy said.
        There was an odd moment of silence that followed.  "Hey you want to 
dance?"   Sara asked Adam.
        "Sure sweeite."  Other couples soon followed.  Fox and Dana were all that 
was left.
        Both didn't feel comfortable dancing at the moment.  "They're great Fox."  
        "Yeah.  I don't get to see them so much.  We live so far away from each 
        While Fox and Dana were taking they didn't see how Amy, Sara, Susan, Mike, 
and Josh all left the dance floor and started to talk.  "Do you believe they are 
just partners?"
        "Not with the way they look at each other."
        "According to aunt Tina they are."
        "We got to do something."
        "Yeah.  They are really in love.  Fox could be so blind some times."
        "So any ideas?"
        "I think it's special dedication time.  He mentioned to me that they 
danced together once, during the song Walking in Memphis."
        "Okay sounds like a plan.  I'll make the request."  And Sara left to go to 
the DJ stand.  The rest went back to dance with their spouses.
        "We just got a request for Dana and Fox."  At hearing their names they 
turned to face the band.  "Here is Walking In Memphis"  And the cd started to 
play, but was stopped.  It seemed to be waiting for Fox and Dana to get up..
        "I guess we better get this over with."  Dana said.  Although she didn't 
mean it.  Was it fate that this song was playing.
        Fox looked over at his cousin.  He knew that Sara was behind this.  It was 
just the kind of thing that she would do.  
        They started dancing at arms length from each other.  But as the song 
slowed down towards the end they found each other closer than when they started.  
Both didn't want to end it and continued to dance into the next song.
        The music never stopped for Fox.  It just moved around them, and soon that 
faded along with the others in the room.  He was in heaven dancing with Dana.  
Her head rested on his chest as his arms held her close.  
        They didn't stop till Fox felt a hand on his shoulder.   "Hey.  They 
stopped playing the music."  Josh said.
        "Oh."  And Fox led his partner off the dance floor.  
        Both sat at the table in silence.  Not trusting themselves to speak.  The 
dancing felt so natural, that it was hard to deny the feelings they had for each 
other, now.
        Not liking how her plan was turning out she started a conversation.  "So 
how long have the two of you known each other."
        "About five years."  Dana answered sensing that Sara was the mastermind 
behind the song.  But how did they know?  Did Fox tell them?
        "That's long.  We all know that John has no life, But you must have a boy 
friend or something."  Susan spoke up.  Following where her sister was going and 
not liking being kept out of the mischief.
        "Actually I don't.  I'm kept very busy at work."
        "I'll bet."  Josh muttered under his breath.  Being unfortunate to be 
sitting next to Fox he got a kick in the shin.
        "Is John still a goody too shoes, and follows all the rules?"  Amy asked 
next, being more of the subdued crowd.
        "Wait!  John, as in Fox Mulder?  Follow the rules??"  Scully couldn't help 
but laugh.
        "What's so funny?"  Amy asked confused.  
        "Well, I guess you can say I changed a little since I met Scully."
        "So it's my fault that you get into all that trouble."  She turned back to 
the group.  "He has been in a hospital in just about every state."
        "Well, I get in trouble so much now because I know that you will be there 
to save me.  I never had a partner or friend who was there for me like you are."
        Everyone was silent as the words that Fox said sunk in.  "I better go 
check on the kids."  Susan said as she got up from the table.
        "So Fox was innocent in his youth?"
        " He was so innocent it was a crime."  Matt said.
        "And you were any better?"  Fox countered.
        "Actually he was.  He never questioned.  He just followed.  Fox was always 
going on about what if our parents found out, or if we got arrested.  Why did we 
let you tag a long anyway?"
        "Well Josh, because I was the scapegoat."
        "Oh yeah.  That was the our famous line.  But we wanted to show Fox."
        "Did you guys get arrested?"
        "Of course."  Sara said proudly.
        "What for?"
        "Lots of things.  Mostly disorderly conduct.  Then there was the drinking 
        "That was fun." Amy said.
        "Like you remember that.  You were all drunk."  Fox said.
        "Well that was your fault that we got in trouble that night."  Matt 
        "What was Johns fault?"  Susan asked as she came back.
        "Remember the night in jail.  The drinking one?"  
        "Oh yeah, Matt.  That was John's fault."
        "What did he do?"  Dana asked.  
        "He decided to drive."  Josh answered laughing at the memory.
        "You drove drunk?  How old were you?"  Dana exclaimed.
        "Josh, that wasn't what happened."  He looked around the table.  "Okay so 
I did drive, but I was the only sober one."
        "If you did drink than we wouldn't have gotten trouble."
        "I'm sorry, Josh.  Before you get any more ideas Dana the six of us went 
to get drunk.  I was thirteen."
        "We were trying to get Fox to have some fun."
        "I always had fun with you guys, Matt.  Anyway I got sick after one sip, 
so I stopped.  But no one else did.  So they were quite drunk by one in the 
morning.  We were supposed to be home at 12:30."
        "Yeah and John got scared."  Sara said.
        "So I got everyone into the car and proceeded to drive home.  Well the 
cops knew us from previous summers and weeks.  And they knew I was the youngest.  
So it just happens that a cop drives past us.  He pulls me over.  We were 
arrested like that.  Me for driving illegally, and them for drinking."
        Before anyone could say anything they were interrupted by the DJ.  "We 
just got another request for Fox and Dana.  Here is When She Cries."
        Fox didn't even think as he got up and outstretched his hand to Dana, like 
at the Cher concert.  Dana also gave up thinking about her actions as she 
accepted it and they began to dance.
        It was one of Fox's favorite songs and soon got lost in the music.  He 
forgot where he was or who he was with.  Without realizing it he started to 
sing.  And he sang with the words he uses, substituting you for she thinking 
that he was singing to Dana.
        Dana laid her head against Fox's chest and just flowed with the music.  
But she was a little shaken when she started to hear a different voice, and a 
few different words.  

        "You've always been there for me, Whenever I've fallen.  When nobody else 
believes you'll be there by my side.  I don't know how you take it, but just 
once I'd like to make it.  And then there'll be tears of joy that fill your 
loving eyes.  When you cry at night and you don't think that I can hear you and 
you try to hide all the fears you feel inside.  So I pray this time, I can be 
the man that you deserve, because I die a little each time when you cry."

        She didn't even stop him.  It sounded so sweet and nice, like he was 
singing it to her.  Could it be?  Is this how he felt towards her?  If that was 
the case why didn't he say anything?  
        Why don't you say anything?  Because you are scared.  Maybe he is too.  
Her only answer to that was to tell the little voice to shut up.
        The song next was by Vanessa Williams and was called, Saved the Best for 
Last.  Dana had a trick up her sleeve.  There was one line in this song that she 
felt very strongly about and often thought about it when she was angry at her 
partner and his girlfriends.  
        Fox couldn't help but smile as he danced with his partner.  He was 
suddenly brought back to reality when he heard her voice.  
        "How can you give your love to someone else and share your dreams with me.  
Sometimes the very thing you are looking for is the one thing you can't see."

        He was shocked when he heard that line.  Was she telling him something?  
He thought about the line.  Yes it was true.  He had shared a lot with her, 
dreams and nightmares.  Yet he goes off to date others.  That probably makes her 
think she is worthless.   Is the one thing that he's looking for right under his 
nose?  Yes.  He loved Scully.  And why did she say this to him.  Was she saying 
that she is here for him?  Oh man he hoped so.  
        The music wound down and the DJ's voice once again interrupted them.  "I 
just got word from our host Tina that it's time to light the candles.  The 
kiddies will come in soon.  And she is asking for Fox, and the rest of the 
relatives to get their presents now."
        "Presents?"  Dana asked.
        "Don't worry.  Just sit here.  We'll be back."  And Fox and the rest of 
the relatives got up leaving the spouses.
        Dana looked around and felt uncomfortable as everyone sat in silence.  
"You seem to not be participating in the conversation?"
        "It's kind of funny, but all of us are cousins or best friends."  Adam 
        "And we know better than to get involved with the five of them when they 
get together, especially when Fox is around."  Elana said.
        "And we talk about what we are up to separately.  It works out well this 
way."  Kevin also stated.  And the conversation ended.  Scully sat by herself 
listening to the other conversations and waiting for Fox to return.
        Mulder met the rest of his family in another room filled with bags of 
presents.  "How is this working?" one of the relatives asked.
        "Parents take the gifts that you brought.  And you can give them out after 
the candles are lit."  Tina answered.  
        "Whose lighting?"
        "I have four menorahs.  One for me and each of my siblings we will light 
them.  But someone will have to light it for Alex."
        "I'll do it."  Kyle, Alex's oldest son answered.
        "Thanks dear.  Then Joshua, Sara, Susan, Amy, Matthew, and Fox will sing 
Ma'oz Tzur.  We then hand out the gifts and sing some more."
        "Do we have to sing?"  Fox asked.
        "Fox don't start."  His mom answered.
        "Yeah Fox.  It'll impress Dana."  Sara said.
        "He doesn't need to impress her."  Matt said.  "She's already in love with 
        "Fox has a girlfriend, Fox has a girlfriend!"  Amy and Susan started to 
        "Can't the six of you act your age?  You are worse than the children!!!"  
Tina scolded.
        The six of them couldn't help but laugh.  "Guess we better go or we might 
get sent to our rooms without presents."  Josh said.
        "You better believe it mister."  Tina countered.
        "You okay Fox?"  Dana asked when he got back to the table.
        "I guess."
        "Aunt Tina yelled at him."  Josh sneered.
        "It was your fault."
        "No it was Amy and Susan's fault."
        "No way."  They countered.
        Before the argument started Tina's voice was heard on the mike.  "Is table 
10 misbehaving again?"  She looked at them.
        "No ma'am."  the guilty parties all answered as the rest of the room 
        "Okay.  We will be lighting the candles.  Then my son and Elizabeth's 
children will sing for us and then we'll hand out the presents."
        "What's happening?"  Dana asked as Fox got up.
        "Nothing.  Just sit here and enjoy.  You are going to be witness to 
something very few people outside the family know."  And he left with a kiss on 
her cheek.  His cousins left with him.
        Dana turned her chair around so she could get a better look.  The children 
piled in to the room and sat on the floor around the dance floor.  All were 
silent as soon as the match was lit.
        Dana watched in awe as all the candles were lit.  While that was going on 
those who were lighting were singing in a language that Dana didn't understand.  
It had to be Hebrew.  The one thing she did do was answer "Amen" with the rest 
of the crowd.
        Once all the candles were lit the adults sat down and Fox, Matt, Amy, 
Sara, Susan, and Josh stood in a line in that order.  "One two three."  Josh 
counted off and started to sing.  
        Each would sing a verse and then the others would join in for what sounded 
like a repetition of a part of it.  It went down the line starting with Josh.  
Dana's eyes though were stuck on Fox.  He had his eyes closed through out the 
whole song.  He didn't sing the repetition to Matt's verse.
        Fox then opened his mouth.  
        What came out was the most beautiful thing that Dana had ever heard.  She 
didn't understand it.  She new it wasn't English.  Even if it was she didn't 
think that she would understand it.  She was lost in his voice.  She figured he 
could sing, but not this good.  What was he doing in the FBI?  He should have 
sung her to sleep.  
        Dana was brought out of her reverie by the clap of hands.  The six of them 
were bowing and then walked back to the table. "What do we sing now?"  Matt 
        "I have a little Dreidle."  Fox answered as he broke out into song.  All 
the children took up the song as did some of the adults as the presents were 
handed out.  After what seemed like an hour the children left and another course 
was served, as the music started again.
        "Fox that was beautiful."
        "So you got presents for everyone?"
        "All my nieces and nephews.  Every one under nine gets a coloring book.  
The rest get a five dollar gift certificate to the Wiz."
        "Nothing for the adults."
        "That's later."  Matt said.
        "Yeah.  In about 10 minutes the first wave of children go to sleep.  
That's 0-10.  In an hour and a half go the next wave.  11-17.  Then it's fun for 
the adults."  Sara winked at Fox.
        "What was that Sara?"
        "Nothing Fox.  Just wait and see." 
        "Once all the kiddies go to sleep Sara and Amy are going to start their 
gambling games."   Matt tattled.
        "It's part of the holiday.  Don't worry Dana, we play fair."  Susan added.
        Dana looked at her partner for reassurance. There was none.  He had a look 
of complete confusion.
        "Come on.  I'm going to say good night to the kiddies."  Fox said as he 
dragged Dana with him.
        "Fox, this is amazing.  Your family and everything."
        "I'm glad I came.  And glad you're here too."
        "If your mom does have Passover, I'd love to come."
        "Of course.  You are invited."
        The kids al came and gave cousin Fox a hug and a kiss.  Little Matt even 
gave Dana a kiss and called her cousin Dana.  They were all herded up stairs as 
Dana and Fox walked around the house together.
        "What is this gambling?"
        "I don't know.  But I'd be scared.  If Sara is in charge it's dangerous."
        "You have an amazing voice."
        "Thanks.  I only sing in front of family though."
        "I'm really embarrassed that I sang in front of you."
        "Don't worry about it.  Does it help that if I tell you I don't remember 
        "Yeah, right.  I really believe that."
        Fox laughed.  They walked outside around the gardens.  "This is a really 
beautiful place."
        "Yeah.  A lot of fond memories here."  He caught a shiver running through 
Dana.  "Cold?"
        "Here take my jacket."
        He helped her put it on.  "There you go.  Better?"
        "Where are all the children sleeping?"
        "There are a few big rooms upstairs.  All the kids camp out there."
        "What room am I using?"
        "That was Sam's"
        "I didn't, didn't know."
        "It's okay.  I told mom to put you there.  She was going to put someone 
else there.  I couldn't stand that."  What Fox didn't tell her was that he asked 
him mom to put Dana into that room, because of the connecting bathroom and that 
Sam's room should only be visited by the other important thing in his life.
        "And you stay in your room?"
        "Yep."  After some more silent walking and thinking.  "I think we better 
go back.  I don't trust Sara too long by herself."
        When they got back they saw that Sara, Amy and Josh were all sitting in a 
corner silently talking.  "What's going on?"  Fox asked Mike.
        "Tina caught them trying to organize a strip poker game."
        "Oh.  Glad I wasn't around."
        "Yeah but they are planning something now.  I can tell."
        "You are probably right.  Let me introduce you around some more.  This way 
I can't get into trouble."  And Fox and Dana left them again.
        What they didn't know was that Sara, Amy, and Josh were planning how to 
get Fox and Dana together.  Because according to them Fox and Dana belonged 
        "So how are we going to do this?"
        "The strip poker would have been good."
        "Amy.  Number one John can count the cards so they would win."
        "And what's number two Josh?"
        "I haven't figured it out yet."
        "Okay.  There was one thing I did notice."  Sara waited for the attention.  
"During Ma'oz Tzur, Dana was fascinated, and I mean she could not take her eyes 
off of John."
        "So, we got to make him sing again."
        "Talent contest?"
        "That's good, Josh.  But we got to work on him.  He won't do it by 
        "You talk to him Sara.  You are good at manipulating people."
        "Oh thanks J.D."
        "No seriously.  But when we do this?"
        "The last thing.  That way if everything goes the way we want John and 
Dana can go to bed."
        "Okay.  We start after the little ones go to sleep.  I'll work on Dana 
        "It's one thing that John realizes that he loves her but Dana also has to 
know."  Amy stated.
        "Okay.  So what do I do?"
        "You talk to the DJ and get other contestants.  We also need to do 
        "Okay.  Think of what we can come up with."
        "Welcome back everyone.  We welcome you to come back up and dance.  The 
main course will be out soon."
        "John may I have this dance?"
        "Sure, Sara."  He turned to Dana.  "Don't get into any trouble."
        "I'm not the one hanging out with Sara."  She smiled.
        "You're right."  Fox gave her a peck on the cheek and went to dance with 
his cousin.
        "You and Dana seem very happy together."
        "We are.  She's my partner, my best friend."
        "I can tell.  I like your bow tie."
        "Thanks.  Dana picked it out for me."
        "Yeah.  I used it to bribe her.  Mom was going to set me up with someone."
        "Scared it might be like Sandra the octopus from two years ago?"
        "Yeah.  Told Dana that she could pick out the tie and cumber bun if she 
        "She has good taste."
        "Yeah.  She does."
        "You seeing anyone?"
        "No.  I've been pretty busy. Between work and Scully's cancer."
        "Sorry.  Dana had cancer a few months back.  She is in remission now."  
Fox casted his eyes down ward.
        Sara tilted his head back up with her finger.  "What's wrong?"
        "Nothing.  Just thinking."
        "Penny for your thoughts John?"
        "It's just that I'm the one who gave it to her.  It's my fault.  Yet she 
still is my friend.  I don't feel like I deserve her."
        "John, cancer happens."
        "Not this kind."  He shook his head.  "Remember I told you about the work 
I do?"
        "Well they gave Dana the cancer as a way to stop me."
        "But it didn't work and she is better.  That's what you got to be happy 
about."  After a few moments of silent dancing Sara spoke up again.  "How have 
your last few cases been?"
        "Not bad.  We were in Florida a few months ago.  That was fun.   We ended 
up spending a night in the forest.  She sung to me.  Joy to the World."
        "Well it was because I got hurt.  She pulled me into her lap to try and 
keep me warm.  You know what I said to her?  I told her I didn't want to 
        "You always had a way with words."
        "Then we went to a Cher concert.  I asked her to dance.  Well not really.  
I outstretched my hand to her and she accepted it.  I don't understand it."
        "She loves you."
        "No she doesn't."
        "Fox.  When you were singing, she was mesmerized.  She couldn't move.  Her 
eyes were glued to you."
        "I wish.  I mean I like her."
        "Come on.  I know better than that.  When the two of you dance it's like 
you are in your own little world."
        "Excuse me.  Can I cut in?"  Dana tapped Sara on the shoulder.
        "Of course.  Was warming him up for you."
        "Thanks Sara."
        "We'll talk to later Fox."
        "Talk about what?"  Dana asked when Sara left.
        "Oh nothing.  Just plans for mom's and aunt Elizabeth's birthday.  They 
are a day apart.  What did you do?"
        "Oh talking to Amy."
        "That's trouble."  They both fell into a comfortable silence and continued 
to dance.
        But Scully went to think about her conversation with Fox's cousin.
        "How do you like working with him?"
        "Who?  Fox?"
        "It's good.  I like it."
        "Yeah.  He's funny.  And smart."
        "So when is the wedding."
        "What?  No, it's not like that."
        "Oh what is it like then?"
        "I don't know.  We are partners, friends."
        "He loves you."
        "Are you that blind?  Don't you see the way he looks at you?  Whenever we 
talk to him the only thing he ever talks about is what he and Scully did."
        "Really?  What was the last thing he told you?"
        "That you went dancing."
        "Dancing?  I guess, we were at a concert and he got up and outstretched 
his head to me.  He was so cute.  He couldn't even look me in the eye.  But when 
we danced.  It felt like my feet left the ground."
        "You have the same look when you are dancing with him.  It's like you are 
the only two people in the world.  Did you know that he could sing?"
        "No.  Did he always sing?"
        "Before Sam disappeared, they used to sing all the time.  They would sing 
anything and everything."
        "How bad was Sam's disappearance on you all?"
        "It was hard on us all, but Fox.  Well he was the worst.  The first summer 
after that was hard on us all.  We didn't know how to act.  His mom didn't come 
she just shipped him off.  He hung out with us but didn't participate in 
anything.  The night that we all got arrested when he drove, that wasn't the 
first time he drunk."
        "What?  He doesn't even drink now."
        "Well that's our fault."
        "I thought it was the fact that he was scared of turning into his father."
        "No.  Fox could never do that.  The first summer when he was 12, well Josh 
thought that if he could forget about Sam it would be better. So we got him 
drunk.  Didn't take much.  A whole bottle of beer and he was done for.  He sung 
for five hours before he passed out.  We were scared.  But the next day, 
hangover and all, he thanked us.  It was so shocking to us.  He started to play 
around with us some more.  Participated and everything.  It wasn't the same Fox, 
but that would never be the same."
        "He takes things so hard.  I mean he hardly ever speaks to his mother.  He 
speaks to my mom once a week.  And he comes over at least once a month for 
dinner.  She considers him her son."
        "We noticed that Fox has been doing so great since he met you.  He's a 
live again.  The way g he was when he was with us.  It was easy to see he would 
change whenever his mom was around.  It was worse with his father.  You are good 
for him.  Don't let anyone tell you you are not."
        "No thank you.  We are Fox's biggest supporters in this family.  More so 
that  Tina.  She loved him but Samantha still hurts her."
        "Fox is special to me and my mom.  I love this song.  I think I'm going to 
go and dance."
        "Okay.  Chat with ya later."  And Dana ;left to go to that dance floor.

        "Fox I love this song."
        "I didn't know you like Phil Collins."
        "Yeah.  Groovy Kind if Love is Amazing."
        "I like No son of mine and Both Sides of the Story.  "
        "Those are so sad.  You got to get some happy songs."
        "I like Joy to the World."
        "I'm surprised after you heard me sing."  Fox just smiled and spun her 

        "Hi everyone."  Tina said as she picked up the mike,  "Please sit down and 
enjoy dinner.  After wards we are going to invite the teens in and have some 
Israeli dancing.  Then there will be some of more popular dance music.  After 
the teens go to sleep we are going to travel back to when you guys were younger.  
We will get some 60, 70, and 80's music."
        "Israeli dancing?" Dana turned to Fox.
        "Are we going to be confusing them?"  He turned to his cousins.
        "Of course.  It wouldn't be fun if we didn't." Susan said.
        "Someone has to  teach Dana."  Scott said.
        "We got that.  Come on Dana."  Sara said as she and the girls left the 
        "You remember how to do the dances?"
        "Girls version or guy version?"
        "Start the girls version...then we do our way.  Defiantly impress Dana."  
Matt said.

        "You ever do country line dancing?"
        "A little."
        "It's similar.  What do you think they will play?" Amy asked.
        "Yidden."  Some one called out.
        "Yoya."  Another.
        "We can't teach her all of those."  Susan said.
        "Yidden, and Yoya a must.  Maybe zodiac too."   
        "Okay.  Yidden.  Start with your right foot and you go back 4 steps like 

        When they came back Fox leaned over to Dana.  "Did you have fun?"
        "I can't wait to see you do the dances too."
        "What did they teach you?"
        "Yidden, Yoya and zodiac."
        "Well they didn't tell you that there is a guys and girls version to 
        "What did they mean about confusing people?"
        "Oh.  Well we will do all the moves facing the others.  The trick is not 
to follow the person opposite you.  It get's funny.  Oh they are starting Yoya."  
And Mulder, Dana and the rest of the table approached the dance floor.
        They danced one song right after the other.  While everyone was having a 
great time, Fox and Dana were in there own little world.  A world where there 
was only the other.
        Fox was amazed at how quickly Dana had picked up the dances.  Not that 
they were all that hard, but it still took some time to learn.  She looked 
wonderful jumping up and down.  Her hair twirling around her during the turns.  
A great big smile on her face as she watched other people's feet as they did the 
        Dana couldn't believe her partner.  He was a great slow dancer, but this.  
Was unbelievable.  She couldn't believe that he wasn't getting tripped up like 
she was, especially with his big feet.  He had grace that was sure.  She notices 
that he and his cousins added in extra hand motions.  They laughed and even sung 
along or called out the steps for each other.  When they danced Yidden she was 
astonished as he and his male cousins broke off from the girls and did different 
steps that still went along with music.
        What was he doing in the FBI. With his voice, his grace, agility and 
memory he should be on stage.  She thought to herself.  
        After a bunch of songs they all collapsed back at their table out of 
breath, red faced, but happy beyond belief.  "That was so much fun."
        "At the next FBI Function we'll get a group together and do it again."  
Fox laughed.
        Dana all of a sudden broke into fits of laughter.  "What is it?"  Josh 
        "Can-can you see AD, AD, Ad Skinner, dancing like that?"
        Fox thought for a moment and then broke up laughing.  "You're right."
        "We got to meet this guy."
        "No.  He'll probably pull out what ever is left of his hair knowing that 
there are more like Mulder out there."
        "Is he that bad?"
        "I think that our boss as a radar for you, Fox."
        "We got to meet this boss of yours."
        "No.  He hates me enough as it is."
        Conversation was stopped due to the chiming of midnight on the clock in 
the hall.  The DJ picked up the mike again and started to talk.  "All little 
princes and princess, under the age of 18, it's time for bed.  Better hurry 
before you turn into pumpkins."  The children groaned as the adults laughed.  
"And for the adults, there will be a talent show to close up the evening after 
dessert.  Please come and sign up with me."
        "Hey John, let's put the brats to bed."
        "Fine Sara I'm coming."  he knew better than to argue.
        "Go say good night to your cousins Fox."
        "You promise not to leave, Dana?"
        "Have no clue where the car is."  She joked back. Fox gave the warmest 
smile, that spoke of undying love to everyone in the room.  He then turned 
around and followed his cousin.
        "So what do you plan non singing?"
        "What do you plan on singing for the talent show."
        "No way."
        "Dana will like it."
        "Look we are just partners."
        "How long are you going to lie to yourself.  I know it, every on in the 
room knows it, even the Big Guy upstairs knows it."
        "Yeah, but."
        "No buts.  When are you going to start admitting it to yourself."  She 
turned serious.  "Look I know how important it is for you to find Samantha.  
Dana knows it.  But I think that Sam would want you to be happy also."
        "I'll think about it."  He said quietly.
        "You better."  She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went to her 

        "Your main course is being served now.  Afterwards we will have a 
flashback to the younger years.  Music from the 60's 70's and 80's.  I expect to 
see you all on the dance floor I know you want to."  And the DJ put on some more 
background music.
        "So what does everyone plan on doing for the talent show?"  Sara asked 
hoping to get something from her cousin.
        "I was thinking of singing."  Amy said.
        "Of course Matt.  Maybe Scott will join me."
        "What song dear?"
        "You know.  The one we sing all the time at home."
        "Oh okay.  You think he has it?"
        "If not I have the tape in the car."
        "Only you would Amy."
        "Shut up Matt.  What are you going to do?"
        "Sit here and try not to laugh."  His only answer to that was a napkin 
thrown in his face by Amy.
        "Stop it you two or we are going to get in trouble."
        "Susan is a scardy cat, Susan is a scardy cat."  Both teased.
        "Quit it."  Sara said.
        "What do you plan on doing Sara dear?"
        "Sara and I are dancing the Lambada." Adam said.
        "Lambada?"  Dana asked.
        "Sara is dance instructor.  She probably taught Adam everything he knows."  
Fox explained.
        "What about you?"
        "Um.  I don't know Dana.  You think I should?"
        The rest of the table was quiet waiting for the answer.  "I guess.  You do 
have a very nice voice.  You should sing."
        "Well okay.  If you say so."
        "Do I get to pick the song?"
        "Nope.  Knowing you, it will probably be a song with notes I can't reach."
        "Hey You were able to go real high a while ago."
        "I haven't hit notes like that since I was 15."
        "Oh yeah."  Susan said with a smile.
        "So what do you plan on singing?"
        "Surprise."  Was all he answered as he put some food into his mouth.
        Dinner went by with out too much trouble.  An occasional napkin found it's 
way across the table but that was about it.  When the music started again, 
everyone from the table got up to dance.  It wasn't really partner dancing 
music.  More group dancing and music from a time when Fox and Dana went clubbing 
in college.  
        It was because of this reason no one really noticed Fox slip away from the 
group.  His first stop was the DJ.
        "Hey Bryan, what's up?"
        "Nothing Foxy, my man.  Who's the cute red head with you?"
        "My partner form work.  Listen do you have the instrumental to Truly Madly 
Deeply by Savage Garden?"
        "Yeah.  Why?"
        "Put me on the list for the talent show, but make sure I go last.   Oh and 
don't let anyone know what I'm doing."
        "I like the sound of this.  Let me ask you one question."
        "Does it have to do with the red head?"
        "Her name is Dana and kind of."  With the he left to go find his mother.

        "Oh Fox.  Having fun?"  His mother asked when he found her up stairs in 
her bedroom.
        "Tons mom.  I'm glad I came."
        "Dana seems to be enjoying herself too."
        "Yes she is."
        "You know the two of you looked so good dancing together."
        "Thanks mom."
        "She also seemed to be shocked when you were singing.  Does she know about 
your school years and all the plays?"
        "No.  Can I ask you a question?"  he felt safe asking it now that he knew 
his mom approved of his partner.  
        "What is it Fox?"
        "Do you have Bubbies engagement ring still?"
        "Yeah.  Why?"
        "I need it."
        "Need it for what.  Are you going to-"
        "Maybe.  But if I do I need the ring.  This is really last minute like 
just decided tonight."
        "Sure Fox.  Anything.  You know I wanted to pass that ring along for a 
while.  But then Sam was taken."  She paused for a second.  "And you became so 
intent on your work I didn't think you would ever find a girl.  But Dana will be 
good for you.  She has been for 4 years already."  Tina said as she took the 
ring off her finger and gave it to her son.  They walked back to the dance floor 

        "Where were you?"  Dana asked when he came back to the dance floor.
        "Went to talk with my mom for a little."  At Dana's quizzical look he 
continued.  "Went to ask her if I was allowed to have dessert."
        "What did she say?"
        "She said being I played nicely with my cousins and didn't cause trouble 
it was okay."
        "Everyone please be seated for dessert.  I'd like to ask all the 
participants for the talent show to come up here so we can plan the rest of the 
        "Guess that's you."  Dana said.
        "Nope.  Already spoke with Bryan.  Going to be last.  Got to work up the 
        "Fine.  See you soon."  And Sara and Amy left with their spouses.
        "What are you going to do Fox?"
        "It's a surprise Dana."
        "I'm no good with surprises.  My brothers will tell you that."
        "I only know of one brother and he will contradict me on everything I 
        "Bill isn't like that."  She thought for a second.  "Well yeah he is but 
still, he is an okay person."
        "That's true he is related to you.  There's a plus right there."
        "I knew I could trust you to find the good in people.  So you going to 
tell me now?"
        "Nope.  And don't try your little investigating tricks.  I know then all 
and have defeated them."
        "Fine.  Then I'll just sit here and eat my dessert."  She pouted cutely.
        "That pout isn't going to work."
        She ignored him as she took a bite of her cake.  Soon everyone came back 
to the table and ate dessert.
        "Talent show time.  First up is Carrie Stern, singing With or Without You 
by U2."  
        Everyone clapped as she came up and started to sing. People clapped when 
she finished too.  She was followed Sara and Adam dancing the Lambada.  For them 
people cheered and catcalled.  The best was Sara's mother.  "Sara Judith 
Goldman.  What are you doing?"  That got a laugh.
        Another relative played a piece of Bach on the piano.  Fox couldn't help 
but smile.  This was what was played in Senator Mathason's office when he went 
to Arecebo.  Amy and Scott came next singing I Finally Found Someone by Barbara 
Strisand and Bryan Adams.  That got another round of claps rivaling the ones 
that Sara received after her dance.
        Some guy played a piece on the flute that neither Fox or Dana knew the 
name of but heard it before.  The card trick person was good for a few laughs as 
he dragged reluctant people up on the stage.
        "And our final contestant of the evening, Fox Mulder.  I'm not allowed to 
say what he will be singing.  Fox?"  Bryan handed the mike over.
        Fox looked around the room and then gave a nod to Bryan.  As the music 
started Fox closed his eyes and tuned everyone out.  
        Dana turned her chair around so she could get a great view of her partner.  
Something this evening had happened to her.  She realized something about her 
partner that she could no longer put off. She loved him.  She was thinking about 
how to tell him when all thoughts where stopped when she heard his voice.
        "I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy.  I'll be your 
hope, I'll be your love be everything that you need.  I love you more with every 
breath truly madly deeply do..  I will be strong I will be faithful 'cos I'm 
counting on A new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning.
        "I want to stand with you on a mountain.  I want to bathe with you in the 
sea.  I want to lay like this forever.  Until the sky falls down on me..."
        Fox opened his eyes to take in the crowd of silent people.  He quickly 
fingered the rind in his jacket pocket.  "And when the stars are shining 
brightly in the velvet sky,  I'll make a wish send it to heaven then make you 
want to cry..The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty.  That 
we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of..  The highest power. In 
lonely hours. The tears devour you.."
        Without realizing what he was doing he started to walk around the room.  
"I want to stand with you on a mountain,  I want to bathe with you in the sea.  
I want to lay like this forever,  Until the sky falls down on me..."
        He approached Dana and took her hand as he crouched down to sing to her.  
"Oh can't you see it baby?  You don't have to close your eyes 'cos it's standing 
right before you.
All that you need will surely come."
        Fox pulled her up and walked her to the center of the dance floor where he 
started.  "I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy.  I'll be 
your hope I'll be your love be everything that you need.  I'll love you more 
with every breath truly madly deeply do...
I want to stand with you on a mountain.  I want to bathe with you in the sea.  I 
want to lay like this forever.  Until the sky falls down on me."
        Fox reached into his pocket and took out the ring and got down on his knee 
again.  Everyone was quiet as the music still played in the back.  "Dana, we 
have worked together for four and a half years already.  I don't know how I 
would have survived without you.  And I want to spend the rest of it with you."
        The music had stopped yet everyone was quiet.  "Dana will you marry me?"
        Dana froze for a second.   "You have given me such a gift this holiday, 
and my gift to you is to say yes."
        Fox bolted up and picked her up and swung her around.  "I think we know 
who the winner is."  Bryan said.
        "No fair.  He proposed."  His table yelled as they ran up to give them a 
big hug.  Their goal for this evening had been accomplished.  The hug was joined 
by Tina Mulder.  "Welcome to the family, Dana."

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