Paintball Guns I Own
To the left is my Tricked out Cocker. It's an old pic but you get the idea. It runs off air now not CO2. to the right is a pic of my Minimag. It also is tricked out. Both guns are proven winners and shot very fast. But my cocker is my love. The mag is for sale if interested sign my guest book and let me know. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
My new toy a 2005 Nightkast with a Worr Blade. I've added an Eclipse Ram WGP 70ci 4500psi tank with adjustible reg. Vigilante adjustible vert reg. ADCO E-dot. And some other stuff. Very fun gun. 
Here are people I know or have met on my way around the world in the military.
More pictures on Page 3
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