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The Birth Story Of
Taryn Leigh
I climbed into bed and X'd out the spot on the calendar marked "due date". I was disappointed I was going to be over due again this time. But at least I was going to be induced the next morning. Alittle after midnight I needed to use the bathroom. As I sat up from the edge of the bed I felt a trickle. I thought maybe I had to pee more than I thought and hurried down the stairs and into the bathroom. I decided I better call the hospital, and I talked with a nurse who told me I should come in tonight to be checked. I woke up my husband and told him we needed to go. I told my grandmother what was going on and she said she'd take care of Aidan when he woke up. The hospital was only 20 minutes aways and since it was the middle of the night there wasn't any traffic. I wasn't feeling any contractions and started to doubt it was labor. When we reached the hospital we checked in, and I was tested for amnioitc fluid. We were staying! Dr Ritondo was already on the floor for another delivery and was excited because I was already 2 cm  when I had my last check. But labor didn't want to start. They gave me the rest of the night and then decided to start pitocin. I swore I was going to tough it out and not get the spinal. I could handle the pain. For hours I labored, the nurse rubbing my back. I was exhausted and I gave in to the spinal. I slept for hours until the spinal wore off. I was complete except for a little "rim" but they wanted me to push anyways. I tried so hard, and was pushing effectively but the baby wasn't moving. We tried the vaccum, but still the baby wouldn't move. For over 2 hours we tried everything to no avail. The decision was made for a c-section. I was prepped while the OR staff was called in and set up. The pain was horrible and I couldn't wait to get downstairs to get my spinal. Finally everything was ready and I was wheeled down. Once my spinal was in place I had a very hard time staying awake. I was exhausted from all that pushing! I remember the anestesia guy kept tapping me on the forehead to keep me from falling asleep. Moments later they told me the baby was out and it was a GIRL!!! Taryn Leight was born 10:19pm on May 15, 1997. I had wished for a girl my entire pregnancy but didn't know until that moment I had my girl. Dr Ritondo said "Now that's a big baby!" Guesses of her weight went around the room until the official results were in. Taryn weighed in at 9 pounds 2 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. She was bigger than Aidan! She had loads of dark dark hair, and pretty blue eyes. My husband took her upstairs to the nursery to be checked and warmed. I fell right to sleep and woke up long enough to be wheeled to recovery where I slept some more. When I got back to my room my husband was just holding his new daughter in his arms slowly rocking her. The nurse took her to the nursery so we could get some sleep. I remember just thanking God for giving me a daughter. I felt so blessed at that moment.
Aidan (2yrs) holding his new baby sister!
Taryn Leigh 1 day old
Taryn a few weeks
Taryn 9 months old
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