Albany Aliens
	She entered the office not in the greatest of moods.  She had spent over an hour in traffic and broke her 
heal as she entered the FBI building.  She glared at her partner as she held the shoe menacingly.  He quickly 
looked back down at his work as a smile grew on his face.
        He made his way to the coffee machine and poured some coffee in a mug as she worked on her shoe.  He 
carefully walked over and handed her the mug.  "Here this might help."
        She looked into his eyes as she took the cup from his hand.  The gaze was held a second too long and he 
let her take the cup as he walked back over to his desk.
        She took a sip and cherished the hot liquid.  She could have sworn that he felt the caffeine enter her 
blood stream.  
        The ringing of the phone brought her back from her brief Utopia.  She then went back to work on her shoe.
        "Yes Sir,  Uh hu sir.  She's here sir."  He glanced up to look at his partner.  "Give us five minutes 
        When he hung up the phone his partner was now fashionably wearing pumps.
        "Enjoy the coffee.  He has a new case for us."
        She arched her eyebrow.  "Any clue?"
        "He didn't say."  He gulped down the rest of his coffee.  "Bad morning?"  He asked innocently.
        She threw one of the heals at him.
        Within the next few minutes they were seated in the Assistant Director's office.  He handed a folder 
over to Mulder.
        "A bunch of girls claim to have been abducted.  Well actually five.  And a sixth one is missing."
        "So where are we heading sir?" Mulder asked although he already knew from scanning the folder.  Scully 
took the folder from him.
        "Albany New York.  The State University Campus.  All the other information is in there.  You are 
        The two agents filed out of the boss's office in silence. When they got back down to the office Mulder 
started.  "I'll make the travel arrangements."
        "Oh no!  No crappy motel.  I'll make the travel arrangements.  You look through the file."
        Three hours later they were in Mulder's car heading to the airport.  For the most part the plane ride was
 uneventful. Mulder related the story to Scully with all the details.  "Over the course of two weeks five girls 
have been missing.  They were all found a few days later, by a pond wearing nothing.  They had no idea where they
 where or what happened."
        "But Skinner said six girls."
        "The sixth one has not been found yet."
        "Who do we meet when we get there?"
        "An officer named Thomas Collado.  He works with both the Albany PD and Campus Security."
        "What do you think?"
        "I don't know.  I have a few theories, but nothing I'd commit to or have you debunk yet."
        She smiled and closed her eyes for the last few minutes of the ride.
        After they landed, the two agents made their way to the Ramada Inn right outside the campus.  They then 
decided to meet with Officer Collado at the campus police building.  Being it was a nice day and relatively short
distance they decided to walk. 
	Madiline Syder and Doriane Scott walked towards the police building.  They both wondered if any new 
information was gotten or if Laura was found yet.
        "Madi, think they are lost?" Doriane asked pointing to a couple in trench coats.
        "Who do you think they are?  Health Patrol?"
        "Then they are looking for UAS.  Probably not.  Let's ask."  The two teenagers walked up to the out of 
place couple.  "Excuse us but you look lost." Doriane said.
        "The campus police is that way, right."  The guy asked pointing.  
        Both girls exchanged a look that said 'Boy he's hot.'  "No.  Sorry.  But we can show you where it is.  We
 are heading there ourselves." Madiline said.
        "See I told you so, Mulder."  The woman teased.
        "Why are you two going to campus police?  You got something to report?" Mulder asked, ignoring the 
woman's comments
        "Well." Doriane and Madiline exchanged looks again.  "Friends of ours were kidnapped and we wanted to see
if they were found yet." Madiline answered.
        The woman looked at Mulder, with a risen eyebrow.  But he shook it off and asked another question.  "How
long have you two been here at Albany?"
        "This is our first year.  We are both Freshman." Doriane asked.
        "So you like it?"
        "It has it's highs and lows.  Who are you looking for?  We might know him."
        "Officer Thomas Collado."
        "Oh, just follow us."  As they walked into the building many of the people just waved to the teenagers.
        "Hi Jennifer, is Officer Collado in?" Madiline asked.
        "Yes Miss Syder.  Give him a second.  But it will have to be short.  He's meeting with two FBI agents 
this morning regarding the case."
        "That would be us.  I'm Special Agent Fox Mulder and this is my partner Special Agent Dana Scully." 
Doriane leaned over and whispered into Madiline's ear.  "No wonder his first name is Fox."  Both girls giggled 
quietly.  "Oh then we can wait." Doriane said louder.
        Just then Thomas Collado came out of his office.  "Hello Doriane, Madiline.  We still haven't found 
        "Oh." Madiline said.  "We have some free time and we much rather spend it here than our rooms."
        "No problem.  I bet Jennifer has some filing that you two can do.  And who are you?"
        "These are the FBI agents. Agents Dana Scully, and Fox Mulder"  Jennifer added in.
        "Oh well, maybe Miss Scott and Miss Syder would care to join us."
        "Uhm Sir, this is an FBI matter.  What will they know?"
        "Why don't we step into my office Ms. Scully and we can discuss this." Doriane and Madiline were last to
enter.  While they were insulted by the agent's remark, they knew how to act and ignored it.  They sat against 
the wall giving the two agents the seats in front of the desk.
        Once everyone was seated Collado started.  "To begin let me say that something like this has never 
happened here before.  And we do have a few suspects."
        "Why have we been called in?" Mulder asked.
        "Because someone told me that if aliens are involved to call you."
        "Aliens?"  Scully asked.
        "Well that's what we were told.  The first one to disappear was Kimberly Cotter.  She was gone for two 
days.  She was found by a pond here on campus.  She spent one night at the hospital and insisted that she wanted 
to go back to her room.  Being the doctors said there was nothing wrong, they sent her back.
        "She returned to her room and that night started to have night mares."
        "Nightmares of what?"
        "Of what happened to her.  According to her she was raped by aliens."
        "How do you know this?" Mulder turned to Doriane "She's my roommate.  She won't leave the room unless 
one of us is with her.  She hates to be alone.  She wakes at night screaming.  But I don't really stay there 
much unless I need my computer."
        "I should probably tell you how Miss Syder fits in here too.  While it's been Madiline's room Doriane's 
been staying in.  It's been Madilines roommate, Laura Nelson, who was the latest abductee.
        "These two are also working on the case.  I recommend talking to them.  They know just about as much as 
anyone else if not more."  A phone call made him stop.  He picked up the receiver. "Uh huh.  Yeah okay.  I'll be 
there in a few seconds.  I got a few things to tie up here.  Which one haven't we been to in a while."  And he 
hung up.  
        "I'm sorry.  But they are planning a bar raid tonight and need me.  Remember you two don't say anything 
to anyone."  He looked at the two teens.   "Agents, if you have any questions just ask these two."  And he left.
        "And you wanted to go out tonight, Madi." Doriane quipped.
        "Can you two show us where the girls were found?"
        "Sure.  I assume you don't have boots." Doriane said.
        "Why do you ask?"  Scully commented.
        "Follow us.  I guess you'll be alright."  And Doriane and Madiline left the office.  "It rains a lot up 
here in Albany.  And all the dirt becomes mud.  And the exact place where the girls were found was on a steep 
hill.  Almost like the were put on the edge and pushed down."
        "I guess we'll have to take our chances." Mulder commented.  When they arrived at the pond there was no 
one there.  Only yellow tape. Madiline and Doriane stood on the side walk as the two agents went into the mud.  
"Why are there no cops in the area?"
        "Laura's been missing since Thursday night.  It's Monday.  All the other girls were found two days later.
They don't think Laura will be found." Madiline said with a catch in her voice.
        Both Agents took another step.  "I wish I could get a clo-" Mulder was cut off as he and Scully slid down
the hill.
        "Aw crap." Mulder muttered.
        "At least you got your closer look."  Scully said.  She was silenced by a look.  
        "Wait over here."  And Mulder walked over to an indentation in the mud.  He look at it closely.  Then he 
started to dig.  
        "What is it?"  His partner asked.
        "Here."  He pulled a shirt out of the mud.  Scully handed him a plastic bag and he put the muddy rag 
into it.
        "Are you two okay?" Madiline asked.
        "I guess.  But how do we get back up?"  Scully asked.
        "Here's a rope. I guess Agent Scully should come up first." Madiline and Doriane pulled Scully up and 
then the three woman helped Mulder.  Once everyone was on sure footing again, Doriane's watch alarm went off.  
"My turn to baby-sit."
        "Excuse me?"  Scully asked.
        "My shift to watch Kim.  Then I have class with Madi and then back to baby-sitting."
        "Well it looks like we need to change.  We'd like to ask more questions later." Mulder said trying to 
shake some mud off his pants legs. Madiline took out a piece of paper and jotted down some numbers.  "Both of us 
have voice mail, so just leave a message."
        "Thank you for your help."
        "No problem."  And the two teenagers walked away.
        "What do you think of our junior detectives?"  Scully asked as they walked up to their rooms.
        "They must get stuck in the mud a lot if they carry around a rope."
        "Well they can be helpful.  They know the campus and seem to know the people who are involved."  What he 
didn't say was that he thought these girls were going to be very important to this case.  He didn't know how to 
explain it.  It was just a "spooky" feeling.
        "Just remember they are kids not FBI Agents."
        "Come on Scully.  Let's change.  I'll find us some place to eat. I'm starving. I missed lunch."
        "Give me a half an hour."
        "Sure Scully."
        They met down in the lobby in a little under a half an hour.  "There is a restaurant here."
        "Sounds great.  Afterwards we should bring the shirt over to Officer Collado, and maybe call the girls."
        "I also want to meet those other girls."
        "Doriane and Madiline seem to have some more information on this case than they are willing share."
        "You think they are holding out on us Mulder?"
        "I think they have an idea of whose behind this."
        "It's okay Kim.  It's just the phone." Doriane said as she picked up the receiver.
        "Did you check your messages?"
        "Not yet.  Kim wanted a soda.  And I was checking my e mail.  Why?"
        "The FBI wants to take us out to dinner.  To discuss the case some more."
        "Okay.  I'll head over to your room, in a few seconds.  Got to get Maria to come in here."
        "Okay.  See you then." Doriane packed up her notebook and some disks in her bag while she waited for 
Maria.  She then left for Madi's room.
        "I'll call if you want."
        "Thanks you know how I love talking to people on the phone."
        "Yes hello, I'm trying to get in contact with room 208.  Thank you."
        "Agent Mulder?  This is Doriane Scott.  You called us?"
        "Yes, we were wondering if you and Madiline would join us for dinner."
        "Of course."
        "When should we pick you up?"
        "Why don't we meet you at the hotel?"
        "Sure.  We are at the Ramada Inn, right outside of campus."
        "Okay.  We know the place.  What time?"
        "About an hour?"
        "Sure.  See you then." Doriane turned to her friend.  "Dinner at 5."
        "I assume we are meeting them?"
        "Yeah.  You mind the walk?"
        "Oh here I down loaded some stuff about the case from my comp.  Maybe it will help them."
        "Good thinking.  You know if this works out we can try about some part time jobs at campus police."
        The two friends did a little work and decided that they'd leave a little earlier.  They decided to walk 
around the pond, hoping they'd find something.
        And they did.  They heard moaning when they walked by.  They looked down the side and saw a figure face 
up near a bank.  It was bloody and female.  "Madi, go get help.  I'm going to take a closer look."  And Dori ran 
to the path that led down to the pond. Doriane approached slowly.  She had never found a body like this before 
and was a little scared.  But she quickly calmed herself down.  It would do the victim no good.  She knew who it 
was and that was why she sent Madi away.
        "Laura, hang on.  Helps coming." Doriane took in her situation.
        Laura looked horrible.  Besides the fact she was naked and dirty she was also very bloody.  Her face and 
chest was all cut up. Doriane took off her jacket and covered her a little.  Laura was mumbling something about 
aliens and her eyes were closed.  Her leg was twisted at a interesting angle.
        "Shh Laura.  Calm down.  It's me. Doriane.  Don't worry, Madi went to get help. Shh."  She continued to 
try and calm Laura down a little as well as her self.  She heard sounds and hoped that Madiline would be back 
soon. Madiline ran to the nearest blue phone.  She told the person at the other end what had happened.  A minute 
later a cop came by and told her an ambulance was on the way. Madi also relayed that her friend was with the 
victim.  The ambulance was there a second later.
        They all ran towards the girl. Doriane stood back to give them room to work.  "It's Laura and she says 
that she was attacked by aliens."  She whispered to Madiline.
        "We need to contact the FBI agents."
        "But we can't right now.  Once we get done here, we will go and meet them."
        A few more cops showed up and the girls recognized officer Collado and headed over to him.  "Is it your 
room mate, Madiline?"
        "At least she was found."
        "I guess." Doriane put her arm around her friend.  "She'll be fine.  Let's get to dinner.  We are late 
as it is."
        "We need to take your statements.  I think you know that." Collado added.
        "I guess, but Madi doesn't look good.  I think this spooked her a little." Doriane said.  She looked 
around and saw two figures heading out of a car. Doriane waved them over. Mulder saw her and pulled Scully with 
him.  "Officer Collado?"
        "Oh, Agent Mulder, Agent Scully.  We found the sixth one.  Well the girls did."     
        "So that's why you were late?" Mulder tried to lighten the mood. Doriane caught on and groaned.  "Have 
you taken their statements yet?"  Scully asked.
        "I was just about to."
        "We can do that if you want."  Scully said looking at the two girls.  "It looks like they could use a 
        "That might be a good idea." Collado said.
        "Aw and we were looking so forward to campus food." Doriane said sarcastically.  Both Mulder and Scully 
smiled at it.
        "Come on."  And the four some walked to the car.
        "The real reason they let us go with you was because they didn't want you to be exposed to the UAS food.
Then you'd bring down the government on them for endangering the lives of America's youth." Madiline giggled but
was easily subdued.
        She had been in shock a little.  She had never really gotten along with Laura but she was human and did 
feel bad. Madiline had never seen anything like that before.  She couldn't even watch horror movies because they 
gave her nightmares.
        "Madi, don't worry, Laura will be alright.  I'll find someone else to watch Kim tonight.  I'll stay with 
you." Doriane said as she got into the car.
        "You sure?"    
        "Yeah.  You need a friend.  If you need someone to talk to, you know my number, and email address and 
chat handle, and where I live, and my schedual.  You'd be able to find me.  Don't worry."
        "But she looked so horrible.  I don't think the others were found that way."
        "Unfortunately I don't think so either.  But don't worry now.  Relax a little." Dori saw she'd have to 
move her friends mind a little.  "Have you finished the fanfic yet?"
        "What part are you up to?"
        "Wedge just asked Luke to be his best man."
        "What do you think of it so far?"
        Fox Mulder and Dana Scully listened to the girls in the back.  They were heading towards Fridays, a 
restaurant only a few minutes from campus.
        According to Fox, there two girls were better than any agent.  They were both connected yet had 
distanced themselves a little.  He couldn't wait to talk to them some more about the case.
        Dana was also passing judgment on the girls.  They seemed to know what to do and how to handle 
themselves in front of authority.  They had good connections with the police.  Dana knew tomorrow would be 
filled with interviews with victims and doctors.
        But she was curious of what tomorrow would hold for the girls.
        Small talk was made at dinner mostly around the girls. Doriane and Fox did most of the talking. Madiline 
was still in a little shock and Dana was watching her closely.
        "Where are you from?"
        "Long Island.  I'm from the Queens part and Madiline is from Suffolk county."
        "You live near the city?"
        "Sort of.  About an hour train ride.  I'm right on the border between Nassau county and Queens."
        "What are you studying here?"
        "I'm a computer science major with a minor in film."
        "Interesting combination."
        "Eventually I hope to break into film.  Computerized graphics looks like a lot of fun."
        "They have a program like that here?"
        "Kind of."
        "They why did you come here.  I know NYU has a good film department."
        "I kind of wanted to get away from my brother.  I mean I love him at all.  But the last few months have 
been really hard.  We get a long much better from a  distance.  And when I get home we are both happier."
        "Cherish your brother.  I had a sister.  Till she disappeared.  She still hasn't been found.  You are 
        "I know.  I could of had brother's like my mothers."  
        "And what about you Madiline?"  She didn't answer, just stared. Doriane turned to her.  "Madi, Madi.  
You okay?"  She just nodded.  "Come on, let's go to the rest room."  They both got up.  "Excuse us."  And they 
        "You think she's okay?"
        "I don't know Mulder.  She's very shaken.  Maybe because it was her room mate."
        "I don't know if you saw the body or not, but it was pretty gruesome.  I don't think the others were so 
bad.  This might also be the first time she saw something like this."
        "I think you  might be right.  Maybe I should go check on them."  Just as she said it, Doriane 
approached the table.  
        "I'm sorry, but it was Madilines first time looking at something like that.  She is really sick.  I'm 
going to take her back by bus."
        "Why don't you stay here with Agent Mulder and give him your statement.  I'll take her back to our 
        "Are you sure?  I was thinking of taking her over to the Health Center."
        "Don't worry.  I'm a doctor.  I'll take care of her."
        "Thank you very much.  I'll show you where she is." Both women left and only Doriane returned.  "I'm 
terribly sorry."
        "Don't be.  We are shocked that you aren't like that too."
        "Unfortunatly that wasn't my first body.  Although the other I saw was dead."  At Mulder's look 
questioning look she continued.  "I live in a bad neighborhood.  I've seen dead bodies, druggies, hookers, you 
name it I've probably saw it.  Even witness a shooting once when I was younger."
        "Really.  So you kind of have experience in this police thing."
        "Yeah I guess so."
        "Do you mind if we discuss the case a little?"
        "I wanted to all dinner, but Madi wasn't into it."
        "You're very insightful."
        "One of my many talents."
        "How about I get your statement now."
        "Sure.  We were walking to meet you and Agent Scully.  And we heard a moan by the pond.  That's the way 
we normally go.  It's a shortcut.  When we saw what it was, I sent Madiline to get help.  I went to see about 
helping.  I was by myself until Madiline came back with the police and ambulance."
        "That's it I assume."
        "Yeah."  Fox was putting away his notepad.  "May I please copy the statement?  I'm keeping my own 
        "Sure."  And Mulder handed it over. Doriane took out her notebook and copied the statement over quickly.
"Is that your case folder?"
        "Yeah one of the many things I carry around with me."
        "Why are you interested in this case.  I mean why did you get involved?"
        "Well the first victim is my room mate.  And I like to be part of any experience that I can.  I'm an 
aspiring author too.  Experience is the best.  I went to the police to see if they needed help with anything.  
They hired me.  It also counted as for my community service."  At Mulder's confused glance she continued.  "One 
of my classes has a requirement of 20 hours of community service.
        "Officer Collado had talked with me before because of my room mate.  I asked him If I could join him on 
the next one."
        "What about your friend, Madiline?"
        "Well she was also curious about what was happening.  When I told her what I was doing she also wanted 
to help.  And then her room mate was taken."
        "Do you think it has something to do with you or her personally?"
        "No.  None of the other victims have any connections with us.  I don't know any of them.  I think 
Madiline has a class with one of them.  But it's a lecture class of close to 500."
        "Do any have a class in common?"
        "No I looked.  The only think they have in common was that they all went out drinking."
        "Was it-"
        "Not even the same bar."
        "Do you have any clues?"
        "Madi said it might be drugs.  I said it was possible but none were found on the bodies."
        "Have you interviewed any of the victims?"
        "Not really.  I was always in the back and just listened in."
        "Did it sound like they were abducted?"
        "It sounded like they believed they were taken and raped by aliens."
        "They were raped?"  He knew they were but he was just testing her.
        "Agent Mulder, I might be just a college student.  I might just be a freshman.  But I know that you know 
they were because it is in the file.  And I did some research and  you aren't that stupid." Mulder was at a loss 
for words.  "How?"
        "The research?  Well the FBI has a home page.  And a little help from my good friend Kyp, I found out 
some info on you and your partner.  While I was baby-sitting."
        "Who is this 'Kyp'?"
        "Kyp is my computer."
        They talked a little more and headed back to the hotel by  foot.  When they got back to the room, they 
found Dana at the desk working on her computer, while Madiline was asleep on the bed.  
        "How is she?"  Fox asked.
        "She was in shock.  She should be better in the morning."
        "Thank you Agent Scully."
        "It was no problem.  If you give me a second, we'll drive you back."
        "I'll do that Scully.  Have you eaten anything yet?"
        "I ordered some room service.  It hasn't shown yet."
        "You wait for it.  You want me to pick up anything for you?"
        "No thanks Mulder." Mulder and Doriane put Madiline in the gray Ford Taurus and drove her back to 
campus.  They got her back to her room and she fell back to sleep.
        "You going to stay with her tonight?"
        "Yeah.  I just hope she'll be okay tomorrow.  I got work and class tomorrow."
        "What's your schedual?"
        "Work from 9 to 1 class at 2:30 to 3:30 then from 4 to 7.  But then I'm free.  I come back to my room 
after work."
        "Okay.  Here is my cell number.  Give me a call later.  We are going to be doing interviews tomorrow."
        "Okay." Doriane started to follow Mulder to the door.  "I'm just going to get things from my room and 
let them know where I'll be.  With everything that's been happening we keep an eye out for each other." Doriane 
reached into her bag.  "Oh here."  She handed a disk over.
        "What is it?"
        "All the work I've done for the case.  It might be useful.  I have two more copies."
        "Thanks again." Doriane went back to her room and saw that Kim was sleeping. Doriane got her stuff 
quietly and left.
        She answered her phone messages in Madi's room.  One from her parents, one from James, her boy friend, 
one from Stephanie, a friend here at college. Doriane decided to leave the ringer on but move the phone closer 
to her.  She looked at her watch.  8:00  She missed most of Art.  Oh well she'd get Collado to help her out.
        Deciding tomorrow would be crazy she started to do some work.
        "What do you think?"
        "About what?"
        "The case Mulder."
        "Oh I don't know.  We haven't interviewed anyone yet."
        "How about those girls?"
        "Wow." Mulder said sitting at his computer.
        "What is it?"  Scully stood behind him taking in the screen
        "If the film thing doesn't work out. she should look into a job for the FBI."
        "What are you looking at?"
        "A disk that Doriane gave me.  It contains all the information they collected on the case.  This is more 
complete, there are more details here than in the report."
        "So what does it say?"
        "Here read it yourself."  As she took his seat he added.  "They also seemed to have done research on 
        "Wow.  I see what you mean.  She is good.  What's our plan for tomorrow?"
        "We should try and meet with the victims and doctors and people who saw the girls at last."
        "Doriane gave me her schedual for tomorrow.  So we know when we can contact her.  I really want her to 
be part of this."
        They talked more about tomorrow, then headed to sleep.  At nine the next morning they headed back to the 
campus police office.
        "Where is Officer Collado?"
        "On the phone."  His secretary answered Mulder's question.  "Just have a seat he'll be with you when he 
is done."
        "Where are those FBI agents?" Collado stuck his head out the door.
        "Right here."
        "Send them in."
        Scully went first.  "Is there a problem?"
        "I think we have a nother one."
        "Excuse me?"   
        "I just got a call this morning from a girl.  She said that she went out with her friend last night.  
They don't know where her friend is."
        "Could it be that they were drunk and the friend hooked up?"  Scully looked at Mulder as he used the 
        "Well the girl who called, Denise, was going to stay sober so she could look after her two friends."
        "Smart." Mulder commented.  "What did you tell her?"
        "To wait a little and at about 11 try to look for her again.  But considering what's been going on, I 
feel we should be on guard."
        "You are probably right.  Okay.  We are going to head over to the hospital to talk to the other victims."
And Mulder and Scully left to start their day. Doriane sat, bored out of her mind in the office.  How many hours 
were left till she could leave?   One?  Thank you.  She had done all the filing and paperwork.  All there was 
left to do was answering phone calls.  And Carol always took care of that.  
        She pulled out her notebook there was nothing else to do.  She had just finished the latest Star Wars 
novel, and didn't have money to buy the new one yet.  There had to be something she was missing.  What was it?   
She knew she was almost there.  It was probably just staring her in the face.
        A tap on her shoulder brought Doriane out of her little world.   "Phone call for you."  Carol handed the 
phone over to her.
        "Dori?  This is Officer Collado."
        "What's wrong?  Is it Madi, Kim, Laura?"
        "No.  There was another one?"
        "Oh no.  Are you sure?"        
        "Probably.  Got the call at 9 this morning.  Told the girl to call back at 11 after looking for her.  
They still haven't found her."
        "Okay.  I'm at work still.  And then I have class at two till seven.  I'll stop by then."
        "Where are Agent Mulder and Scully?"
        "They are going to come with me to the interview.  We'll take notes for you.  They are talking to the 
other victims too.  How is Madiline?"
        "She was still sleeping when I got up this morning.  Left her  a note to call me when she woke up.  I'm 
assuming she still is sleeping."
        "You two hang in there.   If it's getting too hard for the two of you, you can walk away and no one 
would think less of you."
        "I know.  Look I got to go.  They finally have something for me to do."
        "Okay, Dori.  See you later." Dori hung up and looked over at her co worker.  "Was that about the 
missing girls?"
        "Yeah.  Another girl is missing."
        "Do you need to leave?"  Betty, one of the secretaries asked.
        "No.  There is nothing that I can do.  I'm going to meet up with everyone after my classes.  I've been 
missing too many of them as it is."
        "I know.  I've been having to pencil the Police chief into see the dean."
        "I'm sorry Betty."
        "Doriane I was joking.  I just hope they find these crazies before it's too late."  
        "It got too late after the first victim.  Now it looked like there was something you needed me to 
deliver to some of the buildings?" Dori went back to Madiline's room and woke her up.  As much a she didn't want 
to, Madi had class at two also.  They normally went to lunch together before hand.  
        "Dori?  How did you get in here?   How did I get here?"
        "What do you remember about last night?"
        "Uhm, we were going to dinner with the fibbies.  We found Laura and that is all I remember."
        "That's okay.  I'll explain later.  You going to go to class?"
        "What time is it? "
        "Yeah.  Let me take a quick shower."
        "Ok.  I have to get books from my room.  Met downstairs in 15 minutes?"
        "Sounds good."
        They were sitting at a table eating lunch twenty minutes later. Dori had just told her friend what had 
occurred the past night.  "Dori. Dori. Doriane Shara Scott." Dori jumped.  "What?"
        "You zoned out.  What are you looking at?"
        "Oh.  The flyer caught my eye."
        "Ladies night tomorrow night at Bogies.  You wanna go?"
        "I don't know." Doriane studied the flyer a little more. "Do I ever what to go out to the bars?"
        "I was joking."
        "I know.  There is something that this means.  I don't know yet, but It's important."  She shook her 
head at the thought.  "Let's get to class Madi."
        "K.  Where are we watching ET tonight?"
        "My room. Collado is going to call."
        "Also hoping the cute FBI agent is going to come over."
        "Well he does have to talk to Kim."
        "What you don't think he is adorable?  And his name?"
        "Okay but he has to be at least 34."
        "So Jim is 27."
        "Dori, He probably has a girlfriend.  With looks like his."
        "You are probably right." 
	Doriane sat at her computer.  Kim was at her's.  It was a quarter to seven.  
Kim was promised that she was going to go and walk to Karen's room at seven thirty by herself.  She was playing 
solitaire now to calm down. Doriane was wrapped up in writing a story when there was a knock on the door.  
"Enter at your own risk.  Computer nerd at large."  She called. Doriane was notorious for the way she answered 
        "I'm glad I brought my gun, Scully." Dori jumped up.  
	"I'm sorry.  I thought you were somebody else.  Please come in.  What are you doing here?"
        "No problem, Mulder's the same way.  We came to talk to your room mate and talk to you some more 
afterwards about the case."  Scully spoke next.
        "Yeah.  Sure. Uhm Madi is going to be over in about ten minutes.  Kim."  She turned to her room mate who 
was slightly trembling.  "Kim,  It's okay.  These are the FBI people I was talk to you about.  They just want to 
talk to you for a little.  I'm going to go down and talk to Karen a little.  You will be fine.  I promise you."
        "I'll be down the hall.  If Madiline comes tell her I'll be right back.  You may sit on my bed."  And 
Doriane left the room.  
        Scully and Mulder both sat on the bed in hopes to relive Kim's fear.  Scully started the interview.  
"Kim, I'm Agent Scully, and this is Agent Mulder.  We are just going to ask you a few questions.  You don't have 
to answer if you don't want to, but we would really appreciate your help."  
        "How are you feeling Kim?"
        "Okay, Dori.  I think I'm going to head down to Karen's room.  I don't want anything.  Thanks."
        "No prob.  Karen gave me the same answer.  Have fun Kim.  I'll see you later."
        "K." Dori held her breath.  
        Once her room mate was gone Dori sat down on her bed.  "Glad that's over with.  Can I interest you in 
any Chinese one hit wonders?"
        "Excuse Me?  Scully was confused.
        "I'm sorry. Madi and I are about to order some food.  I miss dinner on Wednesday.  Can I interest you in 
anything.  You get rice with it.  Here is a menu.  I get sesame chicken. Madi, Sweet and sour chicken."
        "How's the chicken and broccoli?"
        "It's good.  Actually the health one is better. What type of rice?"
        "Vegetable.  What about you Mulder?"
        "Sesame Chicken sounds good. With roast pork."
        "Okay and to drink?"
        "Take them to Scids." A voice said from the door way.
        "Smart Madi.  I'll call it in."
        "What's Scids?" Mulder asked in a soft voice.
        "Kinda a like a small deli.  Normally we go for ice cream and sodas.  Some times chips and cookies but 
stay away from the wings and sandwiches." Madi answered.  "We'll go down after the call."
        "Madi, get orders and cards from the halls." Dori spoke softly. 
        "Pen and pape?"
        "I'll go with you.  Photographic memory."
        "What a curse." Dori winked at Mulder.
        When they returned Mulder was carrying a few cards.  "What are those Mulder?"
        "Id cards.  They seemed to use them to pay for things."
        "Food will be here in thirty minutes."
        "Oh so we have an hour." Madi joked.
        "Let's go get the drinks.  Conner gave us an order.  He was out in the hall."
        "Damn no sleep for me tonight."  At odd looks from the FBI agents she continued.  "Conner's room and 
mine share a wall.  If he is having company that means noise all night.  Got to love dorm life."
        Interviews along with the case was discussed over the Chinese food.  Scully and Mulder left before ten 
o'clock being Doriane had an early class the next morning and her boyfriend called.
        "So Scully, were your college days anything like that?"
        "What?  The next door neighbors having parities and keeping me up all night?"  at Mulder's nod she 
continued.  "You'd be surprised about my college life Mulder.  It was actually I who kept everyone else up.  
My room mate and I developed the Biology Drinking game."
        "The what?"
        "The Biology drinking game.  Depending on the subject everytime certain words were seen in a chapter you 
had to drink.  What about you Mulder?"
        "Oxford was a very proper school."
        "Oh yeah, so proper.  They let Phoebe in."
        "I never said that I was proper.  I was from the states.  Being a rebel was in my blood."
        "So is that the new excuse to Skinner for not following SOP?"
        "You think it would work?"
        "Dori?  Hey Dori you there?" Madiline waved a hand in front of her friends face."
        "Huh?  Oh yeah.  What were you saying?"
        "Are you ok?  You hardly touched your lovely UAS Turkey sandwich."
        "Yeah.  I'm fine.  Just zoned out."
        "Obviously.  You've been staring at this flyer.  It's for tonight.  You want to go?"
        "Do I ever?"
        "Then why are you looking at it?"
        "I don't know?  It means something.  Like..."  She trailed off and got the far away look in her eyes 
again. Dori grabbed her note book and thumbed through the pages.  "Damn it.  It's so easy.  I'm surprised they 
missed it."
        "Dori?  What are you talking about?"
        "Come on.  We got to jet." Dori picked up her tray. Madi grabbed her stuff and quickly followed so not 
to get left behind.
        "Where are we going?"
        "To Collado.  The Mulder and Scully might be there."
        "What is this about?"
        "I think I figured it out?"
        "What the case?"
        "Yeah.  Well I know where they are going to strike next."  When they entered the on campus Police 
station they saw the two FBI agents.
        "Doriane, Madiline?  What are you doing here?"  Scully asked.
        "Where is Officer Collado.  I know where the next girl is going to be taken from?"
        "Why don't you come into my office." Collado stuck his head out the door.  Once everyone was seated 
Collado spoke again.  "Now what is this about you knowing where the net girl is going to be taken from?"
        "It follows the pattern.  The first, fourth and seventh victim have all been taken from Bogies.  The 
second and the fifth from The Post, and the third and sixth from Oasis."
        "So you think the next is going to come from The Post?" Mulder asked.
        "Great.  We just have to sit outside with the cops and wait for the 'aliens' to come."  Scully said.
        "I don't think it's aliens." Mulder said.
        "Anyway if the cops are there, no one will go in.  Most people who go out are under age." Madi added.      
        "What might be a good idea is to get some plain dressed cops in there and use Madi and I for bait."
        "No way.  We can't endanger your lives."  Scully said.
        "Do you have a better idea?  Actually does anyone know that you are working on the case?" Mulder 
        "They might try to get you.  That way to keep you quiet.  It's the best idea.  If we have undercover 
cops there to keep an eye on Madiline and Doriane."
        "But what if someone else is taken?"
        "Hey Scully.  You want to go out to a bar?"
        The rest of the day was spent planing the operation at The Post.  Officer Collado still didn't like the 
idea.  But Mulder and Scully said that they would watch the girls while the cops searched for the culprits.
        There were two other problems.  One was that Doriane had another late night class that night.  A meeting 
between the dean and the FBI agents soon gave Doriane and Madiline permission to miss classes that night and the 
next day too.
        The second problem was more of a problem.  How would Doriane and Madiline get into the bar?  They were 
both under age and didn't have fake ID's.  Lucky enough the bar owner said that they could enter with just 
paying an extra two dollars each. Dori and Madi were getting ready to go when they got a phone call.  
	"Doriane?  Hi, it's Agent Scully."
        "Oh.  Hi.  What's doing?"
        "We seem to have a problem.  We don't know what to wear." Doriane giggled.  "Alright.  Let's see. Uhm, 
Mulder is the easiest.  Does he have a pair of jeans?"
        "I don't know."
        "Ask him if he also has a nice sweater."
        "What's wrong?" Madi asked.
        "They don't know what to wear."
        "Scully should come here and we cane take care of her."
        "Still here."
        "No.  He doesn't have a pair of jeans or sweater."
        "Alright.  Just come over.  I'm sure we can find some one who has clothing for you  two to borrow."
        "We'll be there soon."
        When they arrived the took Mulder next door.  "Conner, can you do us a favor?"
        "I don't know."
        "I need you to help get this guy dressed to go out tonight.  We going to The Post."
        "Why should I?"
        "Because I didn't call the police last night with the beer, and liquor and the noise you made last 
        "Fine.  But you let me slide till the end of the term too."
        "You got it."
        "Okay, dude, let's go.  I'll bring him over when he is done."
        "Thanks Conner."
        Then came Scully.  Lucky enough she was about the same size as Dori.  "I can't wear this?"  
        "Why not?"
        "It's too short."
        "You are going out to a bar.  You have to look the part." Dori was cut off by the knock on the door.
        "Come in." Madi answered.
        The silence in the room was deafening. Mulder was dumbfounded.  Agent Scully had transformed into Dana.  
She wore a short tight black skirt.  For a top she wore a baby blue, baby tee shirt, that brought out her eyes.  
A black jacket, tights and shoes finished the outfit.  She looked like a teenager going out on a date.
        Scully's breath caught in her throat at the site of her partner. Mulder was wearing a pair of blue 
jeans.  Nothing all that unusual but these were a little tight and showed his butt off nicely.  But the sweater 
that he wore was perfect for him.  It was an off white, light beige in color.  Running through it were strands 
of maroon, navy blue, and hunter green. Madi and Dori stood their amazed at the reaction between the two 
partners.  "Well if everyone is ready, we should go.  The taxi is waiting." Doriane broke the silence.
        Once at the bar positions were taken.  "Hey Scully, how about a dance."
        "Mulder, we have to watch out for the girls."
        "They are both on the dance floor.  Please Dana?"
        "Sure.  Why not."  They moved out on to the dance floor with in eye distance to the two girls. Mulder 
was amazed at how well his partner danced.  Never in his wildest dreams would he have been able to picture her 
like this. Mulder's form moved methodically to the music.  Who would have thought he'd be a great dancer.  Out 
of the corner of Scully's eye she caught a strange movement.  "Mulder. Doriane is being lead out the back."
        "Alright.  I'll follow.  You get Madiline and circle around from the front. 
        "Okay."  They broke apart and went their separate ways. Madi saw Dori being lead away. Next she saw 
Scully. Madi excused herself and followed the agent. 
	Dori was getting dizzy.  "Ah, Rich can we sit down for a 
        "What's wrong?"
        "It's too hot in here."
        "Oh, why don't we go outside then?" Dori just nodded.  She closed her eyes and let herself be taken 
away.  She felt herself being carried and then heard a door close.  Then everything went black.
        When Mulder got outside he saw a van speed away.  He made a note of the license plate and started the 
car they had in the back.  Scully and Madi caught up with him and jumped into the car, and started to follow the 
        When it pulled up to a house downtown Mulder called for back up. Doriane was being taken into the house.
        "Madiline, stay here.  Scully told the girl.
        Scully and Mulder went into the building.  It wasn't hard being the boys left the front door unlocked.  
They were able to hear the boys upstairs talking.  Both agents approached carefully.
        The room the boys were in was very crowned and loud.  It was obvious that some of them were drunk.
        A faint crying was heard as the agents got closer.  "Help.  Please."  It cried.
        "One, two, three."  Scully mouthed.  They entered the room.  "FBI freeze."  They both called 
        All the boys in the room did as they were told. Mulder pushed his way to the bed and untied Dori.  He 
then put his sweater on her naked body.  She wasn't totally coherent and sirens were heard outside. Doriane, 
not really knowing what was happening, started to cry. Mulder sat down and held her till the EMS crew came up 
stairs and took her away.
        "Well there are your aliens"  Scully said to the cops as they entered the room pointing to the boys who 
had alien mask on.  
        All the boys were arrested and Doriane was taken to the hospital.  She was released the next day. Mulder 
and Scully invited the girls out for lunch the day after.
        "What are your plans after collage?"  Scully asked.
        "I'm looking into computer imaging, or film." Dori answered.
        "I'm looking into law."
        "Well if you two want a job in the FBI just let us know.  Here are our numbers."
        "Thank you Agent Mulder.  If you are ever on Long Island or Albany area, you can e mail us.  Here are 
our addy's." Doriane traded pieces of paper with him.
        As Mulder and Scully boarded the plane to head back to Washington they thought about their time on the 
SUNY campus.  "Hey Scully, can you show me how to play the Biology drinking game?"
	"I think it's time to create a new one.  The X-Files Drinking game.
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