Ya know.... it's weird.  Sometimes I let life and all its glory get me down.  I let the weight of the world lay heavy upon my shoulders.  I am sure a lot of us do. I cosntantly have to slow down............ stop and remind myself to breathe. 



It is then, when I am breathing, that I remember to remember my friends.  So here I sit.

Thank you for being my friend. 
Thank you for being there when I needed you.
Thank you for still being my friend even when I don't call you. 

I will always listen if the need arises.
I will always help if friendship calls.
I will always and forever be your friend.
This is Darrah. She is my little sister.  We are really close. Through the good times and the bad she has always been a good friend to me.  I only want the best for her in life.  She lives in New England, god only knows why??  I like New England, but I enjoy the western half the US a whole lot more!!!  That's ok though.  She says it's her home.
This is my mother, my sister and I.  My mom is soooo cute!!  She looks all tiny in this photo.  She is a good mom.  Though, I do not get to see her very much these days.  She lives in New York state near my Grandparents.  Which is kinda far away from me.  I love you mom!!
Here are my wonderful grandparents.  They also live in New York.  They have been married for over 45 years.  I can't even began to tell you how much I  appreciate them.  They have helped me out in this life more then I can say.  I love both of you sooo much!!
This is my girlfriend Shaylin.  She has all the great qualities a good girlfriend should  have.  She is sweet, sexy and smart. If I might add, she  looks great in a bikini.  Grrrrrr.........  Shaylin is her chosen name. I really like it.  We have been together for over two years.  Wow, time flies when your having fun!!!
This is my friend Sean and his new little baby girl Sophie.  It is so wierd to think about my old pal Sean here as a dad.  We have been throwing raves together for a long time.  Its ironic how things change.  Sean is such a great guy, he'll make a great dad!!  I would have been proud to call him my dad.  But I can't cause we are almost the same age!!!
This is my friend Dana after many hours of labor. Doesn't she look beautiful??  If you didn't already notice, Dana is Sophie's loving mother. Sean is really lucky to have such an awesome wife.  I feel lucky to have Dana and Sean as my friends.  They are more then that though.  They are my family too.  Woohoo!!!
This is Sophie Marie Beatrice.  She was born Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 10:38 pm MST. She had a healthy weight of 7 lbs. 13 oz., and was 21 inches long.
She is so adorable.  But, I haven't seen her yet.  I can hardly wait to see her in person. Yay... I am an uncle!!
This is my friend Robert.  He is the closest thing to a brother I have ever had.  We even get on eachother's nerves like brothers.  Don't get me wrong though, he is the nicest guy you will ever meet.  He's a single guy ladies!!!  Email him, he will love it!!  He speaks spanish, snowboards and taught me everything I know about HTML and PHP, which I used none of to put this site together!!  haha.....
This is my friend Mikey.  He rock climbs all sick style and is a really great DJ.  As soon as he gets me some of him music in mp3 format I will put it up on his website. Go check it out. Oh yeah.....guess what ladies......?? We have  another single man up for grabs.  Email him he's cool!!!   
This is my friend Elan.  He is a great man!!  He has shared many new ideas with me, and taught me a lot about just being myself.  You can tell just by looking at him that he's a whole lot of fun.  This guy always has a bag of fancy tricks and special treats for whatever the situation calls for. His friendship is one I will cherish always!!!
This is the beautiful and fiery goddess Chance.  She is Elan's wife and my friend.  Chance has taught me a lot about being open with others, and especially to not be hesitant to tell people like it really is.  Unlike so many of us, it is a gift she carrys well. I am so glad I know her!!!
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