Our assignment was to draw and elabourately decorate any segment of our name / initals. Therefore, look closely at the stone in this piece. My scanner made the colours a little dull, I'm sorry.
It was coloured using my .2mm black Pigma pen, black India ink, Prismacolor markers, and blue watercolour.
Artist's note: *gasp!* watercolour!

2001, EAP
Done with tempra paint (crappy poster paint... horrah budget!)

2001, EAP
A printed linoleum carving. You have no idea how many copies of this I had to make to get it to look right.

2001, EAP
Unit on Cubism. This was done from a still life. I was the only one in the class that used solely natural colours... despite the fact that orange and brown aren't my ideas of pretty colours, I think the colours worked very well. Not many of the girls in my class agreed with me... but then again, I don't see any of them taking Advanced 2-D Art this year.

2001, EAP
This one is pretty bad. I tried some sky... how is it? Mostly acryllic.

2001, EAP
Year : Freshman, 2000-2001
Course : Beginner 2-D Art
Teacher : Ms. Covolucci

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