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Amendments to the Constitution
First Amendment
Changes in Article III
I. The club dues shall be increased from $2 to $5
II. In addition to having an interest in photography, members need to attend at least one activity per semester to qualify as an active member.

Second Amendment

Changes in Article IV
I.  In addition to the stated officer positions, there shall be one more officer, the Activity Manager.
II. The duties of the Activity Manager include but are not limited to: planning and organizing activities, making sure necessary forms are turned in, recording member attendance at all activities, and keeping track of member points.
III. In addition to the already stated duties of officers, no officer may miss more than one unexcused officer meeting and one unexcused club meeting for the length of one term.  Excused absences given in advance with valid reasons are not held against the officer.
IV. Should an officer be held in questionable responsibility of the fulfillment to meet officer duties, then the officer held in question will be put on one-month probation. Should the officer in question fail to meet their duty during that one month probation, then by majority vote of the other officers and the consent of the advisor, the offending officer may be dismissed from office.  Nominations for an officer to serve out that term may commence. The nominations may only be made by the remaining officers and must be approved by the club advisor.  In the meantime, a fellow officer will serve out the duties of the one in absence until the new officer is sworn in.

Third Amendment

Changes in Article V
I. The election of officers is as followed: Shortly before the school year is over, likely candidates will submit applications for club positions which will be reviewed by current officers and the advisor.  Then, the candidates who have been interviewed and passed will give a speech to the club members and the club members will vote for the one each thinks most worthy of the job, after hearing all the speeches.  The candidate who receives the most votes will be the new officer.
II. In the event of a tie, there shall be another vote.
III. The new officer will be informed and sworn into office before that school year has ended.

Fourth Amendment
Changes in Article VI
I. Meetings shall be held every Friday during lunch in room 408 unless otherwise specified or notified in advance.
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