Fire Pro Wrestling Z Move List Last Updated: 07/01/2003 By Cactusjack1999 Version 1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original FPD Move List compiled by: Kilroy Frank James Chan Spazz/Unibomb MaDHat Lukin DAN/Crippler19 MassCarnage New Material/Moves For FPZ by: Cactusjack1999 (Most of the added moves and re-numbering) Dynamic A (Back Grapple moves and Downed attack moves) halfwayhouse (Corrected Numbering on the Counters and on the Standing O moves) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know a lot of the new moves are incorrectly named/not at all named and the lists possibly numbered incorrectly. This is basically due to the fact that I don't speak/read Japanese and I had to improvise names for some of the new moves by what they looked like and even then the animation looked a tad hard to view as to what was done in them. If you have any info for the guide, as in like Corrected move names, or if I have miss numbered some moves please send an e-mail to: DO NOT E-MAIL ME ASKING ABOUT GAMEPLAY OR OTHER ASPECTS OF THE GAME. I WILL NOT ANSWER YOU. PLEASE ASK THESE ON THE GAMEFAQS BOARDS OR AT MONITOR'S WEBSITE. Oh and Before I forget: This guide is copyright 2003 Matthew Ziemba (Cactusjack1999). Fire Pro Wrestling Z is (c) Spike 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing [] 001. Punch 002. American Jab 003. Jab 004. Straight 005. Face Slap 006. Chest Slap 007. Horizontal Chop 008. Shouda 009. Straight Shouda 010. Kick 011. Toe Kick 012. Thigh Kick 013. Front Kick 014. Low Kick 015. Low Round Kick 016. Muay Thai Low Kick 017. Middle Kick 018. Center Round Kick 019. Muay Thai Middle Kick Standing X 001. No Touch Head butt 002. American Hook 003. Hook 004. Uraken (Back Fist, Aja Kong) 005. Kesa Gari Chop 006. Hook Shouda 007. Elbow Pat 008. Front High Kick 009. Giant Kick 010. High Kick 011. Muay Thai High Kick 012. High Round Kick 013. Highman Giri (Kick) 014. Thrust Kick 015. Solebutt 016. Rolling Solebutt 017. Combination 1 018. Combination 2 019. Combination 3 020. Punch 021. American Jab 022. Jab 023. Straight 024. Slap (Face) 025. Slap (Chest) 026. Horizontal Chop 027. Shouda 028. Straight Shouda 029. Kick 030. Toe Kick 031. Thigh Kick 032. Front Kick 033. Low Kick 034. Low Round Kick 035. Muay Thai Low Kick 036. Middle Kick 037. Center Round Kick 038. Muay Thai Middle Kick Standing O Standing O D-Pad Standing []+X 001. Russian Hook 002. Uppercut 003. Stepping Straight 004. Upper Shouda 005. Fumikomi Shouda (Step Forward Thrust Shouda) 006. Rolling Chop 007. Rolling Elbow 008. Saber (Vader) Hammer 009. Lariat Attack 010. Tatakitsuke Lariat Attack 011. Double Leg Tackle 012. Spear 013. Football Tackle 014. Upperbody Back Spin kick 015. Back Spin Around Kick 016. High Axe Kick 017. Two Step Kick 018. Dropkick 019. Forward Flying Dropkick 020. Spinning Once Dropkick 021. Low Dropkick 022. Jumping High Kick 023. Enzugiri (Back Brain Kick. Inoki Specialty) 024. Kneel Kick 025. Flying Kneel Kick 026. Screw High Kick 027. Jumping Knee to Face 028. Abise Giri (Rolling Koppou Kick) 029. Big Wheel Kick 030. Poison Mist 031. Big Fire 032. Flying Crucifix Arm Hold 033. Trap Crucifix Arm Hold 034. Flying Crucifix Knee Hold 035. Flying Crucifix Prawn Hold 036. No Touch Head butt 037. American Hook 038. Hook 039. Uraken (Back Fist, Aja Kong) 040. Kesa Gari Chop 041. Hook Shouda 042. Elbow Pat 043. Front High Kick 044. Giant Kick 045. High Kick 046. Muay Thai High Kick 047. High Round Kick 048. Highman Giri (Kick) 049. Thrust Kick 050. Solebutt 051. Rolling Solebutt 052. Combination 1 053. Combination 2 054. Combination 3 055. Punch 056. American Jab 057. Jab 058. Straight 059. Slap (Face) 060. Slap (Chest) 061. Horizontal Chop 062. Shouda 063. Straight Shouda 064. Kick 065. Toe Kick 066. Thigh Kick 067. Front Kick 068. Low Kick 069. Low Round Kick 070. Muay Thai Low Kick 071. Middle Kick 072. Center Round Kick 073. Muay Thai Middle Kick Running [] Running X 001. No Touch Head butt 002. Stepping Straight 003. Open Chest Palm Blow 004. Sledgehammer 005. Fumikomi Shouda (Step Forward Thrust Shouda) 006. Flying Cross Chop 007. Elbow Pat 008. Jumping Elbow 009. Lariat 010. Clothesline 011. Tatakitsuke Lariat 012. Flowing Takedown Lariat (Chris Benoit style Lariat) 013. Charging Takedown Lariat 014. Western Lariat (Stan Hansen) 015. Stepping Axe Bomber 016. Duggan Hammer (Hulk Hogan's NJPW finisher, Omori's Axe Bomber) 017. Flying Lariat 018. Running Neck Breaker Drop 019. Jumping Neck Breaker Drop 020. Shoulder Tackle 021. Double Leg Tackle 022. Spear 023. Football Tackle 024. Flying Shoulder Attack 025. Body Splash 026. Saber (Vader) Attack 027. Flying Body Attack 028. Flying Body Scissors Drop 029. Jumping Hip Attack 030. Kitchen Sink 031. Jumping Knee Pat 032. Toe Kick 033. Kenka Kick 034. Front High Kick 035. Jumping Front High Kick 036. Two Step Kick 037. Dropkick 038. Forward Flying Dropkick 039. Spinning Once Dropkick 040. Super Dropkick 041. Low Dropkick 042. Zero-Sen Kick 043. Inadsma (Lighting) Leg Lariat 044. Kneel Kick 045. Flying Kneel Kick 046. Screw Kick 047. Jumping Knee to Face 048. Satellite Head Scissors Whip 049. Deja Vu (Dragon Kid Specialty) 050. Face Crusher 051. Flying Jumping DDT 052. Spin Around DDT (The Rock) 053. Flying Crucifix Arm Hold 054. Flying Crucifix Knee Hold 055. Flying Forward Rolling Prawn Hold 056. Hurracanrana 057. Frankensteiner 058. Back Switch Counter [] Counter X 001. No Touch Head butt 002. Punch 003. Knuckle Pat 004. Straight 005. Hook 006. Russian Hook 007. Upper 008. Uraken (Back Fist, Aja Kong) 009. Stepping Straight 010. Palm Blow 011. Open Chest Palm Blow 012. Horizontal Chop 013. Kesa Giri Chop 014. Rolling Chop 015. Shouda 016. Straight Shouda 017. Hook Shouda 018. Upper Shouda 019. Fumikomi Shouda 020. Elbow Pat 021. Rolling Elbow 022. Back Elbow 023. Lariat 024. Tatakitsuke Lariat 025. Western Lariat 026. Jumping Hip Attack 027. Kitchen Sink 028. Kick 029. Thigh Kick 030. Toe Kick 031. Front Kick 032. Front High Kick 033. Giant Kick 034. Jumping Front High Kick 035. Thrust Kick 036. Solebutt 037. Rolling Solebutt 038. Low Round Kick 039. Low Kick 040. Muay Thai Low Kick 041. Center Round Kick 042. Middle Kick 043. Muay Thai Middle Kick 044. Spin Kick 045. Upper Body Back Spin Kick 046. Back Spin Around Kick 047. Two Step Kick 048. Dropkick 049. Forward Flying Dropkick 050. Spinning Once Dropkick 051. Low Dropkick 052. Jumping Knee to Face 053. Cobra Claw 054. Sleeper Hold 055. Dragon Sleeper Hold 056. Cobra Twist 057. Waki Gatame (Side Arm Hold) 058. Flying Crucifix Arm Hold 059. Hurracanrana 060. Frankensteiner 061. Original Frankensteiner 062. Shoulder Throw (Back Body Drop) 063. Crab Nip (Drop Toe Hold) 064. Satellite Head Scissors 065. Cyclone Whip 066. Lift Up Slam 067. Lift Whip 068. Mexican Peace Crusher (Lift Whip into Ace Crusher) 069. Samoan Drop 070. Scruff Buster (Bossman Slam) 071. Side Buster 072. Tilt Slam 073. Quebradora Con Hilo 074. Dolphin (Delfin) Back Breaker 075. Powerslam 076. Spine Drop 077. Spine Buster 078. Grip Style Spine Buster (Turn Around Spine Buster) 079. Spine Bomb 080. Watermill Fall 081. Mountain Bomb 082. Front Suplex 083. Uranage (Back Throw, pronounced ooh-rah-nah-geh) 084. ???? 085. Nodowa Otoshi (Choke Slam) 086. Back Ipponzei 087. Flying Jumping DDT 088. Manhattan Drop 089. Back Switch Running To Corner 001. None 002. Fumikomi Shouda 003. Elbow Pat 004. Jumping Elbow 005. Back Elbow 006. Space Rolling Elbow 007. Lariat 008. Bodypress 009. Body Splash 010. Saber (Vader) Attack 011. Hip Press 012. Jumping Hip Attack 013. Jumping Knee Pat 014. Corner Shining Wizard 015. Giant Kick 016. Kenka Kick 017. Somersault Kick 018. Dropkick 019. Forward Flying Dropkick 020. Spinning Once Dropkick 021. Low Dropkick 022. Kangaroo Kick 023. Zero-Sen Kick 024. Kneel Kick 025. Flying Kneel Kick 026. Abise Giri (Rolling Koppou Kick) 027. Corner Spear 028. Dragon Rana (Dragon Kid's Jump-back Rana) 029. Monkey Flip Running To Out Of Bounds 001. None 002. Plancha Feign 003. Elbow Suicide 004. Swan Dive Missile Kick 005. Tope Suicide 006. Tope Con Hilo 007. Plancha Suicide 008. Tolni-Jo (Flipping Corkscrew Plancha) 009. Swan Dive Plancha 010. Springboard Vertical Plancha 011. Springboard Vertical Quebrada 012. Buero The Aguila (Cartwheel Plancha) 013. Space Flying Tiger Attack 014. Hayate (Sasuke) Special 1 015. Hayate (Sasuke) Special 2 Rope Slingshot to Out of Bounds B 001. None 002. Plancha Feign 003. Sledgehammer 004. Swan Dive Missile Kick 005. Plancha Suicide 006. Swan Dive Plancha 007. La Quebrada (Ultimo Dragon's Asai Moonsault) Apron to Slingshot Inside 001. None 002. Plancha Feign 003. Diving Elbow Pat 004. Swan Dive Missile Kick 005. Swan Dive Kneel Kick 006. Diving Knee 007. Flying Body Attack 008. Swan Dive Body Attack 009. Ultra Hurracanrana 010. Swan Dive High Speed Hurracanrana Post [] Post X Post O Post []+X 001. None 002. Diving Fist Drop 003. Diving Elbowdrop 004. Diving Back Elbowdrop 005. Dolphin (Delfin) Elbow Drop (Super Delfin, Randy Savage) 006. Diving Knee Drop 007. Diving Double Knee Drop 008. Diving Guillotine Drop 009. Diving Rolling Guillotine Drop 010. Double Foot Stomp 011. Moonsault Double Foot Stomp 012. Diving Head butt 013. Praying Diving Head butt 014. Super Diving Head butt 015. Tope Atomico 016. Diving Senton 017. Somersault Drop 018. Rolling Senton 019. Senton Atomico (Swanton Bomb) 020. Diving Body Press 021. Super Heavy Diving Body Press 022. Frog Splash 023. Five Star Frog Splash 024. Mad Splash (CIMA, D'Lo Brown's Lo-Down) 025. Moonsault Press 026. Side Roll Body Press 027. Landing Body Press 028. Firebird Splash (Hayabusa, 450 Splash) 029. Cancun Tornado (Skytwister Press) 030. Shooting Star Press 031. Phoenix Splash (The following moves are Vs. Standing) 032. Sledgehammer 033. Diving Elbow Pat 034. Diving Lariat 035. Diving Neck Breaker Drop 036. Diving Shoulder Attack 037. Diving Body Attack 038. Moonsault Attack 039. Diving Hip Attack 040. Tope Con Hilo 041. Diving Front High Kick 042. Missile Kick 043. Low Dropkick 044. Front Flip Missile Kick 045. Diving Kneel Kick 046. Diving Enzui Giri (Back Brain Kick) 047. Diving Knee Attack 048. Diving Enzui Knee Drop (Takako Inoue's Takako Panic) 049. Super Hurracanrana 050. High Speed Hurracanrana 051. Swing Frankensteiner 052. Swing Head Scissors 053. Flying Swing DDT 054. Dragon Rana (Dragon Kid, 360 Rana) Grappling [] Grappling [] Up Grappling [] Left or Right Grappling [] Down 001. Knuckle Arrow 002. Headhold Punch 003. Straight Punch 004. Upper Blow 005. Hammer Punch 006. Karate Punch 007. Body Punch 008. Slap (Face) 009. Overhand Slap 010. Backhand Chop 011. Windpipe Chop 012. Jigoku Dski (Thrust to Throat) 013. Shouda 014. Sledgehammer (Double Axe Handle) 015. Hammer Blow 016. High Elbow 017. Elbow Stamp 018. Elbow Stamp (Neck) 019. Elbow Stamp (Elbow) 020. Elbow Stamp (Knee) 021. Elbow Pat 022. Elbow Smash 023. High Power Elbow Smash 024. Low Kick 025. Front Kick 026. Toe Kick 027. Axe Kick 028. Face Knee Lift 029. Body Knee Lift 030. Forceful Knee 031. Hip Attack 032. Single Leglock Slap 033. Single Leglock Takedown 034. Shoulder Butt (Arm) 035. Armbreaker 036. Samming (Eye Gouge) 037. Face Scratch 038. Body Slam 039. Joshi (Women) Style Body Slam 040. High Angle Body Slam 041. Gorilla Slam 042. Arm Whip 043. Cyclone Whip 044. Flying Mare (Snapmare) 045. Fireman's Carry 046. Crab Nip (Drop Toe Hold) 047. Leg Spin 048. Dragon Screw 049. Single Leg Tackle 050. Hip Throw 051. Neck Throw 052. Judo Takedown 053. Belly To Belly Side Slam 054. Leg Trip to Mount 055. Grapple to Front Headlock 056. Drop to Prone Mounted 057. Back Switch Grappling X Grappling X Up Grappling X Left or Right Grappling X Down 001. Head butt 002. Ippon-ashi-Zutsuki (Standing on one leg Head butt) 003. Jumping Head butt 004. Crown of the Head Chop 005. Nouten-Karatake-wari (Leaping Crown of the Head Chop) 006. Machine Gun Backhand Chop 007. Machine Gun Kesa Giri Chop 008. Windpipe Chop Renda 009. Mongolian Chop 010. Fumikomi-Jigoku-Deski (Step Forward Thrust To Throat) 011. Headlock Punch 012. Seiken-Deski-Renda (Karate Punch Rush) 013. Body Punch Rush 014. Head Hold Uppercuts 015. Koppou-Ryuu-Shouda (Machine Gun Style Jabs) 016. Sumo Slaps 017. Short Elbow 018. Short Range Lariat 019. Leg Sweep using Arm 020. Middle Kick 021. Muay Thai Middle Kick 022. Center Round Kick 023. Body Sole Butt 024. Step Kick 025. Shoulder Lock Enzuigiri 026. Leg Feed Enzuigiri 027. Spin Kick 028. Arm twist Superkick 029. Machine Gun Middle Kick 030. Knee Joint Kick 031. Suimengiri Sweep Kick 032. Machine Gun Face Knee Lift 033. Machine Gun Stomach Knee Lift 034. Low Dropkick 035. Groin Punch 036. Headlock 037. Headthrow Headlock (Headlock Takedown) 038. Tiger Spin (Spinning Toe Hold) 039. Neck Hanging Tree (Double Choke Lift) 040. Double Armlock 041. Brainbuster (Vertical Suplex) 042. Jumping Brainbuster (Jumping Suplex) 043. Long Suspended Brainbuster (Delayed Suplex) 044. Forward Slam Brainbuster 045. Uproot Brainbuster 046. High Speed Brainbuster (Snap Suplex) 047. Kamisoli Brainbuster 048. Brainbuster Slam 049. Front Drop Lift Up Slam 050. Pelting Lift Up Slam 051. Double Wrist Armsault 052. Front Suplex 053. Front Suplex Whip 054. Belly-to-Belly 055. Double Armlock Suplex 056. Double Arm Suplex 057. Texas Suplex 058. Side Suplex 059. Backdrop 060. Leg Lift Style Backdrop 061. Jumping Backdrop 062. Rolling Backdrop 063. Twisted Backdrop 064. Leg Lift Sheer Drop Style Back Drop 065. High speed Hurricanrana 066. Neck Breaker Drop 067. Swing Neck Breaker Drop 068. Shoulder Neck Breaker 069. Chin Crusher 070. Shoulder Arm Breaker 071. Jumping Arm Breaker 072. Armbreaking Combination 073. Coconut Crush 074. Shoulder Buster 075. Blockbuster 076. Side Buster 077. Pendulum Back Breaker 078. Schmidt Back Breaker 079. Back Breaker Slam 080. Stomach Crusher 081. Manhattan Drop (Inverted Atomic Drop) 082. Ipponzei 083. Suisha-Otoshi (Water Wheel Drop) 084. Reverse Waterwheel Drop 085. High Speed Dragon Screw 086. DDT 087. Giant DDT 088. Piledriver 089. Tombstone Piledriver 090. Reverse Tombstone Piledriver 091. Face Buster 092. Knuckle Arrow 093. Headhold Punch 094. Straight Punch 095. Upper Blow 096. Hammer Punch 097. Karate Punch 098. Body Punch 099. Slap (Face) 100. Overhand Slap 101. Backhand Chop 102. Windpipe Chop 103. Jigoku Dski (Thrust to Throat) 104. Shouda 105. Sledgehammer (Double Axe Handle) 106. Hammer Blow 107. High Elbow 108. Elbow Stamp 109. Elbow Stamp (Neck) 110. Elbow Stamp (Elbow) 111. Elbow Stamp (Knee) 112. Elbow Pat 113. Elbow Smash 114. High Power Elbow Smash 115. Low Kick 116. Front Kick 117. Toe Kick 118. Axe Kick 119. Face Knee Lift 120. Body Knee Lift 121. Forceful Knee 122. Hip Attack 123. Single Leglock Slap 124. Single Leglock Takedown 125. Shoulder Butt (Arm) 126. Armbreaker 127. Samming (Eye Gouge) 128. Face Scratch 129. Body Slam 130. Joshi (Women) Style Body Slam 131. High Angle Body Slam 132. Gorilla Slam 133. Arm Whip 134. Cyclone Whip 135. Flying Mare (Snapmare) 136. Fireman's Carry 137. Crab Nip (Drop Toe Hold) 138. Leg Spin 139. Dragon Screw 140. Single Leg Tackle 141. Hip Throw 142. Neck Throw 143. Judo Takedown 144. Belly To Belly Side Slam 145. Leg Trip to Mount 146. Grapple to Front Headlock 147. Drop to Prone Mounted 148. Back Switch Grappling O Grappling O Up Grappling O Left or Right Grappling O Down Grappling []+X 001. Head Butt Rush 002. Ippon-ashi-Zutsuki Renda (One Leg Head butt Rush) 003. Texas Jab 004. Discus Punch 005. Head hold uppercuts 006. Golden Left 007. Impact Straight 008. Mahha Punch Rush 009. Dynamite Punch Rush 010. Russian Hook Rush 011. Okiagari-Kobishi Chop 012. Rolling Chop. 013. Rolling Kesa Giri Chop 014. Kesa Giri Chop 015. Overhead slaps 016. Shouda Upper 017. Rolling Elbow 018. Final Rolling Elbow 019. Head Hold Lariat 020. Step Back Brain Kneel Kick 021. Screw High Kick 022. Kaiten-Jigoku-Geri (Spinning Inferno Kick) 023. American Punch Rush 024. Axe Kick 025. Cyber Blow 026. Cyber Knee Lift 027. Cyber Machine Gun Kick 028. ??? 029. ??? 030. High Speed Machine Gun Kick 031. ??? 032. ??? 033. ??? 034. Rolling Sole Butt Rush 035. Kenka Rush 036. Shouda Combination 037. High Kick Combination 038. W High Kick Combination 039. Solebutt Combination 040. Back Spin Combination 041. Kakato Otoshi Combination (Axe Kick Combination) 042. Lightning Combination 044. Kea Rush 045. Strike 6 046. Brazillian Kick Rush 047. Sudden Release High Kick 048. Tajiri Kick 049. Sweet Chin Music 050. Martial Arts Combo 051. ??? 052. Flying Knee Kick Rush 053. Dynamite Knee Lift 054. Shining Wizard 055. Falling Shining Wizard 056. Shining Black 057. Biting 058. Fork Attack 059. Cobra Claw 060. Iron Claw 061. Mandible Claw (Mankind) 062. Sniper Crossface 063. Sleeper Hold 064. Dou Jimi Sleeper Hold 065. Front Necklock 066. Back Roll Neck Lock 067. Front Neck Lock 068. ??? 069. Bear Hug 070. Cobra Twist 071. Goumon Cobra Twist 072. Stretch PLum 073. Haruki Special 074. ??? 075. Octopus Hold 076. Ground Octopus Hold 077. Mexican Stretch 078. Canadian Back Breaker 079. Argentine Back Breaker (Torture Rack) 080. Argentine Back Breaker Drop 081. Neck Lock Octopus Hold 082. Flying Crucifix Arm Hold (Leg Scissor into Cross Armbar) 083. Front Style Flying Crucifix Arm Hold 084. Nothernlights Suplex to Crucifix Arm Hold 085. Waki Gatame (Side Arm Hold) 086. Victory Crucifix Knee Hold 087. Leg Feed Ankle Hold 088. Flying Cross Heel Hold 089. Huracanrana 090. Frankensteiner 091. High Angle Forward Rolling Prawn Hold 092. Small Package Hold 093. Backslide 094. Ground Cobra Twist 095. Mito (Kido) Clutch 096. Rolling Cradle 097. Super Long Suspended Brainbuster 098. Vertical Drop Style Brainbuster 099. Suspended Vertical Drop Style Brainbuster 100. Turning Vertical Drop Style Brainbuster 101. Grip Style Belly-to-Belly 102. Peace Crusher (Ace Crusher) 103. Mexican Peace Crusher (Overhead Press into Ace Crusher) 104. Hawaiian Crusher (Taiyo Kea specialty, Fireman's Carry Ace Crusher) 105. High-Jump Facebuster (X-PAC's X Factor) 106. Diamond Cutter 107. Yokosuka Cutter 108. Twist of Fate 109. Stunner (Stone Cold Stunner) 110. Backflip 111. Canadian Rocky Buster (Ricky Fuji) 112. Mammoth Buster (Mammoth Sasaki) 113. Death Valley Bomb (aka. Death Valley Driver) 114. Spicy Drop (Curry Man) 115. Wakamoto Special '78 (Inverted Death Valley Driver) 116. Ruby Fusion 117. Choke Slam 118. One Hand Choke Slam 119. High Angle Choke Slam 120. Giant Choke Slam 121. High Angle Nodowa Otoshi 122. Book End 123. Fisherman Buster 124. Fisherman DDT 125. Dangerous DDT 126. Northern Lights Bomb 127. Orange Crush (Kenta Kobashi) 128. Steiner Screw Driver 129. Bulldogging Headlock 130. Guillotine Peace Crusher 131. Jumping Neck Breaker 132. Kawads-gake Otoshi (Russian Legsweep) 133. Kawads-gake Facebuster (Russian Legsweep Facebuster, Jeff Jarrett) 134. Amaze Impact 135. Flatniner 136. Powerbomb to Flatliner 137. Oklahoma Stampede (Running Powerslam) 138. Avalanche Hold 139. Avalanche Press 140. Jackhammer (Goldberg, Dean Malenko 1994) 141. Turbo Drop 142. Canadian Back Breaker Drop 143. Blockbuster Hold 144. Stretch Buster (Pump Handle Slam) 145. Fireman's carry to DDT (F-5) 146. Kushi-zashi DDT (Skewer DDT) 147. Jumping DDT 148. Double Arm DDT 149. John Spike (Johnny Ace's Johnny Spike) 150. British Fall (Suplex Lift into Inverted DDT) 151. Pedigree 152. Reverse Tiger Driver 153. Muscle Buster 154. Original Back Drop 155. Eleven's (Karelin) Lift (Aleksandr Karelin) 156. Double Armsault Hold 157. Uranage (Back Throw, pronounced ooh-rah-nah-geh) 158. Exploder 159. STO 160. Originator STO 161. Rock Bottom (The Rock) 162. R. Edge (H/Hayabusa, Rotating Rock Bottom) 163. Front Neck Chancery 164. Tiger Neck Chancery 165. Machine Suplex 166. Fisherman Suplex 167. Blizzard Suplex 168. Captured Suplex 169. Olympic Slam (Kurt Angle) 170. Northern Lights Suplex 171. Wrist Clutch Exploder (Jun Akiyama's Exploder '98) 172. Double Arm Suplex Hold 173. High Speed Double Arm Suplex 174. German Suplex 175. Big Rolling German Suplex 176. High Angle German Suplex 177. Original Style German Suplex 178. Strike 3 179. Jumping Style Piledriver 180. Gotch Style Piledriver (Cradle Piledriver) 181. Jumping Tombstone Piledriver 182. Modified Tombstone Piledriver 183. Reverse Jumping Piledriver (K-Driller) 184. Emerald Frosion (Mitsuharu Misawa, Tommy Dreamer's Dreamer Driver) 185. Tiger Driver 186. Tiger Driver '91 (Mitsuharu Misawa) 187. Double Arm Whip 188. Pyramid Driver 189. Yukiguni Driver 2 (TAKA Michinoku's Michinoku Driver II) 190. Viagra Driver (Magnum TOKYO, Pump Handle Michinoku Driver II) 191. Fire Thunder 192. Sumo Driver (Rikishi Driver) 193. Hurricane Driver 194. Bull's Poseidon (Bull Nakano) 195. Falcon Arrow 196. Driving Falcon Arrow 197. Powerbomb 198. High Angle Powerbomb 199. Spirit Powerbomb (Toshiaki Kawada, powerbomb with slide pin) 200. Powerbomb Whip 201. Jumping Powerbomb 202. Wild Bomb 203. Wild Bomb Whip 204. Samurai Bomb 205. Praying Powerbomb 206. Praying Powerbomb Whip 207. Jackknife Powerbomb (Powerbomb with Jackknife Hold) 208. Last Ride 209. Original Powerbomb 210. Multiple Powerbomb (Triple Powerbomb into pin) 211. Multiple Powerbomb Whip (Triple Powerbomb, last one released) 212. Multiple Powerbomb II (Tatsuhito Takaiwa, Double Powerbomb DVB) 213. Big Body Bomb 214. Miracle Ecstasy (CIMA) 215. Super Bomb 216. Neck Hanging Bomb (Double Choke Lift into Powerbomb) 217. Fireball Bomb 218. Screw Bomb (Jun Akiyama's Blue Thunder) 219. Stretch Bomb 220. Doctor Bomb (Steve Williams) 221. Spinning Doctor Bomb 222. Super Freak 223. Jumping Bomb 224. Kaiser (Lyger) Bomb 225. High Angle Kaiser Bomb 226. Spiral Bomb (Shinjiro Ohtani, Ayako Hamada) 227. Thunder Fire Powerbomb 228. Hayate (Sasuke) Style Thunder Fire Power Bomb 229. Thunder Fire Powerbomb Whip 230. Outro's Edge (Scott Hall's Outsider Edge/Razor's Edge) 231. Thunder Fire Jumping Bomb 232. Cross Arm Thunder Fire Powerbomb 233. Kamikaze Bomb 234. Running Powerbomb 235. Black Kaiser (Black Tiger) Bomb 236. Gory Gurrero Special 237. Head butt 238. Ippon-ashi-Zutsuki (Standing on one leg Head butt) 239. Jumping Head butt 240. Crown of the Head Chop 241. Nouten-Karatake-wari (Leaping Crown of the Head Chop) 242. Machine Gun Backhand Chop 243. Machine Gun Kesa Giri Chop 244. Windpipe Chop Renda 245. Mongolian Chop 246. Fumikomi-Jigoku-Deski (Step Forward Thrust To Throat) 247. Headlock Punch 248. Seiken-Deski-Renda (Karate Punch Rush) 249. Body Punch Rush 250. Head Hold Uppercuts 251. Koppou-Ryuu-Shouda (Machine Gun Style Jabs) 252. Sumo Slaps 253. Short Elbow 254. Short Range Lariat 255. Leg Sweep using Arm 256. Middle Kick 257. Muay Thai Middle Kick 258. Center Round Kick 259. Body Sole Butt 260. Step Kick 261. Shoulder Lock Enzuigiri 262. Leg Feed Enzuigiri 263. Spin Kick 264. Arm twist Superkick 265. Machine Gun Middle Kick 266. Knee Joint Kick 267. Suimengiri Sweep Kick 268. Machine Gun Face Knee Lift 269. Machine Gun Stomach Knee Lift 270. Low Dropkick 271. Groin Punch 272. Headlock 273. Headthrow Headlock (Headlock Takedown) 274. Tiger Spin (Spinning Toe Hold) 275. Neck Hanging Tree (Double Choke Lift) 276. Double Armlock 277. Brainbuster (Vertical Suplex) 278. Jumping Brainbuster (Jumping Suplex) 279. Long Suspended Brainbuster (Delayed Suplex) 280. Forward Slam Brainbuster 281. Uproot Brainbuster 282. High Speed Brainbuster (Snap Suplex) 283. Kamisoli Brainbuster 284. Brainbuster Slam 285. Front Drop Lift Up Slam 286. Pelting Lift Up Slam 287. Double Wrist Armsault 288. Front Suplex 289. Front Suplex Whip 290. Belly-to-Belly 291. Double Armlock Suplex 292. Double Arm Suplex 293. Texas Suplex 294. Side Suplex 295. Backdrop 296. Leg Lift Style Backdrop 297. Jumping Backdrop 298. Rolling Backdrop 299. Twisted Backdrop 300. Leg Lift Sheer Drop Style Back Drop 301. High speed Hurricanrana 302. Neck Breaker Drop 303. Swing Neck Breaker Drop 304. Shoulder Neck Breaker 305. Chin Crusher 306. Shoulder Arm Breaker 307. Jumping Arm Breaker 308. Armbreaking Combination 309. Coconut Crush 310. Shoulder Buster 311. Blockbuster 312. Side Buster 313. Pendulum Back Breaker 314. Schmidt Back Breaker 315. Back Breaker Slam 316. Stomach Crusher 317. Manhattan Drop (Inverted Atomic Drop) 318. Ipponzei 319. Suisha-Otoshi (Water Wheel Drop) 320. Reverse Waterwheel Drop 321. High Speed Dragon Screw 322. DDT 323. Giant DDT 324. Piledriver 325. Tombstone Piledriver 326. Reverse Tombstone Piledriver 327. Face Buster 328. Knuckle Arrow 329. Headhold Punch 330. Straight Punch 331. Upper Blow 332. Hammer Punch 333. Karate Punch 334. Body Punch 335. Slap (Face) 336. Overhand Slap 337. Backhand Chop 338. Windpipe Chop 339. Jigoku Dski (Thrust to Throat) 340. Shouda 341. Sledgehammer (Double Axe Handle) 342. Hammer Blow 343. High Elbow 344. Elbow Stamp 345. Elbow Stamp (Neck) 346. Elbow Stamp (Elbow) 347. Elbow Stamp (Knee) 348. Elbow Pat 349. Elbow Smash 350. High Power Elbow Smash 351. Low Kick 352. Front Kick 353. Toe Kick 354. Axe Kick 355. Face Knee Lift 356. Body Knee Lift 357. Forceful Knee 358. Hip Attack 359. Single Leglock Slap 360. Single Leglock Takedown 361. Shoulder Butt (Arm) 362. Armbreaker 363. Samming (Eye Gouge) 364. Face Scratch 365. Body Slam 366. Joshi (Women) Style Body Slam 367. High Angle Body Slam 368. Gorilla Slam 369. Arm Whip 370. Cyclone Whip 371. Flying Mare (Snapmare) 372. Fireman's Carry 372. Crab Nip (Drop Toe Hold) 373. Leg Spin 374. Dragon Screw 375. Single Leg Tackle 376. Hip Throw 377. Neck Throw 378. Judo Takedown 379. Belly To Belly Side Slam 380. Leg Trip to Mount 381. Grapple to Front Headlock 382. Drop to Prone Mounted 383. Back Switch Back Grappling [] 001. Back Brain Head butt 002. Face Punch 003. Neck Smash 004. Sledgehammer (Double Axehandle) 005. Back Liver Blow 006. Commando Elbow 007. Hamstring Kick 008. Middle Kick 009. Back Sole Butt 010. Back Brain High Kick 011. Back Brain Kneel Kick 013. Leg Trip 014. Groin Punch Back Grappling X 001. Back Brain Jumping Head butt 002. Back Brain Fumioki Shouda 003. Back Brain Kesa Gari Chop 004. Back Brain Rolling Kesa Gari Chop 005. Back Brain Lariat 006. Machine Gun Knee Lift 007. Back Knee Tackle 008. Back Tackle 009. Face Crusher 010. Falling Neckbreaker Drop 011. Reverse DDT 012. Reverse Suplex 013. Carry Takedown 014. Back Drop 015. Carry Style Backdrop 016. Leg Lift Style Backdrop 017. Jumping Backdrop 018. Rolling Backdrop 019. Twisting Backdrop 020. Leg Lift Sheer Drop Style Backdrop 021. One Hand Backbreaker 022. Pendulum Backbreaker 023. Side Buster 024. Knee Crusher 025. Atomic Drop 026. High Angle Atomic Drop 027. Atomic Whip 028. Back Brain Head butt 029. Face Punch 030. Neck Smash 031. Sledgehammer (Double Axehandle) 032. Back Liver Blow 033. Commando Elbow 034. Hamstring Kick 035. Middle Kick 036. Back Sole Butt 037. Back Brain High Kick 038. Back Brain Kneel Kick 039. Leg Trip 040. Groin Punch Back Grappling O Back Grappling O + UP/DOWN Back Grappling O + LEFT/RIGHT Back Grappling [] + X 001. Face Punch Renda 002. Fork Attack 003. Sleeperhold 004. Doushime Sleeperhold 005. Doushime Choke Sleeperhold 006. Cobra Hold (Cobra Clutch with Body Scissors) 007. Cobra Clutch 008. Dragon Sleeper 009. Shoulder Claw 010. Cobra Twist 011. Goumon (Torture) Cobra Twist 012. Stretch Plum 013. Haruki Special (Fuyuki Special) 014. Manji Gatame (Octopus Hold) 015. Argentine Backbreaker 016. Giant Backbreaker (Cobra Clutch over one Knee) 017. Surfboard Stretch 018. Leghold Double Wristlock 019. Knee Stamp Arm Hold 020. Choke Sleeper (Inoki Devilish Sleeper) 021. Chickenwing Facelock 022. Victory Crucifix Armhold 023. Backslide 024. Schoolboy 025. High Angle Forward Rolling Prawn Hold 026. Under Arm Backward Rolling Prawn Hold (Command Performance) 027. Misterio Rana 028. Sheer Drop Reverse DDT 029. Osaka Marine Stunner (Osaka Cutter) 030. Full Nelson Buster (Uncle Slam) 031. Full Nelson Atomic Bomb (Bubba Bomb) 032. Million Dollar Buster 033. Reverse Frankensteiner 034. Sky High Facebuster (Electric Chair Drop) 035. Final Answer? 036. Front Drop Facebuster (Tomikazee, Unprettier) 037. Reverse Facebuster 038. Ore Wa Sagami (I Am Taue, Ruby Frosion) 039. Reverse Powerbomb (Face Eraser) 040. Reverse Double Wrist Armsault Hold 041. Uranage (pronounced Oo-Ra-Na-Gay) 042. High Speed Backdrop 043. High Angle Leg Lift Style Backdrop 044. Bukkonuki (Uprooted) Backdrop (Choshu/Masa Saito Style Backdrop) 045. Jigoku (Hellish) Backdrop 046. Sheer Drop Backdrop (Dangerous Backdrop) 047. Monster Backdrop (Backdrop Driver) 048. Ganso (Original) Backdrop 049. Backdrop Hold 050. Leg Lift Style Backdrop Hold 051. Atomic Drop & Backdrop 052. German Suplex 053. German Suplex Whip 054. Throwing German Suplex 055. High Bridge German Suplex 056. Dead End 057. Double German Suplex 058. Triple German Suplex 059. Rolling German Suplex 060. Maya Style Suplex 061. Dolphin (Delfin) Special 1 (German Suplex to Maya Suplex) 062. Dolphin (Delfin) Special 2 (German Suplex to Tiger Suplex) 063. High Speed German Suplex 064. Big Rolling German Suplex (Power Jack) 065. High Angle German Suplex 066. Ganso (Original) German Suplex 067. Belly-to-Back 068. Rolling Belly-to-Back 069. Cross Arm Suplex 070. Tiger Suplex 071. Tiger Suplex '85 072. Tiger Suplex Whip 073. High Angle Tiger Suplex 074. Half Nelson Suplex 075. Dragon Suplex 076. Dragon Suplex Whip 077. High Speed Full Nelson Suplex 078. Sleeper Suplex 079. Cobra Clutch Suplex 080. Chickenwing Suplex (Millenium Suplex) 081. J.O. (Japanese Ocean) Cyclone Suplex 082. Yukiguni (Michinoku) Driver Beta 083. Towerhacker Bomb 084. Back Brain Jumping Head butt 085. Back Brain Fumioki Shouda 086. Back Brain Kesa Gari Chop 087. Back Brain Rolling Kesa Gari Chop 088. Back Brain Lariat 089. Machine Gun Knee Lift 090. Back Knee Tackle 091. Back Tackle 092. Face Crusher 093. Falling Neckbreaker Drop 094. Reverse DDT 095. Reverse Suplex 096. Carry Takedown 097. Back Drop 098. Carry Style Backdrop 099. Leg Lift Style Backdrop 100. Jumping Backdrop 101. Rolling Backdrop 102. Twisting Backdrop 103. Leg Lift Sheer Drop Style Backdrop 104. One Hand Backbreaker 105. Pendulum Backbreaker 106. Side Buster 107. Knee Crusher 108. Atomic Drop 109. High Angle Atomic Drop 110. Atomic Whip 111. Back Brain Head butt 112. Face Punch 113. Neck Smash 114. Sledgehammer (Double Axehandle) 115. Back Liver Blow 116. Commando Elbow 117. Hamstring Kick 118. Middle Kick 119. Back Sole Butt 120. Back Brain High Kick 121. Back Brain Kneel Kick 122. Leg Trip 123. Vital Spot Punch Back Counter [] Back Counter X 001. Elbow 002. Struggle 003. Kangaroo Kick 004. Overhead Kick 005. Vital Spot Kick 006. Waki Gatame (Fujiwara Armbar) 007. Arm Lock 008. Holding Armlock 009. Forward Rolling Cross Knee Hold 010. Forward Rolling Prawn Hold 011. Mito (Kido) Clutch 012. Peace (Ace) Crusher 013. Reverse Chin Crusher 014. Flying Mare 015. Ipponzei 016. Arm Whip 017. Back Press 018. Kawads Otoshi (Russian Legsweep) 019. Coconut Crush 020. Bulldogging Headlock 021. Legspin 022. Back Switch Downed Opponent Facing Up, at Head X Downed Opponent Facing Up, at Head O 001. Head Drop (Head) 002. Head Drop (Stomach) 003. Mount Head butt 004. Jumping Fist Drop 005. Mount Punch 006. Mount Knuckle Arrow 007. Mount Shouda 008. Worm Chop 009. Elbow Drop 010. Jumping Elbow Drop 011. Flashing Elbow Drop 012. Face Gurri (Elbow Grind on Face) 013. Mount Elbow 014. Senton 015. Sunset Flip (Flipping Senton) 016. Kneedrop (Head) 017. Kneedrop (Stomach) 018. Jumping Kneedrop (Head) 019. Jumping Kneedrop (Stomach) 020. Double Kneedrop (Head) 021. Double Kneedrop (Stomach) 022. Knee Stamp (Arm) 023. King Cong Kneedrop 024. Diving Knee Rush 025. Guillotine Drop (Legdrop) 026. Stomping (Head) 027. Stomping (Stomach) 028. Stomping (Arm) 029. Face Cut 030. Foot Stomp 031. Soccer Ball Kick 032. Back Brain Low Dropkick 033. Sickle Attack 034. Cobra Claw (Straddling Choke) 035. Choke Attack 036. Guillotine Choke 037. Iron Claw 038. Stepover Facelock 039. Chinlock 040. Necklock 041. Figure Four Head Hold 042. Sleeperhold 043. Dragon Sleeper 044. Buffalo Sleeper 045. Stretch Plum 046. Standing Clutch (Stump Puller) 047. RYU (WAR) Special 048. Goku Raku Gatame (Straightjacket Choke) 049. Ne-Han (Full Nelson Camel Clutch) 050. Triangle Scissors (Triangle Choke) 051. Arm and Neck Lock 052. Strangle Hold Gamma 053. Cattle Mutilation 054. Crooked Headscissors 055. Chickenwing Facelock 056. Keylock 057. Straight Armbar 058. Chickenwing Armlock 059. Scissor Armlock (AT Lock) 060. Cross Armbreaker 061. Shoulder Hold 062. Body Hold (Pin cover, Lateral Press) 063. Double Hand Press Fall 064. Standing Over Fall (One leg on chest Cocky Pin) 065. Single Prawn Hold (Pin with Leg Hooked) 066. Prawn Hold (Double Leg Pin) 067. Jacknife Hold 068. Dolphin (Delfin) Clutch 069. Kido (Gedo) Clutch 070. Elbow Drop Hold 071. Flying Body Press 072. Muscle Bomb Press 073. Moonsault Press 074. Barmiyan Stomp (Sitting Pin) 075. Hip Drop (Butt Drop Pin) 076. Guard Position Downed Opponent Facing Up, at Foot X Downed Opponent Facing Up, at Foot O 001. Head Drop (Stomach) 002. Knee Drop (Stomach) 003. Knee Stamp (Leg) 004. Stomping (Stomach) 005. Stomping (Leg) 006. Spinning Leg Lock 007. Thigh Kick 008. Low Kick 009. Vital Spot Head Drop 010. Vital Spot Knee Stamp 011. Vital Spot Stomping 012. Giant Swing 013. Stomach Claw 014. Bow and Arrow Hold 015. STF (Stepover Toehold w/ Facelock) 016. Back Prawn Hold (Boston Crab) 017. High Power Back Prawn Hold (Torturer Crab, Walls of Jericho) 018. Back Single Prawn Hold 019. Goumon (Torture) Back Single Prawn Hold 020. Sasori Gatame (Sharpshooter, Scorpion Deathlock) 021. Scorpion Deathlock (slow turn Choshu Style) 022. Triangle Scorpion (No-Hands Scorpion Deathlock) 023. Alexander Lock III 024. Texas Clover Hold 025. Dropping Elbow Leglock 026. Stretch Muffler 027. Spinning Toehold 028. Prison Deathlock (Seated Figure Four) 029. Figure Four Leglock 030. Henkei Figure Four Leglock (Nagata Lock) 031. Knee Hold 032. Cross Knee Hold 033. Achilles Tendon Hold 034. Ankle Hold 035. Heel Hold 036. Single Prawn Hold (Leg Hook Pin) 037. Face Away Style Single Prawn Hold 038. Prawn Hold 039. Jacknife Hold 040. Moonsault Fall 041. Figure Four Jacknife Hold 042. Guard Position Opponent Facing Down, at Head X Opponent Facing Down, at Head O 001. Head Drop (Head) 002. Head Drop (Back) 003. Jumping Fist Drop 004. Mount Back of Head Punch 005. Elbow Drop 006. Jumping Elbow Drop 007. Flashing Elbow Drop 008. Face Gurri (Elbow Grind on Face) 009. Senton 010. Sunset Flip (Flipping Senton 011. Knee Drop (Head) 012. Knee Drop (Back) 013. Jumping Knee Drop (Head) 014. Jumping Knee Drop (Back) 015. Double Knee Drop (Head) 016. Double Knee Drop (Back) 017. Knee Stamp (Arm) 018. Guillotine Drop (Legdrop) 019. King Cong Knee Drop 020. Back of Head Knee Rush 021. Diving Knee Rush 022. Stomping (Head) 023. Stomping (Back) 024. Stomping (Arm) 025. Chon (Clap) Kick (Cocky Kick to Face) 026. Foot Stomp 027. Doushime Sleeperhold 028. Kata-Hajime 029. Choke Sleeper 030. Camel Clutch 031. Goumon (Torture) Camel Clutch 032. Wristhold Facelock (Crippler Crossface, Nagata Lock II) 033. Goku Raku Gatame (Nirvana Hold, Straightjacket Sleeper) 034. Step Over Armbreaker 035. KojiMAX Hold 036. Double Arm Necklock (Butterfly Lock, Teioh Lock) 037. Strangle Hold Alpha 038. Cycling Yahoo 039. Waki Gatame (Side Hold, Fujiwara Armbar) 040. Cross Arm Hold 041. Body Hold (Armscissor across Back) 042. Tai Gatame (Lateral Press, Pin) 043. Double Hand Press Fall 044. Muscle Bomb Press 045. La Majistral 046. Japanese Legroll Clutch 047. Mito (Gedo) Clutch 048. Zombie (Onryo) Clutch 049. Alevin's (Karelin) Lift 050. Back Mount Position Opponent Facing Down, at Feet X Opponent Facing Down, at Feet O 001. Head Drop (Back) 002. Elbow Drop 003. Jumping Elbow Drop 004. Lift Up Kneebreaker 005. Knee Drop (Back) 006. Double Knee Drop (Back) 007. Knee Stamp (Leg) 008. Stomping (Back) 009. Stomping (Leg) 010. Forward Roll Camel Clutch 011. Romero Special 012. Romero Clutch 013. Goumon (Torture) Romero Special (Liger Special, Romero to Dragon Sleeper) 014. Kabel Naria 015. Henkei Kabel Naria 016. Bow and Arrow Hold 017. Back Prawn Hold (Boston Crab) 018. High Elevation Back Prawn Hold (Torturer Crab, Walls of Jericho) 019. Single Back Prawn Hold (Half Crab) 020. Goumon Single Back Prawn Hold (Torture Half Crab) 021. Reverse Viper Hold 022. STF 023. Cross Style STF 024. Edward Stretch (Regal Stretch) 025. Reverse STF 026. Fish Stretch Sleeper 027. Reverse Indian Deathlock 028. Kama Gatame (Indian Deathlock with Head Hold) 029. Reverse Figure Four Leglock 030. Reverse Cross Knee Hold 031. Achilles Tendon Hold 032. Ankle Hold (Ken Shamrock/Kurt Angle Anklelock) 033. Single Prawn Hold 034. Prawn Hold 035. Jackknife Pin 036. La Majistral 037. Japanese Leg Roll Clutch 038. Mito (Kido) Clutch 039. Lifting Belly-to-Back (Pick up and Throwing German Suplex) 040. Back Mount Position Running, Opponent on Ground, O 001. None 002. Head Drop 003. Flying Body Press 004. Muscle Bomb Press 005. Hip Drop 006. Senton 007. Sunset Flip 008. Jumping Fist Drop 009. Elbow Drop 010. Jumping Elbow Drop 011. Flashing Elbow 012. People's Elbow Drop 013. Elbow Drop Hold 014. Knee Drop 015. Jumping Knee Drop 016. Double Knee Drop 017. King Kong Knee Drop 018. Guillotine Drop (Atomic Legdrop) 019. Stomping 020. Footstomp 021. Face Away Low Dropkick (Sliding Dropkick to Face) 022. Body Kick Corner Grappling O Up Corner Grappling O Left/Right Corner Grappling O Down 001. Kushi-zashi Head butt Rush 002. Kushi-zashi Windpipe Chop 003. Kushi-zashi Overhand Chop 004. Kushi-zashi Machine Gun Backhand Chop 005. Sudden Palm blow Railway (Sumo Slap Rush) 006. Corner Mount Knuckle Arrow 007. Kushi-zashi Body Blow 008. Kushi-zashi Punch Rush 009. Kushi-zashi Saber (Vader) Hammer Rush 010. Kushi-zashi Hammer Blow 011. Kushi-zashi Shoulder 012. Kushi-zashi Knee Lift 013. Corner Footchoke 014. Kushi-zashi Stomping 015. Face Wash (Shinjiro Ohtani's Wash Kicks) 016. Kushi-zashi Low Drop Kick 017. Kushi-zashi Abise Giri 018. Face grind on Rope 019. Corner Headbutts 020. Astro Scissors Whip (Diving Satellite Head Scissors) 021. Shiranui 022. Calf Branding 023. Rope Walking 024. Praying Rope Walking 025. Guillotine Whip 026. Diamond Dust (Masato Tanaka) 027. Burning Hammer (Kenta Kobashi, Inverted DVB with corner setup) 028. Sky High Choke Slam 029. Muscle Buster 030. Tarantula 031. Turn Back Oklahoma Stampede 032. Kushi-zashi Canadian Back Breaker 033. Reverse Splash (Vader, "Vader Bomb" in WWF) 034. Giant Splash 035. Hollywood Star Press (Rob Van Dam's Split-Legged Moonsault) 036. Triple Moonsault (Ground, Bottom Rope, Second Rope) 037. Corner Hip Drop (Yokozuna and Rikishi's Banzai Drop) 038. Swing DDT 039. Original Swing DDT 040. Swing Reverse DDT 041. Bronco Buster (X-PAC) 042. Iconoclasm (CIMA, Ayako Hamada) 043. Gory-noclasm (CIMA) 044. Turnbuckle Powerbomb (Kenta Kobashi) 045. Naraku Nodowa-Otoshi 046. Avalanche Style Crucifix Arm Hold 047. Avalanche Style Frankensteiner 048. Avalanche Style Hip Dance Frankensteiner (Magnum TOKYO) 049. Avalanche Style Outside Frankensteiner (Rana to Floor) 050. Avalanche Style Reverse Frankensteiner 051. Avalanche Style Flying Backward Rolling Prawn Hold 052. Second Avalanche Style Brainbuster (2nd Rope Superplex) 053. Top Avalanche Style Brainbuster (Top Rope Superplex) 054. Avalanche Style Sheer Drop Style Brainbuster (Super Brainbuster) 055. Avalanche Style Reverse Brainbuster (Reverse Superplex) 056. Avalanche Style Fisherman Buster (Super Fisherman Buster) 057. Avalanche Style Front Suplex (Super Belly-to-Belly Suplex) 058. Avalanche Style Side Suplex (Super Gutwrench Suplex) 059. Avalanche Style Double Arm Suplex (Super Double Underhook Suplex) 060. Avalanche Style Diamond Cutter (Hama-chan Cutter, the Hamadas) 061. Avalanche Style Back Flip (Super Samoan Drop) 062. Avalanche Style Watermill Drop 063. Avalanche Style Powerslam 064. Avalanche Style DDT (Super Johnny Spike) 065. Avalanche Style Reverse DDT (Super Reverse DDT) 066. Dai-sharin Nodowa Otoshi (Choke Slam off the top) 067. Avalanche Style Dragon Screw (Keiji Mutoh) 068. Avalanche Style Uranage 069. Avalanche Style Back Drop (Super Backdrop) 070. Avalanche Style German Suplex (Super German Suplex) 071. Spider German Suplex 072. Avalanche Style Tiger Suplex (Mima Shimoda's Death Lake Driver) 073. Avalanche Style Dragon Suplex 074. Avalanche Style Tombstone Piledriver (Wild Pegasus) 075. Avalanche Style Tiger Driver 076. Avalanche Style Powerbomb (Super Powerbomb) 077. Avalanche Style Jumping Bomb (Super Sit-down Powerbomb) 078. Avalanche Style Black Kaiser (Black Tiger) Bomb Front Two Platoon 001. Sandwich Lariat 002. W.Dropkick (Double Dropkick) 003. Sandwich Extended Kick (Double Jumping High Kick) 004. Total Elimination 005. Low Spin Kick and STO 006. STO and Backdrop (Ogawa and Hashimoto Specialty) 007. W. Brainbuster (Double Suplex) 008. Combination Diamond Cutter (Dudley Deathdrop) 009. Combination Powerbomb 010. Powerbomb + Neckbreaker Drop Front Three Platoon 001. Triple Hammer Blow Back Two Platoon 001. Sandwich Lariat 002. Sandwich Extended Kick (Double Jumping High Kick) 003. Total Elimination 004. STO and Backdrop 005. W.Back Drop (Double Back Drop) 006. Combination Nodowa Otoshi (Chokeslam + Backdrop) 007. B.Drop + Neckbreaker Drop (Back Drop + Neckbreaker) 008. Brow? Mountain (Double German Suplex) Back Three Platoon 001. Triple Hammer Blow Corner Two Platoon 001. Reverse ? (Partner Powerbombs for Assisted Superplex) 002. Combination D.D.T. 003. High Jack Piledriver 004. Combination Bulldogging Headlock 005. B.Drop + D.Neckbreaker (Back Drop + Diving Neckbreaker) 006. Combination Oklahoma Stampede (Steve Williams double team) Corner Three Platoon 001. Triple Hammer Blow 002. Triple Impact 003. Triple Powerbomb Mount Position [] Mount Position X Mount Position O 001. Mount Head butt 002. Mount Punch 003. Mount Knuckle Arrow 004. Counter Elevated Punch (Kazushi Sakuraba) 005. Mount Mongolian Chop (Kazushi Sakuraba) 006. Mount Shouda 007. Mount Elbow Butt (Mitsuharu Misawa) 008. Mounted Diving Knee Strikes 009. Guillotine Choke 010. Pulling Choke 012. Side Choke 013. Collar Hold 014. Shoulder Hold 015. Crucifix Arm Hold 016. Giant Swing 017. Reverse Prawn Hold (Boston Crab) 018. Sasori Gatame (Sharpshooter) 019. Figure Four Leg Hold (Figure 4 Leglock) 020. Ankle Hold 021. Heel Hold 022. Jackknife Hold 023. Lift-Up Press Mount Counter 001. Triangle Hold Punches 002. Front Neck Lock 003. Triangle Hold 004. Arm Lock 005. Triangle Arm Lock 006. Crucifix Arm Hold 007. Small Package Hold (Sunset Flip Pin) 008. Hurracanrana (Grounded Rana Counter) 009. Eject (Kick opponent off) 010. Back Switch (Counter to Back Mount) Front Facelock Position Button [] Front Facelock Position Button X Front Facelock Position Button O 001. Face Punch 002. Body Punch 003. Face Knee Lift 004. Standing Knee Lift 004. Side Body Knee Lift 005. Front Neck Lock 006. Body Lock 007. Arm and Neck Hold 008. Stomach Hold 009. Jumping DDT 010. Double Arm Suplex 011. Eleven's (Karelin) Lift (Aleksandr Karelin) 012. Piledriver 013. Powerbomb Whip 014. Back Switch Front Facelock Counter 001. Hammerlock 002. Crab Nip (Toe Hold) 003. Watermill Drop 004. Lifted Tackle (Lifts to Mount Position) 005. Leg Tackle (Flips to Mount Position) Back Mount [] Back Mount X Back Mount O 001. Back Mount Head butt 002. Back Mount Punch 003. Back Mount Knuckle Arrow 004. Back Mount Shouda 005. Back Mount Elbow 006. Choke Sleeper 007. Torso Wrap Choke Sleeper 008. Crucifix Arm Hold 009. Mado (Jado) Clutch 010. Eleven's (Karelin) Lift (Aleksandr Karelin) 011. Side Hold German Suplex 012. Belly-to-Back (Throwing German Suplex from Back Mount) 013. Reverse Powerbomb Back Mount Counter 001. Cross Knee Hold 002. Back Press 003. Forward Rolling Prawn Hold (Victory Roll) 004. Under Escape Corner Run-Up Rebound Attack X (VS Standing Opponents) 001. None 002. Rebound Miss (Hit turnbuckle and fall) 003. Rebound Style Diving Missle Kick 004. Three Point Jump Extended Kick 005. Three Point Jump Body Attack (Rebounding Crossbody) 006. Moonsault Attack Corner Run-Up Rebound Attack A (VS Downed Opponents) 001. None 002. Rebound Miss (Hit Turnbuckle and fall) 003. Diving Back Elbow Drop 004. Rolling Senton 005. Diving Body Press (Diving Splash) 006. Moonsault Press Inside Apron Grapple 001. Head butt 002. Hook 003. Hook Shouda 004. Chest Hammer Blow 005. Elbow Butt 006. Ring Inside Brainbuster (Suplex to Inside) 007. Out-to-Floor Nodowa Otoshi (Choke Slam to Outside) 008. Out-to-Floor Dragon Screw 009. Apron Back Drop 010. Apron Exploder (Jun Akiyama) 011. Apron German Suplex 012. Apron Half Nelson Suplex (Kenta Kobashi) 013. Out-to-Floor Tiger Driver (Mitsuharu Misawa) 014. Out-to-Floor Powerbomb 015. Throwing Outside Powerbomb Outside Apron Grapple (Counter to Apron Grapple) 001. Head butt 002. Hook 003. Hook Shouda 004. Elbow Butt 005. Leg Pull 006. Leg Pull to Outside 007. Outside Brainbuster (Suplex to Floor) 008. Drop-Down Style Stun Gun 009. Shoulder Armbreaker 010. Brainbuster Drop-Behind (Suplex Reversal) 011. Shoulderbutt Front Avalanche Counter 001. Face Scratch 002. Head Butt 003. Shouda 004. Elbow Butt 005. Powerbomb Whip (Sunset Flip into Powerbomb) 006. Avalanche Style Forward Flipping Prawn Hold (Sunset Flip) 007. Avalanche Style Back Flipping Prawn Hold 008. Avalanche Style Front Face Brainbuster (Superplex Counter) 009. Avalanche Style Swing DDT 010. Avalanche Style Nodowa Otoshi (Choke Slam off the top) 011. Avalanche Style Oklahoma Stampede (Powerslam off the top) 012. Avalanche Style Powerbomb 013. Avalanche Style Jumping Bomb (Kamikaze Awesome Bomb) 014. Avalanche Style Tombstone Piledriver Back Avalanche Counter 001. Backhand Elbow 002. Body Fall (Body Press Counter) 003. Avalanche Style Forward Flipping Prawn Hold (Sunset Flip) 004. Super Avalanche Style Frankensteiner Taunts List 001. Single Hand Raised 1 002. Single Hand Raised 2 003. Single Arm Half Raised 004. Single Arm Raised 005. Single Arm Spinning (Riki Choshu Lariat Pose) 006. Sky Stabbing Fist Raise 007. Panther Pose (Tiger Pose) 008. Texas Long Horn (Stan Hansen) 009. Finger Spinning 1 010. Finger Spinning 2 011. Look Around Pointing (Keiji Mutoh) 012. Wrist Check (Dean Malenko) 013. Wrist Check with Single Arm Raise 014. Arm Crossing and Raise 015. Two Hand Raise 016. Two Hand Guts Pose 017. Double Sky Stabbing Fist Raise 018. Two Hand Invitation 019. Two Hand Clappig (Tatsumi Fujinami) 020. Two Hand Shaking 021. Open Arm Shout 022. Open Arm Provoke 023. Bowshot Guts Pose 024. Throat Cut Pose 025. Dolphin (Delfin) Pose 026. Backflip Jump 027. Muscle Appeal 028. Backflip and Muscle Appeal 029. Poison Fog Upward (Great Muta Green Myst) 030. Crab (Gran Naniwa Pose) 031. Triangle Sign (DDP's Diamond Cutter Pose) 032. Mic Appeal 033. Jackyl Pack Pose (Wolf Pack Pose) 034. Item Get Appeal (Mankind's Socko) 035. Double Middle Finger Salute (Steve Austin) 036. Single Middle Finger Salute (Steve Austin) 037. X Pose (DX/Crotch Chop) 038. Choke Slam Sign Arm Raise 039. Ass Slap Taunt (Billy Gunn) 040. Arms Raised Diagonally 041. Fingers Raised Diagonally 042. Wrist Hold Appeal 043. One Finger Pointing Up 044. Two Fist Clench 045. Swan Kick Imitation 046. Twirling Fingers Appeal (2 Cold Scorpio) 047. Two Arm Cross Gash Pose 048. Throat Cut and Fist Clench 049. Head Point Appeal 050. Two Arm Wave 051. Two Arm Peace 052. Arena Scan Performance (The Rock) 053. Arm Wave to Point Down 054. Point Down 055. Salute 056. 3x Thumbs to Shoulder (Rob-Van-Dam Taunt) 057. Slow Wave 058. Nose Wipe (Misawa) 059. Hayabusa Reveal 060. Forearm Point 061. Seductive Head hold 062. Female Cheer 063. Cat scratch 064. Female hands on hips point 065. Catty Laugh 066. OH! 067. Peace Sign (Johnny Ace) 068. Supporter Straightening 069. Fighting Spirit Appeal (Antonio Inoki) 070. Powered Fist Raise 071. Indicate (Hiroshi Hase) 072. Fire Pose (Atsushi Onita) 073. BANG! BANG! (Cactus Jack) 074. Two Wrist Cross (Hellraisers Pose) 075. Two Arm Crossing 076. Splits Jump (Rob Van Dam) 077. Clenched Fist (Kenta Kobashi) 078. Two Hand Cross Cut (Keiji Mutoh, Scott Hall, Jun Akiyama) 079. Cracking Fingers 080. Finger and Head Shaking 081. G.C. Appeal (Golden Cups Pose) 082. Spike Shout (Sting) 083. Hominid Shout 084. WOW! WOW! (Bruiser Brody) 085. Chest Out 086. Animal Pose (Animal Hamaguchi) 087. Muscle Posing (Hulk Hogan) 088. Loud Shouting 089. Belly Drum (Kimala) 090. Hip Dancing (Rick Rude) 091. Stamping in Place (Kodo Fuyuki) 092. Cheer Spirit (Shinya Hashimoto) 093. Bow 094. Praying Pose 095. German Style Salute (Karl Gotch) 096. Prayer to Amida Buddha 097. Turning Face Appeal (Super Delfin) 098. Kneeling Sky Indication (Sabu) 099. Kaiser Pose (Jyushin Thunder Lyger) 100. Ninja Pose 101. Bulldog Pose (Rick Steiner) 102. Bulldog Straddle Pose (Rick Steiner) 103. Cartwheel (Bam Bam Bigelow) 104. Surrender Pose (Ric Flair) 105. Kneeling Double Arm Pose (Scott Steiner) 106. Sumo Pose (Yokozuna) 107. Team No Respect 108. Bomber Appeal 109. Left and Right Pointing Performance (The Rock's People's Elbow) 110. Air Plane Pose 111. Ghost Dance 112. Magnum Dance (Magnum TOKYO, Alex Wright) 113. Crazy F*cking (CIMA) 114. Strong Throat Cut (Chris Benoit) 115. Head Bow 116. Argentine Appeal 117. Cool Dance (Too Cool) 118. Ganko 119. Two Hand Closed Head Bow 120. 5 time hand look 121. Point and Ear cup (Hulk Hogan taunt) 122. Tackle Feign 123. Spear Wait 124. Reveal (Keiji Mutoh?) 125. Spinarooni! 126. Thumbs up (END)