Music is my life, no joke

Music is god. Seriously. Well maybe not if you believe in god as an overlord *cough* xians *cough*. Well there are many people that see god that way, as someone to fear. I dont' see god as even a really concrete creature. God is the divine. The divine is life...but music. music reminds me to live. Music can inspire joy, hate, love, sorrow And it does in me. hell I barely ever feel real emotions just on my own. True emotion in me is always inspired by music. Well, except for hate. But that's because hate is a lower emotion. Music inspires higher ones, like love. Even sorrow, for sorrow can be caused by love. Don't I ever know that. Music has gotten me through some hard times. When all I wanted to do was die but couldn't get the energy to actually do it, I would listen to music. Nine Inch Nails, usually. I would actually feel the emotions, experience them instead of trying to repress them. That would always make me feel a little better. I could get up, move on with the day. Maybe it's because I have a poetic soul that I love music so much. Music IS my soul, it is my life. A life without music would be dead. Living death. I would probably kill myself if I lost my ability to make music in any way, shape or form. I need to be able to do that, besides just listen to music. Music is living breathing it is true beauty. Our connection to what is higher than us. This thought came about yesterday and today because I've been thinking of picking up another instrument, either bass or guitar. And I've been singing a lot more lately as well. Personally I don't think I can sing that well, but I like too. And I was thinking about how much I love the piano....though I know it won't get me anywhere in life as some people would see it. I won't make a career out of it. But it will keep my soul healthy, and contribute to my personal evolution beyond this material world. All music does. The true music, the stuff that challenges you. Not that pop shit. Not that mass produced stuff, most though not all of it is crap. Not art, a product. Music is within your soul, not outside. It's an inner essence. Something that can't truely be bought and sold. The notes, yes. The essence, no. The notes are merely something that transmitts a message to your soul. Telepathy in an odd way. Something done without, or mostly without words. Music. What life truely is. The essence....purity....our souls, our true nature. All embodied in this one thing...but it's so far from one thing, it is everything and nothing at once. But mostly everything. Feel the music in your soul, feel it in your heart, feel it in your mind, feel it in your body. Feel it outside, in the world as it passes you by, but don't just let it pass you by. Join it. Join the great melody that makes up this universe, and feel the life force, feel joy, feel everything at once. When you can do this, you can also feel another thing.. you can feel whole, truely whole. The most beautiful thing of all. Completeness, because you have rejoined the universe you never left, if only for a moment.


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