Beginning:Recognition- A story of the Past…



 Year: -298

The one who is called Dagger smiled at her lovemates. ** Drenzin…I have to tell you something…Tolvil and I Recognized.** She turned from his stunned look, and nodded to the dark-haired Tolvil who stood in the shadows. The three High Ones had been together for a long time, never dreaming of Recognition between any of them. And now, it had happened. Drenzin just  shook his head, bemused. **How..did this happen?**


604 years later…

Year: + 304

 Chieftess Sparkflame, daughter of Tolvil and Dagger, grinned. Her hair was wild and golden-brown, and she had a distinctly unusual look to her. Almost animalish. Her eyes were huge and dark gold, and her canines were sharp. She was very odd, indeed, especially considering that her parents were supposedly both High Ones. Her clothes were handswen, leather garments, and she was the first elf with a wolf-bond. **Hurry up, slowpoke!** She called to Drenzin, who sped up, chuckling. Drenzin was so different from Sparkflame it was funny. Drenzin was a tall, slender High One with deep silver hair that reached his waist, well-groomed, and large misty grey eyes. As they rode and walked by the river, Sparkflame grinned at her friend, and remembered, her face turning sincere, that this elf had once been a Lovemate of her mother’s. She wondered where her mother was. Drenzin had noted the look of sorrow and regret crossing Sparkflame’s face, and when she looked up, he was standing so close it seemed he was truly towering over her. She looked up into his deep grey eyes, and suddenly her own golden ones widened. Drenzin stared in awe, and whispered, “ Dryiye…It is YOU with whom I shall experience this  “Recognition” with first…Child of my once-love and her other lover…How can this be?”  In a scared angry motion, Sparkflame raced away on her wolf, leaving a greatly distressed Drenzin calling after her using her soulname.


Two days later…

   Sparkflame, bedraggled and obviously much calmer than before, walked into the Holt. She looked questioningly at her father, who pointed towards a small, dark den. She walked quietly towards the den, ducking and going inside of it. Drenzin, sure enough, was sitting there, tears in those large grey eyes. She knelt beside him in silence, then took ahold of his pointed, smooth chin, and turned his handsome face to look at her. **I was wrong to run. I now understand this. We were meant to be mates, and now…I realize that I love you beyond anything I have ever loved. Please hear me and accept me as your lifemate until my death or yours.** Drenzin looked at her with joy in his misty eyes, and then he pulled her into a fierce yet gentle embrace. Tears flowed freely from both pairs of elfin eyes. Outside, Tolvil smiled. His daughter had finally felt the beauty and power of Recognition, and this gladdened his heart…



This is the end of Beginning:Recognition. For more about the Holt’s past, read the next forthcoming story, Beginning: Children/Cubs!


By Rachel  Jones


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