Question the World


If time is a line
Who stands first and who stands last?
Do the aggressive push to the front?
Push the timid out of the way?
And since the line is time, who is better off?
Is this why the meek shall inherit the earth?

If life is a sport
Is there a qualifying round?
Did stillborn babies fail the test?
Did aborted children commit a foul?
And who wins the game - do only the fit survive?
And what trophy is awarded the champion?

When we say "All men are created equal"
What part of "men" do we mean?
Our bodies? Certainly not.
Our minds? Certainly not.
Our rights? Is human equality only a quantity
Printed and monitored and measured?
Our souls?

At first men believed there were four elements:
Earth, fire, wind, and water.
Now we know there are some 109 elements,
And more invented every year,
...That make up earth, wind, fire, and water.

At first men believed in a divine creation
That took only a few days.
Now we know there was evolution
Over millions of years,
That generated the same plants, animals, and people.

One figure, one statement, one ideal, offered up
In the words of mothers, children, God, math teachers, and countless popular rock bands:

All men are created equal
With the same ability to win the world,
In future, past, or present;
With the same ability to discover the world
Until the time we leave the world,
But only if we dare
To question the World.



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