This is slash! In case you're unfamiliar with the term, I mean stories depicting an unabashed, lovingly detailed homoerotic relationship.

<Yup, guys. With other guys.

If this idea is unappealing, walk away now.


 Standard Disclaimers Apply!

None of these gorgeous guys belong to me, but we all knew that, didn't we? Just like we all know that this disclaimer isn't going to save my butt if the legal vultures come after me. I mean no harm, nor am I making any money. I promise I'll let them shower before I send them home, and that they won't be too much worse for the wear.


 I'm pleased to host the wonderful fic of my beta-childer, Angie and Wordsmith. Their fic can be found here as well as my own.

Pick a link and happy reading!



Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Angie's Fiction

Wordsmith's SlashWo


Because love is a many-gendered thing.

Comments, corrections, questions, suggestions, constructive criticism and gratuitous praise can be sent here.

Flames will be taken camping and gleefully used to toast marshmellows.
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