Fire Eyes

A Wild Horse
Join FE
*Sign In
*About FE
*The Horses
*The Players
*Willow Tree
*Light Terras
*Neutral Terras
*Dark Terras
Of course, every game has rules and you should follow and read them rather you like it or not. Rules is what makes the game fun. If there were none, games would be annoying, hard, and just plain unfair. So please, read and follow all the FE rules. If you have to, go over them every week or two. Please note these can change.

The Rules
Only one account per person .
-No cheating, swearing, or any other adult content .
-You must be 13+ to play .
-No power-playing! (e.g: I struck at Sam. Sam fell. She then bit me, but I missed it. So she bucked me, once again, I missed it.) .
-You can only be a Light horse, or Dark, or Neutral horse (only one per horse)
-No copyrighted photos. If staff find a copyrighted photo, it will be deleted.
-You may only be a mare (female) or stallion (male) .
-No Humans .
-No made-up breeds or colors, or fantasy horses (unicorns, hell horses)
-Only stallions can claim land.
-You may join a herd, or fight to claim land, or create a herd in your land and get mares.
-Force breeding is allowed.
-No breeding your horses, you must breed with other players.
-You may breed and birth anywhere .
-Stallions can steal mares from other herds by using a rhyme. If the leader can't guess the mare, then she goes with the other stallion within 3 days. You must state you are posting a rhyme.
-Stallions may only steal up to 3 mares per week.
-You MUST use correct Capitalization and Punctuation, including quotation marks when the horse is thinking/saying something, or your post will be deleted.
-No advertising games in the C-box, things like art sites and anything that IS NOT a game may have a link displayed in the C-Box.
-No chatspeaking when posting (EX: u, me2, k, nvm, etc.) .
-To have a foal, you must have a breeding post. If I find out you don't, the post will be deleted.
-If your breeding post will be graphic, please, when titling it, there must be the word Graphic.
-No share-ruling land (EX: Bob owns Firefly Mountain, Steve rules it with him= NO) .
-New horse-owning rules: Foals may only own up to 3 horses
Yearlings may only own up to 6 horses
Adults may only own up to 12 horses
Immortal Horses may own unlimited BUT MUST STAY ACTIVE
To see your rank, check your profile under your name .
-Stallions can only own 1 terra .
-Each member can have unlimited stags (while also following the ranks), but may only have 2 lands .
-Staff are allowed up to 3 terras.
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