Fire Top's Fan Fiction
Welcome all to my little hide away.  In the following pages you will find some of the work that I have written. 
If you have a web site and would like the put a link to this one please e mail me first to ask for permission.  The same goes for any story that you find within these pages. 
I know some of you might find some of the stories, especially on the X-Files pages familiar.  They were written under the names of Shorts and Doriane Scott.  I have changed my name once again and plan to keep it as Fire Top.
If you have any stories that you would like me to post for you here, I will be more than happy to do so.  Just let me know. 
If you are intrested in knowing about an update, again please e mail me. 
The West Wing
The X-Files
Links to Other Fan Fiction Archives
Fan Fiction.Net
The National Library
(West Wing)
The Gossamer Project
E mail:  [email protected]
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