Title:  Anyway You Go
Spoilers: Elergy
Keywords: Rape, Angst
Summery: Scully comes back and Mulder helps her recover.

Disclaimer:  "Follow You Down"  Belongs to the Gin Blossoms. And "Make Me Lose
Control" belongs to Eric Carmen.  I am using these things without the
permission of their owners.  This is not for monetary benefit.  The rest
of the characters belong to me.

Authors Note: First off let me warn you that this is not a happy story. 
It deals with a serious topic of rape.  While it does not go into
exactly what happens the reader sees what the outcome can be like. 
There are medical procedures and stuff like that in here.  I am not a
doctor.  All that is written, is based on things that I heard or read
of, including the cancer and pregnancy.  I must say a big Thank You to
Rebecca for reading this story and encouraging me to post it.  Also a
thank you goes out to Barbara Drucker, my new editor, for correcting all
the little spelling mistakes that my spell check did not pick up on. 

        "Mulder let me go and do the autopsies."
        "Scully give me another hour."
        "If you let me go we can kill two birds with one stone."
        "Are you sure?"  He couldn't help it.  Ever since she was
diagnosed with cancer he couldn't help but keep an eye on her.
        "Mulder I promise you that I'll give you a call when I get to the
hospital.  And then I'll give you another call when I'm done.  Okay?" 
He was being too over protective.
        "All right."  He gave in.  
        She gave him a smile as she got into the car and pulled away.

        She drove down the strip of road with the radio on.  

                Turn the radio up for that sweet sound
                Pull me close never let me go.
                Keep the spirit alive make me loose control.

        Dana sang along with song.  Their was only one other car on the
road.  She paid it no attention until she felt her car being pushed. 
She pulled her car off to the side to let the guy pass.
        He didn't.  He just kept hitting her car.  Scully felt her car go
out of control.  She tried to steer it back onto the road.  But the
other car wouldn't allow her to.  It hit the side of her car again.  She
looked over to try and see what the guy looked like.
        Dana Scully never saw the tree.

Ten Months Later
        He sat in the dark.  There was no light in the apartment.  He
couldn't even bring himself to watch the television.  He had been
sitting in the room for a week now.  He moved only to go to the
bathroom.  Even now he didn't have to do that all that often.  It might
have to do with the fact that he couldn't remember the last time he ate.
        All he could bring himself to do was sit on the couch and think.
Think about the past months.  Ten to be exact.  Skinner even told him he
set the record.  Seven partners in ten months.  I should get a medal, he
        Skinner originally told him not to work, take some vacation time. 
But he couldn't.  Couldn't let her down.  Again.  It was bad enough he
let her go by herself.  Now he had to find her.  He shouldn't have let
her go.  No matter how much she protested.  God he hated himself.  
        After a month of looking for her by himself Skinner gave him a
partner.  He lasted the longest, two months.  Then he went through
partners at about one a month.  The last one lasted three days.  
        "What's wrong with you Agent Mulder.  Alberez just quit after
three days."
        "I guess I don't play well with others"  Came his reply.
        "Well then I guess you can leave then.  And don't bother coming
back until you can play well with others."  With that the AD sat down
and Mulder left to go home.
        Now it was the seventh day sitting at home.  He still wore the
shirt and pants that he wore that day a week ago.  He had a bunch of
messages but he didn't care.
        He ignored the knock on the door.  There was no one he wanted to
see.  Again there was a knock.  It was even more urgent than the last. 
He sat there not caring.  If it wasn't for the "Aw Shit."  Then he
wouldn't have looked up.
        There it was.  The most beautiful sight to ever hit his eyes.  He
jumped up to catch her as she stumbled into the apartment.
        "Mulder."  She tried to wrap her arms around her but the bulge in
her middle prevented her.  She then started to cry.  Mulder lead her to
sit on the couch.  He ran to put on a load of deodorant and some clean
        "Scully.  Don't cry.  It's going to be okay."  He called from his
room.  He came into the living room pulling on a tee-shirt.
That was when he saw her.  There she sat bruised, crying, and pregnant. 
PREGNANT!  the thought just hit him.
        "Scully are you okay, what happened?"  She didn't respond.  "Dana. 
Shh.  It's okay."  He put a hand to bring up her face to look at him.
His other hand went to brush her cheek.  "Dana, Let me take you to the
hospital okay?"  She nodded.  
        Mulder led her to the hospital.  Scully kept hold of Mulder's arm
the whole way over.  It was like a death grip.  Scared that he might
disappear at any second.  
        Mulder stayed with her throughout the whole thing.  All the
examinations, all the tests he was there for.  She wouldn't let him go. 
If he pulled his hand away she would scream in sheer terror.  Soon she
was given a room.
        The only thing he wanted to do was ask her what happened.  But he
knew to wait.  What ever happened had been traumatic.  
She fell asleep as Mulder stroke her hand.  When he sure she was asleep
he went to get something to eat.  All of a sudden it became important
for him to eat again.  Then he had to make a choice.
        "Uh yes sir.   I um found a person I could work with ."
        "Mulder it's too late to play these games."
        "Yes sir, I found agent Scully, Actually she found me."
        "Where are you?"
        "D.C. General."
        "All right Mulder.  I'll be there as soon as possible."
        That was the easier of the two calls he had to make.  "Sorry to
wake you Mrs.  Scully."
        "It's all right Fox, are you okay?"
        "Yes ma'am.  Your daughter has been found.  I'm in the hospital
now with her."  As he said the words, a screem pierced the floor.  "Uh
We are at D.C.  General.  I got to go."  He hung up and ran to Scully's
        She was on the floor. Screaming at the top of her lungs to
everyone that they should get away.  Mulder pushed his way through to
the cowering figure that was his partner.
        "Dana.  it's okay.  I'm here.  No one is gong to hurt you."  She
stopped as soon as she heard his voice.  That look in her eyes
frightened Mulder to the core.  He hoped that she would never be that
terrified again her life.  "Please can everyone go outside while I get
her back into bed."  The nurses and doctors all nodded and retreated
out.  No one messes with agent Mulder when he was in that mode.  Most of
the staff had dealt with the agent and knew if he told someone to do
something then they better do it.
        "Dana.  Come on you have to get back to bed."  He slowly pulled
her up and to the bed.  "I'm sorry I left you.  I went to call Skinner
and your mother.  Both will be here as soon as they could."  He soothed
her for a few minutes.  Then he went to the door, but did not leave. 
        Outside a few nurses and her doctor stood waiting for him.
"Agent Mulder, What was that all about?"  The Doctor asked obviously
irritated that Mulder was involved.
        "I really don't know.  She has been missing for around ten months. 
Today she just showed up at my door.  I don't know what happened to her. 
I can only guess that it was traumatic.  From the way she looks like to
me, she was beaten and raped."
        "Yes.  She has many bruises on her body.  Made mostly from being
hit.  She is also pregnant.  about eight months.  I figure this is from
the rape."
        "What about her cancer?"
        "That's another interesting aspect of this.  It seemed to have
        "What?"  Mulder could not believe it.
        "This is not the first time.  It has been recorded that pregnant
women with who had cancer before simply have had it disappear.  I
believe that it has something to do with the hormones that are
        "So she has no cancer any more?"
        "That's right."  Mulder couldn't believe it.  She was going to
live.  If what happened to her wasn't too traumatic, the psychologist in
him said.  "What I'm worried about is how she reacted when the nurse
went in to check her IV."
        "What exactly happened."
        "Well one of our female nurses went in to check on the IV.  We
feel that rape victims are calmer around female staff members.  But once
she felt the hands on her she started to scream.  The nurse went to get
someone to help her she climbed out of the bed and into the corner. 
The nurse tried to get her back into bed.  She wouldn't move.  I then
went to help her and she screamed and went to bite me.  But when you
went to her, she seemed fine.  She responded to you.  Do you have any
idea why this is?"
        "Well she was raped she probably doesn't like anyone touching her. 
Maybe the rape was by both a male and female."
        "But why you?"
        The psychologist in him came up with the only logical explanation
he was capable of thinking of.  "She might think of me as some kind of
asexual friend.  To her I'm neither male or female.  Just someone who
she can go to when ever she needs help."
        "Well if that is the case, you should consider yourself lucky."
        "I do."
        "Well I will suggest that from now on someone she is comfortable
with be in the room with her at all times.  Has her family been
        "Yes.  Her mother will be here as soon as possible."
        "Thank you." and the doctor left.
        Mulder lead the nurse in as she went to check Scully's IV.  Mulder
held her hand and she was quiet.  Although the terror was clear in her

        "Agent Mulder.  Fox."  He felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned
around to face his boss.
        "Sir."  Mulder extracted his hand from the sleeping form of his
partner and went to the door.  His boss followed.  "I don't want to
leave her.  She gets very scared without me here."  
        He nodded his head.  "Am I dreaming or does she look pregnant."
        "Eight months.  A result of the rape."
        "What do we know so far?"
        "Well tonight, well actually last night.  She came to my door.  I
saw what she looked like and rushed her here."
        "Has she said anything to you?"
        "No nothing.  But when anyone but me touches her she screams. 
Even when I hold her hand as they change the IV she looks terrified. 
She isn't eating."
        "Have you?"
        "Excuse me sir?"
        "When was the last time you eat and slept?"  Skinner looked at his
agent.  He looked frail and pale.  The clothing he wore looked too big
for him.  The black circles under his eyes were also very visible.
        "I don't know.  I just grabbed something to eat before I called
        "Why don't you go home and get some sleep."
        "What happens if she wakes up."
        "I'll be here."
        "I can't.  I left her alone once and look what happened to her." 
He shook his head.  "No.  I'm staying."
        Walter saw the pain in Fox's eyes.  The boy felt guilty about this
whole thing.  The only thing Walter wanted to do was pull the young man
into his arms was hug him and tell him that it wasn't his fault and
everything would work out.  "Why don't I go then and get you some
clothing from your apartment."
        "All right."  Mulder conceded, handing over his keys.  
        "I'll bring you something to eat."  Mulder just nodded.  "It isn't
your fault Fox.  Don't beat yourself up over this.  She is going to need
        "Yes sir, and thank you."  He gave a weak smile and walked back
into the room.
        When he returned to the room Mulder was asleep in a chair next to
Scully's bed.  His hand held on to that of his partner's. 
Scully's head was turned away from him.  She stared out into nothing as
her other hand absently rubbed her stomach.  An idea came to Skinner as
he made his way to the nurses station.  "Excuse me, I was wondering if
it would be possible to get a bed put into Dana Scully's room."
        "Who are you?"  The nurse asked.
        "I'm the assistant director of the FBI, Walter Skinner."  He
flashed his badge.  "Dana Scully is one of my agents, as is Agent
Mulder.  I don't think that he should be sleeping in a chair for the
rest of the time that Dana is here in the hospital."  
        When the nurse heard the name Mulder and knew that she should
listen to this man.  "Of course.  That will be taken care as soon as
        "Also when Mrs. Scully arrives please send someone down to tell
Agent Mulder.  He will want to talk to her."  The nurse nodded and went
back to her other work.
        Skinner made his way back to Scully's room.  He sat on the
perimeter of the room watching his two agents.  He thought about waking
Fox up, but decided that sleep was a little more important for him.  He
looked at the way they held on to each other's hand. 

        "Any where you go I'll follow down.
        Any place but those I know by heart
        Any where you go I'll follow you down
        I'll follow you down but not that far."
        He thought of the Gin Blossoms song.  He knew that Mulder would
follow Scully where ever she went.  He just hoped that Mulder had some
        Scully's head turned towards Skinner.  Her eyes grew wide and she
grabbed onto Mulder's arm.  No sound came from her but Mulder jumped. 
        "Dana what's wrong."  He asked.  He followed her gaze to their
boss.  "It's okay Scully.  You remember AD Skinner.  He won't hurt you.
He is here to help you like I am.  I think he wants to come over and see
how you are.  Would that be okay with you?"
        She shook her head.  A raspy "no"  Also escaped her lips. 
        "Here you need to drink some water."  The cup had been sitting a
while.  She wouldn't drink anything before.  He spilled out the water
and gave her some fresh water and put the glass to her lips.  She
wouldn't drink it at first.  But ever so slowly she let the liquid into
her mouth and down her throat.   "Good girl.  How about if the AD stays
over there at the door."  
        Scully shrugged her shoulders.
        "Thank you for letting me stay."  Skinner said to her.  He then
turned to Mulder.  "I brought you some clothing and a cup of orange
juice.  I want you to drink it.  I'll get you some more food later.  I
also spoke to one of the nurses.  They are going to get you something
more comfortable to sleep on in here."
        "Thank you sir."
        "Call me Walter while we are here, Fox."
        "Please call me Mulder."
        "Sure.  Also one of the nurses will tell us when Mrs. Scully
        "Good.  I should speak to her before she comes in here."  Fox
looked back at his partner who went back to rubbing her belly, and
staring into space.  "I'm not sure how she will react to seeing Dana
like this. And who knows how Dana will react.  Even the female staff
can't get near her."  He finished off the cup of juice.  
        "Go back to sleep.  I'll stay here.  She's going to need you well
rested.  Don't worry about work.  You are given as much time as you
need.  She is your new case."
        "Thank you again Walter."  Fox went back to his chair.  He took
Scully's hand in his and soon fell asleep.
        Skinner watched them, soon Dana followed her partner into dream
land.  He hoped it was a pleasant trip for both of them.

        "Mrs. Scully is outside sir."  Skinner nodded and headed over to
        "Mulder."  He shook the young man awake.
        "Mulder, Mrs. Scully is here."
        Hearing her last name Dana woke up.  "Dana go back to sleep. I
need to go out for a few minutes.  Walter will watch you while I'm gone. 
I'll be right outside the door."  Dana slowly nodded.  Fox left and
Skinner went to sit by the door.  Dana was calmer when he was over
        'I hope I haven't done anything to make her scared of me.  Well I
am her boss, but...'  He didn't know.  He sat there and watched her
drift off.  What ever happened to her had been very traumatic and made
her very tired now that she knew she was safe.

        "Oh Fox.  How's my baby girl?"
        "She's good.  Mrs. Scully.  Why don't you have a seat.  I need to
speak to you."
        She sat down and looked into Fox's eyes.  "Are you okay?  You look
horrible.  Have you been eating, sleeping?" 
        "No not really.  Now I need you to listen to me.  Dana has
returned.  She came to my apartment last night.  She was hurt so I
brought her here."
        "What's wrong with her?"
        "She's been beaten, but nothing terrible.  We also believed that
she was raped."  Mulder looked down at his hands.
        "That's not all Fox.  What about the cancer?"
        "Well the cancer has seen to have disappeared.  That is the least
of our worries now.  As a result of the rape, she is pregnant."
        "Eight months.  Who ever took her, wanted a baby we assume.  She
was gone for around ten months."
        "My poor baby."
        "She also does not respond well to other people.  I don't know she
will react around you."
        "Thank you for the warning Fox."
        "You can go in.  I just don't recommend getting to close, if I'm
not there.  I have to use the bathroom.  I'll be right back."  Mulder
left to go down the hall as Margaret went into her daughters room.
        "Mrs. Scully, I'm Walter Skinner.  Dana's boss.  She is sleeping."
        "Thank you sir.  Would you mind giving some time with my
        "No problem Ma'am."  And Walter stepped out of the room.  
        He figured Mulder told the woman about Scully's condition, and
would be fine.  "Mulder you okay?"  Walter saw Fox coming out of the
bathroom looking a little paler than before.    
        "When you haven't eaten in a while and then you start with a hot-
dog and orange juice it is not smart."
        "You should know better"
        "Where is Dana's mother."
        "She's - "  before he could continue a scream came from Dana's
        "Don't touch me.  Please leave me alone.  You got me pregnant you
fucking fagots now leave me alone."  It was followed by Margaret running
out of the room.  Skinner and Mulder looked at each other.  "Go get
her."  Mulder said as he headed into Dana's room.
        She was crying hysterically. "Why can't they leave me alone? 
Why?"  She kept repeating between sobs.
        "Shh.  Dana It's okay.  No one is going to hurt you here.  I'm
here.  I'll never leave you.  I promise."
        "They kept touching me and then they did this and they wouldn't
leave me.  They insisted to keep going I tried to stop them but they
would hurt me and I had to."
        Mulder sat on the bed and took her into his lap as best as
possible.  Her face buried into his chest as cries continued to rack her
body.  "Dana don't worry.  They aren't here.  It's just me.  That's all
that's here right now.  Shh.  Dana calm down.  It's all going to be
        Her cried turned into sobs as Mulder ran his hand over her head
and talked into her hair, as he kissed her scalp over and over.  Tears
came to him too.  They had hurt her.  Hurt her bad.  If he ever found
out the people who did this to her, they would not have a chance to
plead for mercy.  He would take off their testicles and choke them with

        Skinner ran to catch up to Mrs. Scully.  "Mrs. Scully. Please
stop."  She did but didn't turn.  "Mrs. Scully, please come back with
me.  Fox wants to talk to you some more."  As they walked back Skinner
continued to talk.  "What ever happened to Dana has seriously scared
her.  She won't let anyone but Fox near her.  She doesn't even let the
doctors touch her, unless Fox is holding her hand.  She is going to need
a lot of love and support.  We all have to be here for her."
        "But she yelled at me."
        "I don't think she realized who you were.  To her everyone but Fox
is the enemy."
        "I know this might sound shallow and cruel, but I think I'm more
worried about Fox than Dana.  She will be fine as long as Fox will be
there for her.  But he doesn't look good."
        "I think the last time he really slept was ten months ago.  And
ate would be about a week ago.  He tried eating today but not the right
food and lost all of it.  Why don't we give Fox and Dana some more time
together.  Let's go get some juice for Fox.  Maybe some crackers also." 
        Margaret nodded and followed Walter.
        When they got back to the room they saw Fox holding Dana and
crying.  Her face was buried into his chest but was asleep.  "Fox?" 
Walter shook him gently.  Fox looked up.  He laid the sleeping form of
his partner down.  He gently covered her with the blanket and walked to
the door.
        "I'm sorry about what Dana did Mrs. Scully."
        "Don't worry about it Fox.  What ever has happened to Dana was bad
and it hurt her a lot.  Walter explained it to me.  Oh we got you some
juice.  You don't look well."
        He wiped his eyes.  "I-I don't know where to start, but I have to
tell you."
        Skinner put his arm on Fox's shoulder and lead him out to the hall
way.  He took a sip and a deep breath.  "I was listening to what she was
screaming.  It seems that she was raped by two guys, either bisexuals,
or homosexuals, I don't know.  They raped her because they wanted a
baby.  I think that however she got to me, it was done without them
knowing it.
        "She escaped in that condition."
        "Your daughter is a very stubborn woman, Margaret.  If she has her
mind set on something then it gets done."  Walter said.
        "I promise you Mrs. Scully.  When I find these people who did this
to her, they will pay dearly.  They will wish they were dead when I'm
through with them."
        "Easy Fox.  I need to ask you a few questions so we can maybe find
these bastards.  How did Scully get to your apartment?"
        "I don't know. I never thought about it.  We can go and see if
there are any cars that belong to people who don't live in the building. 
The only parking by me is in a lot.  They all know what Scully looks
        "No you stay here with her.  Maybe she can give you some answers. 
I'll put people on it.  Margaret it is going to be your job to make sure
that he eats."
        "I plan on it Walter."
        "Good.  I'll be back later.  With any news."  And he left.
        "Mrs. Scully."
        "Fox call me mom.  Okay?"
        "Fine.  Mom, why don't we go see how your daughter is doing.  I
recommend not to touch her until she wakes up and I'm here with you.  I
need to take a shower.  I'll be right back.  If she wakes up or
needs anything just call for me.  I'll be done soon."  Fox went into the
bathroom that was in Dana's room.
        He came out about 20 minutes later dressed.  "How is she?"
        "Still sleeping.  Is that good?"
        "Well her mind and body need rest.  I should really ask you.  I've
never been eight months pregnant before."  He smiled a little.
        "Yeah she is probably exhausted.  Do you know what will happen to
the baby?"
        "That will be Dana's choice.  You know that.  I don't know.  She
will give birth to it.  That I know.  Whether she'll keep it or not?  I
don't know.  It depends on how she will think of the baby.  But I can
tell you that no matter what her choice is we must be behind her 100%."
        "Thanks Fox.  She's really lucky to have a friend like you."  Fox
nodded as he sat down next Dana's bed.
        "I hope you don't mind but I'm probably going to go to sleep. Will
you wake me went she wakes up?"
        "Of course Fox.  I need to call her brothers, and tell them that
She is safe."  She kissed Fox on the forehead and left.

        Two weeks past and Dana was doing a little better.  She had an
appetite and wasn't so jumpy.  She would allow people into her room but
not too far. Most people were just allowed by the wall.  Fox was allowed
the closest as to be able to sit on the bed and touch her.  Walter and
her mother were allowed to sit by the bed but still could not touch her. 
Fox also didn't spend all day with her.  He would go into work for a few
hours each day but sleep in the hospital.
        It was the middle of the night when Dana woke up from one of the
nightmares again.  "Dana.  It's all right.  The nightmare is over.  You
are safe."  Fox was there in an instant.
        "But it was so real."
        "I know dear.  Can I ask you a question?"
        Dana nodded.
        "The doctors wanted me to ask you about the baby.  Are you going
to keep it or put it up for adoption?"
        "I don't know Fox.  Part of me wants to give it away.  I mean it
came from what happened." No one really knew what happened yet.  That's
what Fox wanted to ask her next.  "But then again it's my baby.  I would
love to have a kid.  But I don't know if I could take care of it myself. 
I would probably give it up."
        "Now I don't want you to make your decision based on what I'm
about to say.  No matter what you do I believe it will be the right
choice.  But if you do keep the baby I will be there for both you and
        "Really Fox?"
        "Thank you Fox.  I want you to know that it was you who helped me
through everything.  When they had me I could only think of you.  That
was my only purpose to get out of there and get to you."  She looked
down as if she wanted to continue but was scared.
        "Dana, you can tell me anything.  Do you want to tell me what
        She nodded. "I do."
        "Then I'm here to listen."
        "Well I guess I should start with the day they took me.  It's been
almost a year if you think about it.  I was driving when this car ran me
off the road.  I must of blanked out because when I woke up I didn't
recognize where I was.
        "There was a gag in my mouth, and my hands and legs were tied to
the bed.  That's when I first saw them.
        "'Dana good morning.  It's so nice to see you awake.' One of them
said.  I think his name was Jay.  I tried to move away but I couldn't. 
Next thing I know is that there are three people on the bed with me. 
Two guys and a girl.  I guess I should maybe tell you their names and
what they look like."  Mulder had already got his tape recorder in his
pocket on.  Later he would transcribe it into a file.  
        "Well there was Jay Mamet. He was tall about 6 foot.  Dark hair. 
Almost black.  But he dyed it.  The gray roots were visible.  He was
about 45.  He had hazel eyes and a mustache.  He was a lawyer.  I don't
remember the name of the place.  He also had a daughter.  Denise.  She
was about 18.  She looked like him except with longer hair.  They
weren't very nice to her either.  Then there was Mark Foley.  He was a
doctor.  He was the opposite of Jay.  he was about 5'7" blond hair, blue
eyes.  Every time I close my eyes I can't help but see all of them on
the bed.  Their hands all over me."  She shivered.
        "Can you do me a favor Fox?"
        "What Dana?"
        "Can you help me in the bath?"
        "Dana maybe I should get a nurse or someone?"
        "No.  I want to finish telling this to you.  I will not tell
anyone else.  You are the only one I trust."
        "But I let you get taken."
        "Fox.  It was not your fault.  I wanted to go.  Can I tell you
something, I'm glad you didn't come.  I remember them mentioning once
that they were watching us.  They wished you were in the car also.  I
think they thought you were attractive."
        "Ohh. good.  Some more names for my little black book."  
Scully smiled at his attempt at humor.  He helped her into the bathroom
and into the tub.  
        "Fox turn off the tape recorder for a second."
        He complied all though he didn't know how she knew he had it on.
"I want you to also know that as they were raping me, the only thing
that made it not so bad was thinking that it was you.  What I mean to
say was that I was thinking about what it would be like to make love to
you.  I knew that it would be nothing like what was happening to me
there.  I knew that I had to get out and tell you how I felt."
        "Thank you for the compliment."  Fox said as he turned red. 
"Would you like to continue the story?"
        "Story?  Well if that's what you want to call it.  As long as you
don't call it an X-File."
        "No.  I consider the fact that you want to make love to me an X-
File."  She smiled.  No.  'I'll discuss that with him later.'
        "Well the last thing I said was that they were all on the bed. 
All three of them.  Slowly the started to take of my clothing.  As my
clothing disappeared off a part of my body, they would drag their tongue
over me."  Mulder took the sponge and went to wash her back. "They then
threw a blanket over me and left me alone.  I assume it was the next day
when they all came back. They untied my feet.  I tried to kick but Jay
and Mark took hold of my legs and spread them apart.  Denise crawled on
top of me.  She kissed me all over."  She scrubbed her arms and legs
again, but harder.  "She then put her tongue inside of me.  teasing me. 
I tried not to, but I couldn't help it.  You know that if you do certain
things to the body they can't help it.  After she used her tongue to
rape me, she then used her finger.  Oh go Fox.  It was horrible.  I
tried to scream but they still kept the gag on me.  It was that night
that they all fell asleep on the bed.  Denise on me and the two guys on
my sides.  Arms over me.  The next night it was Marks turn.  I don't
know if you knew this but I was a virgin. It hurt so much.  He just
forced himself into to me.  My mind screamed in pain.  Once wasn't
enough.  He repeated it over and over and over.  Eventually I blacked
out.  It was the same way with Jay."  She was crying again.  Fox helped
her out of the tub.  He dried her off and helped her back into the
warmth of the bed.
        "You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to.  Why
don't you get some sleep.  You need it.  I'll be going to the office
tomorrow.  The information you gave me will probably help find these
bastards.   Then I get to have a turn with them."
        "Just not Denise. She- she, it wasn't her fault."
        "You can tell me more about it tomorrow.  Right now sleep."  He
kissed her on the cheek and then went back to his cot in the corner of
the room.
        "What is it?"  Skinner asked his secretary.
        "It's Agent Mulder sir."
        "Send him in please."  Mulder entered the AD's office and sat
down.  "How is Agent Scully?"
        "Better sir."
        "And you?  Have you been sleeping?"
        "Well last night she woke up from a nightmare.  This time she
started to tell me what happened."
        "Well here is the report."  He handed it over to his boss.  "She
hasn't told me the whole story yet.  I'm not going to push her for the
rest.  She is very troubled by what happened.  I wrote it word for word. 
They are all her words.  I taped her."
        "All right Agent Mulder.  Thank you.  Why don't you go back and
get some sleep."
        "Yes sir.  Her brothers are coming today.  I can probably meet
them then go back to my apartment to sleep."
        "See you later Agent Mulder."

        Mulder returned to the hospital after a three hour nap, and meet
the Scully brothers.  They seemed nice.
        "They seemed nice."  Mulder commented.  When everyone left. 
        "They wanted to meet you for a long time.  They wished you came
back sooner."
        "Yeah well I sort of fell asleep."
        "Did you give a report into Skinner?"
        "Yes.  I don't know if he read it yet."
        "Just don't hurt Denise.  It wasn't her fault.  It was all she
knew how to do."  Figuring that she was going to talk more he started
the tape recorder.
        "Why not Denise?"
        "Well she couldn't help it.  See I would talk to her a lot.  She
helped me escape.  She said that she had been sleeping with her father
and other men since she ten.  See Jay and Mark wanted a kid of their
own.  But didn't want to openly adopt.  Then people would know they were
bisexual.  And would ruin their careers.  So they tried with Denise. 
But her womb was destroyed.  They just found out recently.  They saw us
coming into town.  The guys really liked you.  They thought we were
married, and if they took both of us, then they would have a child and a
new partner."  She was crying again.
        "It's okay Dana.  You don't have to tell me more."
        "Yes I do.  It makes me feel better when I discuss it.  I don't
know how long but I guess after two moths I started to get sick. I would
throw up every morning.  They would rape me every night.  They examined
me and found out that I was pregnant.
        "But that didn't stop them.  They still had to have sex with me
every night.  Nothing would stop them.  I tried to scream and tell them
that they would hurt the baby if they kept doing it.  But they didn't
care.  It became like a rated X movie that are only sold at adult
shops."  Mulder thought about that comment.  She probably hadn't
realized that she said it.  He made a mental note to get rid of his tape
collection.  Frohicke was probably the best bet.  "And they would always
have to involve Deni-"  She cut herself off as she clutched her stomach
and screamed in pain.
        "Easy Dana.  It's just a contraction.  Keep breathing."  Fox
reassured her.  It soon passed.  "Are you okay?"
        She just nodded.  "I think I'm going to keep it.  It's part of me. 
I can always give it up for adoption if need be."
        "Anything you want you can do."  He patted her hand.
        "Denise.  She never really wanted to do it.  They kept me tied up
during the day, Denise had a key.  I tried to gain her trust.  Finally
she helped me.  That's how I escaped.  They probably have killed her. 
Oh Fox, don't let them hurt her please.  I was teaching her how to read. 
She was doing so well so eager to learn.
        "That was why she helped me.  She said she owed it to me.  I told
her to come with me."  Another contraction hit her body.
        "I'll get the doctor."  Fox said as Dana fought to breath. 
Something told him that the baby was on it's way.  He found the doctor.  
        After a quick examination the doctor confirmed what Fox had
thought.  "She is going into labor."
        "But she still has two weeks?"
        "Try telling that to the baby."  The doctor quipped.
        "I got to call some people.  I'll be right back.  Dana keep calm. 
I'm going to call your mom."
        Fox made two phone calls.  One to Dana's mother, the other to
Skinner.  His boss was there first.  "Why aren't you with Dana?"
        "I'm letting the doctors and nurses get set up."
        "Are you going to be in there when she gives birth?"
        "I don't know.  I want to be there for her, but I don't know."
        "I recommend you be there.  I bet she won't really trust anyone
else there. Did you call her mother?"
        "Of course."
        "I'll wait here for Maggie.  Go be with Dana.  Tell her it will be
okay."  He clasped a hand on Mulder's shoulder and pushed him back down
the hall.
        By the time Mrs. Scully arrived Dana was about ready to give
birth.  Skinner, Mrs. Scully, and Mulder were all in the room with Dana. 
The only one allowed to hold her and touch her was Mulder.
        Dana finally gave birth to a baby girl.  The baby was healthy but
Dana had no name for it.  The nurse laid the baby in Scully's arms and
it started to cry.  "Take her away."  Dana started to become hysterical. 
Fox quickly picked the baby up and it stopped crying.
        Fox held the baby and it looked at him.  It looked like Dana.  It
had gorgeous blue eyes.  Already a little bit of hair was on top of it's
head and it was definitely red.  Dana was crying.  Fox handed the baby
over to the her grandmother and went back to Dana.
        "It's okay Dana.  You will be fine.  You have a healthy little
baby girl.  She looks like you.  Would you like to hold her?"
        "No."  she continued to cry.
        "All right."  Fox said pushing her hair back.  The baby was taken
down to the nursery.  "Dana shh.  It's time for you to rest."  He held
her a little longer and then the toll of the ordeal caught up to her and
she fell asleep.  Mulder kissed her and walked out of the room with his
boss and Mrs. Scully.
        "Has Dana decided on what to do with the baby?"  Her mother asked.
        "She said she wants to keep it.  I'm going to be behind her 100
percent but it's going to be hard.  As you just saw, she didn't even
want to hold it.  Hopefully that will pass."
        "Fox have you eaten anything?"
        "No ma'am."
        "Then come on.  I'm treating you and the new grandmother out to
dinner."  Skinner said.  Fox smiled and walked out with the others.
        Dinner had been very relaxing.  They went out after to pick up
some clothing for the little girl.  
        They were standing on line to pay for he clothing when Mulder's
phone rang.  "Mulder."  He answered.
        "Uh huh.  Yes.  Okay.  I'll be right there."  and he ran out the
        "Here.  Pay for the clothing.  I'll give you a call when I find
out where he is going."  and Skinner handed her his phone and followed
the agent.

        He caught up with him at the car, Fox was having trouble getting
the keys in the door.  Skinner took the keys into his hands.  "What is
        "Give me the keys.  We need to get to the hospital." Skinner
opened the door and got into the car, and stared it.
        Knowing he couldn't get anything better out of the man he climbed
in and Skinner drove off.  "What is going on?"
        "I shouldn't have left her."  Was all that he was saying. 
Actually he kept repeating it until they got to the hospital.  Mulder
ran into the building before the car came to a full stop.
        Fox ran to her room.  He stopped outside of it in shock.
        Dana did not look like Dana.  Her hair was wild around her head. 
Her face had tears running down her face.  It was obvious that she was
sedatives, but her eyes were wide open in terror.  Her wrists were bound
with gauze and restraints.  Restraints were also on her ankles.  There
was an IV present.  The bag filled with red liquid.  Fox felt like he
was going to be sick.  He ran into the bathroom down the hall.
        He didn't see Skinner as he followed Mulder into the bathroom. 
When the younger agent was finished emptying his stomach, Skinner walked
into the stall behind him.  "You okay?"  He helped Fox off the floor.
        He only nodded as he washed his mouth out with water.  "I called
Maggie.  She is heading over here.  She's kind of pissed at you the way
you ran out of there."
        "Sorry."  He mumbled as walked out of the bathroom.  "Where is the
doctor?"  He asked the nurse.
        "He's at Ms. Scully's room."  The nurse answered him.
        Mulder walked down the hall.  Skinner followed in his shadow
afraid of what might happen if he didn't.  "Agent Mulder.  I'm glad you
could get here so quickly."
        "What happened?"
        "It seems that she woke up after you left. The nurse found her in
the bathroom.  She had cut her wrists using your razor.  She was
unconscious on the floor bleeding, when she was found. We quickly
stitched her up and started her on blood.  But she then woke up and
started to go hysterical.  It was then we called you sir.  We have her
on a tranquilizer now."  Mulder just nodded, not knowing what else to
do.  "She seemed to have thought this out.  She had written a note to
you, before she did this."  The doctor handed the piece of paper over to
Mulder, and walked away.

        Dear Fox,
                I'm sorry to have to do this but it is the only
        way for me to get out of this nightmare.  I know you
        are the only one who knows what I'm talking about.  I
        thought that I'd be able to deal with it, but see that 
        little girl in my arms brought it all back to me.  I 
        know I told you that I want to keep the baby, and that
        you said that you'd be behind me no matter what.  So 
        my choice for my daughter is that you take care of her.
        I know she will be in good hands with you.  This is 
        my dying wish.  Maybe when I saw that college girl it
        wasn't showing me that I was dying of cancer but of
        something else.  Fox thank you for being there for me
        and being my friend, tell my mother that I love her and
        that I'm sorry.

                                        Dana Kathrine Scully

        Fox just stood their in shock.  Skinner lead him over to the chair
outside of Dana's room and took the letter out of Fox's hand.  Oh god he
thought. No wonder Fox was this way.  Just then Mrs. Scully came down
the hall.   
        "Fox Mulder you better have a good -"
        "I'm so sorry Mrs. Scully.  I could have stopped her if I was
here.  I'm so sorry.  I wish I went with her.  She would not have been
taken then."  He cried into his hands.  "I'm so sorry."  He just kept
        "What happened?"  She asked Skinner seeing Fox was in no condition
to answer her questions.  Something was definitely wrong.  And it had to
do with her daughter.
        "Your daughter tried to kill herself.  It looks like the baby put
her over the edge."
        "Is she okay?"
        "They are going to move her to the psychiatric ward tomorrow
        "What about the baby?"
        "She left her to Mulder in a letter."
        Maggie put her arms around Mulder's body. "It's going to be okay." 
She whispered to him, while he continued to cry.

Four Years Later
        "Are you ready?"  Fox Mulder called into the playroom.
        "Yes daddy."  I little girl ran out into her fathers arms.
        "Okay let's go."  He carried the girl to the car as she got ready
for the long car ride.
        Dawn didn't know why she had to go with her daddy all the time. 
Every month they made a trip to a hospital to visit a woman.  Her name
was Dana.  Her dad only told her that they used to be friends until
something bad happened to her.  Normally Dawn would sit in the corner of
the room looking at her father and his friend talk.  
        There was something there that made Dawn like her.  She didn't
know why.  It might be they had they same color hair and the same color
eyes.  She had an idea that she might be her mommy.
        Dawn asked her dad once about her mother.  Her father only told
her that when she was older he would tell her and not to ask again.  He
then went into his room and started to cry.  
        As they pulled into the parking lot, she looked over at her dad. 
"Are you okay Daddy?"
        Fox couldn't help but smile.  She was so like her mother it was
unbelievable.  "Yeah Kiddo, I'm fine.  Let's go visit Dana"  And they
went into the building.


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