here's some more stuff i found in a notebook that i wrote a few months back....

On finding peace�.finding peace is a bit of a funny phrase. It makes it sounds like we misplaced it like car keys or someone�s phone number. But it�s true we have misplaced it, lost it utterly. At least the most of us, simply through living in our society it can be lost. Traumas can also contribute to its demise. Many go on obvious to the fact that they lost it in the first place, but those will never be truly happy, they will either be numb or bitter. While numbness is a great place, once you stumble out there�s never any true returning without chemical aids. Bitterness is a much more complex equation. It can last all one�s life if you let it and can make many others as well as yourself miserable. It�s also much harder to overcome, most likely you�ll struggle with it your whole life or at least for a considerable portion of it. That demon never seems to be quite finished with you, but dominating it as well as other negative factors is the only thing that will lead you back to your inner peace. Become simply a wiser version of yourself as you were before things happened, instead of a whining complaining person laden with emotional baggage. And on another level, make peace with yourself as well as with all others you deem responsible for your misfortunes. You must stop all the wars to have peace, every one�..�all I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here. In my heart��


page copyright 2002 fireflyhotaru. yep. uh huh. mmhmm.
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