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Wilson's Code Notes
Helping to document the obscure ...

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Obscure Programming Code New or Obscure Microsoft Exams

TrueGrid Issues
My experience with ADO error 3420 working with TrueGrid 7.0.
What to do when a True Grid drop list won't drop.

Borland C++Builder
My notes on C++Builder dealing primarily with some of the more obscure components
My own collection of Borland help documents

80x86 Assembly
My notes on 80x86 assembly dealing primarily with some of the more obscure instructions and interrupts

Prolog Basics -- enough to get you started in Prolog
More Prolog -- for once you get the basics
Prolog Pitfalls -- things to avoid if you don't want to ggo crazy
Compiler Basics -- getting onto the Prolog interpreter/ccoompiler

Win32 API
Steve Loughran's FAQ on the Win32 API.
Using a C++ DLL in VB
Practical VB's Win API notes

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
The 1.6 MB official manual

Firepower's lists of free study resource
70-226 Designing Highly Available Web Solutions
70-228 SQL Server 2000 Administration
70-232 Application Center 2000
70-270 Windows XP Professional
70-292 Windows 2003 MCSA upgrade
70-296 Windows 2003 MCSE upgrade
CodeClinic has similar lists for other exams. When I found the site in April '03 it had information for 229, 305, 315, 310, 320, and 300 -- looks like the MCSD track.
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