As-of-yet-untitled Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story

This story doesn't have a name yet. It's also not finished yet. I know it's cruel to post a choose-your-own-adventure story with a dead end =P, so I'll warn you now, it stops on page 94. As I write more of it I'll post in big blocs, but it'll take awhile to finish the whole thing.

I'm writing this mostly as kind of a fun experiment. Many ideas in it come from various fantasy stories or video games, and I haven't disguised any of the references very much, so if something sounds a bit familiar, that's probably why. You might want to keep a note sheet with you because, in typical rpg fashion, you'll collect various points, items, and companions as you go along.

Also, as I'm just beginning and pretty new to both interactive stories and webcoding, there is (in most places) nothing in the story to prevent you from cheating. But for the record, CHEATERS SUCK! DON'T CHEAT!!! >=0 That's all I'll say on the matter.

Enjoy, if you have any comments or suggestions talk to me!

*The story is currently being updated. If you start playing now, you'll want to stop if you get to page 94, or risk abrupt discontinuities in random places. Sorry for the inconvenience!*

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