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The Birth Story Of
Aidan Joseph
I was going on 3 weeks overdue. I had already been to the hospital on a false alarm. But my Doctor finally decided that he would induce me April 6. I decided to just spend the night at my moms that night. She let me have her bed, and took the couch. I watched tv for awhile hoping to feel sleepy. I switched the tv off and started to get comfortable when I felt this really tiny "pop". I jumped out of bed feeling a little wet. I went down the the living room to get my mom and see what she thought. I ended up calling the hospital and they told me to come in now. We tried getting my boyfriend on the carl phone but he wasn't in the car. We decided just to drive to the hospital and try again there to call. I was taken to a room and given the paper test. Yup, my water had broke! I was admitted and monitored thru the night. No contractions though. So it was ordered that I would have pitocin and an epidural. I wasn't even asked if I wanted one, they just gave it to me! I labored all day mostly sleeping and feeling sick. Around 9 o'clock the nurse checked and I was complete. I began pushing but I couldn't feel anything because of the epidural. The more it wore off however I had this unbearable pain going down my leg. I was given oxygen to help me breathe but I just couldn't push. Dr Barnes decided to try a forcept delivery but wanted it done in the OR. I was prepped and brought down to the OR. My epidural was replenished and I laid there nearly forever. There was alot of pushing and pulling and finally at 12:30 am Aidan Joseph came into the world weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz, 20 inches long. His little face was badly bruised from the forceps, and his head misshapen lik  a banana because of the birth canal. His little body was so lodged in my pelvis he couldn't budge. De Barnes litterally had to put his foot on the bed for leverage and that was just to get Aidan's head. I had been given an extended episotomy and lost a quarter of my blood volume. Dr Cardozo was assisting in case of a c-section promised it was a 1 in a million birth. That Aidan paved the way for future babies. And we both went home 2 days later :)
Mommy and Aidan
Aidan playing in his Garden 8 months
Aidan at 9 months
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