Be easy with me. I'm fragile. I'm easily broken.
Be careful with me. I'm a fighter. And you're a cheat. And you're a liar.
Be easy with me. Dont' trip my wire. I'm a freak and I'm on fire.

Hey welcome to my site! This is a place with a lot of poetry and rambling, and some of my art as well. Read it all, tell me I'm awesome and sign the guestbook. Hope you enjoy, so go have fun!


8/24/07- Weird. I goggled my AIM name to see what came up and this page did. I remembered it vaguely, but I hadn't even logged in for years. Obviously I've grown up a lot but it's interesting to note how some of my ideas have remained at their core the same. I'm removing all contact information because I don't want it to come up if someone does a search for me once I've graduated and I'm applying for jobs, but I can't bear to delete the page! I spent so much time and effort working on it so I'll keep it in existence, just anonymously.

4/4/04- I almost completely forgot about this page for a while. Much of the about me info is now kinda invalid, but it's kinda interesting to keep it up.

6/23/03- Another lack of updates update...I have a lot of things approaching my rambles on my journal, so go there! And I guess I just haven't been creative enough in the drawing/poetry way anymore...and it's not seeming like I will for a while. This might end up just getting entombed the way it is, preserved as my first effort at webpaging, and not a bad one if I might say so myself!

3/31/03- Hey, now I have a livejournal that I'll sporadically update! It's like the ramble page except with more relevance to my life :) linky is below

3/20/03- Change of plans! I was so frustrated and upset that I wrote a ramble on guys, girls, and the utter insanity that is their relationships

3/14/03- Well this is an update about having no updates...i can't believe my life is as crazy as it is, or that all my feelings and issues as so vague as to not be able to put them into words, but it's true. Look for updates come...august probably -_-

1/13/03- Rambled on stupid americans for a while, stupid stupid americans. Hey but I think soon I might actually inspire the muse in me and not the poetry for the first time in a year! WOW!

1/1/03- Happy new year! Lookie Lookie I added a ramble that's insane, gross, and just plain eccentric. Wooo, maybe I'll do some thinking later and write something intelligent. All i've done this break is vegetate, but I only have a few days left...

11/28/02-Heh heh...sorry that I haven't been updating, stupid school has been keeping me quite busy. I redid the my beliefs page again though, that thing needs redoing every two weeks I swear. I'll try to think of something new to put up soon though, I promise!

10/5/02-Put up another old ramble, redid the my beliefs page

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Rants and Rambles

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this page copyright 2002 fireflyhotaru, so don't steal. Stealing is bad. Especially if you steal from me. Check the bottoms of pages to find out the variouis things I might do to you if you do steal.
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