Well, to start off this ramble, I think I’ll put in this submission I sent to a wiccan/pagan newsletter that I belong to, it’ll apply to what I’ll be getting at later

I find it funny that many people are willing to jump right to the defense of christian wicca, or christian witches. Though I agree that people can be christian witches, i don't agree that there can be christian wiccans. Wicca is a totally seperate religion from christianity, while witchcraft is merely a practice. And whether the bible says witchcraft is bad or not ( I know there's varying opinions on that) isn't relevant, as you can always be a hypocrite, nothing really wrong with that if it makes you happy. But that brings me to another point: the actual definition of what IS christian, or what IS wiccan. What's the definition of a christian? Roman catholics might not see protestants are 'real' christians, and vice versa. Just like trad witches/wiccans might not see fluffbunnie teenagers as 'real' witches. Labels are nearly useless unfortunantly. A person could call themselves a pagan and still love jesus, or someone could call themselves a christian and love the earth and the ideals of the god/goddess, having virtually the same beliefs as the previous person but with a different label. In a way all this religious bending seems to merely an excuse for people to make christianity not seem 'so different' from paganism, or for people that are former christians that aren't ready to let go not entirely do so. it's true, in the end religions aren't all that different from one another, but people often like to think so and shove their beliefs into labels loaded with meanings. Then when others that find the labels to mean something different, they argue over the terms which really aren't all that important anyway- the important thing is the actual beliefs more than anything! That's something i think everyone should remember, before they assume things about people because of their label.

Labels labels labels! I’m starting to see how they’re all a bunch of bullshit, more and more. Many people will either accept or not accept people just because of one of their labels. Well, labels don’t make the person, not by a long shot. I’ve accepted people before b/c my friends labeled them as a really nice person or whatnot only to find out later that I either can’t stand them or can’t get along with them at all. Or I’ve talked with someone and accepted them, because hey, (for example) they’re into tori amos too! Only to later realize they’re an asshole. This list could go on and on, but you get the point. And oftentimes people that I originally thought were irritating or whatever turned out to be really nice people and good friends. So now, I myself try not to do that, to just accept people as they are. They are who they are, and you can’t change them and why would you want to? They are them, and you are you. Accept it and get over it. However, I’ve noticed a lot of other people have a big problem with doing so. To clarify, I’m not saying accept what people do to you, not by a long shot. Don’t accept that an asshole bullies you, but accept that they’re a bully and they’re not gonna suddenly change so DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Another pet peeve, I’m getting off subject but these are my RAMBLES and aptly named. Don’t sit around and whine and complain about how something in your life sucks when you can change it. Sure, a lot of times there are circumstances that you can’t change, but there is always something you can do. And you can’t change the past, but you are your own future. What you do today will determine what will happen tommorow. Not all of it, of course, but a pretty good deal of it. So when you’re fat because you didn’t exercise for the past few months, you have no one to blame but yourself. Sure, you may have been really busy, and you may have been really stressed out, but it was YOU that didn’t do it. You can continue to blame everyone else on the planet for your faults, but it’s really only you. And don’t dwell on the past, and what you could have done. Focus on what you can do NOW.

Ok back on topic. People have a hard time accepting both themselves and others, it seems. Why? Well in a strange theory I’m thinking up, the reason why people have a hard time accepting their faults is that there’s some sort of parental mechanism still in them, and they feel like they have to punish themselves if they admit that they do something wrong. Far from it. Accept that you have some sort of bad habit or whatever it is, and get over it, help yourself overcome it. If you hate yourself you’re not gonna get anywhere but further stuck in your rut or further down the spiral….i know that from experience. If you’re not gonna work to get out, or if you want to stay there, that’s perfectly acceptable but don’t fucking bitch about it.

Umm I got off topic there again. So, accepting other people? Yea. It’s something everyone should do, in my opinion. Acceptance doesn’t mean liking, not by a long shot. But you can still accept people. To give a good example, most of my friends have a lot of flaws. Because, obviously, they’re human, it’s no big deal. But they’re still good people for the most part, so I accept them, flaws and all. Then other friends might not like them, personality clash or whatever, but they’ll assume that they’re a bad person just because they happen to not like them due to one of their flaws. Note to any of my friends reading this, I’m not referring to any specific incident, more to a variety of them. But I simply have a hard time understanding why you can dislike people because they do one thing you don’t like, or have some little flaw…that doesn’t make them a bad person, though a lot of people seem to think that way. This is a bit hard to put into words, so I hope you bore with me for this entire huge ramble and perhaps got something out of it…..until next time….

^.^ Fireflyhotaru


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