Class 24
Southside Regional
Fire Academy
May - August 2000
M. "grandpa" Bayly
J. Ross
T. Smith
W. P. "Bull" Roestenberg
R. Warren
K. "Ice Cube" Pittman
M. "tugboat" Brinkley
T. "teen wolf" Baines
D. "spaz" Daggers
T. "the weezel" Dortch
B. "Unibomber" Bodnar
M. Triplett
C. Megotz
J. "Hollywood" Taylor
G. Phelps
J. Poulson
V. "Exxon" Valdez
G. "Big Mac" McNeil
M. Castlebury
R. "grandma" Griffey
C. Cook
E. Majetich
T. Sickell
A. "tiger" White
S. Robison
C. "Captain" Carr
V. Montuano
J. Rubino
W. "Marvin the Martian" Rary
D. Rouse
Class Members
Class 24 would like to thank the training staff of
Lt. Durham (SFD), T/O Hampton (PFD), T/O French (CFD),
and all of the daily instructors who gave their time to train us.
You are visitor number
Class 24 included members from several departments including:
Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake, as well as regional federal firefighters from area military bases.
Email the Webmaster, B. Bodnar, [email protected]
Click on the message board icons below to leave your comments about our webpage and/or read comments from others.  Also a great way for all the members of the class to stay in touch and let the others know what your up to!

Firethrashers Pictures!

'HOT' Links

" H a r d    C o r e    2 4 "
"In the Line of FIRE"
fire: fIr (noun) 1: the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat
thrasherthra-sh&r (noun) : one who thrashes
thrash: 'thrash :  2: to beat soundly with or as if with a stick or a whip
G   u   e   s   t   B   o   o   k
Why the name?  Well, all the good ones were taken it seemed...
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