To Yiayia

From under the roof of a gentle dictator,
Thrust into unknown arms
Hardened and wisened by war - twice;
Across the ocean, across the world
To a land seen only in dreams,

From herds of goats to hordes of people
Olive oil to french fry grease,
Olympus to Lady Liberty looming in the background,
Never to see a goat again,

Always smiling, always faithful, always happy,
Always loving, always Faithful, and always Loved...

Yiayia, you are my hero.
I wish for an adventure surpassing your odyssey,
Keeping my character as beautiful,
But airplanes make such a journey impossible.
I only dream of being Yiayia's equal -
Not try, for it would be a blasphemy
For me to think to be as great as she.


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