You awaken in a gloriously beautiful wheat field, golden and sunlit. You can't for the life of you figure out exactly how you got there, but it doesn't seem to matter now. Pushing yourself to your feet, you stand up and stretch, basking in the sun's warm rays. Everything is so bright and carefree here, it seems nothing bad could happen. But suddenly, a strong wind blows up and the sky clouds with darkness. You hold your arm up over your face to protect yourself from the flying blades of grass. A black portal opens before you and you shield your eyes from the bright light beyond, waiting for what will appear.
The Tasuinn of Dark Light
After a few moments, the light subsides and a brightly colored mare gracefully steps down onto the field. Then the portal closes and the sunny field returns to it's normal state. The mare turns to you, her vivid mane rippling in the slight breeze and her eyes lit with bubbling laughter. She gives you a mischievious smile and finally addresses you. "Greetings stranger, I see you are new to this land. I am Fancy Free, a portal asrire from the Tasuinn." And with that brief introduction, she leaps with a flip of her heels and canters off in the opposite direction.
Name: Fancy Free
Species: Portal Asrire
Gender: Female
Mate: None
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