The Godking's List Of Great Movies
Below are various lists of my favorite movies ever made. OF course this will probably be updated infinitely!
The X-Files Movie
Return of the Living Dead 3

Top 10 All Time
1. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
2: Lord of the Rings: The 2 Towers
3: Godzilla (Toho, 1954)
4: Aliens
5: Jurassic Park
6: Evil Dead
7: A Nightmare on Elmstreet
8: Independence Day
9: The Crow
10: The Terminator

Top 10 Scariest Movies
1: Evil Dead
2: A Nightmare on Elmstreet
3: The Ring
4: The Blair Witch Project
5: The Fog
6: The Thing (John Carpenter)
7: The Exorcist
8: The Entity
9: Jacob's Ladder
10: The Exorcist 3

Top 10 Best Sci-Fi Movies
1: Aliens
2: Independence Day
3: The Terminator
4: Cube
5: Starship Troopers
6: Alien                                   7: The Empire Strikes Back
8: Stargate
9: Akira
10: War of the Worlds

Top 10 Best Action Movies
1: Aliens
2: Independence Day
3: The Terminator
4: Starship Troopers
5: Big  Trouble in Little China
6: Predator
7: Terminator 2
8: Gladiator
9: The Road Warrior
10: DieHard

Top 10 Best Comic-based Movies
1: X-Men 2
2: The Crow
3: X-Men
4: Spiderman
5: Ghostworld
6: Daredevil
7: Blade
8: The Phantom
9: Blade 2
10: Judge Dread

Top 10 Best Endings/Revelations
1: The Sixth Sense
2: The Ring
3: The Blair Witch Project
4: Unbreakable
5: Jacob's Ladder
6: Pi
7: In the Mouth of Madness
8: Donnie Darko
9: The Others
10: Requiem for a Dream

Top 10 Best Godzilla-Free Giants
1: King Kong (1933)
2: The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
3: 20 Million Miles to Earth
4: Jurassic Park 2:The Lost World
5: Them
6: Jaws
7: Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
8: Gorgo
9: Rodan
10: Rebirth of Mothra

Top 5 Best Animated Movies
1: Princess Mononoke
2: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
3: Fist of the North Star
4: Metropolis
5: Urotsukidoji

Top 5 Best Martial Arts Movies
1: 5 Deadly Venoms
2: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
3: Mortal Combat
4: Enter the Dragon
5: Rumble in the Bronx

Top 5 Best War Movies
1: Braveheart
2: Saving Private Ryan
3: The Alamo
4: The Patriot
5: Patton

Top 10 Best Godzilla Movies
1. Godzilla (1954)
2: Godzilla vs Destroyah
3: Godzilla 1985
4: Godzilla vs Biollante
5: Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (hesei)
6: Destroy all Monsters
7: Godzilla vs the Thing
8: Ghidrah the Three Headed Monster
9: Terror of Mechagodzilla
10: Monster Zero

Top 10 Best Fantasy  Movies
1: LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
2: LOTR: The Two Towers
3: Star Wars
4: Princess Mononoke
5: Krull
6: Clash of the Titans
7: The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad
8: Conan the Barbarian
9: Fist of the North Star
10: The Sword and the Sorcerer

Top 10 Best Movie Series
1: Lord of the Rings
2: Godzilla
3: Star Wars
4: Evil Dead
5: A Nightmare on Elmstreet
6: Alien
7: Jurassic Park
8: Gamera
9: Austin Powers
10: Friday the 13th

Top 10 Funniest Movies Ever
1: UHF
2: American Pie
3: SouthPark the Movie
4: The Waterboy
5: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
6: Austin Powers 2
7: There's Something About Mary
8: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
9: Raising Arizona
10: Kung Pow

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